The Time Turner

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The Time Turner Page 2

by Alexandra Stone

  “Hello,” I answered.

  “There is a car waiting for you downstairs Miss,” the front desk said.

  “I’ll be right down!” I said. I wondered how long I had stared at the mirror because the car rolled up with out me noticing.

  In the car, the driver was quiet. I noticed that we were leaving the village and going deep into the forest. I thought it strange that I had asked about the forest only hours before and here I was going into it. We finally arrived at a grand stone house made of big blocks of a light grey stone. It was an impressive and old house. It was also very isolated. I should be panicked that I would be out here alone with a stranger, but for some reason Ehren did not feel threatening to me. I felt like I had known him a long time.

  “Angela, thank you for coming,” he said as he opened the door. Seeing him standing there flooded my heart and mind with feelings of adoration for this man that I did not know. He was beautiful and I felt chills go down my spine as I walked into the house. I looked around at the lush furnishings and felt like I had seen it all before.

  “Your home is lovely,” I said as I took it all in.

  “You are lovely,” he said as he motioned for me to follow him. I knew that he was heading to the dining room, not because we were having dinner but because I felt like I knew the layout of the house. It was a very strange feeling to know that.

  “I hope you don’t mind. I did not cook dinner myself, my chef has come and gone but made us a delightful dinner of steaks, pies, breads, and vegetables. Only the best,” he said as he pulled the chair out from the beautifully set table for me to sit.

  “It smells and looks delicious. Thank you Ehren,” I said as I looked up at him from my seat. He stared at me intensely. I thought he was going to kiss me. I wanted him to kiss me. Finally he broke away from my stare and sat at the table.

  “What do you think of home and how it is decorated? I hope it is not too old fashion for you,” he said.

  “No, not old fashion. I love it. I study history in school. I love it and your home is perfect, like it has not changed in centuries,” I said feeling very excited that he wanted my opinion on it.

  “Thank you. I am glad it pleases you. I want you to find my home comfortable,” he said. There was another long silence as we stared at each other and then he poured the wine. “You study history? Why?”

  “I love it. It makes me feel very excited. Sometimes I feel like I was born in the wrong time period or something. I long for days of carriages and castles. It is so poetic and romantic, beautiful,” I said smiling at him.

  “Perhaps it is recollections from a past life, and that is why you admire those things,” he said as he took the silver dome off of his plate and motioned for me to do the same. I copied his movement and revealed the delicious hot steaming dinner under the dome on the large porcelain plate.

  “Maybe, I’m not sure if I believe in that sort of thing, past lives and all, but I guess anything is possible.”

  “Yes, anything is possible.”

  An hour later we were done eating and Ehren offered to show me around the house. That is when I saw it. I saw what I had seen in the mirror. When I saw my reflection, I saw myself wearing a small diamond tiara. Now, there on the wall was a massive portrait of the same thing. It was me, but not me. I looked at Ehren startled.

  “Is this some kind of trick…” I whispered as I got closer to the painting.

  “No, no tricks. That is Amelia, she used to live here long ago,” he said as he moved behind me. I could feel the whisper of his words on my neck.

  “I have seen her before. In the mirror. I saw her in the mirror when I looked at my own reflection. Just as she is here. I saw myself with the crown.

  “A past life maybe,” he whispered.

  His words were so intoxicating to me that I soon felt lost in the way his words were whispered out. Then I felt him kiss the back of my neck. My body melted against his. His chest pressed against my back and I tilted my head to the side as he kissed my lips.


  After cleaning up my mess in the dungeon the next morning. I knew that I wanted to see Angela again, or Angie as she called herself. I sent an invitation to her with a bouquet of flowers. There were rules of course. She had to leave by eleven and no later where I would then lock myself in the dungeon. My other ulterior motives involved inviting her because maybe my home would bring something to her. The more I thought about how much she resembled my wife Amelia, I thought that maybe she could be her reincarnated. It could happen, I was a werewolf after all. Then I would show her the painting, and entice her. If she was Amelia, then I could tell her all.

  I paced the massive dining room waiting for her to show up.

  “Angela, thank you for coming,” I said as I opened the door. Seeing her standing there made me think that it was Amelia back in the flesh. I really thought it was her for a moment, then her modern clothes made me realize that it was not Amelia but Angela. She looked too much like her. She walked in and I watched her face closely. Would it all seem familiar to her? Her beautiful eyes widened as she looked around. I had seen my wife give the same look as she furnished and decorated this home centuries ago.

  “Your home is lovely,” she said as she looked around and then smiled at me.

  “You are lovely,” I said in return. Then I motioned for her to follow me, though something told me that I should let her lead the way to the dining room. As we walked in to the dining room with the meal laid out in front of her I wanted to be honest with her always about everything, so I said,

  “I hope you don’t mind. I did not cook dinner myself, my chef has come and gone but made us a delightful dinner of steaks, pies, breads, and vegetables. Only the best.” I pulled out the chair for her to sit. She looked surprised and I forgot that I had the manners from the old world, not the new world. She was not used to be treated so well.

  “It smells and looks delicious. Thank you Ehren,” she smiled at me as she looked up from the chair with her imploring eyes. She was begging me to kiss her. I knew that look, I had lived long enough, and I would but not yet. I finally pulled my eyes from hers. First things first, I had to earn her trust and I had to trigger the memories I knew were deep inside of her. I would trigger the memories through the house.

  “What do you think of my home and how it is decorated? I hope it is not too old fashion for you,” I looked at her closely. I was looking for any sign that she was having recollections of seeing all these rooms before. I wanted her to remember. I hoped that she would remember.

  “No, not old fashion. I love it. I study history in school. I love it and your home is perfect, like it has not changed in centuries,” she said excitedly.

  “Thank you. I am glad it pleases you. I want you to find my home comfortable,” I said and it was the truth. I wanted her to find it comfortable enough to make it her home. I stared at her imagining her here with me and calling it her home. It was such a beautiful thought. I poured more wine for her remembering that I should be giving her casual conversation. “You study history? Why?”

  “I love it. It makes me feel very excited. Sometimes I feel like I was born in the wrong time period or something. I long for days of carriages and castles. It is so poetic and romantic, beautiful,” she said smiling. I felt her words in my heart. There it was, the first clue that she was somehow linked to Amelia. I smiled at her in return of her acknowledgement. I wanted to continue on this subject. Her acknowledgement was the first step and now we could go deeper into it.

  “Perhaps it is recollections from a past life, and that is why you admire those things,” I said as I took the silver dome off of my plate and motioned for her to do the same. Letting her know that this was just casual conversation to have while we ate dinner.

  “Maybe, I’m not sure if I believe in that sort of thing, past lives and all, but I guess anything is possible,” she said with an open mind.

  “Yes, anything is possible,” I said knowing very well that I knew it was. I
was a werewolf shapeshifter after all, and that let me know that anything was possible. This was going well. However, this was only the beginning. I had a lot more waiting for her. I had the last piece that might make her realize that there was more going on here. When we were done with our dinner and delightful conversation I took her on a tour of my house. This was once my summer home that I shared with my wife Amelia. When we wanted to escape the chaos of castle life and of being a prince and princess, this is where we came. Deep into the forest and away from everything, was where we wanted to be and that is why we had this house built so long ago. She was the one to furnish and decorate it putting her touch and love into every room. She loved it here, more than the castle. I was thinking this when I finally walked into the portrait hall to show Angela what I wanted to show her, now was the time. She looked at the massive painting of my wife Amelia. I watched her. Her smile fell and her mouth fell open. Breath escaped her lips as she looked at it. I knew it. It was her inside of Angela, my Amelia was inside of her. This was the proof.

  “Is this some kind of trick…” she whispered as she got closer to the painting.

  “No, no tricks. That is Amelia, she used to live here long ago,” I said as I moved behind her. I could no longer control myself. I waited so long for this moment.

  “I have seen her before. In the mirror. I saw her in the mirror when I looked at my own reflection. Just as she is here. I saw myself with the crown. Her words stunned me. This was news to me. I did not know about these experiences she was having with the mirror. That was more proof than I could ever ask for. This WAS Amelia. She was coming through to me in that mirror. The very mirror that I bought her, perhaps it was a magic mirror. My heart pounded with joy. I had waited centuries for this. “A past life maybe,” I whispered as I hovered over her shoulder gazing at her soft skin. I needed to kiss her, my dear Angela, my dear Amelia. She had come back to me. I allowed my lips to softly graze across her neck. Her entire body went limp as she pressed and rested her weight on my chest. Her head went back and I could not wait any longer. I needed her. I needed to be inside of her.

  “I need you Angela. I want you. I desire you,” I whispered as I kissed her neck. Then she surprised me. She turned swiftly and threw her arms around my neck and placed her lips on mine. I kissed her deeply with so much longing in my heart. She felt just like Amelia. It was as if no time had passed and now we were together again.


  “There is something that I must tell you…” I said as we lay there naked together.

  “I think I know…”she said her words barely a whisper. Her words shocked me, did she know? Did she truly know?

  “No, you don’t know this. It is shocking…”

  “I remember, something…horrific. With your wife, am I her? I feel like I have someone else’s memories inside of me in a haze only. I see her screaming, me screaming. What happened Ehren? Tell me?”

  “It will make you feel frightened.”

  “I am already frightened. I must know why,” she said touching my face.

  “I am afraid that you will leave if I tell you. I am afraid I will never see you again if you know the very truth.”

  “No, nothing will take me from you. I will always be here with you. I cannot leave you ever. I feel that we have always been together.”

  “Yes, we have. Dear Angela. What I have to say will shock you. I am a prince, and I was born in the year 1814. When I turned twenty, I was hit with a syndrome that I have not been able to get rid of ever. I have tried. We had tried. It simply will not go away. I am cursed you see. I am a shapeshifter. I am a werewolf.”

  She gasped at my words. “That is unbelievable. It is not possible. How is that so?

  A shapeshifter? A werewolf? But…I don’t understand. Not a real actual wolf?” she asked with wide eyes.

  “Yes, a real wolf. I turn at midnight during the full moon. Which is why you need to be going. I made sure that the car would return to pick you up at ten thirty tonight. At midnight, I will no longer be myself and you cannot be here. It is too dangerous. I have no memories when I am the wolf. I only know hunting, whatever is in front of me.”

  “That is unbelievable,” she whispered.

  “And yet it is believable,” I said. “You saw yourself that magic is real in the mirror. You see the portrait of my wife and how much it looks like you. Things are not always to be explained.”

  “And a prince no less? You are a prince?” she asked.

  “I was long ago. My kingdom fell into despair when I fell into despair. You see I do not see myself as that prince any longer.”

  “And your wife, what happened,” she said sitting up in bed and looking at me. I looked at her exquisite body not wanting to lose it from being at my side if I told her the truth about my wife, but I had no choice. I had to tell her.

  “I will tell you this whole truth. My wife, a very smart woman knew of many things. When I came down with this syndrome she wanted to help of course. She tried many potions and magic. Every time it failed. Then one night she insisted that she try it while I was the wolf. I said no of course, but she disobeyed me. She came into the dungeon where I was locked up and released me so that she could do the magic and then the wolf….” I could not finish my words. I began to cry.

  “No…” she said as she understood what had happened. “The wolf killed her…” she whispered as she threw her arms around me and hugged me. “Oh that is so awful Ehren. How you must suffer because of it. I am so very sorry.”

  “Yes, I have suffered for centuries. You will never know that kind of pain and how it can tear you apart.”

  “You must let me help you. There must be a cure,” she said.

  “No!” I yelled so loudly that it startled her.

  Honk! Honk! There was a car horn that pierced the air.

  “The car is here. You must go. It is not safe for you here. I will call on you tomorrow.

  “Promise me Angela that you will not come here.”

  “I promise,” she said as I helped her to her feet and helped her get dressed. I walked her out to the car and then began my nightly preparations. But this time I did not only make sure that the wolf could not get out, but that no one could get in. I did not trust that Angela would not try to come in and help me just as Amelia had done in the past. Angela had too much Amelia in her.


  After the magic of being with Ehren in his bed as he made love to me, the magic was not over. In fact it would get very dark. I felt like I was in his enchanted hold as he showed me the painting of his wife and how much I looked like her. I did not know if I was her, or we were just somehow connected. But now I was to find out exactly what had happened to her, and it was dark and scary. Though even before he said it I felt like I already knew as if it was a foggy memory for me. The horror that had fallen upon him and his wife felt like one of my own memories.

  “There is something that I must tell you…” he said as we lay there naked together intertwined with our limbs tangled together.

  “I think I know…”I said my words barely a whisper.

  “No, you don’t know this. It is shocking…”

  “I remember, something…horrific. With your wife, am I her? I feel like I have someone else’s memories inside of me in a haze only. I see her screaming, me screaming. What happened Ehren? Tell me?” I said as my eyes were closed and flashes of those events hit me. It was very strange and unusual and I could see fright in his wife’s eyes. I opened my eyes and looked at him. I was waiting for an explanation.

  “It will make you feel frightened,” he said putting his hand on mine.

  “I am already frightened. I must know why,” I said touching his face.

  “I am afraid that you will leave if I tell you. I am afraid I will never see you again if you know the very truth,” he said looking worried. Then I realized that it must be very horrible and that no matter what it was I would not let it make me leave him. I could handle it. I was sure of it.

sp; “No, nothing will take me from you. I will always be here with you. I cannot leave you ever. I feel that we have always been together,” I said in truth but also to make him feel calm so that he would tell me. “Yes, we have. Dear Angela. What I have to say will shock you. I am a prince, and I was born in the year 1814. When I turned twenty, I was hit with a syndrome that I have not been able to get rid of ever. I have tried. We had tried. It simply will not go away. I am cursed you see. I am a shapeshifter. I am a werewolf.”

  I gasped at his words. I was not expecting him to say something so crazy. Was that possible? There was not such a thing in the world like that, it was only myths and stories and not real. I sat in silence trying to process why he was saying this, yet deep down inside I knew that it must be true.

  “That is unbelievable. It is not possible. How is that so?

  A shapeshifter? A werewolf? But…I don’t understand. Not a real actual wolf?” I asked trying to understand more of what he was trying to tell me. Maybe he was just trying to tell me he used to be a mean man, a monster years ago, possibly a tyrant prince.

  “Yes, a real wolf. I turn at midnight during the full moon. Which is why you need to be going. I made sure that the car would return to pick you up at ten thirty tonight. At midnight, I will no longer be myself and you cannot be here. It is too dangerous. I have no memories when I am the wolf. I only know hunting, whatever is in front of me.”

  “That is unbelievable,” I whispered.

  “And yet it is believable,” he said. “You saw yourself that magic is real in the mirror. You see the portrait of my wife and how much it looks like you. Things are not always to be explained.”

  “And a prince no less? You are a prince?” I asked realizing that I had let a prince make love to me. Not a modern day prince but a real prince from the pages of history.

  “I was long ago. My kingdom fell into despair when I fell into despair. You see I do not see myself as that prince any longer.”


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