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Come To Me

Page 11

by Genevieve Ash

  Everything had been going so well. He had entered the hall of Valhalla and was shown the utmost respect at the start. Even those people he had never met knew of his mother and how she mourned him daily. His mother commanded great respect and her success in training the Valkyries was unrivaled. He immediately requested a meeting with Odin and was waiting for an audience with the revered god when the door to his inner chamber flew open.

  Astrid stood before him, smiling. She motioned for her guards to shackle and drag him from the chamber. They tied a scratchy sack around his head so he couldn’t see where they were taking him. He could hear the sound of the ocean in the distance and feel a steep incline as they carried him.

  Cam remembered when he and Gavin were little how they had pretended they were pirates and hid out in one of the many caves near the beach.

  But Gavin was not here and this was not a game. If Cameron had not been under the curse, he could have easily escaped but, despite his initial hopes, his powers were still minimal here at best.

  What does Astrid think she will accomplish? She is Gavin’s mother-in-law and she knows that Freya will have her head, quite possibly literally, for breaking the truce. Of course, most of the gods and goddesses were not known for their kindness or honor. There had to be a way to get Astrid to do the right thing.

  Maybe I shouldn’t have gone off half-cocked this morning. I guess a little back up never hurts. He had a strange feeling that when or if he returned home, his mother would be punishing him like he was a child. Cam bristled as he heard the sound of Astrid barking orders to the guards to allow her entry.

  “Well, my sweet boy, so lovely to see you again.” Astrid’s tone was acerbic. “You know, when I tricked your brother into marrying Brita, I was temporarily placated and almost released you. Unfortunately, my sweet Loki could not find a way to undo the curse. If your brother could have just kept it in his pants a little longer, we might have had a chance. Well, at least your mother managed to raise one of you to be a man! If you would have just given Brita a try, none of this would have happened.” Astrid shook her head dolefully with a soft ‘tsk.’

  “Astrid, does it not bother you at all to prostitute your daughter to the highest bidder? And for what—more power? Jealousy? What you seek will never be yours because you traded what truly matters most and that will eat at your soul for eternity.” Cam wanted to find a little pity for Astrid in his heart, but he just couldn’t muster it.

  “This falls on Freya’s head. You know nothing was ever enough for that bitch. Freya had beauty, fame, and power—everything she could possibly want. Why did she have to take what did not belong to her? Do you not think that her affair with Odin was to help her gain more power? Did you ever think how my grandmother felt when everyone was whispering about Odin’s infidelity?”

  Cam had never seen Astrid in this light and, for a moment, she almost seemed fragile.

  “I am sure that we can get my great-grandmother to make amends, if you remove the curse,” he offered tentatively.

  “It no longer matters,” Astrid stated flatly. “Now, you have found a naïve girl who is going to help you break the curse. Isn’t that sweet? Even if she meets all the requirements, she must truly have love in her heart or it will not work. If you think that you can just use her to break the curse, you might as well give up.

  “I was going to throw her down here in the dungeon with you, but I think it will be fun to watch her train for a while first. That should be punishment enough.”

  “You know you will never make it onto the grounds of our property…” he paused, a quizzical look on his face. “What do you mean, ‘watch her train’?”

  “Of course, you don’t know!” Astrid’s eyes lit with glee. “Your little human is up in the instruction hall right now trying to pass as a Valkyrie.”

  He could hear the echo of Astrid’s insane laughter as she left the dungeon. The sound of his fists smashing against the metal bars over and over echoed toward the sea as a string of unholy obscenities rolled off his lips.

  “How could she be so stupid? This will get her killed. I cannot believe my own mother would allow this.” Knowing he had very little of his own powers available, Cam tried to come up with a plan to free himself and beg for Amanda’s safe return to her world. He was responsible for her and, since he knew now she did not truly want to be with him, the curse would not be lifted even if she did agree.

  He was a man of his word and would find a way to get her home safely. He knew the chance of finding another woman to break the curse was slim, but he would never force this on Amanda. He would do anything to save her, including give up his one chance at freedom.


  Amanda tried to blend in with the others. It was like living in the dorm at college, a lot of squealing and secrets. Once settled into a sparse sleeping chamber, she hoped to relax, but Helena came in and dragged her out of the tiny white room.

  “No time for resting girl! We have fencing class tonight.” Helena was excited and the words tumbled out of her mouth quickly. “Wait until you see our instructor, Derek. He is so dreamy.” She had to laugh at the look of rapture on Helena’s face and her quaint speech as she proceeded to give her a very detailed description of Derek’s finer attributes.

  “And girl, those tights of his leave little to the imagination—or should I say, a lot, if you know what I mean!”

  Amanda blushed yet again, hoping Helena wouldn’t notice. I wonder if other Valkyries blush at the thought of handsome men. Probably not!

  She tried to hide in the back of the fencing class, but Helena insisted they move up front, closer to Derek. She tried not to panic when Derek motioned for her to step forward. She had never even held an epee before. As she pulled the mask over her face, she saw another beautiful young woman smiling at her from the back of the room. Amanda didn’t give her a second thought as she was quickly engaged in sword play.

  Derek was a master, but somehow Amanda was holding her own. The girls were cheering her on, something she had never really experienced before and she was exhilarated. As she finished her turn, the young woman from the back of the room motioned for her to follow as she disappeared around the corner.

  “Hey, where are you going?” Helena called as Amanda headed for the main hall.

  She smiled back at Helena as she put her index finger to her lips and continued cautiously down the hall. Everything at Valhalla was so grand in scale. The ceilings appeared to reach right up into the sky. She wasn’t sure how she would find her way back to the fencing room, and she was trying hard to not think what would happen if she were caught where she didn’t belong.

  Doorways lined either side of the long stone hallway. Sounds of music and laughter drifted from beneath the doors along with the unmistakable sounds of lovemaking, sending shivers over Amanda’s flesh. She thought longingly of Cameron and the way he made her feel. It was shocking how empty she felt without him. The thought of never kissing or touching him again seemed almost more than she could bear. Lost in her daydream, she did not see the hand snake out from behind the next door to grab her. Before she had a chance to scream, a hand clamped firmly over her mouth. Amanda turned eyes wide to see the beautiful woman from the back of the training hall.

  “Please, do not scream. I am Brita, Gavin’s wife.” Her voice was soft and lyrical. “I am here to help. Gavin did not tell me how beautiful you were.”

  “Well thanks, but next to you—you are magnificent!” Amanda couldn’t help but look at Brita with envious eyes.

  Her self-esteem was taking a beating with all the gorgeous men and women in Cam’s family. As Brita hugged her warmly, Amanda wondered if Gavin told her the details of their first meeting at the waterfall.

  “Of course he did, but please do not be embarrassed,” Brita giggled easily. “Passion anywhere is rare, and you should always be grateful for it. I am thankful for Gavin every day.”

  “You’re a mind reader too? Great, just great!” She cursed their universal magic
al skills.

  “I am sorry, Amanda. I have trouble controlling it sometimes. I am so happy to meet you that I must have let my guard down,” Brita said, looking contrite.

  “No big deal since your family knows everything about me anyway. So, are you here to help me free Cameron?” Amanda tried to move on, leaving her embarrassment behind.

  Brita perked up, “Yes, but please listen to me carefully. I do not want you in any more danger than you already are.”

  “I did all right with the fencing. So far no one seems suspicious,” she responded, a little defensively.

  “My mother knows that you are here and she is not happy about it. She has taken Cameron to one of the caves near the sea and locked him in a dungeon.” Brita related, matter-of-factly.

  “Why doesn’t he use his powers to shift and escape?” Amanda asked, a bit uncertain.

  “He has been shackled in the dungeon with Loki’s magic so his powers are useless. Loki practices the dark arts. He is the one who helped my mother curse him to begin with.”

  “Why would your mother be in league with such evil? I know she wanted revenge, but at what price?” Amanda voiced one of the questions she had been afraid to ask at Folkvang.

  “It’s a long story that we do not have time for now. Let’s just say they know each other…intimately,” Brita replied evasively.

  “I guess we won’t be pitting them against each other.” Amanda observed.

  “No, we must be careful. Loki’s daughter is guardian to the gates of Hell. If we anger Loki, he may send Cameron there and then we might never get him back,” Brita explained.

  “You mean to tell me they would murder him for this? That’s insane,” she cried in panic.

  Brita continued, “No, Hell here is different. He would still be alive and would live with the burning fire and torture for the rest of eternity.”

  “Brita, please tell me what I need to do. I will do whatever it takes,” Amanda pleaded with the beautiful woman.

  “You truly love him, don’t you?” Brita’s eyes were wet with tears as she spoke calmly.

  “Yes, more than I ever imagined possible.” she hung her head in dejected agreement.

  “All right then, let me tell you the plan.”

  Chapter Nine

  Cameron tried over and over to use his powers to no avail. He knew only one person who had the kind of power he needed—Loki. He would have to find a way to outsmart him. It was no longer just his life in the balance, but Amanda’s as well. He had been so unkind to her and now, to make matters worse, she was here to help him. The iron bars could not be breached and he had not seen another soul in hours. He had tried to reach out to her with his mind but decided that it was not safe. If she could hear him, so could the enemy. Her power to read him was growing stronger and he would not compromise her safety further.

  Finally, he heard footsteps and voices coming toward him. The brawny guards arrived first, six of them. As they parted, three to each side, Loki stepped forward to stand between them. His tall emaciated frame was covered in a black kimono. Greasy hair hung lank across his dark, beady eyes.

  “Ah, Cameron MacKenzie. So glad to see you again. I hope that you are enjoying my hospitality,” Loki murmured smugly.

  “As always, Loki, you lay down the red carpet for your guests, but I didn’t see the indoor pool on the way to my room. Perhaps, you could give me a tour later,” Cameron noted drily.

  “Ah, so handsome and funny, too. You are quite the catch. It’s almost a shame to deprive the ladies of your presence. Especially that delicious mortal of yours—and I do mean delicious.” Loki licked his lips in a vulgar way as he winked at Cameron.

  “You touch one hair on her head and I will see that you pay, dearly. You have destroyed enough women with your evil. Take your frustrations out on me, but leave her alone.”

  “Perhaps you need a reminder of who is in control here. You would do well to remember your manners. Guards take Mr. MacKenzie to the stockade and teach him a lesson in humility. Try not to mark his pretty face.” Loki reached a bony finger through the bars and ran it down his cheek gently.

  He refused to react outwardly to Loki’s orders. He needed to remain calm and focused to help ensure Amanda remained safe. As the thin leather strip repeatedly struck his bronzed flesh, Cameron focused on real pain, like the pain of never seeing her again. Somehow the sting of the whip paled in comparison.

  The guards beat him repeatedly, punching and kicking him as they cut him down. They wanted him as weak as possible so that he had no physical strength or will left for an escape. They dragged him along the rock-strewn corridor and tossed him back in the barren, dank quarters. The clang of the iron door reverberated through the tunnel and caused several multi-legged creatures to scurry back into their hiding places.

  Cam hung his head to his chest, trying to quiet his breathing. He hoped he still had enough powers left to heal quickly, but he doubted it. The only thing keeping him from doing something rash was the thought of his sweet Amanda. He missed the smell of lavender in her fiery hair, the softness of her full breasts and flat tummy. Gods, he loved her. Amanda, where are you? I need to touch you, to know that you are safe.

  Cameron, I am safe. I need you too. Please stay safe for me. We will be there to help soon.

  He was shocked to hear her so clearly. He did not mean to reach out and put her in more danger. Her psychic ability was so strong. The magic of the Aesir must be helping her develop her talent quickly. She probably didn’t even realize what was happening.

  No! You mustn’t try to come here. You will be caught and they will kill you. They can make you wish for death with their torture.

  I know you’re hurt. I can feel it. We have a plan—

  Do not say anymore. Loki’s psychic ability is too strong and he will hear you. Please, I beg you to stay away. I could never forgive myself if something happened to you.

  I’m a big girl. I will be careful, I promise.

  Amanda, I-I love you. Cam’s thoughts were like a whisper in her mind.

  Amanda felt tears stinging her eyes. She had never felt this way about anyone before. The emotions were both thrilling and frightening at the same time. One thing she knew for sure and certain, she had to save him because she wondered if she could live without him.

  I love you, too.

  Stark realization was replaced by shock when she discovered her new mind reading talent, a talent that may very well come in handy. She tried to pull herself together. She didn’t want the others to see her crying, to be seen as the weakest link. Gradually discovering new magical skills that came with her birthright gave her courage in spite of her doubts. Confident that she would be able to carry out her part of the plan, Amanda sighed deeply as she stretched out on the simple bed in her sleeping room. She wondered where Helena might be at such a late hour. Many of the Valkyrie entertained warriors throughout the night and throughout the day, for that matter. Not being one to judge, she shrugged it off; just glad someone had befriended her in this remarkable place. Lulled by a false sense of security, she drifted off to sleep.


  “Amanda, wake up! You cannot be late. They are looking for the strongest, fastest, and brightest among us. You want to be chosen for the task force, don’t you?” Helena’s voice was right at her ear and urgent.

  “Coffee, I need coffee.” Amanda sat up, still groggy with sleep. She needed to get her bearings so she didn’t make any mortal mistakes. “Who are they, and what will this task force do?” she asked, barely stifling a yawn.

  “They are an elite group of warriors specially chosen by Odin himself! The team will lead the other Valkyrie on secret high-profile missions. We are not allowed to know the details unless we are chosen. It will be a tremendous honor,” Helena explained further.

  “Seems to me like you’re putting a lot of trust in something you know nothing about. What if there is great risk involved?” Amanda asked, playing the devil’s advocate briefly. She tossed back the
covers, stood, and began dressing.

  “Great risk is what a Valkyrie lives for,” Helena explained patiently. “It is what we do every day. Tending to a warrior’s needs is likable enough and reuniting the slain with their families is rewarding, but we are not Geishas, we are warriors!”

  Helena’s black eyes danced with excitement. She became animated when the conversation turned to missions. Helena was a true warrior—strong and courageous—she would make a fine Valkyrie.

  Amanda managed to make it through another grueling day of training. Being only a mortal, it would have been virtually impossible for her to keep up with the others and she supposed more than moral support had been sent her way from Lilah. When the ‘shifting to mist’ practice began, she slipped away to do a little undercover investigating, looking for any information on where Cameron might be hidden.

  She headed to the library, hoping to find something to aid in her quest. The library was enormous. When she saw the sheer volume of reading material, she almost turned and left without a backward glance. Her time was limited, so she scanned the area quickly, moving methodically from section to section. As she reached the end of one aisle, she spotted a rolled parchment that seemed to be out of place. Carefully unrolling the fragile document provided her a map of the compound. Trying to memorize the area would be difficult with the myriad of caves that dotted the coastline.

  She quieted her mind and let the memories of the map speak to her. She began hearing a conversation that had taken place with someone who held this document long before. Amanda closed her eyes to focus on the details that drifted into her mind. As the parchment was pulled from her hands, she fell backwards, knocking over a stack of books in the process. She looked up to see Helena looking at the document and shaking her head in mock dismay. Amanda reached for it, but Helena turned from her in a game of keep away.


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