The Time Turner

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by Alexandra Stone

   Copyright 2017 by (Alexandra Stone) - All rights reserved.

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  The Time Turner

  Paranormal Time Travel Clean Romance

  By: Alexandra Stone

  Table of Contents


  The Time Turner









  Breaking Promises

  Chapter One

  Chapter two

  Chapter three

  Chapter four

  Chapter five

  Chapter six

  Chapter seven

  Running Away from Fate

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Growing up Secret Love

  Chapter One

  Chapter two

  Miriam's Dilemma

  Chapter 1

  -The whole new world-

  Chapter 2



  Chapter 3

  -The strange town boy-

  Chapter 4

  -The family meeting-


  Chapter 5

  -The day that followed-


  Chapter 6

  -The teacher’s point of view-


  Chapter 7

  -The Shocking revelation-

  Chapter 8

  -The New Era-


  I'm very thankful for your interest in my book. I write with passion as if I was living this story myself.

  If you have a good time please read through this book and give me a good review. If you are interested I also have more stories at the end as a thank you gift.

  I also encouraged you to sign up in my newsletter and get a free book in your email every week.

  Please enjoy this story.

  The Time Turner


  I was just your basic tourist in a small country village Germany and thought I would be doing all the basic things, but what ended up happening was far more romantic and magical than I ever imagined. I did not know if I would survive it or lose my life and heart to the immortal prince who had captured my heart and mind, and perhaps another life.

  “Don’t forget to take a heavy coat, it can get cold in that region Angie,” my roommate Shauna hollered at me as I did some last minute packing before my flight.

  “I know, of course! But thanks for looking out anyway,” I yelled back at her.

  We were both college students studying history in London and I was going away for winter break to do some sightseeing and antique shopping in a small German village that I had studied in school. I was very excited about it. I looked at myself in the mirror, my brown hair was down to my waist and I thought about getting a hair cut before I went but I sort of like this new princess hair that I had going on. It really brought out my brown eyes and made me feel very feminine. I was a petite girl at only five foot one, so I already felt petite and feminine most of the time, but the long hair was making me feel even more so. I applied some lip gloss and moisturizer for the long plane ride and gave Shauna a few goodbye hugs.

  A couple of hours later I was checking into a small bed and breakfast boutique hotel in a former old church that had been converted. It was beautiful with high cathedral style ceilings and large grey block stones. I fell in love with it at first sight being a history major and all. After I checked in, I was off to explore the quaint village. Soon I came across an antique shop that called out to me. I loved historical objects obviously, but I never bought too much when I was traveling. I walked in.

  “Welcome,” the old shopkeeper said. It was an old haggard German woman who looked like she had been working there for a hundred years.

  “Hello,” I said as I walked into the shop. It was full of all kinds of old things and I as walked deeper into the store it was dimmer and more cluttered. I was in awe of every single object I came across, but one stood out to me. It was a silver polished hand mirror. It was facing down with the backside up and it was almost growing green from being tarnished. When I flipped it over, it had a large crack diagonally across it. I looked at my reflection in it. It looked hazy and almost dreamlike. Then my gaze was forced from it when I heard a loud gasp from the other side of the shelf. There was a tall and gorgeous man with long dark curly hair and a dark beard with black eyes. He looked beautiful but somehow worn as well. I could not pull my gaze from him as his beauty almost startled me.

  “It is a beautiful object,” he said with a thick German accent as he stared at me.

  “Yes, it is,” I said as I looked down at the mirror in my hand.

  “Yes that too is a beautiful object,” he said as he looked down at the mirror. I felt myself blush as I realized that he was talking about me with his first comment.

  “I have not seen you before. You are not from here. I would have seen you before,” he said as he looked at me.

  “No, I am visiting from London. I heard about this beautiful village and it just called to me so I came to see,” I said feeling myself growing hot as his eyes intensified.

  “Yes, you heard the call. There is always good reason for feeling a pull or drawn to something but sometimes it takes a while to know why,” he said as he stepped closer to me.

  As he grew nearer I felt my entire body break out in goose bumps and I wanted to take a step backwards away from him, but my body betrayed me and instead took a step forward. I was astonished at this movement, it was almost as if I had no control over it.

  “You must allow me to buy this for you. It wants to be yours,” he said as he took the mirror from my hand.

  “Oh no, I can’t let you do that,” I said feeling very strange that a stranger would want to buy me something.

  “Please, I insist. It is a welcome gift,” he said as he moved away from me with the mirror in hand and headed to the counter. This was very unusual and yet seemed very familiar to me. Even his voice sounded familiar which was strange because I didn’t really know any Germans. There was a certain elegance to it however and I was drawn to it.

  I followed him to the counter as he paid for the mirror and then handed it to me. “Here now you can look at that beautiful face of yours always,” he said.

  “Thank you…um… I don’t know your name,” I said realizing how unusual that was that he bought me such a nice antique and I did not know his name.

  “My name is Ehren, and I am your humble servant my lady,” he said bowing down to me in an old world style. I thought it was quite charming but also impressive that he did it so well, as though he had a lot of practice.

  “My name is Angie. Nice to meet you,” I said holding out my hand to shake his. He grabbed it and instead of shaking it kissed the top of my hand like a real gentleman.

  “Angie, that is short for Angela, is it not?” he asked.

  “Yes, it is,” I said blushing at the way he made my name sound so elegant and refined.

  “Well, Angela it was very nice to meet you. I hope that I shall see you again very soon,” he said as he stood up and then walked out of the shop. I stood there
dumbfounded by what had just happened. I felt like it was an enchanting moment. I looked up to see the old woman staring at me with narrow eyes. I suddenly felt very awkward and walked out with a quick, “Thank you.”

  I took my new historical treasure home to the bed and breakfast and thought about the man for the rest of the day, and night and into the next day. He occupied my thoughts.


  I had been at this for so long I had lost track of time. I was now this, thing, a werewolf and had been suffering from it for ages. I had a very dark past. I was prince, that had been induced with lycanthropie. I didn’t know how it happened but it did. My wife Amelia had tried to help me in that year of 1809 but her trying to help turned into her death. It was a secret that I did not like to reveal. I thought about her everyday since then, always in agony. Then I thought I saw her face again, though in real life this time. It was impossible, but yet there she was. The resemblance was striking. She looked just like my wife Amelia. The long hair down to her waist and her brown eyes, and her small petite frame were all just like Amelia. I was so struck that I even breathed out hard when I saw her in the shop. She turned and noticed.

  “It is a beautiful object,” I said as I looked at her with love and adoration in my eyes. She held some old object in her hand but I was not talking of the object. I was talking about her. She was a very beautiful object of my heart and mind. I felt like after centuries of living in torment over my werewolf problem I had conjured her up. I had manifested her out of my mind.

  “Yes, it is,” she looked down at the mirror in her hand.

  “Yes that too is a beautiful object,” I said as I looked down at the mirror. I wanted her to know that I thought she was beautiful and that I desired her. There was no point in not making that fact known. It was obvious. I had not seen her in the village before. That was obvious to me but I wanted her to know that I had noticed that she was new and was an outsider. I had lived in the region for two centuries always staying away for decades so that no one would notice my immortality. Yet, it had been two decades since I had come into this village miles away from my old home and it was the perfect timing, because here she was. It was my wife. She was with me again. I would have to treat this delicately as not to alarm her.

  “I have not seen you before. You are not from here. I would have seen you before,” I said as I allowed my eyes to take in all of her beauty.

  “No, I am visiting from London. I heard about this beautiful village and it just called to me so I came to see,” she said.

  “Yes, you heard the call. There is always good reason for feeling a pull or drawn to something but sometimes it takes a while to know why,” I said as I took a step closer to her. I needed to be near her. I needed to touch her. I wanted her. After all these centuries I had developed a longing for the love of my past wife like no other. I had developed a love lust like no other. But my shapeshifting problem kept me from getting to involved with anyone. Come to me, I thought in my mind and she took a step closer to me. I liked it. It felt good. I wanted her to be closer. I grabbed the mirror from her hand allowing my fingers to touch hers.

  “You must allow me to buy this for you. It wants to be yours,” I said as I took the mirror from her hand and let my hand graze hers. I needed a bit of a touch. I could not wait any longer. The mirror was the perfect excuse for it.

  “Oh no, I can’t let you do that,” she said modestly. I loved her even more instantly. She was not a spoiled brat. She was humble and unable to accept gifts. It was lovely.

  “Please, I insist. It is a welcome gift,” I said as I moved away from her with the mirror in my hand and headed to the counter. I was determined now to give her a gift more than ever. If I could have bought my wife one last gift it would mean the world to me, so this was making up for it in a way.

  I paid for the mirror and then handed it to her. But I had something else in mind. I wanted to give her this because every time she looked at it she would think of me, while she was looking at herself. “Here now you can look at that beautiful face of yours always,” I said as I looked into her beautiful eyes. She smiled and then said,

  “Thank you…um… I don’t know your name.”

  “My name is Ehren, and I am your humble servant my lady,” I said bowing down to her letting her know that I worshipped her, and it was what I had always done.

  “My name is Angie. Nice to meet you,” she held out her hand in that modern way, the handshake. I grabbed it and kissed the top of it.

  “Angie, that is short for Angela, is it not?” I asked.

  “Yes, it is.”

  “Well, Angela it was very nice to meet you. I hope that I shall see you again very soon,” I said as I walked out leaving her without another word. I knew that I would see her again soon. I would not let her leave this village without knowing me. Without knowing my dark secrets. She would know and she would accept them. I walked along the same stone streets that I had been walking for centuries and then cut through the forest to my home. It was a grand stone house in the middle of the forest. People in the village left me alone. I left them alone. They heard strange tales of these woods and they were all right. All of them, but they did not know the whole truth. That I was once a prince living in a castle very long ago and upon my twentieth birthday became this thing. A monster. It was now the week of the full moon and at midnight I would turn. I was a danger when I turned. I did not know who I was when I turned. I did not recognize friend from food. It was how my wife died, and the worst part of the curse. When I arrived home I began the preparations for turning. Tonight would be the first night of this month that I turned and I had two more nights of it. I prepared my dinner, a frozen dead deer. I took it from the large walk in freezer to the dungeon. I checked all the locks on the doors and chains. I was ready, now it was just a waiting game. I was waiting and thinking about Angela, and her angel face that was overwhelming me now more than ever. At eleven o’clock I looked out the window at the full moon, glowing and laughing at me. Then I made my way under the house to the dungeon. I locked myself into the dungeon and locked the chains around my ankles and wrists to make sure I was secure. I stared at the deer carcass that would be my meal, this is how I kept the monster down. This is how I kept it from wanting to escape to make a meal out of the wildlife in the forest, or worst a human. At midnight, I felt the change upon me. I came swiftly. I don’t remember a thing after transforming. When I woke up the next day. The carcass was eaten down to the bones and there were claw marks on the door where I tried to escape. This was all typical and what I had been enduring for centuries.


  After I had met the alluring man Ehren I could not get him out of my thoughts. That night I tossed and turned in bed. At midnight I gave up on sleep and got out of bed. The mirror he had bought me called to me. I picked it up and gazed at my reflection. I looked like I was glowing, then it changed. I saw my reflection but it was different. I looked like myself but different. That was when I noticed a small diamond crown on my head in the reflection and my hair was a little more wavy. “Ehren,” the reflection breathed out. I gasped at the reflection and then put the mirror face down feeling frightened. Then I hopped back into bed feeling confused. Had I just imagined that? It was a strange thing to imagine. I could not stop thinking about it but eventually I fell asleep. When I woke up the next day I assumed that I had been sleepwalking. I picked up the mirror again and looked at my reflection. It was a normal reflection. I must have been sleeping. I needed to distract myself from the unusual feelings I had been feeling inside myself ever since I met Ehren. I got dressed and gave myself a tour of the town. It was beautiful with small brick lined alleys and with beautiful old buildings. I was hungry after a full day of walking around and found a beautiful tavern on the edge of the village near the tree line that led to the forest.

  “Hello, could I get a beer, and the roasted chicken with vegetables please,” I told the woman who took my order.

  “Yes, you are visiting?” she
asked with a smile.

  “I am. Yes, it is a lovely village,” I said.

  “We get very few visitors here,” she said. “I will bring your beer.”

  “Thank you,” I said as she walked away to fetch my beer. I knew that it was not a touristy spot, which was why I picked going to this particular village. I wanted the real experience, not the tourist experience.

  “Here is one beer, and the food will be out soon,” she said as she came back over.

  “The woods are lovely behind here. Are there hiking trails?” I asked.

  The look on her face changed and then she said, “No, no hiking in those woods. Don’t go in there. Many tales are told. Old myths and legends of a creature, like a bear or wolves and because of it there are no hiking trails. Even if the stories are not true it is not a good place for hiking. It is a tangle of a forest and you get lost in there. Stay to the village.”

  “I see, okay thank you for the warning.”

  When she walked away I smiled at myself. This is exactly the type of village that I had wanted to visit. It was the kind of village that had and still believed in old myths and legends. It was like being back in time.

  After I had breakfast I went back to the bed and breakfast where I had a surprise waiting for me. There on my doorstep was a bouquet of flowers. They could only be Ehren. They had to be. I enthusiastically picked them up and took them into my room. The card read, “Dear Angela. I would enjoy your company for dinner at my home. If you would like to come, a car will come at seven tonight to pick you up. Your humble servant, Ehren.”

  “Yes!” I yelled as after I read it. I immediately jumped in the shower and began the process of getting ready for dinner. I got dressed with enthusiasm. When I was ready I patiently waited by the window for a car to roll up at seven. Then, I remembered the mirror. “I wonder,” I said as I picked it up. I looked at my reflection thinking it would change again. But it did not. “You’re being silly Angie,” I said out loud to myself. Just then the phone rang.


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