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Mail Order Nanny (Book 3 of the Amory's)

Page 3

by Hestand, Rita

  "Oh, I'll be fine. I'll get some water from the bathroom and that's all I'll need until morning. What time do you get up?" she asked as he set the suitcases down.

  "I get up at 4:30 in the morning."

  "4…:30 in the morning?" she repeated.

  "Yes, but I don't expect you to. I go to work early, and usually don't come in till around 6:00 in the evening, unless we shut down early," he explained.

  "Oh, but you'll need coffee and sandwiches…" she exclaimed. "I'll set my alarm."

  He glanced around her. "There's no need. I know how to make my own coffee and sandwiches. You are not here to wait on me. Just the girls. If you could manage to clean the house and see to them, that will be satisfactory. Now…about your wages…."

  "Oh, I hadn't given that a thought. It doesn't have to be that much with room and board," she muttered.

  "That depends on how much you actually do. I would have to pay a housekeeper, I'll pay you. And the services you extend to my daughters are certainly worth something to me. Would a $1000 a month with room and board be enough? If not…."

  "That would be plenty, thank you," she accepted. She wanted this job so badly she'd have taken half that much. Just living here would be such a pleasure she couldn't contain her glee.

  "Fine, then that's settled for now. But I do want it understood now, that if your work is not satisfactory, I'll have to send you home, with a month pay of course and pay for your flight. You do understand?" His brow raised a little.

  She looked him in the eye. "I don't intend to fail at my job, Mr. Amory. I'm quite experienced at this. I've been a professional Nanny for three years with excellent references. I guess you are at a disadvantage because you don't know anything about me, but I can assure you I have excellent references."

  "Call me Tanka, and that's wonderful….Annie." He seemed to grind her name as he said it.

  What had she possibly done to set him off? He certainly had a temper. But to accuse her of not being able to handle this job was silly. She'd handled much more than this before. She'd cared for her sick mother and kept three children on the side for three years. There is no way this could be that hard.

  Failure was not an option. And eventually, Mr. Tanka Amory was going to realize that she meant what she said.

  Despite what he might think, she would show him exactly how good she could be.

  She set her alarm for 4:00 in the morning and after a quick shower she hopped into the biggest, warmest bed in the territory. A king size bed was much too big for her, and staring out the patio door, she watched the stars for about five minutes before she was sound asleep.

  The alarm rang at exactly four, and she tiptoed down the stairs, using her mini flashlight in her purse to see with. She waited till she was fully in the kitchen before turning any lights on. Quickly, she scrambled through the walk in pantry for coffee. Once she found it, she searched for the filters. Everything was well placed so finding things was not a problem. She made coffee and hurriedly put together a couple of sandwiches; she wrapped them and put them in the fridge. She was about to leave and cut the light when she ran into a bare chested man, with nothing but a towel draped about his hips. Her hand splayed against his chest, then jerked away as though he had set her afire.

  "What the…." Tanka hollered. His eyes quickly traveled her flannel gown and barefeet.

  "You should wear some houseshoes…" he muttered.

  "Oh…I'm sorry. I was just making the coffee." She glanced down at her barefeet. "Yes, I think you're right, but I wanted to be quiet about it. There are sandwiches in the fridge, goodnight. I mean…good morning," she said and before leaving she couldn't stop her gaze from wandering to the towel. It was a natural reaction after all. But the pure all male body gleaming with droplets of water on his chest had her mesmerized more than she realized. She had to pull her gaze away from him.

  Last night she had barely paid attention to the man, but it was very hard not to when he was wearing nothing but a towel. There was just so much of him, and every inch was all man. She'd never seen a man so…well figured in her life. He was lean and muscled in all the right places, and had he been any other man in the world, she might have made a funny comment and grabbed him, but this was her new boss, and gaping at his handsome figure would not earn his respect. So she slowly lifted her eyes to his face and met his bold frown. She wondered what his face would look like if he smiled at her. She drew breath because she knew he was quite possibly the most handsome man she'd ever met. His dark hair that had a mind of its own, and his eyes that bore into her constantly made her squirm. But his body made her flush. She needed out of here. She was too close, he was too naked, and her mind was running rampart. She was only human, but from his frown, she didn't think that was excuse enough.

  "Find something interesting?" he glowered.

  "Uh….no…I mean, yes. I mean, excuse me; I'm going back to bed. What time is school?"

  "They'll need to be up at 6:00, they know that, and they catch a bus, but you'll have to drive them to the bus stop, down the mountain a ways. You can drive in snow, can't you?" he barked.

  "Of course I can…"

  "I'll leave the keys on the counter then."

  "Okay…" she called over her shoulder as she made a hasty retreat, talking more to herself than him. She'd never driven in snow, but she'd handled ice before and she figured that couldn't be much worse.

  But as she made her way on tiptoe back to the big bed she realized that not only was her boss a man who did not want her around, he was the most gorgeous man she'd ever met. She had to get that image of him in a towel out of her mind, or she'd be packing for home.

  Chapter Three

  Tanka Amory stood very still in the kitchen now. His eyes went over the coffee pot with mild amusement, and then he looked in the fridge. There were two sandwiches, made with mustard, just the way he liked them. How could she have known? The girls. Of course. The little snitches.

  Despite the fact that his opinions hadn't changed he had to admire his kids loyalty to the young nanny they hired.

  She certainly put forth effort; he hadn't expected her up and about and worrying over him.

  He was prepared for a lot of things, but meeting his new Nanny in the kitchen at four in the morning, and him without clothes on, was a little too much. For one thing, she was just a little too attractive for his liking. Of course he didn't go for blondes, nor eyes that looked so shockingly innocent either. But she was well built and he couldn't help noticing those facts either. Even though that was the last thing he wanted to notice about a nanny...about any woman. She was the typical girl next door type, and any other man might lose his head, but he wasn't any other man. Of course no one could replace his Gina, he grumbled to himself, realizing it did not make him feel any better.

  He'd never thought about replacing Gina. It angered him that for a moment he'd lost his head.

  I'm a man, can't help noticing, can I?

  Annie had an appeal that was hard to define. She wasn't exactly sexy, but feminine was more like it.

  Her blue eyes seemed to stare right through him, as though she could see his soul. That bothered him.

  He wanted to think negative thoughts about the lady, but so far that was hard to do.

  Her hair was a very light blonde, and hung almost straight around her face. She was flawlessly fair skinned. Obviously not the kind to get outside much, she seemed almost pale. But she had a hardy look about her too, and a wholesome look that made him wonder just how wholesome she was.

  He didn't need to go there. It was his libido, that's what it was.

  He sure didn't like how she went together. Nannies were supposed to be short, fat and way too old for him. He'd pictured her much different. He wished she was much different. He firmed his lips and frowned around the kitchen, his libido had been awakened too, so he guessed he wasn't dead yet either. He remembered the cougar, and glanced upward. "Just need a little adjustment time…that's all."

  He'd planned
to send her packing the moment he set eyes on her. But that backfired, because the moment he set eyes on her, she took his breath away, in a strangely different sort of way. It wasn't her natural beauty so much as her natural innocence that caught his attention. One look told him she'd never been with a man and her actions in the kitchen just now confirmed it.


  Not a beauty like his Gina, but rather wholesomely attractive in her own way. There was that word again. He didn't like his reaction to her. How could he? He was betraying Gina. This woman awakened his libido and he didn't want that happening.

  He'd have to get rid of her. Someway, somehow, he'd have to.

  She settled for $1000 a month. That was way too cheap. Not that he wanted to complain about that, but he knew he'd have doubled it if she could do the job.

  No, despite her economic value, she'd definitely have to go. He'd find some way to make her see the light.

  Until he did though, he'd enjoy watching her knock herself out to please him. Yes, that was what he would do; he'd enjoy this, until he got rid of her.


  At 6:00, the alarm rang, and Annie's arm bounced to shut it off, then she rolled over and covered her head. But she heard the girls and before she realized what they were up to, they all climbed into bed with her and the little one bounced.

  "Good morning," they shouted.

  She uncovered her head and turned over to look at them. "Good morning." She tried to smile through her sleepiness.

  "Did you sleep good?" Katie asked.

  "Yes, a little too well, I'm afraid. I'm having a hard time waking up." She smiled as she looked from one to the other. "Why is it so hard to get up in the mornings?"

  "I have a hard time too, most days, but we couldn't wait to see if Daddy let you stay," Jewel blurted out.

  "Jewel, don't say that, she'll think Daddy doesn't like her," Katie said aloud.

  "Well girls, let's face it, it was a shock to him, and I'm afraid he's going to have to get used to me a little. It may not be for as long as we hoped though," Annie was saying, noting the way their jaws hung open. "He doesn't want me here…"

  "Was he rude?" Katie asked almost holding her breath for the answer.

  "No, in fact he was quite polite. But I did sense he doesn't like the idea." Annie tried to smile again as she sat up in the bed and propped the pillows behind her. The girls all curled up on the bed and joined her.

  "At least he didn't say anything about you leaving." Katie let her breath out now.

  "Well…yes…he did," Annie corrected.

  "He wants you to leave?" Tara cried out, her light brown hair flopping about her shoulders as she moved about.

  "He just said if I don't work out, he expects me to leave with a months pay, and transportation home." Annie straightened the sheets and watched the girl's expressions.

  "Then we'll have to convince him that you are doing a great job and you'll never have to leave." Katie chuckled.

  Pushing the covers away, Annie got up and stretched then turned to look at them. "Well, let's get started then. What do you eat for lunch?"

  "We always buy our lunch at school," Katie answered. Her eyes skimmed Annie for a minute. "You wear flannel to bed."

  Annie turned to look at her with a smirk. "Yes…yes I do in the winter when it's chilly. And it's a little chillier here than in my home state."

  "I kinda thought you would wear silk…"

  "No…I'm actually a pretty practical dresser. And do you all three have lunch money at school?" Annie asked wanting to make sure they were squared away there. She didn't understand why Katie was concerned with her wardrobe; it seemed strange for a girl her age.

  "Yes, daddy takes care of that for us. You won't have to worry about anything but breakfast and supper. Maybe I should stay home from school today and help you with the chores, show you where everything is…" Katie began. "We didn't do a very good job before you got here and once you were on your way we wanted Daddy to see how badly we needed you."

  "Oh no. You must go to school, everyday if you can. That would be one thing he would hit the roof about I'm sure. So…let's make a pact, the four of us…" Annie suggested sitting on the edge of the bed.

  "A pact…that's a great idea."

  "What's a pact?" Tara asked coming to stand in front of Annie.

  Annie smiled and hugged Tara to her. "A pact is where you all agree to something together."

  "Oh…okay!" Tara giggled.

  "Okay, now you girls want me to stay, right?" Annie asked.

  "Oh yes…..very much…" Katie and Jewel nodded. Tara grabbed Annie's hand.

  "Me too…."

  "Fine and I want to stay too. So that means we need to be very careful and see that everything is taken care of, just as your father wants. Okay."

  "We understand, we'll help when we get out of school…" Katie suggested.

  "That's wonderful. Because there are some things I don't know about your father. The kinds of food he likes, the kind of things he might expect…." she began. "Like does he like to sit and read the paper when he comes in, or is he up and about most of the time?"

  "He definitely likes to read the paper and relax when he first comes in." Katie thought about the question before she answered.

  "Does he like to eat right away?"

  "We usually eat around Sevenish…." Katie responded again.

  "Does he like vegetables, meat, casseroles?"

  "Dad is a meat and potatoes kind of man, unless it's fresh vegetables. He loves salad, with vinegar and oil, and he likes corn on the cob, and if they are fresh other green stuff," Katie explained.

  "Great, now, while Katie is filling me in about your father's likes and dislikes, I want Tara to shower and then Jewel and be picking out your clothes; if you can't find anything, let me know and I'll help look. Above all, I'm here for the three of you. So don't hesitate to let me know what you might need, help with homework, fixing your clothes, a ride here or there."

  The girls nodded and ran down the hall laughing.

  She heard Jewel hollering as she put her red-brown hair in a ponytail. "Isn't this cool, our very own nanny!"

  Annie looked at Katie seriously now. "I'm not asking these questions to be nosey. I really need to know things so I don't make mistakes. I also want to know what you girls like too. I'm not a fancy cook but I can manage everyday kind of meals. Do you eat fast food much?"

  "Only when we go into town. But we do buy corn dogs and daddy makes hamburgers on the grill once a week, usually on Fridays. We go over to Uncle Chayton's house once a week for supper and we have fish at least twice a week. Dad loves fish…. He catches them himself. But he usually cleans them for us."

  "You are so helpful. I so appreciate what you are doing for me, Katie." After a moment to think about what she was saying, she looked at the young girl. "I bet your mother appreciated your help a lot. There are many reasons I want to stay, the main one being you need me, as much as I need you. But, you see…when I came I left everything behind. I hadn't planned on returning again. I wanted to make a clean break of it and start over, fresh. I have nothing to go home to. Not that I want your father's pity, I don't. If he fires me, I will be out of here very quickly. No questions asked. You have been so kind, so helpful; I bet your mother appreciated you."

  "I wasn't as much help then, but she was teaching me a few things," Katie responded.

  "She must have been a wonderful person," Annie said with a sad smile.

  "Yes….and beautiful too."

  Annie looked at Katie. "Really? Tell me about her."

  "She had dark hair and eyes, like us, she was an airline hostess for years. She was very active and went with Dad a lot of the time when he went up the mountain. She was part Indian too, like Dad. They were a lot alike."

  "Indian? American Indian?" Annie asked, surprised; she hadn't considered it when she stared into those dark brooding eyes of her father.

  "Yes. Dad's a direct descendant of Crazy Horse," Katie announced
proudly. "I have a picture of them together, if you'd like to see. Mom and Dad that is."

  "I would…"

  Katie motioned for her to follow her to her room.

  It was the first glance she’d got of the girls room, but for their age, they kept things neat. The room was done in a soft peach color and they seemed very proud of it.

  When Katie handed her the picture Annie was shocked to see the beautiful woman. Dark hair and eyes but a happy smile was on her face as she had her arm wrapped in Tanka's. Just looking, she could tell Tanka was madly in love with the woman. He was smiling, and what that smile did to Annie, was unmentionable. Maybe it was best he didn't smile too much, she thought to herself.

  "They look beautiful together," Annie whispered. "Almost like movie stars."

  "Dad said no one would ever be as beautiful as our mother," Katie repeated his words with pride.

  "And he's right, she's gorgeous. Well, now I know a little more and I want to thank you for helping making it easier for me here." Annie smiled and gave the picture back to Katie.

  "I'm glad I could help you…" Katie put the picture back and turned to face her, then spread her arms out to hug her. "We are so glad you are here. I-I loved my mother…but she's been gone a while now and it's time for Daddy to get back to living…"

  "Oh honey, he will. Sometimes it takes a little time, is all. He loved her a lot to mourn so long for her. And we have to ease him back into the living." Annie hugged her back and smiled. "Now, you must get ready for school, while I make pancakes."

  "Thanks for coming here…Annie…I'm so glad we picked you." Katie waved at her as she went down the hall.

  Annie felt choked up that the girls were so happy she was here. Knowing their mother was gone, she felt a pang of sorrow herself. Someone very precious had left them, and Annie was going to see that she did everything to make things better for all of them.


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