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True Blue Love: The Thorns, Book 3

Page 18

by Melissa Lopez

  Unease tightened the muscles along his shoulders.

  “Bloody excellent.” Cohen snickered. “Wish I had my phone on me. T would get off on how pissed you look right now.”

  Ignoring his brother’s amusement, Miller watched as his Yank climbed into Darel’s truck. A property for her to rent? What the hell had gotten into her? He’d thought they’d had everything worked out. She’d stay with him until she had to leave.

  Bloody fuck.

  His gaze narrowed on the disappearing taillights.

  “This is better than the telly.” Cohen’s laughter grated on his nerves.

  Miller flipped him off.

  Pulling himself together, his brother stood. “But I’ve got to check on my girl. Abbey will pout all night if I don’t.”

  At the slam of the door, he closed his eyes. Why had the bloke been invited over? He’d liked the arrangements Kaycee and he’d been living with just fine.

  Kaycee’s breath caught as she approached the porch. Miller still sat where she’d left him, only now he held Lily on his lap. The little girl slept in his arms.

  The sight tugged at her heart. For a big man, he looked so gentle holding her. “Hey. I’m back.”

  Darel tipped his hat before he went on inside ahead of her.

  “Get your business taken care of?”

  “Yes.” Her smile wasn’t returned, causing her confidence to slip a notch. No. She raised her chin. The decision to rent a house on her own had been the right one. To stay with Miller would just make things harder for her later on. She’d fallen in love with the Native. She loved him. Had probably loved him since he first said “G’day” to her on the flight from Sydney. It was the nuttiest thing ever.

  Love at first sight. Too bad her feelings weren’t returned. He might want to have sex with her… He might care about her. But he didn’t love her back. He wasn’t crazy in love with her.

  The independence of her own place would allow him to come and go freely. And, if he wasn’t interested in her at all, well, this way he had an easy out.

  Sighing, she took the stairs up to stop before him. She picked up Lily’s small foot and rubbed the top before letting it go. “Did she show you I painted her toenails?”

  “Eh, said she painted yours too.”

  “Yep, she did.” She smiled. “She must’ve been exhausted.”

  “I bounced her on my leg until she fell asleep.”

  “Aww, you’re a great uncle.” She sat beside him.

  “They’re nuisances more times than not.”

  Kaycee laughed easily and leaned into his side. He’d pretty much said the same thing about the station dogs. But she’d seen him pet and play with the lot of them. Miller was a big bear. A gentle teddy.

  “You know, renting a property wasn’t necessary.” He didn’t turn her way, instead seemed to focus on those in the yard.

  “I did it for me.” She hugged his free arm.

  He made a noncommittal noise.

  “And I did it for you.”

  His rugged jaw clenched.

  She sighed, and looked away. Communicating would be easier if he’d say what was on his mind.

  “This way you’ll have no pressure to continue our casual relationship.” Pain erupted under her breast. Casual wasn’t how she felt. She relaxed her hold on him. Wanting him to feel more for her wouldn’t change the way things were.

  “Kaycee…” Her name in his accent sent her nerve endings skittering. She held her breath. Instead of saying more, he stood, hefting Lily in his arms. “I’ve got to get her inside.”

  “Oh, of course.” Hurrying over, she held the door for him to go through. She went in search of dessert. She watched his retreating back as he headed upstairs. Once he disappeared she turned toward the kitchen.

  She wouldn’t mope. Renting a place of her own had been a good plan. Had been her plan before she’d even arrived in Australia. This show of independence was important to her.

  In the kitchen, she collected a slice of pie. Relieved, she smiled when Miller joined her again. She offered him a bite, and he took it. So, she offered him another. The act of feeding him was a favorite one of hers. It was as fun as it was sexy.

  “You want some more?” She balanced the empty plate on her palm.

  “Nope. I had more than my share earlier.”

  “Then why did you eat mine?” She laughed.

  “Because you were feeding me.”

  Heat scorched her skin, arousal swirled in her belly.

  “You ready to get out of here?”

  “Oh, sure.” She set the plate and spoon in the sink. “Is your mom ready?” Maree had ridden into town with them earlier.

  “She’s staying over a couple days to help Hayleigh with the girls.”

  Kaycee surveyed the mess. “Should we help clean up?” Guilt niggled her conscience. Hayleigh and Cohen had had a big turnout. She hated eating and running.

  “Others will pitch in.” Miller took her hand. “Come on, luv.” He took the choice from her.

  As they passed Miller’s cousin Sly, she waved goodbye. She smiled when he tipped his hat. The drover was a very shy man.

  Outside as they approached the vehicles, a man broke away from a group. The man stopped a couple feet in front of them. A frown pulled at her mouth. The newcomer looked a great deal like Lee.

  “So, you finally talked Travis into leaving.” The man’s voice was tight. “You had no right to send him off to get his arse blown up.”

  Miller let go of her hand. “Your son left of his own free will.” Using the flat of his hand, he urged her to step out of the way.

  Murmurs erupted as the men got everyone in the proximity’s attention. Not sure what was going on, she looked around in worry.

  “Bullshit. You’ve drummed joining the military into his head.” The man, who had to be a relation, got into Miller’s face. She thought she’d met all of his family in attendance, but she guessed not.

  Miller didn’t flinch. “Travis is a man full grown.”

  “Hey.” Cohen rushed up to get between them. “This is not happening at the missus’s party.”

  “No, it’s not.” Miller took her hand in his rough palm. His thumb rubbed back and forth.

  “Matt?” Cohen eyed the other man. Matt, now that name she knew. Lee’s twin brother.

  “Sure.” Matt raised his hands. “Sure, but maybe someone should warm M’s sheila what will happen if things don’t work out for her and the boss? Poor Emily is still paying for leaving him.”

  The murmuring grew louder.

  Miller let her go to advance on his cousin.

  Kaycee’s breath caught. Matt was out to start an argument. But still, she wanted to know who Emily was.

  “Not here, M.” Cohen moved faster. “Remember it’s Hayleigh’s birthday.”

  “Eh, I remember.” Miller reached for her once more. “Come on luv, let’s get out of here.”

  She looked back to see Matt staring furiously at Miller. She sighed.

  Inside the truck, she tried to relax. But tension radiated from Miller.

  Miller brooded for a half hour without saying anything. Instinctively, though now she looked half asleep, he knew Kaycee wanted to talk about what had happened. He didn’t know what to say. Or how to say it. Bloody fuck. He should’ve smashed Matt’s cakehole in.

  Matt should’ve never brought Emily up. He understood his cousin was angry about several things. Travis leaving. Lee’s lifestyle. Hell, probably even felt shitty about not standing up for his own brother. But Miller’s past should’ve never been brought up. Especially not in front of Kaycee and out of context.

  I’m marrying John Ashlan. He’s a man who can give me everything I want. Christ, he’d thought he’d loved her, he’d had no clue she’d been rooting with John too.

  The old anger knotted in his guts.

  Only since meeting Kaycee had he been remembering Emily’s final words.

  In the glow of the dashboard lights, he studied Kaycee.
Eh, he’d thought he’d loved Emily. He hadn’t. Not really.

  Kaycee was so easygoing. Lighthearted. A direct opposite from him. Ten to one, if he didn’t say anything, she’d let him blow it off. Something about Kaycee stirred up insecurities he’d worked his arse off to keep buried. Christ knew the Yank was too good for him.

  Only he didn’t want her to be hurt if he didn’t explain Matt’s idiocy. What he’d done had been best for the station. When Emily’s marriage to Ashlan had failed he’d been put in the position to buy their land. And he had. It’d been a good business decision though apparently not everyone saw it as one. He hated the idea of old memories coming between them.

  “Matt’s shitty about Travis joining the military.”

  “Hmm, I gathered that.” She straightened up, brushed her hair back. “Matt must have had Travis young.”

  “Eh, he was fourteen when he got Kiara pregnant.”

  “God, that was young.”

  “Eh, Kiara was sixteen. After T was born, she ran off.” He shook his head. “Everyone stepped up to help Matt out with T.”

  “He was lucky to have a family to support him.” She scooted over to his side. Her head rested on his shoulder. Lust heated his blood. Swelled his prick. Yet something stronger constricted his chest. Something that never failed to make him feel good, as if he was worthy of her attention. He’d have tried talking to her sooner had he known it’d have gotten her to his side of the seat. “Travis ever see his mother?”

  “Nope.” Travis had never mentioned Kiara Fields to him. Not once.

  She sighed. “That’s too bad.”

  “Eh, a real bitch.” He cleared his throat. “About Emily.”

  Kaycee lifted her head expectantly.

  “We were both young.” Sweat beaded his palms. “What Matt said.” Fuck, he didn’t want to talk about the past. It had no place in his life today. “It’s bullshit.” When Emily’s marriage had collapsed a decade ago somehow his name had come up as at fault. “It’s bullshit.”

  “I know.” She shifted to sit on her foot and run an arm around his shoulders.

  “Emily and I were young…” Christ, he didn’t want to admit how crazy stupid he’d been about her. How much her betrayal had stung his young pride.

  “You don’t have to talk about Emily.” A warm kiss was pressed to the side of his face. “I trust you, Miller. I know your cousin was speaking out of anger.”

  He grunted. That was a bloody fact. Matt had been pissed and had sought to take some of his aggression out on him. Had it not been for Hayleigh’s birthday, he might have gotten into it with the mate.

  “Well, know if you ever do want to talk, I’m here.” She kissed him again, before resting her head back down.

  Bugger me. She didn’t want to let it go. “If you want to know something specific, just ask. I’ll answer.” His problem was he didn’t know how to chew the fat just to be talking. What bloody details did you tell a woman about another?

  “Okay, seems fair.” As she moved, her breath brushed his ear. “And if there’s anything you want to know about my past, just ask.”

  Kaycee with other men… His breathing accelerated. Now, he didn’t want to go there. He was no fool. Kaycee had a past. She was too damn pretty not to have a past. But the thought of her with another knotted his guts up.

  Jealously was a rare state for him. Eh, it was best to leave their pasts out of the present. Already he knew the men in her past were idiots. Otherwise, she wouldn’t be alone now.

  She twisted closer into his side. The arm around his shoulders rubbed along his muscles. Her other hand drifted down his chest to slip under his shirt. “I trust you. That means the world to me.”

  Trust meant a lot to him too. Loyalty. Fidelity. He didn’t think the two traits were too much to ask. But Emily had taught him a life lesson. So had Denae, along with his brother.

  Nails raked over a flat nipple.

  He shifted as his pants grew uncomfortable.

  Her laugh was easy and seductive. “I love your chest. How responsive you are to my caresses.”

  “I’ve noticed.” The way she touched him made him crazy. No one had ever heated his blood the way she did. But it wasn’t a one-way street—to touch her set him on fire too.

  Another swipe of her long fingernails caused his balls to tingle. He swallowed. “Luv, unless you want me to pull over…”

  “Oh, really?” Eagerly, she moved her delectable body so she could nibble on his ear. “Here in the middle of nowhere?” A tongue teased, lingered only a moment before her lips nuzzled his ear. “Want to know what I love most of all?”

  A shudder racked his body. “What’s that?”

  “I love that space, right where your hips dent in…” her hand ran down along his chest to his belt buckle. His hard prick pulsed for freedom, “…and that long stretch of skin from your belly button downward.” She ended on a panted breath.

  Oh fuck. She had him feeling like a youth unable to take more. Growling, he pulled the truck off the road and killed the engine. With a hand, she turned his face her way. The kiss was gentle and quick. “Help me get your pants undone.” Quick fingers reached for his fly.

  Eyes closing, he groaned.

  Good things like this didn’t happen to him. He’d hang on to Kaycee as long as she let him.

  Chapter Fourteen

  The phone woke her along with Miller’s low rumble of reply. Opening her eyes, she came aware to a still-darkened room.

  After he hung up, he rolled back over and took her in his full embrace. His broad chest warmed her back. The rough hair along his legs tickled hers. Muscular arms protected her.

  “Was it important?” It had to be. Who calls in the middle of the night without an emergency?

  “I’ve got to leave at first light. There’s a bad fire to our south.”

  “Oh, no.” Heart in her throat, she clasped his arms on a deep exhale. A wildfire. It seemed every year in the States, California burned. To have Miller go into something like that terrified her to no end.

  “Kaycee?” He nuzzled her neck, his thickening cock pressed into her behind. “Don’t worry. I’ll be gone as I’m needed and be back as soon as I can.”

  “Is that a promise?” Almost panicked, she tried to turn around. But he didn’t loosen his hold.

  “Eh, it is.” His lips teased her skin. “Relax for me.”

  A delicious shiver raced down her spine at the feel of his wet mouth on her shoulder. An appetite for him surfaced, heating her skin. Swelling her breast. With a moan of willingness, she arched her hips to press into his rigid length.

  He grunted. His mouth and sweeping tongue incited desire. His massaging hands on her breasts goaded the flourishing climax. In the wake of the nip of his teeth on her skin, adoring lips soothed. Rough fingers tweaked and teased her aching nipples.

  Her senses overloaded at his sexual ambush. He taunted and teased her hips, stomach with his hands. He rubbed his hard cock between the cheeks of her bottom and had her floundering on the brink of orgasm.

  Enthralled with the desire he harnessed, she bit back a scream. She was that close to begging. But still, the sweetness of the building passion kept her panting.

  To come. Or not come.

  Big hands squeezed her breasts, molded them to their liking.

  To come. Or not come.

  His hot cock did a bump and grind against her backside.


  Instead of offering her relief, he continued to build the flames of arousal. Wetness pooled between her thighs. The swollen outer lips of her pussy tightened further along with her clit.

  She wanted nothing more than to be taken and ravaged at his will. She tried to move one of his hands toward the apex between her thighs but he wouldn’t budge.

  Kaycee whimpered, thrust her hips back into his big cock.

  Excitement grew with each rush of his rapid breath.

  Abruptly, he eased away from her for the briefest second. She knew what t
hat meant. Protection. Her heated skin wasn’t even given time to cool before he was back. Only he rolled her onto her stomach.

  Pleasure intensified in her center when her hips were arched up, leaving her so open, so vulnerable.

  Apparently done teasing, Miller pushed his big muscle into her needy body. She trembled and arched up more in offering.

  Buried fully, he grunted.

  She whimpered.

  He was so big.

  So hard.

  And so deep.

  What he did to her felt incredibly good.

  Immediately, his thrusts turned savage. The roll of his swiveling hips was ruthless.

  Kaycee choked as her breath was driven from her quaking body. Still, she wanted Miller to take her faster. Deeper.

  The frenzied pumping of his cock sent her closer to the abyss. His harsh breath electrified her skin as he dropped down onto his palms. He now rested just over her body with his big cock pounding into her. “Miller!” A cry caught in her throat. Pulses of pleasure flowed outward, and she tensed in climax.

  So delicious.

  So fine.

  So addicting.

  Oh yes… The orgasm went on and on, clamping around his throbbing muscle.

  Miller came on a long groan. His bucking hips and arched body sent final shockwaves of delight through her sex.

  Exhausted, she collapsed where she was. Her thighs ached. While her pussy had numbed from the workout.

  He eased off her to settle down on his back. “Come here, luv.” His hand on her shoulder encouraged her to move her sated body.

  “Hmm.” She rested her head on him, placing a hand over his drumming heart. She rubbed a single leg over his.

  Still breathing hard, he kissed her forehead.

  “I love you.”

  On a groan, his arm tightened around her to hold her closer.

  “I love you.” Though he didn’t acknowledge her words, she embraced the fact when she told him of her feelings and he didn’t turn away from her. He held her closer. “Please, be careful.”

  “Shh, I know what I’m doing.”

  Oh, Miller. People died every single day doing what they knew best. Doing what they loved to do. “Will you call me?”


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