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An Extended Family

Page 3

by Austin Daniels

  He nodded his head, then added, "Same time tomorrow?"

  "Works for me," I said, watching him lick his lips. As he started to rise, I put my hand on his head, pushing him back down. "You aren't done yet. You need to suck the rest out."

  Leaning down the rest of the way, he glanced up as he put his mouth back over me, squeezing me from the base to the tip and swallowing the last of it.

  Once done, he sat back with a smile on his face and said, "Same time tomorrow?" Then he was up and jumping into his clothes.

  "You know, you don't have to leave yet." I said. "You came here for release and you haven't been there yet."

  "Actually, that happens sometimes when I'm asleep, but I've never actually done that. I know most guys start doing stuff when they're teenagers, but I just never did. Anyway, I have to go, see you tomorrow."

  "Wait," I ordered.

  Preston turned around, his eyes were already half closed. Being ordered to turn around had already started the process. Walking toward him I looked closely as he pulled himself together. "You know, there is so much more."

  "I love what happened today. There is time for more… later. This is what you wanted and I'm happy with this. Besides, I need the practice. I'm just not ready for more yet."

  "When you think you're ready, we'll do more. I don't want you to think this is all I do. I just wasn't going to have a lot of time and didn't want to get involved, but when you're ready we'll be doing something else." He was a new sub, so I chose my words carefully. I wanted him to wonder what I was talking about when I said, 'something else.' That would keep his mind on me until tomorrow. Right now, niceties weren't called for. He needed to hear dominance. I was careful to make sure everything took his decision-making away. At the same time, we both knew he had full control of what he would and would not do.

  Smiling ear to ear, Preston said, "Yes, sir," and walked out the door.



  After Preston walked down the sidewalk to the street, I closed the door and went back to the dining room, in the center of the old house. I'd set up a small office near the door to the kitchen. This was where I sat everyday for hours on end, writing. This was where I'd begun my writing career. As I sat in front of the screen, I had to concentrate to remember the characters I was writing about. It's that time travel story about the daughter of a wealthy landowner in 19th century Ireland, I thought as my hands settled on the keys.

  He's coming back, I thought, breaking my concentration. That boy is going to be back here every day. A virgin showed up to be my sub. Sitting there, staring at my dark computer screen, I whispered to my reflection, "Not only is he a virgin, but he's never even jacked." Turning on the computer, I shook my head, wondering how he ever had the courage. He wasn't just sure he was gay, he was sure he was submissive.


  At four the next afternoon the phone alarm beeped. I stopped to see what I'd written. Eight thousand words had been added to the manuscript. It was my personal best. Ireland had become a lot more romantic. The alarm allowed me the time to jump in the shower and still have time to season a bit. Recently soaped up skin is just a bit on the rubbery side, I thought. Dirty men are awful, but freshly scrubbed men are somehow terribly sterile.

  I thought about putting on a white robe, but the image of a man in a white robe as a Dom just didn't work for me. I put on a pair of 501 button flys and a tight-fitting t-shirt, left my shoes off and went back to work. I'd set a timer for six forty-five on my phone and kept it sitting by me in the event he tried to send me a message or call. I didn't want him to call and accidentally hang up on him trying to pull the phone out of my pocket.

  At six fifty-nine, I walked into the living room just in time to see his car being parked in front of the house. As he got out of the car, he kept his eye on his watch while slowly walking toward the house. A moment later, he was walking across the porch and knocking at the door.

  The door slowly opened. I was pleased to see he'd remembered my instructions. There was a flash of joy in his eyes. As he looked back toward the bedroom I put my finger in his mouth, reached behind his head with the other hand, and pulled him in.

  He stood there with a stiffened body and a look of alarm even as I closed the door behind him.

  "I know I told you to go to the bedroom, but I'm changing that for today. Kneel," I said. He dropped to his knees now, looking over my hand, and up my arm to my eyes. I could see he was already filling with need.

  "You've returned. Do you remember the commitment I left in your hands, the promise you were to make if you returned today?" I slowly pulled my finger from his mouth so he could speak.

  "Yes, Sir. Returning today means that I promise, as long as I come to… visit you that I will be with no one else. You have my promise, Sir."

  I ordered him to be silent. Still standing in the entry, I held his head in my hands gently running his face across the bulge in my 501's. He opened his mouth, breathing through the fabric, teasing me with the heat of it.

  I pulled him up and marched him back to the bedroom. I'd placed a cushioned mat in front of my easy chair. "Strip."

  "I don't really need to…."

  "I told you yesterday I would want you naked. Now strip." He'd agreed to it the day before. I watched him carefully to see if that had changed, but it hadn't. While he disrobed, I walked around observing him. He had a beautiful body. He was almost hairless, with slightly tanned, flawless skin, and a lean muscular build. He was shorter by about three inches, which worked for me. It always helps during domination if my sub feels fairly sure I could overpower him even though we both knew that would never happen. That trust is part of the deal. The illusion of physical superiority can work wonders taking a good sub down into his special place. I guess it gives me a mental boost as well. At the same time, I imagined it might help Preston to fall into submission if he at least suspected I could make him do whatever I chose.

  "I'm going to show you something I enjoy each time you come. Consider it to be me training you to be the sub I want you to be. I'll respect your request not to repeat anything you don't like but understand that I will try many things on you so you'll know one way or the other. I will not attempt anal sex with you until such time that you're ready. I will make that decision. I'll show you other ways to be submissive and other things you can do. Meeting daily and adding a single thing each day should advance you fairly fast. I think it's important for you to experience the pleasure you've missed all these years. We'll work on that."

  "Yes, Sir," he said while kneeling without being asked on the padded section of floor. The look in his eyes was hypnotizing. He didn't break the line between his eyes and mine. I knew I could not falter. This boy was an uncut gem, and he wanted me to train him. My plans of having a nice sub come and make quick work of my needs were dissolving. I slowly disrobed and taking his head in my hands asked, "Tell me again, how you feel when I take your head in my hands?"

  Taking a moment to think about it, he finally replied, "It makes me feel kind of peaceful. It helps me relax, like I'm giving up all control. Right then my mind empties. All my concerns are gone. I know that, for now, I belong to you to do with as you please and somehow that's comforting."

  I unbuckled my belt and set it aside. As I unzipped I watched his face build with anticipation, hearing the metallic pops as I pulled the zipper slowly down. Kicking off my pants I stood before him in my briefs. I was already filling one side. "Remove my briefs." I ordered. As he reached up I tapped his hands to one side. "With your teeth," I added, watching him glance up to see if I was serious.

  As he struggled to pull them off me, the hardening lump he was feeling through the fabric a moment before popped loose and swung into his face. He was not shocked or surprised but seemed anxious to continue.

  Perfect, I thought. He's responding just the way I knew he would. Walking around him once more, I stopped in front of him and let him view me up close. Taking his head in my hands once again, I tilted hi
s head to one side and lightly slapped his face with my hardness, which was already beginning to throb. Straightening his head but maintaining control, I ordered him to look at it. "Tell me what you see."

  Preston's green eyes held the stare, examining the small bead of liquid at the tip. "It's sort of leaking," he said.

  "Stick out your tongue." He looked up at me with those beautiful eyes while I wiped my pre-flow across his tongue. "Now, open up." He stretched his jaws to receive me and I leaned in, pulling him down until his nose was buried in my pubic hair. "Now suck," I said as he leaned back withdrawing and applying suction the whole way. Usually by this time I was teaching a boy about not holding me while he sucked, but this boy didn't arrive with any habits for me to overcome. I sat in my chair while holding him in place, scooted to the front of the chair, and ordered him to proceed.

  Spreading my legs apart, I leaned back and just watched him practice on me. I'd break in with an occasional instruction, but he was doing a fine job. My occasional order was designed to keep him in the zone. He'd stop and run his tongue up and down each side then slide down again. This time he pulled back, lifting me out of the way to give him access beneath. Once in place he gently took each orb into his mouth. I figured it was something he'd been thinking about. I suspected he'd seen a lot of porn in his research and seemed to be trying to fulfill a memorized list of acts, wanting to try each one, to determine which ones he liked.

  I encouraged him to experiment in any way he could, trying to support his desire to experience the things he wanted to try. Before I knew what was up, he had both of my legs up and was running his tongue further down. I wanted to stop him, thinking he was getting ahead of himself, but realized it must be something he'd been thinking about. I wasn't about to stop him. Each time he tried something on his own I could check off something I'd planned to show him. Usually I'd be more forceful about it, but he seemed to be in his zone and I didn't want to interrupt his concentration. After all, I'd told him to do anything he wanted. I knew I was clean, so I allowed him to move on. The source of his knowledge, his research as he described it, must have been in the form of novels or online porn. I couldn't imagine how else he knew about the possibility of things like this, but I was becoming curious just how long his bucket list was.

  He responded passionately. It was apparent that I'd need to consider including this in our future sessions. After a minute more he lowered my legs and sat back on his haunches. "Was that okay?"

  "You liked that, didn't you?"

  "Yes, Sir."

  "Did you like it a lot?"


  "Then it's just fine. I need you to always want what is about to happen. You aren't here just to put yourself out to please me. I like showing you new things, but it's important to me that at some level you enjoy what's happening. Sometimes you might have mixed feelings. They usually clear up quickly, even if you aren't sure how you feel about it at the time. I want us always to do what we both want. In time we'll experiment and build a list of favorites, things that, after a while, we'll feel unable to do without."

  With that he returned to my original order. Occasionally he'd gaze up with his mouth completely encircling me. The effect of his hungry green eyes looking up, just to see if I was watching, was more than I could bear for long. "Okay, Boy, slow down, I'm getting close and I want to prepare you for what you are about to do. Next time you'll just know." Placing my palms over his ears I pulled him onto me increasing the speed while giving him subtle instructions. "Tighten your lips around me just a bit to hold it in and get prepared." Before too long I took a deep breath and flooded his mouth, all the while watching his expression, unable to take my eyes off every nuance.

  This time he wasn't surprised. He was tasting and swallowing slowly as though savoring it, enjoying himself in an almost spiritual way. When he was done, I moved forward off the chair, rolling him onto his back. As he rested on the soft carpet I straddled him, slowly lowering myself until I was kneeling over his hairless chest. Staring down into his eyes I gave him my order, "Open your mouth and stick out your tongue."

  Pulling from the base I squeezed the remaining drops onto his waiting tongue, watching it flatten and flow toward the edge dripping onto his chin. Reaching down I pulled the wandering drops onto my finger and inserted it into his waiting mouth. That got me an unexpected expression. I'd hoped it would surprise him, but instead it seemed to amuse him. His expression was more like someone trying not to laugh.

  When he was composed again he reached up to squeeze me just a bit more. "I feel like a vampire," he gasped. "I thought about your making me swallow it all night. I had to try it again. You're right. It's an acquired taste. Yesterday this totally shocked me. Now I'm just hungry for you to do it again."

  "That's my Boy."

  A few seconds later he was up and dressing and running for the door. "Is five okay for tomorrow?"

  "Sure, but why the change?"

  "No lab tomorrow."

  "Okay see you at five."

  Head of the Line


  When I left Kyle's, I walked down the sidewalk to the street and hopped in my aging little Saturn that I lovingly called the shit-box. On my way out the door I'd told Kyle the car was seventeen years old. It looked like hell, but it ran like a Swiss watch. Closing the door behind me, I lowered the sun visor and looked at my reflection in the mirror. He's perfect, I thought. He's super hot, has a nice house, and a chest full of dark hair that makes me want to curl up and go to sleep on him. I can't believe my luck.

  Driving back to my efficiency apartment by the campus, my imagination ran wild with the possibilities. "I have a direct order not to have sex with anyone else. An order! I fucking belong to that guy. I promised him. My very own Sir." Looking in the rear-view mirror I could still see the reflected smile, this time more of a grin. When I parked my car in the parking lot I pulled out my phone and set my calendar for the next day at five. I'll get a reminder an hour earlier. That'll give me time to shower, I thought.

  Once inside I sat down and made a conscious decision to relax so I could get my mind clear of the events of the evening. When that didn't work I crawled into bed, turned on the lamp, picked up a textbook and went back to work.


  The next morning, I sat in class next to Dexter. Dexter had been in classes with me since pre-med but had only been a friend since Jake introduced him.

  "Preston, it's about time," he said. "Where the hell have you been the last few days after class? I called your apartment, but you haven't even set up your messages yet. What's going on?"

  I smiled at Dexter, saying nothing, but trying to think of a way to tell Dexter what I'd been up to. Dexter and Jake were my best friends and it was time I broke some of this news. They'd been hounding me to meet somebody and both of them shared their conquest stories with me weekly. An all-knowing look swept across Dexter's face.

  "Oh my God, you got laid," he whispered.

  "No, not exactly."

  "Not exactly? You met someone, didn't you? Tell me who."

  Looking at Dexter with a smirk on my face I whispered, "I came out."

  As Dexter tried to think of a response to what I'd just told him, the professor came into the room apologizing for being late and immediately began his oratory for the day.

  'That's my Boy,' was the main thing I could remember from the day before. While the professor talked about the assignment, I just sat there with a silly smile on my face, telling myself over and over that I was Kyle's boy.

  It was so comforting to know I'd be seeing Kyle over and over. The whole reason for this experience was to help me concentrate and get off the websites that had been taking way too much of my time. Instead I could barely concentrate on anything but my new Dom.

  After class Dexter was anxious to hear all the details. "Okay, tell me everything," he said. "You came out? So, you're gay for sure then?" Dexter had argued with me several times about coming out. While I knew he was right, I woul
d put him off saying, "I just don't have time to look for a piece of ass all the time like you guys. Besides, I can't see myself pushing a shopping cart with some guy through the grocery store. At least not yet. "

  I pulled Dexter into a quiet hallway. I decided to just tell him outright. "Look, I responded to this ad I saw online. The guy was looking for a guy to give him daily… service because he's too busy to have to deal with it, like I am. This way, for an hour each day, I have sex. The rest of the time I can study and take care of business. I'm not the kind of guy that wants to go to bars and dance. I just don't want to do that. Sir is hot and he's just what I want right now."

  "What did you say his name was?"

  "Oh. I mean Kyle… his name is Kyle," I corrected.

  "But you just called him Sir. I see where this is going. So, did you finally you know… get off?"

  "No, not yet. I figure it'll happen when it happens."

  "He doesn't mind? I mean doesn't he feel like he's not doing it for you if you never… get off?"

  "I hadn't thought about him feeling bad about it. Someday I think I will. I told him I never had. We're not pushing it. I think he's mostly concentrating on showing me something new each day."

  "Well if you learn something new each day you're going to be an expert by the end of the week. I mean how much is there?"

  Trying to clear everything up with as little discussion as possible, I looked around to make sure we were alone and told him point blank. "Look, he's a Dom and he's really hot. He's got a carpet of dark hair on his chest that swirls and points down to the good stuff. He's teaching me how to be his sub. It's good for me and I like it. After doing a lot of study on the subject, I think it's what I want."


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