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Mail Order Nanny (Book 3 of the Amory's)

Page 14

by Hestand, Rita

  Kasie frowned at her. "Oh my God. Annie? Annie, she was lying. Anyone could see that."

  "You don't believe her?" Annie asked wide eyed.

  "Of course not. If there is anyone I know, it's Tanka Amory. He would never do anything like that…" Kasie insisted. "He'd be the reverse in fact. He's a gentleman around women, always has been. He might be brutally honest with a woman, that I could see, and he probably was with Chantel. Since Gina died, he doesn't usually put up with women like Chantel. He's sees right through them."

  Annie frowned again. "Maybe he found her very attractive and went for it."

  "No, Annie, she lied, to herself and to us. Chayton was livid when she told her tale. He knew better too. That's why she is gone." Kasie stood up and paced then glanced at her. "Tanka rejected her!"

  "What?" Annie couldn't believe her ears.

  "Chantel never gets upset when a man paws her. She instigates it. I should know, I've seen her in action. Oh yeah, he rejected her good or she would never have been mad that night. And when I realized what had happened, I nearly laughed in her face. I know her pretty well too. I cannot stand her. Tanka can't stand her. He likes to make the moves on a woman. He's a little alpha male. He's much too male chauvinistic to ever do anything like what she said. She griped until she left on Sunday. And frankly, I was never so glad to be shut of her in my life. Poor Tanka, I can just imagine. Him just now getting used to the idea that Gina is gone, and then Chantel happens."

  "You don't think he likes her?"

  "I would bet on it."

  "But…I've got to confess, the girls and I saw him come home, and he did kiss her," Annie admitted, her face turning scarlet red and she looked guiltily at Kasie.

  Kasie shook her head. "You didn't see him kissing her, you saw her kissing him. That's what you saw. Honey, if there is one thing about Tanka, he's predictable."

  Annie tried to take this information in, but found herself doubting it.

  "Has…he ever kissed you?" Kasie asked.

  Annie reddened, her finger going around the rim of her coffee cup, her eyes darting about the room.

  Kasie moved her hand in the air. "Don't be bashful, it's just us girls, and I'm not about to fly down to Tanka's and tell him anything. I want the two of you together. I have since the moment I laid eyes on you."

  Now Annie was staring, her mouth hanging open.

  "You are perfect together. You are so what he needs, Annie. You're real, you're honest, and you're a beautiful person. Those girls love you and I'm not certain but I think my big lug of a brother-in-law is falling fast. He did kiss you."

  Annie was speechless.

  "Don't worry. We all think it's great. Chayton and I have talked about the two of you many nights. We wondered how long it would take the two of you to see what was happening between you."

  "We?" Annie's eyes got big.

  "Everyone around here is all for it. You are the best thing since French Toast." She laughed. "Now," she stared at her seriously. "He did kiss you, right?"

  Annie was wide eyed, but nodded.

  "And?" Kasie wanted a complete confession.

  Annie couldn't speak. She was so afraid she would say the wrong thing. However, the trusting glance Kasie sent her made her bolder than usual.

  "Did he kiss you more than once?" Kasie probed.

  Annie nodded.

  "Oh my God…it's happened. Yeah, Tanka is in love for the second time in his life…I couldn't be prouder."

  Annie laid a hand over Kasie's. "It's not like that. He hasn't said one word about love, or liking, or anything. The first time he did it to shut me up."

  "What do you mean, shut you up?" Kasie sounded fascinated.

  "I was trying to shock him into seeing that he was still in love with his wife. Which he was, and that he was living with a ghost. I spoke out of turn. I should never have said those things to him. I hadn't known him that long, I had no right to say those things, and yet for the girl's sake I was hoping he would see. That's when he kissed me. He was trying to scare me away."

  "Well glory be, you did shock him. And into some sense it looks like."

  "I'm not used to being kissed. I haven't dated in a very long time…" Annie cried out.

  "And the last kiss he gave you, when was that?" Kasie asked as a brow went up.

  "The other night, at the dance. I went outside for some fresh air, and he followed. I don't know how that happened either, it just did. Oh, Kasie, I've never let my feelings spill over into my work. It's too distracting. I should have known better. But…I lost control, I mean…the man can kiss."

  "Oh my, just before he took Chantel out and rejected her. Of course he rejected her, Annie…he's in love with you!"

  "How can you come up with that?" Annie insisted.

  "I know him. Like a book. Trust me, he's in love."

  Annie shrugged. "I'm his employee…"

  "Big deal. Love knows no boundaries." Kasie smiled. "The big question is…how do you feel about him?"

  Annie blushed again; she felt her cheeks grow hot under Kasie's bombardment of questions.

  "The truth?" Annie asked.

  "The truth." Kasie smiled.

  "When I came here, I instantly fell in love with the girls, and you and Chayton. When I met Tanka I knew I had a battle before me. But I was attracted. I'd have to be blind and dead not to be. I'm not a sophisticated woman though. He certainly knows how to kiss. I'm lost every time. I can't seem to do anything but melt…"

  "Oh my God…this is the best news I've had since I found my brother…." Kasie took her hand in hers. "I'm so happy for you."

  "Well, don't be. He hasn't said a word about his feelings and I'm certainly not about to either," Annie insisted. "What do you mean, you found your brother?"

  "It's a long story, but it ends well and someday we'll sit down and talk about it. I want you to meet him, and his wife. They are just such lovely people."

  Annie sighed too heavily.

  "You are so perfect together. And the bonus is, you love the girls too. Don't you ever turn him down, if he asks. I'll come after you myself and make you admit how you feel about him. I can see it in your face though. I prayed this would happen. He so deserved a good woman, and to think he has the gumption to see it," Kasie marveled.

  "I think you are blowing this up to be more than it is. Please…don't ever tell him…"

  "I'd never. You are practically my sister-in-law now; that means you are family. I'd never do anything to hurt you, Annie. But you've made me so happy."

  "Let's wait on the celebration, okay?" Annie insisted. "After all, he's dated two women, and I wasn't one of them."

  Kasie nodded and patted her hand.

  As Annie drove back to the house, she was sorry she had gone over to Kasie's. Kasie had guessed how she felt about Tanka and it was so embarrassing to be that translucent. How could she hold her head up now? Tanka was just coming out of his depression, she'd been there, that was all it was, all it ever could be. Things like marriage didn't happen to girls like her who gave up their own lives for the sake of what she called a career. She was a nanny and sometimes men confused their feelings of gratitude for love.

  Besides, she saw Chantel and Tanka kissing, hadn't she?

  How could Kasie be so sure, when she wasn't?

  Chapter Sixteen

  Everything went wonderfully quiet for the next few weeks. Annie concentrated on her work, and tried to put Tanka out of her mind. Putting her confession in some private place she began to relax again, feel her confidence coming back.

  Tanka went to Tara's puppet show and sat in front so he could see. Annie was right there with him, she was glad she didn't have to say anything to Tanka. He did this on his own, for his daughter.

  Even the teachers tried to pair them together as they introduced themselves. Annie stressed the fact that she was the nanny.

  She didn't notice Tanka staring at her.

  Tara seemed so proud to have her daddy attending; she held his hand until
he left.

  As they drove home though, there was a tension between Tanka and Annie that stretched into a silence.

  "Tara really liked you being there, today." Annie smiled. "You may not know it, but having a parent attend something like this builds a child's confidence. She was absolutely gushing."

  "Yeah, she squeezed my hand so many times it nearly went numb. I really should try to be at more of her school functions, but my work precludes taking off in the middle of the day. It just worked out well because Chayton knew it was important too. I have to admit, I haven't been attending many of their functions. But the dance, and then this, well, maybe it will make them realize how much I love them."

  "Of course. But it was an extra special time for her today. She won't forget it," Annie insisted. "You know, parents sometimes think that doing these things isn't enough, but when they do make the effort, the kids seem to treasure it. And years later they'll remember."

  "I've got to admit, I've spent a lot more time with them since you've been here, Annie," he admitted.

  "A good nanny is more than a housekeeper, or caretaker."

  "When I first heard we were acquiring a nanny, I thought, oh no, she's gonna take over completely and I'll never have another quiet moment with my kids." Tanka glanced at her. "But you've shown me that I still have all the controls. You haven't nagged, but you had every right to."

  "No wonder you didn't like me…"

  "I've always liked you Annie, despite the fact that I tried hard not to."

  "At least you can be honest about it." She chuckled.

  He glanced at her again, his smile fading.

  He picked up the mail then drove into the driveway and parked.

  He got a letter that surprised him and he went into the living room to sit down and read it.

  Annie went back to work the minute she got home, she had pork chops laid out and she planned a big country dinner.

  Tanka seemed to read and reread the letter.

  When he laid it down practically in front of her, she questioned, "Something important?"

  "A friend of Gina's is coming up to visit, quite unannounced," he said, his voice suddenly sounding very tired.

  "Well, isn't that good news? To see old friends again?"

  He looked at her, his eyes going over her thoroughly.

  "I guess…"

  "You don't sound very happy about it." Annie chuckled.

  "Annie…I've put Gina in the past. And a lot of the credit for that goes to you. Your shock therapy works well. But Janet coming up here is like sticking a needle in my side and making all those memories come flooding back. She doesn't realize that she talks about her all the time. She took Gina's death pretty hard. Not something I want to handle right now," he said still staring at her. "I've put Gina in the past, where she belongs, tucked into my heart forever. Janet is like rubbing a raw wound."

  "Well, not to worry, things will be alright. The girls and I can bunk together and she can have the loft," Annie insisted, feeling her insides choking her. First Chantel, now Janet, the perfect woman for Tanka Amory. "And maybe you need this…" she insisted even though her own heart was already breaking.

  "Need what?" He frowned.

  "Well, you don't know for certain that your wife is in the past yet. Maybe this will put closure on it. Or…maybe Janet can open another door for you. The girls have told me about her and frankly, she sounds like a wonderful person."

  "She is in most respects," Tanka admitted. "When Gina first died, Janet was a balm; she understood how close we were. She was there for me. But…now, I realize I don't want to feel sorry for myself any longer. I want to pick up the pieces and get on with my life. I'm still alive and I have three wonderful children to live for."

  "She must care a great deal for you to come visit." Annie looked at him now as he stared at the letter as though it bit him.

  "She was Gina's best friend. And that will be all we will talk about until she leaves. The good ole days. And I apologize for that."

  "Don't, it's natural. Maybe you should let her know that you've put Gina where she belongs, in the past, and see where it takes you. She obviously cares about you."

  "Are you trying to play match-maker?" he asked, his expression questioning.

  "No, of course not. But if it happens, it happens, right? It's meant to be."

  She started to walk off from him and he grabbed her around the waist and swung her close to him. "Annie…" he murmured near her ear as his lips fastened at her lobe.

  She gasped.

  He was always so gentle and yet powerful around her. But she knew deep down she was pure putty in his arms.

  When she pulled away to look into his eyes, she saw something she hadn't expected. Desire!

  She blinked hard.

  Before she knew what was happening, once more his lips fastened on to hers and melted all her resistance. It didn’t take much since it had been weeks since he'd kissed her. She was hungry for his kiss, and she couldn't ignore the passion in it. The kiss wrapped around her like a warm blanket as his hands traveled up and down her. His big hands cupped her breast and she swooned, feeling a dizzying ecstasy she'd never known. His thumbs gently ran over her nipples creating a rippling effect through her that had her moaning. She was weak and pliant in his arms and lost to his world. She wanted this moment to go on and on forever.

  Then suddenly the phone rang, and her eyes flew open, and she pushed against him. She shook her head when she recognized the same desires in his eyes were in her heart.

  Shame awakened her, and she flew up the stairs to find some composure.

  She would have let him do anything, if the phone hadn't rang. And she'd never forget the look on his face as she pulled out of his arms and ran away.

  She heard him answer the phone, and she shivered with all the raw emotions running through her. How could she let it get so out of hand? She knew that had the kiss gone on, she'd be making love with him in minutes.

  Where was her willpower, her strength?

  Then she heard him talking.

  "Yeah Janet, I just got the letter. Sure, I'll meet you at the airport. What time?" His voice sounded husky and Annie closed her eyes and cringed. Janet was a woman he could really love. Not one word from his lips, only the sweet memory of his kisses.

  Tears ran down her cheeks.


  As he hung up the phone, he knew he had to make amends somehow for his thoughtless actions. Handling Annie that way was all wrong, and he knew it.

  He respected her too much to treat her like this.

  An inner voice spoke to him. "A woman never tires of hearing the words. Always tell her how you feel."

  It was oddly enough Gina's voice. He heard it as clear as if she had spoken the words right here in the kitchen. He smiled to himself.

  Somehow he realized that Gina approved of his relationship with Annie and it pleased him more than anything in the world. But of course, Gina was right, Annie hadn't heard the words yet that would make the difference. He had to find a way to tell her.

  Still, he also had to pick Janet up and how was he going to tell her how he felt when another woman was coming to stay with them? The timing was horrible and he wished he'd told Janet he was tied up or something.

  He'd have to talk to her, and there was something else he had to attend to before he could talk to Annie.

  Right now, she was upstairs probably crying because he'd been such a bear with her, manipulating her into submission like that, without saying what he felt. He'd never been good with words. Somehow he had to find those words, and the strength to say them.

  "I've got to go to the airport," he hollered up the stairs.

  "Okay, I'll wait until she arrives to fix dinner, then." Annie had composed herself once more.

  "Thanks…" He felt an urge to run up those stairs and carry her away somewhere so they could be alone, but that was caveman thinking. Annie wouldn't appreciate that. No, when he told her, he was going to arrange for it to
be a romantic setting.

  "God…I love you, woman…" he whispered as he slammed the door and went to pick up Janet.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Janet proved to be a big surprise in many ways. She was beautiful beyond belief, with her golden brown hair and eyes that matched, and she wasn't just an airhead, the woman had a lot of smarts about her too.

  Annie waited for the introductions and then excused herself to make supper. Janet didn't hesitate to let her know she was in the way though and it hurt Annie that this woman didn't care for her. It was the hardest supper Annie had ever cooked. Even with the girls distracting her, she couldn't ignore the fact that Tanka was beaming around Janet.

  "So what do you think of her?" Katie asked in a whisper.

  "She's gorgeous, isn't she?"

  "Yeah, I guess, if you like the model type," Jewel replied with a touch of sarcasm.

  "Most men do like that type."

  "Yeah, it's the reason there is so much divorce in the country."

  "Katie!" Annie shook her head and snickered.

  Tara tried to get her father's attention when they first came in from school, but Tanka sent her on her way to change her clothes and get her lessons. Tara was upset, she wanted to talk about the puppet show, but Janet barely spoke to her and interrupted her when she tried. Tara scooted off the couch with a big upper lip and ran up the stairs two at a time.

  "They're getting big, now, Tanka. Almost able to take care of themselves, I guess."

  "Not quite. That's why they hired Annie."

  "They hired Annie?" Janet's brow went up a notch as she gave Annie a once over again.

  "You mean you didn't hire her?"

  "Nope, it was all their idea."

  "Tanka, they are children. You can't let your children dictate your life, you know. You have to be the parent. Set your foot down. Why, you've never needed a nanny before."

  "Maybe, but they were right about this." Tanka smiled. "Annie is totally not replaceable."

  "Unless you married again…"Janet cleared her throat to detract his attention from the kitchen.


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