Come To Me

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Come To Me Page 10

by Genevieve Ash

  Writhing in her own world of ecstasy, she barely registered the pressure on the bed as Cam lay down beside her. He reached over and pinched her nipple as he whispered softly in her ear, “That’s the way, love. Let me see you come. I am so hard just from watching you.”

  Amanda wanted to scream and push him away but she could not as his tongue circled her ear and ran down the side of her neck. As he planted baby kisses on her throat, chills enveloped her. She stopped moving her fingers and lifted her hand to her chest. But Cam took her hand and placed it back between her legs and pressed it firmly into her flesh. Slowly circling her swollen bud in a way that she knew would bring her swiftly to release.

  “Sweet Amanda, don’t stop now. You are so close and I love seeing your pleasure. Open your eyes and look at me. I want to see your desire. I want you to remember how it felt today when I licked you here.” His hand, still atop hers, focused on her swollen clit. Amanda was moaning louder now, her hips moving off the bed.

  “Do you remember, Amanda? Did it feel good? Would you like me to do that again? Lick your sweet pussy and suck your clit?” Cam asked her gently.

  She sounded breathless as she gasped out, “Yes, oh yes, please. I need you. I want you.” Amanda heard the begging in her voice and was powerless to stop herself. She couldn’t understand why she lost all control every time he touched her. Every cell in her body was alive and tingling. She wanted something she didn’t understand and, although it frightened her, she knew she would give him whatever it was he was asking for.

  “What do you want? Tell me.” He leaned in closer, whispering to her all the while.

  Not waiting for her answer, he covered her mouth with his, catching her screams as she spasmed in bliss. He waited for the waves of her orgasm to subside before he reached for her core. He was gentle with her, taking his time.

  Cam opened the loosely tied sash and pushed his black silk robe off his shoulders. He leaned over and kissed her hard on the mouth while taking her hand and leading it to his swollen shaft. Again finding her cunt, he gently stretched her tight opening with his fingers, probing deeper and faster at her urging. Her hand stroked him with increasing speed.

  “Umm, baby, that feels a little too good. I can’t take much more.” His voice was breaking.

  “I want to make you feel good. Cam, I can’t take much more either. Kiss me again. I am going to—ahh!” Amanda let go of her fear and let her body shatter into a million pieces. She felt the pressure release and expand rapidly from her core, up and out of her body. Like tiny little pinpricks on her skin, she tingled as the pleasure grew stronger and stronger. The cry of her release was deep, sounding almost painful as she took all of the pleasure inside of her.

  “Oh, Amanda, that’s it. Keep coming, baby. I am going to go slowly, so I don’t hurt you.” He rolled on top of her, positioning his heavy erection at the entrance to her wet folds.

  “No! Cam, wait—you must stop!” She almost shrieked in panic.

  “It is okay; it will only hurt for a second. I promise it will be worth it. I am just going to ease—” He tried to push his cock into her still pulsing core, but she clamped her thighs tightly together, causing yet another shudder run through her.

  “What is going on, Amanda? I thought this is what you wanted,” he replied, dejectedly. Pulling his robe over his shoulders, he jerkily rose from the bed.

  “Cam, wait!” She was trying to gather her wits so she could speak coherently. With her body still trembling, she sat up and reached for him. Grabbing the belt of his robe she jerked hard, trying to stop him from leaving in anger. “Please, let me explain.” Her voice was quivering and anxious.

  He turned and looked back at her. She saw five hundred years of disappointment in his eyes layered over his longing for her. It broke her heart.

  “Don’t worry, Amanda. I won’t bother you again,” he snapped, coldly. “I’ll see that you get home safely.” With that, he left, locking the adjoining door to their rooms.

  Chapter Eight

  Amanda slept fitfully as images of the fire returned to haunt her dreams. Only this time, the dream was different. A raven perched on the windowsill looking down at her instead of her father’s face. The bird’s shrill call was frightening. She thought that she heard Cam close by, soothing her. But when she woke, he wasn’t there. It must have been just an old blackbird on her balcony, cawing in the early dawn.

  Afraid to sleep for fear of more bad dreams, she dressed and quietly slipped outside for a walk in the gardens. She loved this time of the morning when the world was still asleep. For a brief moment, she could almost believe that she was truly alone in the world. She relished this time of day and felt the most comfortable.

  The smell of bread baking wafted through the air and she knew that the staff was beginning their day. She headed back into the main house in search of the kitchen. Following her nose, her search didn’t take long. She spotted Gunter sitting at a scarred oak farm table having breakfast. Breezing into the room, she greeted the busy staff.

  “Good morning, Gunter. Beautiful day, isn’t it?” she put on a cheerful smile that she didn’t really feel.

  “Yes, Miss, it is always a beautiful day here at Folkvang.” Gunter nodded as he pushed his plate aside.

  “I would love a cup of coffee, if that’s possible,” Amanda began to swing her leg over the long, low bench of the kitchen table. She regarded the now blank and stoic faces around her. Gunter rose from his seat, took her elbow, and urged her up from the bench.

  “Miss, I would be happy to bring you some coffee. I am sure you would be more comfortable in the inner hall this morning.”

  “Gunter, has Cameron come down for breakfast yet?” she asked casually, not realizing she had breached etiquette.

  “Why, I thought you knew Miss. He rode off for Valhalla this morning before the sun was up.” Amanda felt her heart hit her stomach as she swallowed hard. This was going to be another interesting day.

  There was no time to reflect on this turn of events, however. Everyone was in an uproar when they found out Cam had gone to Valhalla to petition Odin for his release. Everyone except for Freya, that is. She seemed rather blasé about the whole thing. Perhaps she knew something the others did not. Amanda sat very still and quiet, taking all of the guilt for this onto herself.

  “Silence!” Freya commanded in her most regal voice. “I cannot think with all this commotion.”

  “Grand, I have had my son back for one day and then he goes to hand his head to Odin on a platter.” Lilah sounded distraught.

  “Lilah, I assure you that Odin will not hurt Cameron. He may have a little tantrum about this whole mess though, and you know how Odin is when he gets angry. I may have to run a little interference.” Freya paused with her hand on her chin, her eyes distant. “Hmm, yes, I do believe I will pay Odin a little visit myself.”

  “Freya, with all due respect, I do not think that is a good plan…” Gavin began, his voice cautious.

  “And why is that? Do you have a better plan?” Freya turned the full force of her gaze on her great-grandson.

  “I was thinking of calling on my father—” Gavin started, unsure of himself.

  “Your father! Why on Aesir would you call him? What, pray tell, has he ever done for you boys in the past?” Freya was indignant, her eyes snapping with anger.

  Lilah looked rather panic stricken as she turned to Gavin and asked, “You know where your father is? You have been in contact with him?”

  “Mother, I know this is a touchy subject for you, and I am sorry to bring it up. But I believe that he can help us. If Frigga finds out that Freya has been there, it may make the situation more difficult. Someone may even get hurt,” Gavin ended, darkly.

  “Amanda?” Lost in her fear and guilt, Amanda jumped when she heard Freya say her name. “You are very quiet this morning, dear. Is there anything you would like to say?”

  She didn’t want to appear weak, but the tears slid down her cheeks in spite of attempts
to control them.

  “This all my fault and I am truly sorry. I was only doing what you told me, and now I have ruined everything.” She could hear the melodrama in her voice and it embarrassed her to no end. Since meeting Cameron, she had not only become sex starved but an overly emotional and dependent girl too.

  “I told you, Mother. Nothing good ever comes of it when we go slumming with mortals!” Gavin had a smug look on his face that Amanda instantly wanted to smack off.

  “Gavin, that is quite enough!” Freya was angry now. “If not for Amanda and her willingness to help your brother, he would not stand a chance. It is certainly more than you have done for him. If you are willing to help, then stay silent and wait for your instructions. Do not do anything without my approval.” Gavin was definitely pouting now, embarrassed in front of the mortal. He stared hard at Amanda, attempting to look intimidating. She smiled to herself, not buying it for a second.

  “Please, Amanda, tell us what happened,” Lilah said, her tone kind, Amanda’s saving grace. She told them how the evening unfolded after she left Freya and Lilah, leaving out the more intimate details. She even told them about her frightening dream and how she woke to hear a blackbird cawing on her balcony. As she finished recounting her tale, she realized that she was falling for Cam more than she believed possible and didn’t know what she would do if he made good on his promise to never see her again.

  “Sweet girl, you really are an innocent, aren’t you?” Freya’s voice was full of affection and kind laughter. “If there is one thing I know for sure and certain, my great-grandson would not let you bow out unless he was truly in love with you. Honey, men are selfish by nature. Do you really think he would give up his one chance at freedom for anything less? Look at Gavin—he gave up his brother’s one chance for freedom for love.”

  “That is not fair and you know it. I was innocent.” Gavin complained loudly in protest at the attack on his honor.

  “I know that, Gavin. How did it feel? Maybe the next time you jump to conclusions about Amanda, you will think before you speak.” Freya hissed, her eyes narrowing in annoyance at his thickness. “I have no time for this unproductive nonsense.” She whirled toward Amanda. “Amanda, do you love my great-grandson?”

  “I, uh, well…” Amanda looked up at the hopeful faces around her, sure that panic showed plainly on her face.

  “Never mind, I know that you do.” Freya helped her along. “I am going to need you to be strong and courageous for what lies ahead. Can you do that for Cameron’s sake?”

  “Yes, whatever it takes,” she stated with a certainty that startled even herself.

  Freya turned to her great-grandson. “Gavin, will you put aside your petty jealousies and guilt to help your brother?”

  “Of course I will, you know—” he ducked his head in shame.

  “Yes or no will do, Gavin.”

  “Yes, great-grandmother.” Freya obviously hated that title of endearment, especially as Gavin made sure to draw it out painfully.

  “Lilah, all that Valkyrie training will finally be put to good use. I need you and Amanda to meet me upstairs. Oh, and bring some blonde hair dye. I have a plan.” Freya strode purposefully out of the room.


  “You want me to what?” Amanda was fidgeting while Lilah applied the peroxide to her heavy red-gold hair.

  “This is a fabulous idea if I do say so myself.” Freya preened.

  “Grand, this is insane! You cannot possibly think to pass her off as Valkyrie! It is too dangerous! If Astrid gets wind of this, it could cause a revolution in the realm.” Lilah was obviously agitated as she pulled tightly on Amanda’s hair.

  “She is smart enough and strong enough to handle this. If Gavin can enlist the aid of that pretty wife of his, we’ll be in good shape. The Valkyrie love and respect you, Lilah. You will act as if nothing is out-of-the-ordinary and train Amanda as you do the others.”

  “But I have no magic. They will know right away that I’m a fraud. I know my history and I know what will happen if I’m caught,” Amanda protested vehemently.

  “You will be under my protection,” Freya assured her. “I would go myself, but I can see where that might be rubbing salt in Frigga’s wounds. Besides, think of what Cameron will say when he sees you!”

  “I don’t know,” she answered dubiously.

  “It is the only way. You will leave tonight. Lilah will prepare you as best she can. Valhalla is a little overwhelming for everyone the first time. Just remember, everyone has their own special kind of magic. Maybe this is what it will take to find yours.”

  “Cam told me he would never go to Valhalla. He just lives to piss me off,” Amanda complained.

  “My son has a unique sense of humor, dear. But he never means to be unkind,” Lilah interjected.

  “That is true, but he can be ignorant at times and we need to stop him from doing anything rash before it is too late. Good luck, ladies.” With that, Freya sashayed out of the room as though she had just sent Amanda and Lilah to the market instead of almost certain death.

  The rest of the day was a whirlwind as Lilah tried to prepare Amanda for what lay ahead. Gavin had gone to fill Brita in. If all went as planned, they would slip into Valhalla quietly during the night and act as if Amanda had always been there. Hopefully, she would not be chosen to go into battle while there. Her newly blonde hair was still rather shocking when she caught her reflection in passing. She wasn’t even sure that Cam would recognize her. She asked that a message somehow be conveyed to her sister, Megan. She may not be home for Christmas dinner after all.


  Amanda was a little nauseous from the trip to Valhalla. If she had known that it involved something akin to teleporting, she might have backed out. Nothing ever could have prepared her for Valhalla. The immense size alone was inspiring, the beauty indescribable. She wanted to delight in the history of the place and this incredible adventure, but her fear was getting the best of her. It was too late to turn back now, so she had to pull it together.

  “Amanda, some may find it odd that your mouth continually hangs open,” Lilah whispered. “Try and relax. I am not going to leave you, but if we get separated, just explain that you are a new initiate.”

  They continued down a series of long, winding corridors until they reached a massive pair of doors. Amanda could hear laughter coming from within. As Lilah opened the doors and stepped through, silence immediately filled the room. She motioned Amanda in.

  “Good evening, ladies.” Lilah was in control yet kind as she spoke. “I know that you were all hoping to have a few days without me pushing you, however, my plans have changed.” A few groans could be heard. Amanda was awestruck at the sheer number of tow-headed women that filled the room. There were hundreds, one more beautiful than the next. This place made a cover model shoot seem like slumming.

  “I would like you all to meet Amanda. She has been sent here by special request. Please welcome her and help her to find her way.” Lilah fixed each woman in the room with her penetrating gaze.

  A couple of young woman came forward and led Amanda to another room filled with large pools of steaming water. Even more women were scattered throughout and she wondered how she would ever keep them straight since they all looked alike. They began to undress her without speaking, their eyes lowered. She tried to explain to them that she had already bathed. Then she caught Lilah’s hard stare and acquiesced, though she was very uncomfortable with their attention. Obviously, modesty was not an issue here. She allowed them to lead her into the steamy water, admitting to herself that it felt rather decadent.

  “Really, ladies, I am fully able to wash myself. Thank you for your kindness, though.” The girls just giggled and continued with their task. She was embarrassed to have these women touch her so intimately. When one of the women began to wash her breasts, she pushed the hand away. Undeterred, the young woman continued.

  “Amanda, right?” One of the other girls moved closer. “Let me tell y
ou something to make your time here a little easier. Just relax and blend in. Don’t draw unnecessary attention yourself. It is all part of being a Valkyrie. You must first learn about yourself before you can help anyone else. My name is Helena. If you need anything, look for me.” Smiling, Helena stood behind Amanda, helping her lean back so she could stretch out in the water. Amanda closed her eyes and let her thoughts drift to Cam as the ladies continued their sensual attentions.

  “Amanda, why are you calling to me?” Cam’s voice rang softly in her head. She had forgotten that part of the curse. “I am really not in the mood to pleasure you right now.” He sounded angry and tense.

  “Well, I didn’t ask you to, now did I?” She replied, reaching out to him with her mind.

  “I can feel the pleasure inside of you. What do you want?” he asked curiously.

  “I don’t know, Cam, maybe an explanation for starters. You tear me out of my world, asking for my help, and then just disappear like a petulant child. I am just a tad anxious about getting back home since you abandoned me.” Amanda was getting worked up and agitated. She pushed the women away from her firmly and swam to a deserted area of the baths.

  “Look, babe, I appreciate your consideration but, like I said, I will stay out of your life. You don’t need to worry. I will have Gavin see you home as soon as I take care of a couple things. I am tied up right now, but I’ll take care of it.”

  “Fine, I guess you have it all under control then.” She snapped the words in her thoughts. “Did you ever think that I might have a say in this matter?” Amanda tried to keep her voice even. How could he have fooled her like this? Once again, she had been a sucker for a pretty face.

  “Amanda, I…” Cameron tried to explain.

  “Don’t bother, just forget it. I made a mistake in believing that somehow I could help free you, but now I can see that you do not want to be free.” She steeled herself mentally for the task at hand and shut off her thoughts to him.

  If you only knew, if you only knew. Cam pulled at the chains that shackled his ankles. As beautiful as Valhalla was, the dungeon in which Astrid had locked him was truly dismal. Deep within an underground cave, the chilly floor and dank smell of stagnant water only increased the foulness of the place. The walls glistened with moisture and provided a rich breeding ground for the armies of insects that scampered, crawled, and slithered in the torchlight.


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