Come To Me

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Come To Me Page 9

by Genevieve Ash

  She was no longer hungry for food, she was hungry for him and, from the look in his eyes, the feeling was mutual. Reaching for her hand, he brushed a light kiss across her knuckles as he looked at her with barely contained passion. A shiver ran down her spine, knowing the promises that kiss bestowed. He led her to a cozy love seat and settled down beside her. Gavin handed her a glass of wine with a slight wink. She smiled sweetly at Gavin, trying to remain composed. She saw Freya and Lilah exchange a glance and knew they had been told something of the afternoon’s escapades.

  The meal was soon served in the immaculate dining room. Talk remained light and interesting throughout dinner. When the meal was over, brandy and cigars were passed out to celebrate Cam’s return and Amanda’s arrival. For a moment, she felt as if she were in any mortal’s home, meeting her boyfriend’s parents. That is until talk turned once again to Cam’s curse.

  “Brother, you are aware that Astrid will soon discover your deceit, if she hasn’t already, and come looking for you.” Gavin sat with his leg casually draped over the arm of one of the scattered chairs. His tone more serious than his posture.

  “Indeed, brother, I do. Though she would have to undo the curse before she could do anything more to me. Besides, I am smarter now, and I have my family’s support to protect me. Do I not?” Cameron started in with determination.

  “Why of course.” Gavin sounded unsure and his eyes evaded Cam’s.

  “Why do I feel there is something you are not telling me?” Cam probed at Gavin’s tentativeness.

  Again, Amanda noticed the unspoken words between Freya and Lilah.

  Cam apparently noticed the glance too. “Just what is going on here? Mother? Freya? I will find out sooner or later, so you might as well tell me.”

  Gavin looked uncomfortable and squirmed in his seat. “Brother, my dearest friend and confidant, you have been gone a very long time. Things change.”

  “Gavin,” Cam’s tone cautioned his brother to proceed carefully.

  “There has been a truce of sorts between the two families for many years.” Gavin’s eyes darted around the room, resting on everything and everyone except his brother’s face. “Brita and I are married and we have lovely twin daughters.”

  Cam’s mouth dropped open in total disbelief. Amanda put her hand gently on his thigh. as Gavin continued, “That being said, I need to tell you how this affects the curse.”

  She could feel the tension between the brothers mounting. As Cam moved to rise, she applied pressure to his hand hoping to stop him. The familial love-fest had definitely gone sour. Humph! And I thought I had a dysfunctional family, Amanda thought fleetingly.

  Freya rose from her chaise, regal and elegant in a ruby-colored silk gown. “You are both grown men and, more importantly, you are brothers. Work it out.” Lilah rose from her spot on the divan and reached out her hand for Amanda. She took it and left the room with the women.

  Gavin paced the length of the room before he spoke again. “Cameron, you must believe that I would never intentionally hurt you in any way. Family first and always, you know that. I was on my way back from battle when I came upon the caravan carrying Brita back to her home. They had been attacked and were short of men and the horsepower to make their way back safely.”

  Gavin stopped directly in front of Cam. “Having no way of knowing what had already transpired at home with you, I was more than willing to come to the aid of a beauty like Brita. I had been without a woman for many months. I was tired, hungry, and dirty but she wanted me anyway. And, she had no idea who I was.” He gestured around the grand room helplessly.

  “By the time we reached her homeland, we had fallen in love. Once I realized what I had done and who she was, it was too late. Of course, Astrid knew who I was and seized the opportunity immediately. She insisted that I marry her daughter or she would bring ruin to our family name.”

  His brother rubbed his forehead as though to erase the painful memories. “I still had not told Brita who I was. She knew nothing of my immortality or the Fae blood that ran in my veins. I knew her mother would stop at nothing to have us married. I went to my beautiful Brita the night before our wedding and told her the truth. It was then that I found out what had happened to you. Brita was distraught over her mother’s schemes and vowed to find a way to help me release you.”

  Gavin sat down heavily on the hearth as he continued his recitation of the events Cameron had unwittingly started. “We were deeply in love by then and I truly believed our marriage would help release you, so I married her the next day. We had a wedding night I shall never forget.” His eyes glistened with passion at the memories. “Sorry brother,” as if remembering the seriousness of the moment before continuing, “The very next morning, we went to Astrid and asked her to remove the curse. She told me that by my marrying Brita the curse could never be lifted. If Brita could not have you, no one would have you. Well, I did have Brita and so she was free. But now you were trapped, as you could no longer claim her.”

  Cam was incredulous as he listened to his brother’s words. The one person he trusted more than any other had betrayed him. Though he knew Gavin was not at fault, it still hurt.

  “You have no idea the guilt that has eaten at me all these years. If there was any way to take it back, I would. But now it seems Amanda can break the curse. If she is strong enough to go through all of this for you, she must be very special.”

  He looked up at his brother. “Gavin, it was implied that any virgin from their family line would work.”

  “Yes, Cam, that was true. But once I took Brita as my bride, it closed the circle,” Gavin reminded him ruefully.

  “I certainly hope that you are wrong about this, since I have now actually found a virgin from the correct line that desires me. And that wasn’t at all difficult to do.” His cynicism biting.

  He leaned back against the sofa, shaking his head and wondering how he managed to get so lucky. Not only had he found someone who could break the curse, he actually wanted to be with her. He knew that she must care about him, too, or she would not have come with him. If only he could find a way to tell her about the blood.

  “Cam, please tell me she knows about the blood ritual.” His brother jumped to his feet when he failed respond. “Don’t you think it’s important that she know that? You weren’t planning on forcing her, were you?”

  “Of course not! I take offense to that. I just haven’t found the right moment to tell her. I don’t want to scare her away,” Cam responded defensively.

  Gavin raised an expressive eyebrow quizzically. “You know, this will all backfire if you are not very careful. You really need to man up, brother!” Gavin pointed his cigar at him for added emphasis.

  He just shook his head, jumping up and storming outside into the cool evening.


  Upstairs in Freya’s sitting room, Amanda was hearing the same story that Cam and Gavin were discussing in the sitting room. This ancient and ironic turn of events would not be helpful in breaking the curse, but she knew there had to be a way. She was determined to free Cameron, as her destiny demanded, no matter the outcome for her. She needed to put her growing feelings for him aside and think of what would be best for him.

  After all, that is what love was all about. Love! This is insane. I barely know the man. I think in lust would be a better description. Besides he is immortal. What happens when I grew old and wrinkled? Amanda’s thoughts wandered as the story continued around her.

  “Amanda!” Freya called her back to the present in a commanding tone. “Are you listening to me?”

  “I am sorry, your grace. I was just thinking about the situation.” She was shocked by Freya’s sudden anger at her.

  “I know exactly what you were thinking. While I admire your altruistic nature, I do not see any reason why you have to let him go. Being the goddess of love and sensuality, I have a reasonable understanding of your situation. I certainly have had my share of—love.” Freya was preening now. “Not all of
which I am proud of, but you have to kiss a lot of toads…Oh, never mind!” She pulled back from her tangent. “If you truly want to help Cam, you must pay careful attention. We need you to make this work.”

  Lilah smiled warmly at her, but Amanda could see the hopelessness and despair in her eyes. She was a mother in mourning, and she needed her son to be freed from this terrible curse.

  “As Cameron’s mother, you must know how important this is to me.” Lilah’s soft voice held a slight tremor and tears glimmered in the hazel eyes so like Cameron’s. “We have waited so very long for Cam to be released from his prison. By doing this for him, it may very well release you from your self-imposed prison and then everyone wins.”

  “Oh, for crying out loud! How much do you know about me anyway? Being a virgin isn’t that bad. I mean I wouldn’t call it prison.” Amanda cried, feeling suddenly on the spot.

  “You are a virgin?” Freya asked in surprise, clapping her hands in delight. “Well, of course you are.” Freya tsked softly as she gave Amanda a sympathetic smile. “Not to worry my dear, you have come to the right place for instruction in the art of sensuality. We will fix this problem immediately.”

  “Grand, please, you are embarrassing her. I was not referring to your virginity, dear, rather your fear of love.” Lilah jumped in to rescue a dissolving situation, “I know you feel responsible for your father’s death. No one can stop you from feeling that way but you. However, have you ever thought about how your father would feel if he could see you now? A beautiful woman hiding in the past. When I lost Cameron to this curse, I was devastated. I begged Astrid to let me take his place. A parent will do anything for their child because, without them, life is not fully lived. Your father was part of an unfortunate accident, but I am sure the last thought that crossed his mind was peaceful, knowing you were safe. I know he loved you very much.” Lilah finished with tenderness in her eyes.

  Amanda’s tears were flowing freely down her cheeks. Lilah reached out and pulled her into a warm embrace. Gently smoothing her hair and rocking her, Lilah let her cry. Within a few minutes, she began to quiet with nothing left but a few hiccups. She sat up and wiped her face with the back of her hands. Seeing her makeup all over the shoulder of Lilah’s diaphanous pale green gown, she began to cry all over again. Wiping at Lilah’s shoulder, the harder she tried the worse the stains became.

  “Amanda, dry your eyes,” Freya’s voice commanded tersely. “I am sorry for your pain, but this is your life now. We have no time for the past…or do we?”

  “Grand, what is it?”

  “If we were to travel back to the same moment in time when the curse was cast, we could change the events and prevent it from ever happening. I need to work on the logistics and we are running short of time, but I think we just might have a chance with this.” Freya’s eyes were alight with her ingenious plan.

  “But Grand, will Cameron need to marry Brita?” Lilah wondered aloud, as if hesitant to shoot down the only plan they had. “What of Gavin and my beautiful granddaughters? And Amanda too for that matter?”

  “I am thinking, dear. Give me some time. I am, after all, one of the most powerful goddesses in any realm,” Freya claimed with some amount of pride.

  I can see where Cam gets his modesty. Not! Amanda chuckled to herself.

  “I’m still listening to your thoughts, dear. Modesty has nothing to do with it. It is a statement of fact.” Freya turned her amused eyes to Amanda.

  She sighed at being read so easily by these people again. Better to keep my mouth and my mind shut. Lilah smiled at her with a quick wink.

  “I saw that, Granddaughter,” Freya was smiling broadly now. “Be gone now, the both of you. I need some time. We will all meet in the morning to discuss my plan. Amanda, there is a very distraught young man wandering around the gardens. Go to him.”

  Amanda had been so wrapped up in her own feelings that she didn’t even think about how Cam must be feeling after his discussion with Gavin. She rose quickly, stopping to check her makeup in the mirror and wiping the last of the mascara from under her eyes. She gave a slight curtsey and bid the two goddesses good night. Freya called out to her just as she reached the doorway. Amanda stopped, not turning around.

  “Amanda, it is imperative that you remain a virgin. It is important to my plan.”

  She was getting used to their open discussion of her sex life. Without a reply, she went downstairs and through the large double doors to find the gardens and Cameron.

  She only got lost twice. The family estate was cavernous with hallways running haphazardly throughout. Stepping out into the cool evening air, she took a deep breath and tried to clear her head. Today had been such a whirlwind of sights, sounds, and information; it felt as though she had been here a week.

  The moon hung heavy and full in the nighttime sky and it seemed as though the face inside of it winked at her. For some reason, the moon’s face reminded her of Peter Kimball. She couldn’t help but wonder how he was tied to all of this. The golden orb clearly illuminated her path and she found the gardens easily enough. The walkways were laid vertically and horizontally, creating a maze of stone paths.

  She could feel Cam’s pain and she followed it until she came upon him sitting near a large splashing fountain. In the darkness, she could make out a warhorse reared up in battle with water spouting from his open mouth. A rider sat on its back, his sword raised high, glistening in the moonlight.

  Without turning toward her, he spoke brusquely, “What are you doing here, Amanda? I want to be alone.”

  “I…I just thought you might need someone to talk to. I thought you could use a friend.”

  “A friend is it? How kind of you,” Cam’s anger and frustration took flight, brushing against her in a flash of heat. “I’m sure talking about my feelings will help. Isn’t that what you mortals like to do, talk about everything? Don’t be so naïve! Let’s see, the one true friend I had betrayed me. Oh yeah, he just happens to be my only brother, too. Do you want to know how I feel? Angry. Really, fucking angry! How’s that?”

  He turned to look at her, his eyes blazing with fury. “Do you feel better now that you have consoled the poor cursed boy? You could never understand how I feel, so don’t patronize me. I have had enough of people that claim they care and then do not act on it. Leave me alone!”

  Rooted to the stone path, she felt more tears rushing to her eyes. She spun on her heel and ran blindly from the garden. Once inside her room, she quickly changed into the lace nightgown that had been set out for her. Still whimpering from the bruises his angry words left on her heart, she pulled the dark curtains around the bed shut and dove under the covers. She could not tell if she was sad or just plain angry.

  “The nerve of him! I only wanted to offer a little comfort. Yes, he has some challenges, but being cruel to me isn’t going to help. I knew he was arrogant, but I had no idea he was just a plain old big jerk. What have I done by coming here?” She kicked herself mentally for trusting him with her heart so foolishly.

  It wasn’t long until Amanda heard the door to the adjoining bedroom creak open and then heard it close again. She held her breath, hoping he wouldn’t come into her bedroom. She heard him pour a drink and then almost immediately slam the glass down. She heard him take off his suit coat, fling it over a chair, and kick off his shoes. She closed her eyes to enhance the vision of him unbuttoning the pale blue shirt and pushing it away from his broad shoulders to expose the burnished smooth skin beneath.

  Remembering how she had licked and sucked at his tiny nipples earlier immediately caused the heat to pool in her core. Opening the curtains around the bed to hear more clearly, she thought she heard the sound of his pant’s zipper running down. She wondered if he had worn underwear tonight.

  Maybe it’s uncomfortable to wrap up such a large package in boxers or briefs. I wonder if he’s thinking about this afternoon. I know I can’t seem to get if off my mind.

  Amanda’s arousal was reaching new heights an
d she remembered Freya’s last words to her this evening—you must remain a virgin. Not that she would be having sex with him or even touch him again. That jackass! She wanted to forget how angry she was at him and only think of their pleasure. She regretted not taking him up on his many offers and now it was too late.

  The ache inside her was becoming tortuous. She could feel the dampness sliding between her legs as she squeezed her thighs together. Tentatively, she reached under the covers wondering what she had been missing all these years.

  Embarrassed by her lack of control and skill, she was timid touching herself at first. But as her body began to respond, she gained confidence. She gently cupped her mound, lightly pressing her fingers into her warm flesh. Squirming on the bed, she increased the pressure of her grip until her middle finger dug into her clit. Moaning she squeezed her hand trying to stop the ache. The tips of her fingers delved into the wetness near the opening of her pussy and, as the sensations started to carry her away, she pulled back, panicking momentarily. Taking a deep breath, she began again. Trying to emulate Cam’s actions, she closed her eyes to give herself over to the sensations. She could see him in her mind, the look of passion blazing in his eyes.

  She remembered the warm sun and the cool mist on her naked body. As she climbed higher and higher, her movements quickened, her breath grew ragged, and she lost all sense of reality. She could feel her body reaching for something just out of her grasp. She just could not seem to let go. So wet, her fingertips slipped easily across her sensitive clit. She envisioned the way Cam had kissed her so intimately and knew that she could not hold back much longer.


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