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About Dafne

Page 20

by ZEd Lab

  Speaking of to love surprises

  It was ferragosto. After some days of ugly time, Dafne and it Gilds they decided to finally make a trip very attended, to the famous Palace of Versaille. Dafne was excited as a child to the idea to see her/it.

  It was in Paris from two months and the thought to never have felt Bob it tormented her/it. You/he/she would have liked a solo sign, and it would have very wanted to give him/it. It is sure what July and August it was departed without two nobody succeeded in doing him/it. Dafne was not allowed to demolish; you were for becoming distracted himself/herself/themselves there, to understand whether to get ready himself/herself/themselves to the future, and it convinced him in continuation that not to feel the best thing was him/it.

  Together with his/her/their aunt, you/he/she had visited big part of the artistic attractions in Paris; it still missed so much to see, above all for a thirsty person of art as Dafne.

  But tourist activities were not left to him same. It gilds you/he/she had inserted his/her niece inside some activities of the association; this helped him to improve his/her French, that to the arrival few flowing was shown in the conversation. You/they were dealt with to organize a cineforum in half summer, entirely devoted to the Nouvel Vague. But to Ferragosto, it Gilds and Dafnes dispersed him, granting himself/herself/itself one day of absolute liberté. Together with the two women Bastien and Alizèe were united. Bastien was one of the acquired nephews of it Gilds; the mother of the boy was sister of the dead husband, as well as only love of his/her life. Alizèe had been being his/her fiancée for a couple of years. Both were twenty-eight years old. Bastien was a tall boy of average build; its skin was pale as that of a child. Hair was very clear, as the eyes. It was from a little reentered by the Blue Coast, but of that vacation its complexion didn't preserve some sign. Alizèe introduced him instead with a beautiful complexion and more definite lines, certainly helped by the Brazilian origins from mother. It was a girl in meat, from the extremely beautiful features of the face; the great black eyes and the lips well you draw they swayed the attention from the build some heavy. The two boys were happy to know and to accompany Dafne in that that promised to be a beautiful day.

  The visit inside the Palace was amazing. Dafne had never seen anything of the kind, both in luxury and in greatness. It stirred before and back for the great Gallery of the Mirrors, with dreamy air. To the sight of that enchanting place, satisfaction was uncontrollable. For years you/he/she had seen of it and read on the texts of school, but to be himself/herself/themselves of person there was a whole other thing. Ripercorrendo was the most famous places of its preferred historical period; the house of the sovereigns of France, killed by the greatest revolution of the history.

  While it is Gilding and Bastiens remained to rest himself/herself/themselves inside the stately gardens of the Palace, Dafne and Alizèe they decided to visit the Grand Trianon. For both it was the first visit to Versaille, and they had intention to see the of it more possible.

  A sudden indisposition of Dafne was to ruin that whole frenzy, that began to accuse sharp pains to the stomach. It found way of taking a seat and it tried to reassure Alizèe. He/she explained her that it was guilt of the tiredness, tied up to the fact to hardly have touched his/her lunch to the sack. He/she asked her not to speak to it Gilds of that indisposition without momentary doubt. The evening the four stopped him in a characteristic restaurant to dine, near Mont-Martre. Dafne understood that the hunger didn't have anything to do with it granché with its discomfort. Later the day went out of buon'ora, saying to it Gilds that a jump would have done to buy some warm croissantses. Once reentered, his/her aunt there was not, but you/he/she had left a ticket, informing her/it that you/he/she was due to escape because of some urgent matters. Dafne placed the croissantses, then it extracted from the purse a pouch smaller than it hid after all to his/her closet.

  That same morning, to more than eight hundred kilometers, Bob faced the third one sat by the new psychotherapist.

  That actual way of facing his/her problems you/he/she was strengthening him/it. It felt to hold his/her potentialities to succeed in transforming the limits in resources. And these changes were surprisingly rapid. You/he/she was discovering an internal strength indeed determined. As man emerged, first still that as I give birth, companion or worker. You/he/she was managing his/her distance from Dafne in mature way. It missed her, this was undeniable. But it tried to go on, preparing himself/herself/itself to the possibility to have to do without it, perhaps forever.

  Cassandra had not gotten a lot in the days when you/they had shared the apartment. Nevertheless their relationship he was done more confidential. Bob had helped a lot her to face the discovery that, as feared, some due scars to the accident would not easily have disappeared. In expectancy an aesthetical intervention would perhaps have been able to improve the things, but for the time being you/he/she was learning to accept that signs, that showily marked her part of the sottomento and the neck. This event had subsequently touched Bob, that had been her near to sustain its outlets and its discomfort. Or after all, she perhaps, helped in turn it to feel less only himself/herself/themselves and less absorbed from the job. You/he/she had known a side of humbler Cassandra of that of façade, and this had distracted a lot of his/her evenings. You was making mutual company in a sultry, and desert Milan because of the summer exoduses.

  Cassandra, even though upset by his/her incidental post, you/he/she had tried everything create with Bob an atmosphere that went over the friendly relationship. It was convinced that friendship was a good beginning, but he/she didn't want to consolidate too much her, otherwise you/he/she would have denied the possibility to be born to qualcos'altro. You would never have been satisfied with the friendship; you/he/she had been a beautiful footstep before, but its objective was not certain. Bob, seemed instead not to see other, if not an attractive and nice woman with which to spend some time.

  On August twenty-five Cassandra would have completed trentaquattro years; Bob asked her to call some common friend for a supper to house or a pizza in center. But she seemed inflexible.

  «For charity, I don't feel like seeing any Robi. It doesn't suit me.» it said burdens bored, for fact what he proposed her something in group.

  «But Cassandra, is closed in the house from half July! You/he/she could be a good occasion to see some people again. Mistake or have you told me you same that someone has looked for you?» it replied Bob.

  «Yes, but not because dies from the desire to see me, only because to the job I am irreplaceable, everything here. And in fact I will start over working from house, before makes to fail the agency.» it said her with conceited air.

  «You are too much pessimist on the personnel and too much sure of you on the professional one. If only I made some equilibrium among the two things, would be a perfect woman to get married! Don't you want to celebrate then?» Bob winked with witty air.

  Cassandra hesitated before answering. That sure and sharp frecciata of Bob had struck her in full. Him the inclusive ones, so the it drew near and the face grazed with her fingers.

  «Do something, pizza from me, with cold beer and a beautiful film! Can you/he/she go?» the churches with sweetness.

  «Yes, you/he/she can go» she responded blushing.

  Only that man had the ability to embarrass so much her. That clear eyes and depths succeeded to spiazzarla, always and however. "As you/he/she would have been if that look was loaded of desire? Would you/he/she ever have been able to be more meddler of so?" Cassandra would have given all to discover him/it.

  A few days before the birthday, Bob wandered in center in the attempt to purchase some thought that could throw her on the moral one. Among the shops still closed for vacations and the scarce knowledge of the tastes of the woman, the search was difficult. Despite this, Bob had a serene expression. To make something nice for a woman was a lot him missed. It found a shop of class that he/she sold intimate; definite to give her a good person. Wh
ile the order put him/it in a sophisticated packet, he lost him among thousand thoughts. It began to wonder if that gift could be misunderstood. Of sudden it began to wonder you display her avances of Cassandra they were or less Royal, as you/he/she had always sustained Dafne. He/she anchors with these thoughts in the head, Bob entered the bath of a cafe of the center. After the hands and legacy to have washed the hair, an instant stayed to fix its image, reflected in the mirror. To that point, the thoughts fly well more distant.

  In that same instant, also Dafne fixed his/her image, with more stunned air, in the bath of his/her aunt it Gilds. Now it was certain that soon everything would be changed, without still succeeding in shinily establishing if in well or in badly. It gilds it entered bath, noticing that Dafne had not reached her to table yet. Smiled at his/her niece, that immediately was thrown to her neck.

  «I have to return in Milan!» it said Dafne crying.

  «Sure not to want to wait for some yet? I believe is wise that you I put back a few other days.»

  Dafne nodded, recognizing that the suggestion of his/her/their aunt was wise, as every time.

  The evening of August twenty-five Cassandra went out, direct homeward of Bob. You/he/she had decided to declare himself/herself/themselves, once and for all. It hoped that its birthday reserved her the most beautiful gift.

  After a fast appetizer, Bob lifted the telephone to order two pizzas. Cassandra looked him/it at estasiata: Bob had the untied hair and a very serene face. He/she wore a pant of dark flax, wide on the legs. Above, a shirt adherent to short sleeves, that it marked the harmonious chest and the wide shoulders of it. His was not an excessive musculature. It was everything well delineated, taken care of by those that Bob defined a healthy feeding and a healthy swim in swimming pool. Without counting a generous mother nature, that aesthetically had not neglected at all him. After supper, the two arranged the film to see. Just before to insert the dvd, Bob decided to give her gift. While Cassandra discarded his/her good person, an auto was entering the district, destined to arrive soon in front of house of Bob.

  Cassandra didn't make him miss the wisecrack; after a thanks, drew near enthusiastically to Bob with particular impudence.

  «I would have preferred that chose me something you.» it whispered after having moved his long hair behind the ear.

  Bob was embarrassed. It immediately damped the situation grasping the remote control to start the film. But Cassandra grabbed the remote control and threw him/it on the other side of the couch. It drew near to few centimeters from his face and the takings among the hands.

  «You cannot pretend not to have understood.»

  It immediately drew near him to kiss him/it. He threw back the head grabbing her wrists.

  «I regret Cassandra, but it am not the case, indeed» it replied him.

  «Thing is, I am not your type?» churches she, bothered by that refusal.

  «It is not this, I don't believe in the ideal types; I believe in the love. You are a beautiful woman. But I cannot now complicate the things. I regret indeed» he/she explained Bob.

  «Creeds in the love, but do I have the clean feeling that you don't do anything to try again it. because? Because you don't want to turn page? I would give you all myself, I would like only to be able to try. we have been well in this period, you cannot deny him/it.»

  After this raw declaration he/she didn't leave him time neither to answer, neither to get up. It grabbed him/it with decision and he/she kissed him/it. He tried to wriggle out himself/herself/themselves, but that kiss overwhelmed him/it, and after a first resistance if the granted ones. That woman had pursued him/it for years with silent devotion. The desire that Cassandra communicated him was contrasted to the refusal of Dafne. At that time Bob felt him desired, as you/he/she was the only man on the earth, feeling of which you/he/she had intense need.

  In that same moment Dafne went down from his/her auto, parked next to house of Bob. The girl had the feeling that the heart beat her on one side to the other of the breast. It was about to see Bob again, and it was about to speak to him of something of which it sticks he didn't persuade, but what time it made her/it happy. In to draw near to the door of entry it flowed that the great glass door of the living room had the lifted curtain; from the inside it filtered the weak light of the lamps and the power on television. Dafne decided to give one peered at before playing. It was certain that his/her Bob would have perceived on the couch, even exhausted after his/her trainings in swimming pool, perhaps abandoned to listen to music in bathrobe, with the hair still bathed, as you/he/she was usual to do after the shower; or you/he/she would perhaps have seen him make a game to chess with himself. But you/he/she would ever have imagined to see his/her Bob that kissed Cassandra. Dafne whitened. The blood the he froze in the veins, immobilizing her/it. It withdrew the head and he/she remained leaned to the wall letting then himself/herself/itself slip for desperate earth. It turned the content of his/her purse on the lawn, in the attempt to look for the keys of the auto. The anxiety and the dark confused her/it. Before you/he/she was go decided that you/he/she would again have looked. Now the scene was different. Bob had taken the distances from the woman. It hid the face among the hands, with nervousness; then he threw back the hair in an attitude that didn't not at all seem serene. It followed a caress of Cassandra, that the hair of Bob grazed with to do very confidential. Dafne didn't succeed in looking over, and it ran away.

  Cassandra tried to take back the physical contact with Bob, but this time he was firm in his/her position. You excused for being granted him that kiss, but its intention confirmed her not to want to go over, neither sentimentally, neither tantomeno physically. After having accompanied again her/it, it reentered to house. In front of the quarter of his/her residence something upset him/it; it was a strange feeling, that he/she didn't know how to make sense of himself/herself/themselves. Desire came him to take a seat on the step of the door of entry. The summer seemed ended, and the temperatures were not very generous anymore. The sky had thousand different colors, Bob would have looked at him/it for times. It was reformed for that kiss; for a long time you/he/she was felt abandoned, but he/she now knew that, for how much rationally it desired him/it, nothing could remove Dafne from his/her heart. You/he/she would have given all not to try that void. The summer was about to end and he didn't know anything of her. Not even a call. Lost in those thousand reflections, the look ended for earth: to its left it flowed a ticket. It picked up him/it and he/she saw with amazement that was a ticket of the Air France: for the exactness a Paris-Milan of the same day. Bob had a wince.

  It was the one of the morning. You/he/she would never be been able to fall to house of Dafne to that time. It was sure that that ticket was his. You/he/she had shaken, impatient. Felice for the fact that had returned, but frightened to the idea that you/he/she had seen him/it with Cassandra. As you/he/she would have succeeded in explaining her misunderstanding? Only the morning later, meeting her/it, you/he/she would have had his/her answers.

  That night Bob fell asleep to work, helped by a sleep aid. To the nine of the morning it was already in front of house of Dafne. From an auto, on the other side of the road, the parents of the girl went down at that time. Months had been being departed for the last time that you/they were seen. You had the very disturbed air. His/her father remained in auto and went away. Dolores crossed the road, going I meet him decided.

  «Roberto! Thing us ago here?» churches very amazed and some annoyed.

  «Safe Dolores. I regret indeed to disturb her/it; it gave me of the you the last time.» it said him to break the ice.

  «You/he/she has been being passed a lot for the last time. Does thing bring yourself here?» churches her looking for in awkward way the keys of house. It was nervous.

  «I know that Dafne has returned from Paris, I imagine both from you.»

  The mother of Dafne was immobilized, more and more brim.

  «Who tells you him that you/he/she has returned?» he
/she asked Dolores in the attempt to take time.

  Bob noticed the embarrassment in the face of the woman.

  «I know him/it and enough. Do I beg her, is it in the house?» churches him firm.

  «You feel Roberto, I don't want there to enter these your matters. I know only that Dafne is not here. Don't ask me other.»

  That attitude made suspicious a lot of Bob, extremely convinced that the woman was lying.

  «Feels Dolores, I know that last night Dafne has come from me. However you/he/she has not played. I believe has seen me with a friend and you/he/she has perhaps misunderstood a certain thing. We are already a lot of incasinati, and I don't want more tender dormant our situation. I have need to see her/it, I beg her/it.» churches humbly.

  «Roberto she there is not for indeed. But you are right, you/he/she has come from you last night, it had to speak to you; then you/he/she has seen you with that other and you/he/she has returned here, destroyed. And this morning you/he/she is made to accompany again in the airport. It is a testona, it had to rest here to house, and instead.» he/she confessed the mother of Dafne, even though aware of to have already spoken too much.

  «I regret Roberto, but I have already told you more than what I was able. Dafne has been very clear» it continued Dolores.

  «Thing didn't have to tell me? What has you/he/she returned in Paris?» churches him, hoping to know about the other.

  «Nothing of nothing I had to tell you! You feel Roberto, I have also tried there to tell her that you were passing only perhaps an evening with a friend. But you/he/she is convinced to have you lost and he/she now wants to settle himself/herself/themselves in France. I believe that I/you/he/she am a madness in a moment so. but it is to testona. You/he/she has made us race to the airport to the seven of the morning» he/she explained the woman, evidently in disagreement with the impulsive choice of his/her/their daughter.

  «Dolores I have need to understand, does thing mean that he/she believes to have me lost? Is it convinced that I am with that woman?» he/she asked worried Bob.

  «Roberto, knows only that last night you/he/she howled as a crazy person, and my only thought was to calm her/it. It kept on repeating to have made a stronzata to have left you for so much time, that has pushed you among the braccias of another. and that its life didn't have anymore here sense. I don't understand there nothing. I have never known thing is taken you this spring, I believed that you would have gotten married. And you have made a big disaster instead. Just now.»

  Bob was confused, you/he/she didn't understand those half sentences of Dolores, that of sure you/he/she was not saying everything. It looked for so to favor the woman hoping to get information on Dafne.

  «You are right Dolores, on everything. Dafne and I finally have to restart, I have my guilts, that I bring behind me as a boulder; and Dafne perhaps has his after this summer. However I love her/it and I want to be together with her, to start over me, to marry her/it. I have need to see her/it, and she has to help me.»

  «Roberto, if he/she sees you arrive there, that he/she kills me. The fact is that. there is to thing that The ams not able. really The ams not able! I am convinced that certain things is goes said, the attitude of my daughter is unforgivable, but I has the tied up hands, indeed.»

  Bob didn't not at all understand the sense of those disconnected sentences. To anything that woman alluded, he absolutely had to have the address of Dafne to Paris.


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