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The Only One for Me

Page 7

by Bridget Anderson

  For a split second, Corra thought back to how young she was having sex with Eric. “I suppose you’re right.”

  He moved even closer, reaching for her hands and intertwining their fingers. “Would you have come out here with me?”

  She watched him study her, with curiosity in his eyes. He wanted to know how she felt about him. She nodded and lowered her voice. “Nothing would have stopped me.”

  Chris let go of her fingers and wrapped his arm around her waist, pressing her against him. He lowered his head and she closed her eyes. When his lips touched hers, her knees weakened. He gave her a soft kiss on the lips at first, then he opened his mouth and changed her world forever.

  The moment Corra had fantasized about for so long, but thought would never happen, had arrived. She’d secretively been in love with Chris long before she ever met Eric.

  Corra welcomed Chris’s embrace and kissed him as if she were trying to make up for all the years they were not together, but should have been. She lost all inhibitions and tried to rip his clothes from his body. His hands were all over her back, her waist, her neck, any and everywhere he could get them.

  Chris couldn’t get enough of the sweet taste of Corra’s lips. His body was on fire and his mind was racing with a way to make love to her right now. He wanted her naked and in his bed. She tugged at his clothes and ran her hands under his shirt. He ached for her so bad at the moment all that mattered was being inside her. She moaned into his mouth, and casting good judgment aside he backed her up until she touched the wall.

  She was a smart, hardworking woman who undoubtedly had no idea the effect she had on him. She had a body that would make any men stop in their tracks after only one glance.

  He pulled his head back to catch his breath, and slid the straps from her dress off her shoulders. He kissed her there. She smelled like fresh-cut flowers. She had no idea how special she was to him.

  She reached up and stopped him from undoing the top button of her dress.

  His brows furrowed. “What’s wrong?”

  “Chris, are we really doing this? You know I’m a package deal. Whoever dates me has to essentially date my kids too. They’re the most important thing in my life and I won’t let any man come before them.”

  He nodded. “I’m not asking you to. I’ve been thinking about this ever since the fund-raiser. Ever since I learned Eric was out of your life. I’ll admit I had to think about it for a minute, but this is what I want.”

  “Is that the real reason I didn’t hear from you after you went back to Philly? You had to think about us?”

  “Maybe a little. But, I was busy like I said, and to tell the truth, I had to come to terms with our car accident. I wouldn’t lie to you. Ever.” He got lost in the deep, dark brown pools of her eyes. He had to assure this woman that he was ready for her package and wouldn’t shy away.

  He yearned to feel her skin against his. His fingers ached from the need to touch her. For her to touch him. But not out here, not like this. He took a deep breath, kissed her shoulder again before fixing her dress. “Come on, let’s go back up to the house.”

  Back in the main house Chris asked Corra, “So, how do you like the house?”

  “Yes, it’s amazing. I still can’t believe you bought it. Who’s working on it?”

  “I am.” He walked around turning off lights.

  “No, I mean who’s doing all the physical renovation work?”

  “I’ve hired a general contractor for the major work, but I’m doing a lot of the restoration work myself, with my dad’s help.”

  Corra stopped. “You know how to restore a house?”

  He chuckled. “Yes, I do. Remember I used to work construction every summer. And my dad taught me everything I need to know about woodworking.”

  On the way out Corra stopped and rubbed her hand across one of the lions positioned at the entrance. “You’re keeping these aren’t you?”

  “You like them?”

  She looked up at him. “I do. They remind me of you, actually. Muscular, with a powerful build, impressive, quiet.”

  Chris grabbed her hand. “Okay, let’s stop while you’re ahead. I’ve got a roar like a lion too. And as much as I want you to hear it tonight, I don’t think you’ll get to. So let’s get you home.”

  Chris clenched his jaws and willed himself to keep going until Corra was inside the car. Trying to have sex with her inside his dusty renovation was not how he wanted their first time to be. They had plenty of time to be together. And one thing he did have in common with a lion, was patience.

  Chapter 11

  Because it was dark Chris insisted on following Corra to Mrs. Baker’s to pick up the kids. Then he followed her home. Jamie and Katie begged to see inside Chris’s car, and proceeded to touch and inquire about every button. Corra was thankful Chris didn’t mind, and seemed to enjoy explaining all the features.

  After she ushered the kids to bed she walked back down to the front door where Chris waited.

  “Thank you for seeing me home safely.”

  “Not a problem. I don’t think I could take it if something happened to you again while you were in my company.”

  Corra started to make a joke about the car accident, but the serious look on Chris’s face caused her to change her mind. The accident hadn’t been a laughing matter. Someone could have been killed. “You know that car came out of nowhere. There wasn’t anything you could do. I’ve told you that before.”

  He lowered his head. “Yeah, I know. But I still go back to that night and think if I had done something different—”

  “Stop thinking about it. What’s done is done. I’m fine now. The experience caused Rollin to keep the bed-and-breakfast open, and I’m happy working there. All’s well that ends well.”

  Chris glanced up the steps before pulling Corra into his arms. She wrapped her arms around his neck and met his kiss with all the longing she’d harbored for him all day.

  He released her and whispered, “Thank you. My dad told me the same thing, but I think I needed to hear it from you.”

  Corra realized he’d been walking around feeling guilty about his involvement in an accident he never caused.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow?” he asked.

  “Sure, after work. Wait! No. Uh, I have something to do after work tomorrow. How about Thursday?”

  Chris nodded. “Okay, we’ll include the kids next time.”

  Corra bit her bottom lip to keep from gushing all over the place. Just what she wanted, a man who not only thought of her, but thought of her kids.

  “That sounds great.”

  He opened the front door. “Okay, don’t work too hard tomorrow. I’ll be in touch.”

  Corra said goodbye, and then stood in the door until Chris pulled off. She could have told him Eric was coming by to see his kids, but why ruin a perfectly good night. It was apparent from his comment earlier that Chris still didn’t care for Eric. Besides, the visit had nothing to do with Chris.

  * * *

  Half past seven and Eric still hadn’t shown up. The kids had finished their homework and were about to take their baths. Corra had hoped Eric would show up before that time, but she wasn’t waiting for him.

  After their baths she walked down to the front door to peek out the window one more time hoping Eric would be pulling up. When she pulled the curtain back a figure moved into view. She jumped back, thrown off for a second. Then she looked again. It was Eric pacing across the front porch.

  Corra cautiously opened the front door. Eric turned around, took a deep breath, and then smiled. Once a handsome man, he now looked thinner and older than his thirty-two years.

  “Hey, Corra. I was about to ring the bell.”

  He cleared his throat and shoved his hands deep down into his pockets.

/>   “Come on in.” She held the door open.

  Eric walked past her and she was shocked at the dramatic decline in his appearance. He’d always been very particular about his clothes and shoes. But, he looked as if he’d slept in his clothes and his shoes had seen better days.

  He turned around and clasped his hands together. “Thanks again for letting me visit the kids. I know I owe you an explanation, but can I see the kids first?”

  “Sure. I didn’t tell them you were coming.”

  “Why not?” he asked, as he followed her.

  “And have you not show up! Do you know what that does to a child?”

  “I’m so sorry for everything.” He looked up with tears in his eyes.

  Corra didn’t give a shit about his tears. “I’ll go tell them you’re here. Have a seat.”


  She stopped when he called her, and turned around.

  Eric tried to give her his sexy smile that used to make her giggle. “You look nice.”

  His smile had no effect on her whatsoever. “Thank you.” She turned around and kept walking.

  Upstairs Corra pulled Jamie and Katie into her room and explained that their father was back, and downstairs. Jamie almost tore the bedroom door off the hinges, he was so eager to get downstairs. Katie, however, was a little more reserved.

  “Mommy, is Daddy back from work for good?”

  Corra kissed her cheek. “I don’t know, honey, you’ll have to ask him. Aren’t you excited to see your daddy?”

  Katie nodded. “Are you coming too?”

  “I’m right behind you, sugar.”

  As Corra followed Katie down the steps she could hear Eric and Jamie getting reacquainted. Jamie was in tears he was so happy. Corra found a spot on the couch and watched a hesitant Katie go to her daddy, who smothered her in kisses and hugs. Corra’s heart overflowed with joy for her kids. They held no grudges against their father who’d, unbeknownst to them, abandoned them for two years. Corra, on the other hand, was a different story.

  Eric spent time with his kids, while Corra cleaned up the kitchen and did any other housework she could find to keep her busy. She wanted to give him time to get caught up on every ball game, play and field trip they proceeded to tell him about.

  Bedtime came two hours later, to Jamie and Katie’s dismay. Eric promised to come back the next day, so they agreed to go to bed. Corra hoped he wasn’t lying to them.

  Eric found her in the kitchen cleaning out the microwave.

  “Well, they’re all tucked in. They said you already made them take a bath. Jamie was pretty adamant about that.” Eric pulled out a kitchen chair and sat down.

  Corra looked at him and thought, did I ask you to have a seat? “Thank you for putting them to bed, and spending some time with them tonight.” She didn’t move from the microwave, nor put down the sponge. Maybe he would leave if she looked busy.

  “Don’t thank me. You make me feel like a heel.”

  She shrugged. “Well, if the shoe fits.”

  “Corra, I know you’re mad at me, and you have every right to be mad. I had a problem. I was addicted. It took me a long time to admit that, but I can be a man about it now. I let gambling come between me and my family. It destroyed every good relationship I had.”

  “You mean none of your ladies stood by your side while you spent two years working out your gambling problems.”

  Eric lowered his gaze, and Corra had to restrain herself to keep from grabbing something to hit him over the head with.

  “I’m sorry about that too. I never meant to hurt you. I just got caught up in my own bullshit. I was out of control.”

  She walked over to the sink, wrung out her sponge, and placed it in the drying rack. Bullshit! I don’t want to hear all these lies!

  “I went out to California to make some money. I wanted to pay you back for every dime I spent of ours. But I didn’t have my head on straight and wound up...well, you know. The two years I was away allowed me to think straight and get some help. Believe it or not, it was the best thing for me.”

  Corra dried her hands and examined Eric for the first time since he’d arrived. She’d always been able to tell when he was lying. Like when he tried to convince her he went fishing with his buddies one weekend and she saw those particular guys downtown the same night. The next day he couldn’t look her in the eye when she asked about the trip. Tonight, he held her gaze. In fact, it looked as if his eyes were begging her to believe him.

  “Did jail cure you from cheating as well?”

  “No, maturity has. I was a young jerk who didn’t realize how good he had it. I’d never really had anything before so I didn’t know how to handle it. But, I do now.”

  She cleared her throat and walked over to get a glass of water. She didn’t want to sit down with him. He’d already overextended his stay.

  Eric leaned forward in his chair resting his elbows on his knees. “Corra, I know this might be too much to ask right now, but I need you to forgive me for my past transgressions. I’m a changed man, really I am. I cried many a night thinking about what I did to our family. I lay in bed and closed my eyes hoping to see Jamie and Katie again. I missed them so much.”

  She almost choked on her water. “Is that why you didn’t contact them once you returned?”

  That left leg of his started shaking, as it did whenever he was nervous about something.

  “I didn’t want to see them like this. I lost everything. I flew back from California with only a change of clothes to my name. But I’m waiting to hear about a job now. Once I get it, I hope you’ll let me spend more time with you and the kids?”

  Oh, hell! Eric had returned and Corra had just started dating his nemesis, Chris.

  “Eric, the kids would love nothing more than to spend more time with you. Me, however, I’ve moved on, we don’t need to spend time together.” The last thing she wanted was Eric back in her life.

  He nodded. “I understand. I knew I couldn’t just walk back into your life as if nothing happened. But I can prove myself to you.” He stood up.

  Corra took a few steps back. “The only people you need to worry about proving something to, are your kids. Be the father they need. You can never be the man I need again.”

  He held both hands over his heart. “Oh, I’d forgotten about how brutally honest you can be. Still a straight shooter huh, Corra?”

  “It’s the only way I know how to be.”

  He turned around and slowly walked out of the kitchen. She followed him to the front door, thankful the evening was over.

  “Well, now that I’m back maybe we can work out a schedule or something so I can take the kids sometimes.”

  When he turned around Corra was shaking her head with her arms crossed. “I have sole custody. Those kids will not be leaving here with you. You’re welcome to come by and visit as long as I’m here.”

  He opened the front door. “Okay, if that’s how we’re gonna play it.”

  “That’s how it is.”

  “Yeah, I was just hoping you’d see it in your heart to bend a little since I haven’t seen them in so long.”

  She shook her head. “Court order.”

  “Okay, well we wouldn’t want to go against a court order, would we? I guess I’ll see them the next time I see you,” he said with a smile.

  Corra nodded. She didn’t like the crafty smile on Eric’s face. The old Eric would have exploded by now and gotten mad at her. This Eric stood on the porch smiling like everything was right with the world. Or, was he up to something that would make her regret looking him up?

  Chapter 12

  Friday morning went a little smoother for Corra as far as getting the kids off to school. When the bus driver turned the corner, Jamie and Katie were still in th
e house, but headed out. The bus driver never even honked his horn. Corra was only a few minutes behind them headed for work.

  The ladies of the house were having an 8:00 a.m. meeting to discuss the upcoming nuptials between Tayler and Rollin, and new product lines for the B&B. When Corra arrived everyone was eating breakfast.

  “Morning, ladies,” Corra greeted her family.

  Tayler looked bright and cheerful in a simple yellow sundress and sandals. The color complemented her complexion, and her cute short hairstyle made her look youthful. “Good morning, Corra.”

  “Hey, Corra.” Kyla had on her usual khaki pants and a beige polo shirt, which gave her thin frame an even longer look. For weeks Kyla had tried to talk Rollin into some resemblance of a uniform for the staff, but he hadn’t agreed on anything yet.

  “What’s up? Girl, grab yourself a plate.” Tracee, Kyla’s older sister and one of Corra’s favorite cousins, still had on her apron that protected her white slacks and top from any spills. A hairnet covered her natural hair, which was styled big this morning.

  Corra grabbed a plate and joined them at the kitchen table.

  “How’d it go getting the kids off this morning?” Kyla asked.

  Corra smiled. “Better, believe it or not. I tell you, we’re getting this thing down to a science.” Every morning Corra entertained with a new story detailing their attempts to meet the school bus.

  “But isn’t school out in a couple of weeks?” Kyla asked.

  “Yes, school’s almost out, but kids are a work in progress. You’ll understand someday.”

  “Well, Corra, we’re glad you made it early.” Tayler interjected. “Ladies, can we talk while we eat?”

  “Sure.” Everyone agreed.

  Tayler kicked off the meeting going down her checklist. Kyla confirmed there would be a variety of flowers for the wedding. And Tracee confirmed she and Rita had the food and cake covered.

  “Okay, I’ve capped the guest list at fifty. Reverend Daniels is scheduled to perform the ceremony, and Rollin’s booking the music.”


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