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The Only One for Me

Page 15

by Bridget Anderson

  Sharon crossed her arms. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “If you did you would understand the level of fear I went through that night. Something I never want to feel again.” She turned off the closet light and closed the door.

  Corra followed Sharon out of her bedroom. Down the hall Sharon stopped and turned around.

  “You know, I may not have any children, but I wouldn’t be so stubborn that I couldn’t recognize a good man for my children when I saw one. A man who’s everything I’ve ever wanted.” She turned back around. “But then again I don’t have children, so what do I know.”

  A lump formed in Corra’s throat. The constructive criticism she dished out is what she valued most in her friend.

  * * *

  Sunday afternoon, everyone showed up for Jamie’s last baseball game. Corra was overwhelmed by the support. Before the game Rollin threw balls with Jamie as he’d done all season. There was no sign of Eric, or Chris. Not that Corra expected to see Chris, but deep down she had hoped he’d show up.

  When Jamie came up to bat Corra sat on the edge of her seat. His doctor had diagnosed him with intermittent asthma, which if treated properly could be controlled. She cheered when her baby hit a home run. It didn’t look like his asthma diagnosis was going to keep him out of the game.

  After the game, the team celebrated at a local ice cream shop. Corra and Katie joined them. In the middle of the celebration, Jamie came over and sat with them.

  “Mom, do you think Chris was at the game?” he asked.

  She shook her head. “No, honey, I didn’t see him.”

  “Is he ever coming back?” Katie asked, holding her ice cream cone up to the sky.

  Corra closed her eyes. She’d done the one thing she had no intention of doing. She’d brought a man into her life, introduced him to her kids, and now he was gone. Her stomach churned with disgust. She set her cup of ice cream down. How the hell could she have done that?

  She leaned back and put her arms around her kids. “You like Chris, don’t you?”

  Both of them nodded vigorously.

  “He took us to Beech Bend Park,” Katie announced.

  “Well, he’s pretty busy with work right now.”

  “Like Daddy was?” Jamie asked.

  After a deep breath Corra decided to come clean. “No, not like your daddy. Chris owns a company here in town, and sometimes he gets real busy. So he might not be coming back to see Mommy again for a while. But, he’ll be at the wedding next week and you can see him then.”

  “Yippee!” Katie cheered.

  “Did you break up with him?” Jamie asked.

  Corra looked at her little man with new eyes. He was growing up. “Something like that, yes.”

  Chapter 25

  Corra stood in Rollin’s bedroom on the most important day of his life, almost in tears. “This is the perfect weekend for a wedding. The weather is beautiful, the house is immaculate, and the whole family is here.”

  “Only two people are missing,” Rollin added. “I wish Mama and Daddy were here.”

  “Yeah, me too,” Corra agreed.

  “I think I miss them more today than I ever have,” he said, staring at himself in the mirror.

  “Don’t make me cry.” Corra wiped at her eyes. “Are you nervous?”

  He seemed to consider the question for a moment, then shook his head. “Nope. I’m confident I’m marrying the right woman.”

  Rollin pulled on his suit coat and gave himself one last look in the mirror.

  “So handsome,” Corra said. “Tayler’s a lucky woman.”

  “Don’t I know it,” Rollin said, as he bounced up on his toes.

  Corra punched him in the arm.

  “I’m just playing. If anybody’s lucky it’s me.” He turned to Corra with a serious expression on his face. “And thanks for helping me see that. I know I can be kind of stubborn sometimes.”

  She smiled. Looks like that runs in the family.

  Rollin turned around and wrapped his arms around Corra. “In case I haven’t told you lately, I’m so proud of you. I know it’s not easy raising two kids by yourself on the salary I can afford to pay you.”

  “Thanks, but like I told you, this house is our family legacy. I wouldn’t want to work anyplace else. I’m amazed by how much we’ve grown since last year. And the future looks brighter than ever.”

  The bedroom door opened and Rollin released his embrace. Corra wiped at the tears welling in her eyes. Her single brother was about to be a married man. Hopefully, one day Jamie and Katie would have more cousins.

  Rollin’s best man walked in. “Oh, isn’t this touching. Brother and sister sharing a moment.” He closed the door behind him and walked over to give Rollin some dap.

  Corra smiled. “Well, I’ll let you two do what guys do while I go find my sister-in-law.”

  After making a quick pass through the family quarters to make sure everything and everyone was okay, Corra worked her way through the guests. Finally, she reached the stairs. Since the staircase would be a major focal point of the ceremony, earlier that morning Kyla and Corra had decorated it with tulle and flowers. If she had to say so herself, they did a stunning job.

  Inside the same bedroom Tayler once occupied when she first arrived in Danville, Corra found her and her family. Corra had met Tayler’s family the day before, when they arrived, and instantly liked them.

  “Oh, my God, Tayler! You look stunning.” Corra stood with her mouth open admiring Tayler in a white fitted gown with spaghetti straps, detailed with beaded lace, crystals and a small train.

  Tayler smiled. “Me! You look amazing. And I see you have your Jimmy Choos on.” Tayler pulled up her dress to show off her shoes.

  “Silver stilettos with wings?” Corra burst into laughter. If she knew Tayler those shoes cost a fortune. “Where did you get those?”

  “Compliments of my husband-to-be. A good man buys you shoes.”

  Seconds later, someone opened the door and said, “Showtime!”

  Corra could hear soft music coming from downstairs. With her emotions running high, she walked to the door, but quickly turned around to give Tayler a gentle hug, and whispered into her ear, “Welcome to the family.”

  * * *

  After posing for too many pictures to count, Corra made her way into the backyard reception filled with beautiful flowers and beautiful people. Young men from their church served as waiters. The church had also loaned them a large tent that covered most of the area, along with some extra chairs. Guests floated in and out of the house.

  While Corra and Tracee were admiring all of their hard work, Kyla and her date stepped out into the backyard, holding hands.

  “That’s the same guy I saw Kyla with at the mall. Is that her new beau?” Corra asked Tracee.

  “Looks like it to me, but she said they’re just friends.”

  “I think somebody’s coming out of her shell.”

  The couple walked right past Jamie and Katie who stood several feet away talking to Chris. During the ceremony Corra tried like hell not to glance in his direction, which was hard since he sat on the second row. He’d looked as handsome as always in a beige summer suit.

  Now, he’d shed the jacket and tie. The kids pointed at her and pulled him in her direction. She turned her attention back to Tracee, who’d chosen that very moment to go back inside.

  “Mommy, look who we found,” Katie said. Chris pretended to let the kids pull him.

  “Mom, Chris said I could go for a ride in his car,” Jamie declared.

  Corra gave him the evil eye. No matter how many times she asked that boy to stop pestering people about their cars, he never would. The minute he was old enough to drive she was going to have her hands full.

is smiled at Corra. “Hey, how you doin’?”

  She smiled back. “Great.” Seeing him again set off the butterflies in her stomach. Memories of their lovemaking replayed in her mind as she looked at him.

  “You look great. I like the shoes,” he said, with a smile.

  When he purchased them he’d said they looked sexy on her. “Thank you.” She bit her bottom lip, thinking about how much they’d turned him on.

  “Mom, can I go for a ride in Chris’s car?” Jamie asked again.

  “No. Stop asking me that. And leave Mr. Williams alone.”

  Jamie let go of Chris’s hand and with a pout, crossed his arms over his chest. A group of little girls walked past and Katie disappeared with her new friends.

  “So, I’m Mr. Williams now?” Chris asked Corra.

  She hadn’t even realized she’d called him by his last name. “That’s what they should call you, you’re an adult.”

  Chris gently gripped Jamie by the shoulder. “Jamie, why don’t you look for me in a few minutes, and if your mother approves, I’ll give you a spin down the road before I leave.”

  Jamie uncrossed his arms. “Oh, boy. Can I, Mom?”

  Corra looked up at Chris and shrugged. “I guess it’s okay.”

  Elated, Jamie turned to run off. “I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

  “You’re leaving so soon?” Corra asked.

  “Unfortunately yes, I’m flying to Philly later.”

  “Duty calls.” She smiled and gestured with her fist.

  Chris smiled and momentarily glanced down at the ground. “Yes, it does.” After a beat he said, “I finished the house.”

  Corra’s eyes widened. “Congratulations! I’m impressed.”

  “Thanks. Maybe you and the kids can come out for a pool party before the summer’s over.”

  “Sure. Maybe.”

  She waited for him to apologize again. When he didn’t, she wondered if she should.

  A few people passed and spoke while Corra tried to avert Chris’s stare. He was polite, but never took his eyes off her for long. The minute they were alone again she found herself wanting to usher him inside the house away from everyone so she could have him all to herself. She wanted them to stand naked holding one another the way they did the first time they made love. She wanted to make love in her Jimmy Choos again.

  Chris looked at his watch. “Well, I’d better be going.”

  “But the reception’s just starting. You’re not going to wait until they cut the cake?”

  He shook his head. “Everything’s beautiful, by the way. I know you did a lot of the decorating.”

  “Thank you.” The wind went out of Corra’s sails knowing that Chris was about to leave. Sharon had been right, Chris was a good man.

  “Oh, is it okay if I give Jamie a spin around the block?”

  She took a deep breath. “Sure, just try not to get into an accident.”

  He laughed. “I’ll try my best not to. Enjoy yourself. I’m going to hustle over and say goodbye to the bride and groom.”

  No! Stop! Don’t go! Everything in Corra wanted to ask Chris to stay. She wanted to apologize for her behavior. Couldn’t they just pick up where they’d left off? Instead of saying anything, she just stood there feeling sad and lonely as he walked away.

  Chapter 26

  The start of the new school year found Corra more prepared than she’d ever been. She made pancakes, bacon and eggs for Jamie and Katie who sat down for breakfast before school. Their backpacks were by the front door, and their lunches were packed and waiting for them at the end of the counter.

  “Mom, can we go to the park after school today?” Katie asked.

  “You most certainly can, right after you finish your homework. So that means you do what as soon as you come in from school?”

  “My homework.”

  “That’s right. Jamie, did you finish your homework last night?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  Corra fixed her plate and sat at the table across from her kids. Together they ate breakfast like a normal family. The new normal for this Coleman family.

  After breakfast Corra opened the front door to let the kids out so they could walk to the bus stop. Like little soldiers Jamie and Katie marched out onto the front porch with their backpacks on. Suddenly, they took off running down the steps yelling out, “Chris, Chris.”

  Corra stepped out the door as Chris came around the front of his car, smiling at the kids. Her pulse quickened as she yanked the headscarf from her hair and threw it behind the door. Chris gave Katie a hug, and Jamie a handshake. Her little man had grown up so much over the summer.

  The school bus came screeching around the corner and the kids waved goodbye. Corra called after them to be good in school today.

  As Chris strolled up the steps, she bit her lips to keep from smiling like a damned fool, but couldn’t stop her heartbeat from racing.

  “Good morning, Corra.”

  She crossed her arms. “Good morning.” Chris looked ready for Wall Street instead of his small office in Danville. The butterflies started a dance in her stomach.

  “The kids look good,” he said, as he reached the porch.

  “Thank you, they’re excited about the new school year.”

  Chris nodded. “I hope you don’t mind that I stopped by. I, uh, thought maybe we could talk a minute.”

  She lowered her arms. “Sure, come on in. I’ve got a few minutes before I leave for work.”

  She closed the door behind them and followed him up into the living room.

  “Corra, I’ve got something to say and I need you to listen.”

  She took a step back and looked up at him.

  “Have a seat, please.” He gestured toward her couch.

  She crossed her arms.

  “Sit down, Corra.”

  She didn’t know what had got into him, but she walked over to the couch and sat down.

  He let out a loud breath. “I’ve been agonizing over this for weeks. I made a mistake.” He started pacing. “I’ve never dated a woman with children before, so this is all rather new for me. And I’m probably going to make more mistakes. But, I’m going to try like hell not to. All I know for sure is that I love you, and I want what we had back. I want you and the kids back in my life.” He stopped pacing.

  Corra lowered her head and closed her eyes to keep the tears from falling. Chris kneeled in front of her. He took her chin in his hand and raised it so they were eye to eye.

  “What I’m asking is if we can start over? I told you before, you’re the only one for me. I apologize for everything.”

  Corra smiled. “I accept your apology. And maybe I overreacted a little too. The last couple of weeks have been crazy without having you to look forward to. You don’t know how much I’ve missed you.”

  Chris stood up and pulled Corra into his arms. He kissed her. “Thank you. I’ve missed you too. And there’s something else I’ve missed.”


  He licked his lips and winked. “Well, we have the house to ourselves.”

  A shiver ran through her. “But don’t you have to go to work?”

  “I’m the boss. I can be late.”

  Corra smiled. “Yeah, I’m part owner. I can be late.”

  “You still got the Jimmy Choos?” he asked, arching a brow.

  She reached down and took his hand. “Come on, let me show them to you.”

  Chris smiled and followed her upstairs to her bedroom.

  * * * * *

  Keep reading for an excerpt from LOVE ME FOREVER by Serenity King.

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  Love Me Forever

  by Serenity King

  Chapter One

  “What in the world have you gotten us into, Dad?” Jarred muttered, a frustrated sigh escaping his lips. He’d been scrutinizing legal documents for what felt like hours and still didn’t have any answers to his many questions about one of their newer acquisitions, Tempest Mortgage.

  Jarred Manning had always thought he had it all: a comfortable, enviable career as lead attorney for Manning Enterprises, a multimillion-dollar banking corporation, wealth and a beautiful brownstone in the Park Slope neighborhood of Brooklyn, New York. Until the Tempest Mortgage deal.


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