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Taming The Texas Rancher (Love Inspired Historical)

Page 20

by Rhonda Gibson

  “I’ll explain when Bonnie gets here.” Hannah tilted her head toward Mary, who continued to play with her doll.

  Opal nodded and returned to dishing up fried bacon. “Well, I suppose you can pull the biscuits from the oven and butter them for me while we wait, if you don’t mind.”

  Hannah moved to the stove and reached for a pot holder. She pulled the fresh bread out and inhaled its yeasty aroma. Carefully, she opened each hot bun and stuffed butter inside.

  She said a quick prayer for Daniel and the rest of the men’s safety. Hannah wondered if they had caught up with the chicken thieves yet.

  Her gaze moved to the door when Bonnie entered. As usual, Daniel’s mother was dressed in a riding skirt and a pretty blouse. Her hair was pulled back into a braid and her wrinkle-free face shone.

  “Good morning, Hannah. Daisy here says you want to see me.” She patted the top of her head.

  “I do.” Hannah looked to Opal, who had stopped working on the bacon and stared openly at them. “This morning I went to check the henhouse for eggs, and all the chickens and their eggs are gone. The men have requested we stay inside until they find them.”

  Both women stared at her as if she had two horns and a tail. Bonnie was the first to recover. “The chickens are gone?”

  Hannah nodded. She continued to butter the biscuits as if nothing was out of the ordinary. Thankfully, the little girls continued to play, unaware of the tension in the room.

  “Grandma, can I go draw in the big eating room?” Daisy asked.

  Opal looked to Bonnie, who nodded her consent. “Yes, dear, but don’t touch anything.”

  “Can I go, too?” Mary asked, scrambling out from under the table.

  “Yes, but you two be good in there,” Opal answered. She returned to the bacon and finished dishing it up.

  Hannah grinned as Daisy complained to her sister, “Why do you have to do everything I do?”

  Mary shrugged. “’Cuz.”

  The door shut behind the children and Bonnie sighed. “I wonder who took the chickens. And when?” She eased into a chair. “Daniel and I had thought the raiding of cattle was over and that the rustlers had moved on. Now we have chicken thieves?” Her green eyes searched Hannah’s.

  “It looks that way.” Hannah finished buttering the rolls.

  “They must have done it while we were all at the fair. We should have left someone behind to watch the place.” She shook her head. “I can’t believe some no-good poacher took off with my hens!” Bonnie slapped the table hard.

  Opal jumped, almost unsettling the platter of bacon in her hands. “I’m sure the boys will find them.” She placed the food on the sideboard and wiped her trembling hands on her apron.

  The sound of the front door opening and men’s voices filling the dining room had the women scrambling. Bonnie charged out the kitchen door.

  Hannah placed several biscuits on a separate serving dish and then grabbed the remaining rolls. Opal scooped up the bacon and a platter of pancakes Hannah hadn’t noticed before. Hannah held the door open for her friend.

  “Did you find the no-good thieves?” Bonnie demanded, with her hands planted firmly on her hips.

  Daniel shook his head. “Nope. We lost their trail, too.” He removed his hat and hung it on a nail beside the door. Then he walked to the table and sat down. “We’ll keep looking after breakfast. I sent the men back to the cook shack. We’ll regroup in a little bit.”

  Bonnie nodded. “I was hoping those thieves were long gone,” she exclaimed. “And now they took my hens.”

  Levi went to the table and sat down, too. He winked at the little girl sitting in Hannah’s seat.

  Opal placed the platter of bacon and the pancakes on the table. “Come along, girls,” she called to her granddaughters as she headed back to the kitchen.

  Hannah followed her to see if there was anything more she could do before sitting down to eat with Daniel and his family. She watched the little girls hurry to the kitchen table. They normally didn’t stay with their grandmother and didn’t understand that she had to serve the Westlands first.

  Opal’s face revealed that she felt torn between her duty and her granddaughters.

  “I’ll fix the girls’ plates, if you will take the coffee out,” Hannah said, as if this was an everyday event.

  Relief eased Opal’s tense features. “Thank you, Hannah. You are turning out to be a really good friend.”

  Hannah laughed. “I try.” She hurried to get the girls settled, aware that she was missing the conversation going on in the other room.

  Opal returned a few minutes later and smiled. “I don’t know if I could have done it without you this morning,” she declared, pouring each of the girls a glass of fresh milk.

  “Sure you could have, and by the way, you say that every morning.” She grinned at Daisy and Mary. “I’m sure these two would have been good helpers.”

  Daisy sat up straighter in her chair. “I would have, but I don’t think Mary would. She drops stuff.”

  “Would, too,” her sister muttered.

  Opal laughed. “Now, don’t argue, girls. You both would have done fine.” She placed a napkin in each of their laps.

  Hannah now understood Bonnie’s desire for grandchildren. It was obvious that Opal loved hers very much. The little girls were sweet and gave their grandmother unconditional love. Bonnie wanted that same kind of love, Hannah felt sure.

  Opal gave each of the girls a kiss on her head and then looked up at Hannah. “You best get in there. They are waiting for you.”

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Daniel tossed his napkin down on the table and pushed his chair back. “Hannah, I’ll send Jeb over to walk you back to the schoolhouse. Since we’re not sure what is going on, I’d appreciate it if you’d not wander the ranch alone today.” He gave her what he hoped she interpreted as a stern look, the no-nonsense kind.

  She gave him a pretty smile, but the blue in her eyes blazed hotter than a blacksmith’s forge. “Tell him to give me a few minutes. I want to help Opal clean up before I leave.” Hannah pushed away from the table and walked into the kitchen.

  “Daniel, you have got to stop talking to her like that. She’s not a child,” his mother scolded.

  “No, she’s not. But when she’s my wife she’ll have to learn to do as I say. Might as well let her practice now.” He knew he was being senseless, but he wasn’t about to back down from his mother now. Besides, the fear of a cattle rustler or chicken thief getting hold of Hannah made him want to protect her, and for him to do so, she needed to stay in the house.

  Bonnie gave an unladylike snort and pushed away from the table. “Yeah, just like I did your father.”

  Levi chuckled and walked to the door. He pulled his hat down and grinned. “Keep making her angry, big brother. My bride will be here any day now.” He whistled happily as he walked out the door.

  Daniel followed him onto the front porch. “Well, until she does, you still have to do what I say, too.” He pulled himself up on the back of Tornado.

  He felt pretty smug until Levi answered, “Not so, big brother. Up until today, I did it out of respect, and because you needed the help.” He swung up onto Snow’s saddle. The rigid way he held himself testified to the anger that was rising up in him, and then he added, “I’m done. You can run the ranch on your own from now on. But if my bride shows up before you and Hannah marry, you can kiss the Westland Ranch goodbye. I will have no ill feelings about taking it away from you.” With that, Levi turned his horse toward town and rode away.

  The curtain in his mother’s bedroom window fluttered. Daniel saw her standing there and turned Tornado away from her accusing eyes. He hadn’t meant to bully Hannah or annoy his brother with his arrogance. He’d spoken to both of them in anger and fear.

Under his watch, cows had been butchered and rustled, and now the hens had been stolen. He was angry that he couldn’t find the men responsible. Daniel felt as if he couldn’t protect his own family. He just wanted Hannah to be safe. The only way to keep her safe was to have her stay with other people. As for Levi, they’d bickered since they were kids. Daniel hadn’t expected his brother to take this so seriously.

  Now Levi was not going to help on the ranch, leaving him a man short. Daniel’s gaze went back to his mother’s window. He wanted to blame her for the rift between him and his brother, but knew that was unfair. She hadn’t told him to act so prideful.

  He rode Tornado to the barn and called for Jeb.

  “You need something, boss?” Jeb came out of the barn. A piece of hay dangled between his teeth, much like a cigar.

  Daniel tried to remember a time when the old man wasn’t chewing on a piece of grass or hay. He shook his head at the silly thought. “I need someone to escort Miss Hannah back to the schoolhouse when she’s ready. Would you mind doing that?”

  “I reckon I can babysit for you.”

  Hannah would have a fit if she heard him say that. Daniel laughed. “I wouldn’t say that too loudly, Jeb.”

  Jeb grinned up at him. “Say what?”

  Daniel shook his head. “Nothin’, I reckon.” He enjoyed mimicking Jeb’s turn of phrases.

  “I’ll get her home safe, Daniel. Don’t you worry about that.” Jeb ambled back into the barn.

  Daniel turned Tornado toward the cook shack. More than likely he’d find most of his men still there. As he rode, his thoughts turned to his little brother. He’d have to apologize, and prayed Levi would accept it.

  But not right now. Levi had looked mad enough to take on a bull when he’d ridden away. Daniel could only assume his brother was headed to town.

  The question came to him. Would Levi ride into town and marry the first available girl? Worry ate at him. If Levi did, there was a good chance Daniel would lose the ranch. He didn’t have time to dwell on the problem long, because Cole came galloping up to him.

  When Cole galloped anywhere, it usually meant he was on his way to report more trouble. Daniel braced himself for the next round of bad news.

  “Boss, we’ve found another butchered yearling in the west pasture.” Cole’s eyes said there was more bad news coming.


  “And it’s a fresh kill. So fresh we can butcher it and save the meat.” His gaze moved to the ranch house.

  Daniel looked to the house, also. Hannah was coming out the kitchen door. He watched as Jeb walked to meet her. At least he knew she was safe, meaning he could focus on the poachers.

  He felt Cole’s eyes upon him. Daniel turned to look at his best friend. “Let’s get busy.”

  Cole swung his horse around to ride alongside Tornado. “You’re in love with her, aren’t you?”

  Was he in love with her? Daniel glanced over his shoulder and saw that Jeb had brought two horses from the barn: Brownie for Hannah and another mare for himself.

  Hannah pulled herself into the saddle with ease. No longer was she the woman who’d been afraid to get too close to a horse when he’d first met her. Her skin had tanned over the past six weeks and she’d slimmed down. The riding skirts she now wore looked better on her than any dress a woman could wear.

  His mouth went dry again at the thought that she could have stumbled on the poachers this morning. Who knew what they might have done to her? He cared about her deeply, but love?

  Cole laughed. “If you have to think that hard on the question, then I’d say the answer is yes.”

  Daniel turned back around. His friend was right, but he didn’t have time to dwell on feelings of love. And he definitely wouldn’t confess it to her until after this business of poachers and rustlers was put to rest.

  * * *

  “Really, Jeb. I can make it from here.” Hannah tried to convince the old man to return to the barn.

  “Miss Hannah, my job is to get you back home safely, and that’s what I’m a-doin’,” he answered without looking at her.

  She had to admire him for wanting to see his assignment through. “All right.” Hannah followed Jeb’s mare through the woods. She could point out that she’d walked to the ranch house in the dark this morning, but knew that wouldn’t sway the old man to give her some solitude.

  At least school wasn’t starting for a couple hours, she told herself. She’d be able to settle down for a few minutes and reflect on her morning. Not that she really needed to.

  She’d found the henhouse empty of chickens and eggs, told Daniel and gave the news to Opal and Bonnie. She’d listened as Daniel discussed with his mother what needed to be done to make the ranch more secure, and had been told by Daniel to not wander about the ranch alone.

  Hannah knew he was thinking of her safety, but he needn’t have talked to her like a child. She still fumed at the thought. The schoolhouse came into view; Hannah knew she needed to get her emotions under control before her students began arriving.

  Jeb stopped on the edge of the woods. “I’ll watch until you wave,” he said.

  She nodded. “I’ll tie Brownie up, then wave goodbye.”

  “Fair enough.” He moved the piece of hay from one side of his mouth to the other.

  “Thank you for bringing me back.” Hannah waited for his nod, then proceeded to the lean-to, which stood a good fifty feet from the schoolhouse. Brownie snorted when she tied her to the post.

  Hannah left the saddle on. “I’ll have one of the older boys unsaddle you in a little while.” She patted the brown mare’s rump and walked around to the front of the schoolhouse, where she waved to Jeb.

  She watched as he left.

  Was it her imagination or was she hearing chickens squawking? Hannah heard her puppy, Buttons, yelping inside the school.

  She hurried up the front steps to let her out. It wasn’t like her to forget to put Buttons in the pen Daniel had built for him in the back. Even now she would have sworn she’d done just that this morning, before leaving.

  Hannah opened the door and feathers almost choked her as the air pulled them toward her. The roar of the dog barking and hens making a big ruckus filled her ears. What in the world was going on? She stepped inside and found the little black-and-white puppy chasing chickens.

  They were everywhere! What were the chickens doing in the school? She made a grab for Buttons and slipped. Her feet flew out from under her and Hannah landed with a resounding thud on her back. She looked upward and saw frightened birds flapping about the room, trying to get away from the loud puppy.

  “Buttons! Stop!” She tried to sit up.

  Buttons ran over, licked her face and took off after another hen. His sharp yelps filled the air and caused her ears to ring. The angry and frightened chickens were making quite a fuss of their own.

  “Buttons! Stop!” Hannah yelled again. She managed to stand up among the flying feathers and flapping wings. Her feet slipped in the goo that seemed to cover every inch of the floor.

  The dog raced around her ankles. Hannah grabbed his wiggling body and hurried through the building to the backyard, where she promptly released the excited puppy in his enclosure.

  She rushed back inside. The chickens were settling down, but still clucked and fussed. A few hopped and flapped their wings in aggravation.

  Hannah groaned. Now that they had calmed down her other senses kicked in. The smell of poop and hot birds became overpowering. She covered her nose. What was she going to do with them? Why were they here? And how was she going to gather them all up?

  The only pen she had was the one Buttons now occupied. She couldn’t put the hens with him. But they couldn’t stay in the schoolhouse; the children would be arriving soon. Hannah wanted to sit down and cry. She knew the mess had to
be cleaned up and something done with the chickens.

  She inhaled to calm her nerves and quickly wished she hadn’t. She thought about closing the door and going to Jeb with her problem, but then remembered Daniel telling her not to wander about the ranch. Since the hens were in her house, that meant the poachers had been, too.

  But why had they let Buttons inside?

  Hannah didn’t have the answers. She walked to her desk and sat down. The chickens now studied her as they moved about the room, making soft clucking sounds. Hannah was sure they were complaining about their new living quarters.

  She laid her head on her desk and muttered, “Lord, what am I going to do now?”

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Daniel looked up at the bright sun, which was straight overhead. They’d worked all morning cleaning up the butchered calf. He’d given most of the meat to the men and taken the rest up to the big house.

  He and Cole had tried to track the poachers but had lost their trail along the river. All morning he’d thought of Hannah and knew he owed her an apology for his rude behavior. Tornado pulled at the bit, wanting to go faster. Daniel held him at a steady walk.

  What was he going to say to Hannah? Should he confess he loved her? Tell her that he’d been praying over the words she’d said the night before? Explain that it would take time for him to understand his new feelings toward her and God? He leaned against the saddle.

  The sound of children’s laugher could be heard as he got closer to the school. Assuming they were at recess, Daniel was shocked when he saw them walking in a straight line, holding a chicken, with some holding two.

  Hannah was leading them. She held four hens upside down by their feet, two in each hand. Where had she gotten the hens? He stopped Tornado and watched as they passed, seemingly unaware of him and the horse.

  Daniel could hear the hens clucking now. He spotted Opal’s granddaughters in the line. Daisy cuddled a hen close and stroked its head. Mary walked beside a ten-year-old boy who held a hen in each hand, the same way Hannah carried hers.


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