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An Extended Family

Page 17

by Austin Daniels

  "Why Sunday?" Mom asked with some concern in her voice.

  "I want you to have some time to think it over. I want you to sleep on it and have time to discuss it between you before you comment. I'll return at two on Sunday and we can talk. You see, I'm gay. I always have been, and I always will be. Sometimes parents say things that their children misconstrue or things they don't mean. It isn't fair to pressure you to comment now. I've planned this, but you haven't."

  My father started to say something, and I raised my hand to silence him. "Not now. We'll talk Sunday. In the meantime, I'll say goodnight."

  Kissing them both, I left and headed across the lawn for expediency. I got in my car, and headed home.

  The next two days felt more like a week. The phone rang, but when I saw who it was from I let it ring. The message button kept blinking, but I just let it blink. My mind played tricks on me, making me wonder whether the calls were to let me know that there had been an emergency and they couldn't meet Sunday.

  At two o'clock I knocked at their front door. My mother was already standing on the other side. When the door swung open she threw her arms around me and scolded me. "Don't… you… ever give me two days to tell you how much I love you again."

  Dad was right behind her and said, "Son, I've suspected for some time. It's always been okay. I only suspected because you never really dated. I love you, son. We're both on board."

  Mom pulled me into the house and fed me for the next few hours. I told them about Kyle and showed them pictures. I thought it best to avoid explaining the specifics of our relationship. I showed them Dexter's pictures, telling them that he was my best friend. Under the circumstances I thought they needed some time before they learned more about Dexter. I hoped that eventually they'd figure it out if everything worked the way I suspected it would. Couples don't keep roommates forever, and I imagined that it might be years before they suspected anything if they ever did.

  I took a moment to make a call to Kyle. He was going to call everyone else for me. My friends were all on call for sympathy duty.

  When I arrived home, everyone was there. We were going to have a coming out party. I was already full, but Dexter had set the table and bowls of food were set out for everyone to help themselves from.

  I thought about how I'd placed a gag order on my parents. I'd never know what their initial reaction might have been or how I might have taken their words in my vulnerable state, but that was just the way I wanted it.

  The Check


  It was several months before I heard how well the new book was doing. The publisher held my sales report until they were prepared to issue the check, which arrived with a copy attached. My publisher wouldn't issue the reports until they had a figure for returns, which unfortunately for a variety of reasons is a reality for all writers.

  When the envelope arrived, I was almost too excited to wait until I got back in the house. Sitting down at my desk, I opened the envelope and pulled out the sales report with the attached check.

  The article from the New York Times had apparently stimulated sales more than I'd ever dreamed. My trip to New York had been a whirlwind tour of bookstores with several stops each day. Sales of the new novel had skyrocketed. My first month's sales had exceeded my wildest dreams. The check I was looking at would cover our expenses for a good long time.

  At the same time, Preston and Dexter graduated from medical school and were about to start their residency. They each received a stipend which allowed them to pitch in if necessary.

  Jake and Robert had become our little family's best friends. We also spent time with a couple of the other polyamorous families I knew from the bar. We often shared BBQ's or evenings out. They all came to Preston and Dexter's graduation party. It's nice when friends have a lot in common. Since none of us were surprised when someone was dominant or submissive; the atmosphere was much more comfortable.

  I had other novels out. Glenn, my agent, said that sales from the other novels were way up, too. He said that usually when one novel gets a big write up in a paper like the Times, other novels' sales pick up as well. I hoped it would continue.

  With the added income, I was considering selling the house. I thought we'd all be more comfortable in something larger and newer. I hadn't discussed my plans with the boys yet. This was one of those things I was going to need everyone's agreement on.

  I'd invited Jake and Robert for dinner. I had an announcement to make and I wanted to celebrate another very important occasion. Before the boys came home, I went out to the car and removed a package I'd hidden in the trunk the day before. Inside were three collars. Two of them were thinner than the first. They were all black leather with flat stainless-steel studs.

  I headed into the dining room and placed all three collars in a drawer in the old built-in China cabinet. I still had a little time, so I sat down to write for a while. It wasn't long before Dexter came in. I'd been hoping that he'd show up first. Part of my plans involved him, but first he was going to have to make a decision.

  "Dexter, come here. I need to talk with you." Without a word Dexter was front and center.

  "Yes, Sir?"

  "You've been here for some time now, long enough to know how well this arrangement works for you. I want to ask you something. Are you happy here?"

  "Yes, I've never imagined something like this could make me this happy."

  "Do you want this to continue always?"

  A smile began to crease Dexter's face. "I've dreamed that this could last forever. I can't imagine ever leaving here. I know if I did… I'd never be happy again."

  "I love you, Dexter. You know that right?"

  "Yes, Sir, I love you too. I love you both."

  "I think it's time we cemented our dedication to one another. Kneel, Dexter."

  Not sure where this was going, Dexter dropped into position as he always had whenever I demanded it. Placing his hands behind his back and looking down at the floor, he readied himself for whatever might come.

  "Look up at me," I said.

  "Yes, Sir," Dexter slowly raised his head, looking up into my eyes and for the first time he saw me holding a collar. It was the wider of the three. I took his head between my hands, holding Dexter's gaze. "When I buckle this collar around your neck, you will belong to me. Do you understand?"

  "Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir."

  "I showed you this collar today in private for a reason. I would like to present these collars tonight with our friends as witnesses, but I needed to talk to you first. You see I purchased two more collars.

  Looking puzzled Dexter had to ask. "Two? Why Two?"

  "They're thinner and they fit together to make a single collar that looks just like yours. The combined collar has two rows of studs. One of the collars is for me to collar Preston and the other one is for you. They signify who Preston belongs to. I will give him the collar that will sit on top. You will give him the collar that fits under mine. I had to talk to you first because I need to know the level of your commitment to Preston and me as a family. I don't want to persuade you to do something you don't want to do. If there is any hesitation, we'll wait. I can put your collar away and we'll wait to see when that day comes."

  "You don't have to wait. Please let's do this. It sounds wonderful. Preston will be so happy."

  "Yes, Preston will. What about you?"

  "I'm more than happy, Sir."

  "I have another big surprise, but I'll leave that for later."



  That Friday evening began like any other, but I was nervous. I'd remember this very special day for the rest of my life. I knew it had to be perfect. It occurred to me later that it might have been wiser to do this in private. It was a lot like proposing with an audience. There's always a chance that you'll get a no or force someone to say yes against their will. I already knew that Dexter was in, but the real surprise was going to be for Preston. I thought this would all work out, but my nerves were gra
ting against my resolve. This was so important to me that if it didn't go smoothly… well, I didn't want to even think about that.

  After I was sure that Dexter would accept his collar, we worked out the plan for the evening.

  Preston came in as Dexter was setting up the table for cards. Dexter had been teaching us how to play hearts. We all sucked at it, but Dexter was fearless. It made me proud to see him try to run the table. Most of the time he lost hard, but he had guts.

  Preston showered and changed, then joined Dexter who was getting us all a beer. We all busied ourselves. The boys were doing something in the kitchen and I was watching the news. It wasn't long before there was a knock at the door.

  Preston ran from the kitchen to greet our guests. Dexter followed with a couple of beers for what turned out to be Jake and Robert. A few minutes later, Leonard arrived with his new sub.

  I was grateful, both that Leonard had found someone, and for the opportunity to add another couple to our closest circle of friends. Leonard would always be important to me, but when he visited as a single man, I worried that it might make Dexter uncomfortable.

  When they arrived, Preston was in the kitchen arranging the cheeses on the serving plates and setting out the cream and sugar. I answered the door and was stunned to see the new boy. I recognized him as one of the three boys I'd fought with in Preston's old neighborhood.

  Before I could react, I heard a crash of dishes behind me. It was Preston standing in front of a pile of broken dishes. "Alex?" he said in a not so friendly way.

  Alex's head dropped. Turning toward Leonard, he whispered something and turned to leave.

  Leonard was not going to have his sub retreat from our front door. "Freeze, now!"

  Alex froze in place and slowly turned around. Leonard sat him down on the couch. "What's going on here?"

  Preston was the first to speak. "Alex is one of the three boys who originally beat the tar out of me. He was the least of the three. I rescued his sorry ass the day I took down his two friends. Looks like I was right; he is one of us."

  During the next few hours, we all put our differences behind us. Alex showed us pictures of his face, swollen from the beating he took from his friends not long after Preston rescued him. "Leonard is taking me to his class this week. He's bound and determined to see that never happens to me again. I told him I'd avoid that area, but he said, 'No sub of mine has to avoid any area.'"

  I was nervous, but Dexter seemed to be overjoyed. When everyone took their seats and started sampling the simple appetizers, I rose to make my announcement.

  "Before we all get too comfortable," I said. "I have something I want to share." Turning to Dexter and Preston, I said, "Boys, front and center." In seconds both of them were kneeling in front of me with their heads down and their hands clasped behind their back. I'd never done this in front of our guests to this degree, and I knew everyone was wondering what was happening, everyone but Dexter anyway.

  Reaching behind me, I opened the drawer and withdrew the collar I was prepared to give Preston. "Boy, look at me."

  Preston looked up seeing the narrow collar and a big smile erupted on what had been a face of apprehension. Later, he told me he'd thought they were in some kind of trouble.

  I slipped the collar around his neck and before fastening it I looked into his eyes and said, "If you agree to it I will fasten this collar. This means that I want you now and forever. You will belong to me. I will love and protect you always. This is my promise to you. Accepting this collar also means that you understand this union includes Dexter. It means you want to stay here with us always. Do you understand?"

  Preston looked up at me and then over at Dexter. Tears filled his eyes and he said, "Yes, Sir. Please fasten my collar." As I fastened the collar around his neck he beamed with pride.

  I turned to Dexter. "I am prepared to collar you as well. You have served as my alpha long enough to know whether you love Preston and me. Accepting my collar means you will always love and respect us. In return I will always love and respect you. I will protect you to the best of my ability. Do you want to make this commitment to remain here as the alpha of our union?"

  The look on Preston's face as Dexter answered was pure joy. Dexter turned to me and then to Preston. "Yes. Please, Sir, I will be your alpha."

  After fastening the collar around his neck, I handed him the smaller collar and told Preston to remain where he was. I gave Dexter permission to stand and I sat down with our guests, who were watching transfixed.

  Dexter ordered Preston to look up. He obeyed as he always did. Dexter reached down, fitting the two collars together, explaining to Preston that the collars fit into one. "My collar has one buckle. Yours has two which will signify the two Doms you serve. Mine fits on the bottom which signifies my position as alpha."

  Dexter seemed to assume that he had Preston's permission and it occurred to me that earlier they'd been in the kitchen a long time. They shared a special bond as we all did, but they'd been friends a long time first. It made me wonder how much of a surprise this actually was for Preston.

  Finally, Dexter told Preston that accepting the collar meant he had two owners. That he'd belong to both of us. Preston was holding back tears at first, but after a few seconds they started to flow, and he was sobbing, trying to be as quiet as he could.

  Dexter and I dropped to the floor and held him in our arms, telling him how much we loved him in unison.

  Looking to the side we could see that our guests were a wreck. Pulling back, I ordered the boys up.

  When they were both standing a cheer and calls of congratulations came from our audience. Jake and Alex jumped up to examine the collars and as usual we split off into two groups. After what turned out to be an incredible evening, everybody headed home. When they were gone, I sat the boys down. "I can't marry you both. If I could I'd have proposed to you tonight. That is how serious I am. These collars are close to being the most that I can do to express my love for you both."

  "Sir, how is this only 'close'?"

  "Marriage provides protections that this collar doesn't. I am prepared to establish a trust that will protect the two of you if something ever happens to me. I know with the professions you are about to have, you'll have little need for my royalties or property, but I don't want anyone to ever take it away from you." The boys looked at one another and then back at me.

  Both of the boys smiled at me. "Then, this is all real. I mean forever," Dexter said, standing and pulling Preston and I into another three-way embrace. After consummating our union, we lay side by side across the bed. After a few minutes we started to discuss the disposition of the collars. Preston and Dexter couldn't wear their collars at work and I didn't expect them to. They decided to take a moment and collar each other as they returned home. I approved the idea, not wanting to be bothered with stopping everything I was doing to put on someone's collar.


  The following week we went to Jake and Robert's house. They were cooking dinner. Usually that was something simple like barbeque chicken or hamburgers. Today we had standing rib roast. We were really surprised.

  Jake came over and shook his head. "I don't know why he's making such a big deal tonight. I guess he wants to celebrate your collars. Anyway, it smells delicious."

  Their table was set for seven, so we knew to expect Leonard and Alex. True to form, they arrived a few minutes late. Leonard was given a glass of some kind of cola and the rest of us were handed a glass of wine which was unusual. I had my mouth all ready for a frosty beer. A few minutes later we were called to the table.

  The plates had been removed and as we took our seats, Jake appeared from the kitchen with two full plates followed by Robert who had two more. They soon brought out the last three and Jake refilled our wine glasses.

  We were all waiting for our hosts to take a seat when Robert surprised us all. Taking a small box from his pocket, he slowly dropped to one knee, opened it, and held it up to Jake. We were shocked because
a Dom never kneels before his sub.

  "Jake, I love you more than I ever thought possible. I can't imagine my life without you. There's just nobody like you. Will you marry me?"

  We all thought that Jake was going to be offered a collar. The idea that marriage was legal for them had totally escaped us. Jake seemed to be stunned. As a Dom, Robert tended to be on the demanding side compared to me. It never occurred to me that Robert was so deeply in love with his sub. The very idea that his first love would one day be his husband was touching.

  Jake looked into Robert's eyes and, swallowing hard, whispered, 'yes,' like he was choking. A moment later big dinosaur tears started sliding down his cheeks. Robert slipped the ring on Jake's finger, then rose and pulled him up close, silencing his crying with a kiss. When the lengthy kiss was over, he licked the tears from Jake's cheek, showing everyone there was no part of Jake he considered unclean.

  Robert addressed the table, telling everyone to eat, and we all dug into the beautiful meal that sat before us.

  When we returned home, I sat my boys down for a conference. It was unusual to take this moment after a night out, but there was something that was beginning to pollute my thoughts and I needed to get it off my chest to clear my head. My writing tended to suffer if something was bothering me.

  Today my concern was my boys' comfort. "I bought this house when I was single," I said. "I didn't have a big income and there wasn't a lot I could buy. Now there are three of us and I think we need to consider buying a bigger place. My income has multiplied and now that the two of you receive a stipend you have incomes as well. Soon you'll be full-fledged doctors and our combined income will… well you get the idea."

  To my surprise they both looked horrified. Preston spoke first. "This is the house I became a sub in. It was this place where I fell in love… twice. I'm a part of this place. I know we'll be doing great, but personally I'd rather spend the money paying back some of my student loans and get those out of the way."


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