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Come To Me

Page 14

by Genevieve Ash

“I can’t believe he didn’t tell me this. He knows I don’t like surprises. I am such a fool.” She shrugged her shoulders, impatient with her own naiveté.

  “I am guessing he thought you would freak out. It is really not a big deal,” Helena assured her. “He hasn’t tried to feed from you has he?”

  “No, he hasn’t. But now that you mention it, he does like to nibble on my neck.” Amanda became alarmed all over again.

  “I would not worry then. I do not think he can drink mortal blood anyway. Unless you were planning on crossing over,” Helena tossed the comment in casually.

  Incredulous, she asked, “Crossing over—what? You mean, like live here?”

  “Look, it’s not my place to tell you these things. Cameron loves you. I am sure he will explain when he can,” Helena tried to soothe her newest worries.

  “You’re damn right he’ll explain. That is, if I ever speak to him again. I’m so tired of being lied to. At least you’ve been kind to me—except for the whole kidnapping thing.” Upset and confused, Amanda continued. “Is there anything else I should know?”

  “I don’t think so. Like I said, it’s not my…” Distracted, they watched as the water in the cistern began churning into angry black waves. Helena looked alarmed and Amanda backed away.

  “Are we done now with the horror film fest? I’d like to go to bed.” What a fool she had been. Making this trip had been a complete mistake. He lied to her and she felt like an idiot. It hurt, too, that Helena had betrayed her so easily.

  The two women walked back to their rooms in silence. As they reached the door to Amanda’s room, Helena tried to speak. With her eyes fastened only on the floor in front of her, Amanda just shook her head and walked into her room, closing the door quietly behind her.

  Chapter Twelve

  Freya stood tall and fearless as Frigga, Odin’s wife, walked majestically into the throne room. Although Freya had hoped to avoid this confrontation, she seemed prepared for the possibility. Lilah stood behind her and, although Freya did not acknowledge her, she appeared grateful for the support.

  Seating herself on the edge of her red velvet throne, Frigga met Freya’s gaze head on. She then hastily waved away her attendants. “I am sorry, but my husband is occupied elsewhere at the moment,” Frigga sneered contemptuously. “Perhaps there is something that I can help you with. It is rare that we are honored with your regal presence, My Lady.”

  Lilah wanted to slap the smugness off Frigga’s face for Freya. Frigga knew damn well why Freya was here, but she was not going to make this an easy encounter. Freya was going to have to play the game if she wanted to talk directly to Odin. Obviously, the new mistress was a sore spot with Frigga, so Freya would have to use that fact to her advantage.

  “My dear Frigga, I assure you that my presence here is nothing you need trouble yourself with. I am aware of how delicate your constitution has been as of late,” Freya attempted a conciliatory tone.

  “It is truly no trouble. I find great pleasure in assisting an old friend.” Frigga leaned back on her throne as she imparted those words, a smirk dancing at the corners of her mouth.

  “Enough of this!” Freya snapped. “I do not have time to trade niceties with the likes of you. If you will not take me to Odin, I will find him myself.” Freya lifted the large deep blue center stone of the powerful Brísingamen necklace and gazed into it deeply. The location of Odin’s lair floated into view within the gem. Frigga watched her nemesis with undisguised jealousy.

  She sniffed disdainfully. “Fine, I will call him but I warn you—I will not tolerate you ruining him again.”

  “Whatever do you mean, ruining him?” Freya asked, with mock innocence

  Frigga’s eyes snapped in recollection, “You know exactly what I’m saying. After you used him up and tossed him aside, he was no good to anyone.”

  Lilah watched as Frigga’s eyes filled with tears. She hoped that Frigga was sensible enough to not condone what Astrid had done to Cameron. After all, Frigga was a mother, too.

  Pulling a lace trimmed hanky from the trailing sleeve of her purple gown, Frigga dabbed at her eyes as she descended the steps from her throne slowly. Standing face to face with her nemesis, she searched Freya’s eyes.

  “I, too, am a mother and grandmother. I understand why you are here and, truthfully, I admire your courage. I’m sure it took a lot for you to return here and ask this favor.”

  Freya just nodded, holding her head high while her bottomless green eyes filled with unshed tears. Frigga clapped her hands briefly, summoning a manservant who had been waiting just outside the throne room. She whispered into the steward’s ear then pushed him toward the door as she instructed him to hurry.

  After a few brief minutes they heard Odin’s booming voice outside the throne room door. As he entered the room to speak to his wife, he saw Freya standing there. Not noticing Lilah in the corner, he stopped abruptly as his breath caught in his throat. As Odin walked toward Freya, Frigga bowed her head in unwilling acceptance and stepped back into the shadows. How sad, Lilah thought, that such a proud woman would allow a man, even a man like Odin, such power over her.

  Freya’s body visibly tensed as Odin moved close enough to touch her. The room was heating up fast as the long unattended fire rekindled between the two. Odin took Freya’s hand and bowed low over it. His tongue moved over her knuckles, as though he were lost in a different time.

  Freya stepped back to regain her composure and break the mounting tension. “My good Lord Odin, it has been a long time.” Freya’s tone was businesslike but her eyes were soft.

  “Yes, it has been too long,” Odin replied, searching her gaze.

  “I am here to ask you a favor. I know that I have no right, but as given our history…I beseech you.” Obviously trying to control her emotions, Freya spoke a little too forcefully.

  “And what is in it for me? Perhaps we can arrange some sort of…trade?” Odin’s meaning was clear. Lilah felt badly that Frigga was witness to his blatant vulgarity.

  “I am afraid that is not possible,” Freya whispered softly, bowing her head.

  “I do not know if I—” Odin began, perhaps thinking he could negotiate at least a tryst with his first love.

  “Odin, knock it off. The woman needs your help. Her great-grandson is in danger. How would you feel if the roles were reversed?” Frigga interrupted, seemingly genuine with her words.

  “Nothing comes for free, wife. You know that!” Odin bellowed, the stone walls echoing his words back to them.

  “Indeed I do. I would do anything to have our son back.” Odin turned to Freya. “If you have nothing to offer, I am afraid that I can be of no help to you.” Shaking his head, Odin lumbered toward the door.

  Freya cried in desperation, “Wait!” She then reached up to her neck and struggled to undo the clasp of the Brísingamen necklace. Everyone in the nine realms had coveted the dazzling piece at one time or another. Prisms of light bounced off the gilt furniture, showering the room with color as Freya removed it from her neck. Frigga looked as though she might faint, but Odin just bristled.

  “You may have this. It is all I have to offer. It means nothing to me compared to my family.” Freya held out the heavy necklace, her head bowed in supplication.

  “Bollocks! I do not want that tainted bauble. We all know what it cost your pride and dignity. At least you were a well-paid whore.” Odin’s words held no kindness. Lilah remembered when Freya had shared how she’d earned the necklace. It had not been one of her prouder moments. She had been young, foolish, and spoiled. Freya had wanted it all and it had not taken her long to realize her power over men. As a sensual goddess, sexuality came naturally to her and sin had yet to be named. She had wielded her charms and talents with abandon, ruining many along the way. It had taken a long time for Freya to understand what was truly important in life and Lilah was proud to know that Freya would do anything to save her family.

  Frigga approached her husband and stood beside him. Her ey
es were focused on the necklace, her mouth practically watering. “Perhaps you are being too rash, dear husband. Do not let your pride get in the way of reason. The power alone that comes with that necklace is worth a fortune.” Frigga seemed to struggle to keep from reaching out and grabbing it.

  “I am the most powerful god in the universe,” Odin roared in frustration. “Why would I need more? I have everything I could possibly want. Well, almost everything.” His gaze settled heavily on Freya’s still beautiful body.

  “Of course you do, but if you want to continue with your life of excess, you will grant me the necklace,” Frigga spoke softly to her husband, but her eyes were loaded with menace.

  Freya held out the heavy piece in both hands. Odin stood frozen in place, staring fixedly at Freya. She began to tremble and Lilah knew she wanted him. But a deal was a deal. Freya practically threw the legendary necklace at him, now in a hurry to be done with this transaction.

  “Help me free Cameron MacKenzie. I need you to deal with Astrid. She and Loki are out of control,” Freya begged her former lover.

  Odin seemed satisfied with the level of pain he had caused Freya and finally nodded in compliance.

  “I know all about it. Your granddaughter paid me a visit just this afternoon. She arrived at a most inopportune moment I might add,” Odin admitted grudgingly.

  “What did you tell her?” Freya asked cautiously.

  “Cameron and the mortal will be safe. Unfortunately, I cannot break the curse. It must play out as written. Loki assured me that he had a plan that would work.”

  “Loki assured you? Oh, Odin! You know he is a trickster. This will be a fiasco.” Freya clasped her hands to her chest in dismay.

  “Not unless he wishes to bear my wrath! Do not doubt my decisions, woman.” The walls seemed to tremble as Odin thundered. Lilah hoped Freya knew it was time to back off. She would have to find another way to save Cameron.

  Freya took the Brísingamen from Odin’s bear-like paws. She stood in front of Frigga and placed it gently around her neck, locking the clasp with strong magic. Lilah could see Frigga trembling from across the room. Poor woman had enough to deal with just being married to that brutish boor.

  “It looks lovely on you. You are a beautiful, strong woman. Please don’t ever forget that,” Freya assured Frigga, whispering to keep out of Odin’s earshot.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Loki had returned and was being so uncharacteristically nice to Cameron that he felt chilling suspicion creep up his spine.

  “Mr. MacKenzie, it seems that today is your lucky day.” Loki sat in the chair opposite of where Cam lay naked and spread eagle. He casually crossed one leg over his knee, his foot swinging and his shoe hanging off his toe. Dressed in sharply creased khakis and a navy blazer, Loki even sported shiny American pennies in his loafers. He looked as though he was meeting friends for lunch at the club, instead of visiting Cameron in Hell.

  “Oh? And why is that? And what’s with the outfit? You look like—” Cameron began his offense with his new opponent.

  Loki cautioned him, shaking a finger in his direction. “Be nice now. The big guy has stepped in to aid your cause. I do believe that the bitch goddess, Freya, had something to do with it. About time, since this is all her fault anyway.” Loki sneered and spat on the ground near Cam’s feet. Rising, he began pacing and swearing to himself.

  Lowering his tone and attitude, Cameron responded, “I suppose some respect for my great-grandmother would be too much to ask?” Loki stopped to raise an unruly eyebrow at his suggestion.

  “No, I did not think so. Anyway, it wasn’t her fault, it was mine. I had you captured and I denied Brita. End of story. Now let us be done with it. Hell, I will even ignore the fact that you used magic in a war that was not yours to wage.” Cameron attempted to remind Loki’s faulty recollection of their mutual history.

  “Hmm, almost an apology, but not quite. I would enjoy a little more groveling, please. I promised Odin I would spare you, but I am unable to lift the curse.” Shaking his head, Loki added with a sinister laugh, “That crazy magic, sometimes, it just ain’t right!”

  Loki’s laugh was practically a cackle now. The sound like an acid bath grating on Cam’s already frazzled nerves. Once this was all said and done, he vowed that he would come back. When he did, he would finish Loki, just as he should have done five hundred years ago.

  Cameron interjected with ferocity, “Your magic is nothing compared to my powers, sorcerer. Restore my powers to me and I will break the curse myself. This has gone on long enough.”

  Loki stopped pacing and paused in front of him. Placing two fingers under his chin, he held Cam’s face still. The room was so quiet that he could hear the drops of moisture trickling down the walls to splash on the floor.

  “Now what fun would that be? It will not work anyway. Your sweet mortal must fight her fears and save you. That is, if she loves you enough to do it,” Loki sneered at him, pulling his fingers away from his face.

  He couldn’t help but wonder if Amanda did love him enough to go through with whatever Loki had planned. He hardly knew her and yet he knew her by heart. With her determination and conviction, he knew she would try, if only on principle.

  What if Loki’s trials were too much for her? Loki was full of surprises and they were never good ones. If there was one thing he did know about her, she didn’t like surprises. What would happen when she learned the truth? This may be his only shot at freedom, but at what cost?

  “Please, Loki, leave her out of this. I will take her trials upon myself. Just release her. She is a mortal. How will she possibly survive? I don’t want her hurt.”

  “As appealing as it may be to have you beholden to me for another five hundred years, I cannot. These are the rules of the bargain and I cannot change them.” Loki’s tone was patronizing as he patted Cameron on the cheek. “What is really bothering you, MacKenzie? Afraid the mortal does not love you enough?”

  “Of course not, I—” he protested, knowing that Loki had discovered the truth.

  “Good, then she will have no problem going through the fires of Hell to get you. Once she finds you, if she finds you, both of you will be released. You will then have twenty four hours to consummate your relationship. That’s it.” Loki spread his hands out with his palms upward. He made it sound so simple.

  “What does our sex life have to do with this curse?” Cameron asked, still puzzled.

  Loki explained with little patience. “You must take her virginity and merge the two families. It is written and the prophecy must be fulfilled.”

  Cam knew there was a strong chance he would not be able to control his hunger. If she was his True One, the sex would be so intense that he might lose all self-control. Even if she did pass through the darkness to reach him, there was no guarantee she would agree to the mating. It was almost impossible to kill one’s true mate, in theory, but she was a mortal.

  What were the chances that she is The One? If he lost control, he would have only two choices: he would have to let her die or bring her fully into his world. More than likely, neither was an option that she would choose willingly. He could not take her freedom just to gain his own. She would hate him for all of eternity.

  If he truly loved her, he would have to let her go. He could not live with himself if something went wrong. If only I had told her all this when I had the chance.

  He heard himself asking Loki, “Okay, and, if we do consummate the relationship, what then? How do I know you’re being completely honest?”

  “You don’t. But I would not worry about it too much,” Loki added casually, picking a thread from his well creased khakis.

  “Oh, and why is that?” Cameron’s eyebrows knitted tightly in a frown over his eyes.

  “It seems that Amanda has spent some time with my daughter at the reflecting pool. So she already knows that you are a blood drinker. I would have to say, Cameron, that it does not look good for you. Not good at all.” Loki smiled hugely i
n satisfaction at retaining his leverage so cleverly.


  At Helena’s mansion, Amanda tossed and turned throughout the night. Her nightmares were even more terrifying than usual. As always, her father was standing in the window with the flames all around, except this time he was laughing. Blood streaked like watercolors down the window glass. Awakening with a start, she kept her eyes squeezed shut, afraid of what she might see if she opened them. She pulled the lush comforter over her head and wept bitterly. Still half asleep, she could almost hear her sister comforting her just as she had done when they were kids. Amanda wept harder thinking of her family; she was homesick and frightened. Pulling on her robe, she headed to the kitchen to fix a cup of tea and sort out her thoughts.

  She didn’t know how long Helena and her brother had been standing at the kitchen door but they looked very wistful. If she didn’t know better, Amanda could have thought they were almost human. They leaned on either side of the open double doors, arms akimbo, legs crossed at the ankle. For fraternal twins, they looked so much alike in their natural form that it was uncanny.

  They lowered their arms simultaneously and walked toward the table, splitting as they reached Amanda, each one taking a seat across from the other. United, they turned their gaze fully on her. They seemed nervous: Fenny was jiggling his leg under the table and Helena’s face was very pale, as though she’d just seen a ghost. Both were hesitant to speak, licking their dry lips at the same moment they locked eyes. They were communicating silently.

  Helena spoke first, choosing her words carefully, “It is good to know that you still love him. I knew that you would see through the obstacles and make the right choice. You are going to need that love to carry you through what lies ahead. You must promise me that you will not give up no matter how difficult it gets.”

  “Helena, are you still talking about me or someone else? Like you?” Whoever had hurt Helena had done a bang up job as Amanda could feel her suffering palpably.

  “My sister is dancing around the subject,” Fenny barged into the conversation without preamble. “What she is trying to say is that you are moving over to my place for a nice little visit. There is only one way to break the curse now. You must walk through the fires of Hell to save your true love.”


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