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A Perfect Wife [Highland Menage 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 2

by Reece Butler

  “It is?” Her shock could not be false.

  “Did none tell ye about it?”

  “Father forbid it. I was to know nothing that would give me a stronger wish to leave.”

  “Remember, sweetling, I married ye thinking we’d share a wee croft, and Malcolm spoke words with the priest because our lairds signed a marriage contract.” His hand massaged her breast. He did not want to leave Kiera like this! “Ask Malcolm to tell ye what he said to yer father about yer dowry.”

  “Tell me now!”

  Duff leaned close. “That ye were a treasure all by yerself.”

  He kissed her forehead knowing if he touched her lips his horse would be standing in the bailey long after the rest of the men left. He groaned at his aching cock and his need for her.

  “If I wasn’t my laird’s loyal steward I’d be inside yer hot puss right now.”

  She smiled, one designed to tease and arouse. She stretched like a cat, pushing the sheet off to display herself. He stared as her fingers found her clit.

  “Ye can touch yerself while we’re gone, wife,” he said, his voice hoarse, “but dinna bring yerself to yer peak.”

  This time she did pout. “Why not?”

  He couldn’t stand it. He stepped forward, holding her thighs wide to flick his tongue over her clit. She moaned and pressed on his head to keep his mouth tight to her pussy. He inhaled her scent, closing his eyes to imprint her on his mind before pulling back.

  “Duff!” she keened in need.

  “That will help ye remember why. I want ye eager for us.” He lifted his plaid to show the hard, thick cock jutting out. She eyed him, licking her lips. His cock throbbed in need. He groaned.

  “Oh, husband, you’ll be having a hard ride with that atween your legs.”

  He narrowed his eyes. “Ye dinna have to enjoy my pain so much, lass.”

  “Aye, I do. Because you’re leaving your new bride alone and wet in her wedding bed!”

  He turned away, knowing he was already late. Her demands, moods, and sheer joy of their bedding made her almost impossible for him to resist.

  “I shall miss ye, wee Kiera. Best ye be as eager on our return.”

  He closed the door behind him. Something, perhaps a boot, hit it at the height of his head. It kept him chuckling all the way to his horse.

  Chapter Two

  Kiera stomped up the narrow stairs, one hand on the rope to ensure she didn’t slip on the uneven wedge-shaped steps.

  She would not scream in frustration. She would not throw anything, not that there was much left in her chamber to throw. She was not a spiteful, bitter widow anymore. She was Lady Kiera MacKenzie of Kinrowan Castle. She would hold her head high and her temper in. She would show everyone she could be the best wife any laird ever had.

  Even if she wanted to kick both husbands in the backside!

  Her husbands were handsome, tall and muscular with dark hair and the most intense blue eyes she’d ever seen. Duff was fun, teasing and encouraging her to laugh. He was one of the few men who didn’t curse when she beat him at chess. Malcolm, though identical but for a few scars, was more concerned about what people thought of him.

  Duff said his brother needed to have the stick pulled out of his arse every now and then. She was quite ready to do so! She stopped to catch her breath.

  “Best wait to tell him off until he gives me a few of those toe-curling orgasms.”

  Colin, her older brother and heir, told her MacDougals always made sure their wife had at least one orgasm before their own. Her pussy throbbed in memory. The downside to a MacDougal husband, especially with Malcolm, was that they demanded obedience. As Malcolm had become Laird Kinrowan when he married her, and all must obey their laird, she could do little about it.

  Though she hated to admit it, she did like it that way.

  What she didn’t like was them racing off the morning after their wedding on orders from her father. Instead of spending the first ten days getting to know one another better, most of which she’d hoped to do naked, she’d been alone. Not even Chester stayed with her now as Cook was fond of her dog, and he was fond of food. And to make it worse, Duff had ordered her not to give herself an orgasm!

  No doubt her father and his men had filled Malcolm and Duff’s ears with all the stupid things she’d done over the years. All the times she’d said hurtful things. That was likely why her bedchamber had been stripped a few days after her husbands left. Some excuse about the furniture needing to be elsewhere, and since she was going to be gone soon anyway...

  All they’d left her was a hard pallet and a stool, so she’d spent the time spinning or in the garden, avoiding everyone. Just an hour ago she’d been quietly using her spindle when a servant told her Silean, her new stepmother, needed something that only she, as the previous Lady MacKenzie, could find. Something that was high in the attics and required her to stick her head in numerous dusty old trunks. She’d searched eight of them before realizing she’d been sent on another fool’s errand.

  She’d descended just far enough to discover her father, and her husbands, had finally returned. Furious at not being there to meet them in a fresh gown with a smile, she was eager to tidy her hair, clean the cobwebs off, and wash the dirt off before she was seen.

  “Is that you on the stair, Kiera?”

  Duff’s voice came from below. She turned at the top, caught. He stopped a few steps down from her. Though he wore the leather mask she could tell his surprise at her appearance. Malcolm pushed past him. Her new laird’s displeasure was easy to see. This was not how she’d planned to greet them after their long absence. She forced a smile she did not feel.

  “A belated welcome, husbands,” she said, sinking into a graceful curtsy. “I regret I was not informed of your arrival, or I would have met you in the bailey, as no doubt my sainted stepmother did for my father.”

  She rose, keeping her face calm and placid looking, just like Silean. Her new stepmother, only a few years older, was perfect, or so Kiera had been told too many times lately. She was beginning to think it was Silean’s servants who were behind the whispered comments, missed instructions, and downright lies. No matter, soon it would be over. They’d be at Kinrowan, and she’d be free of her past. Free to enjoy her new life with a pair of men who cared for her.

  Malcolm didn’t look too caring at the moment, though.

  “Laird MacKenzie said he sent word,” said Malcolm, his voice as cold as his expression.

  She brushed her hair from her face. Finding dusty cobwebs on her hand, she wiped them on her skirt. This was just another in a series of strange happenings that made her all the more eager to escape Castle Leod for her own home. Her husbands had just arrived home and already her laird was angry at her. He would not know what had happened. At least, she didn’t think he did. Right now she didn’t know who was friend or foe.

  “No doubt my father sent word to his new wife,” she politely replied. “However, I was not informed.” She set her jaw. “Nor was I informed you had left, other than a quick word by Duff.”

  Her husbands shared a glance. She’d heard about twins being able to understand each other without speaking. Whatever they said to each other it was not something they chose to share with her. So be it. She had a few things she wasn’t going to tell them, either.

  “We’d hoped to find ye welcoming us,” said Duff.

  “So did I.”

  Of course her baby tears fought to escape. She dropped her eyes to hide them as well as her quivering chin. She was not used to these womanly upsets. It was Duff’s babe inside her that caused tears to form so often. At least her stomach no longer revolted each morning. Even better, she still had a need for what a pair of MacDougal brothers brought to their marriage bed, as in screaming orgasms. Just seeing them, frowns and all, made her breasts fill and her pussy throb. But it was midday and the returning men filled the hall with boasts and roars of laughter. Malcolm and Duff would join them, of course. Perhaps she’d see them at the eve
ning meal.

  Kiera’s shoulders slumped. She looked a mess, but it no longer mattered. They would judge her as they chose. She might as well ride out and clear her head. She would not show weakness by crying or complaining in front of anyone but Chester. As her dog had also deserted her, her mare would have to do.

  “If you’ll excuse me, I shall let you return to your manly duties.” She made to descend past them.

  “Where do ye think ye’re going?” demanded Malcolm.

  Two pairs of blue eyes frowned at her from under dark brows. Malcolm had gained a commanding tone. He held himself differently as well. Was it something he’d picked up now he was a laird by virtue of her extensive dowry?

  “I am going to ride,” she said.

  “We’ve just spent days in the saddle,” said Duff. “We have no wish to get on the back of a horse.”

  “Of course not. I’m sure you wish to drink ale with the rest of the men. I shall leave you to it.” She waved for them to part and let her past. Duff shifted to block her.

  “Nay,” said Malcolm.

  Her temper rose. She hauled it back. She smiled through clenched teeth. “Excuse me?”

  “Ye’ll not ride.”

  She rubbed her forehead, staring at the stone floor. She was not used to explaining herself to anyone, including a husband. But she would be a perfect wife. That meant agreeable, helpful, considerate, and all manner of other things she’d done now and then over the years.

  “I find myself out of sorts,” she said pleasantly. “My loom is dismantled and my spindles packed so I canna use them to soothe myself. Riding will help me be pleasant for you this eve.”

  Malcolm shook his head. “Ye’ll not ride without one of us with ye. And since we’re not leaving, ye’ll remain here.”

  “Husband, I am in a foul temper. Keeping me indoors will not improve my efforts to be a good wife to you.”

  “A good wife would have met her new husbands on their arrival.”

  His growled words stung like a slap to the face. She stared back just as intently.

  “Servants of a good laird would have told her of her husbands’ approach, so she could clean up and meet them. Instead, I was sent to seek something in the far attics, so I not only failed to greet you, I am a mess!” She ducked her head, shaking out her skirts as an excuse.

  She fought to breathe in the quiet. All her plans had just exploded thanks to whoever hated her enough to destroy her budding relationship with her husbands.

  “Ye wish to ride?” Surprisingly, it was Malcolm who spoke, and almost kindly.

  Expecting anger, his soft words hit her heart. Confused, she clenched her teeth, holding onto her temper and her tears.

  “Is that not what I just said?”

  Duff chuckled, breaking the tension. “Yer wife has a temper, my laird.” He scratched at his scruffy beard. “Mine was pleasant when we were together.”

  “Of course I was pleasant when we met,” she replied, speaking only to Duff. “There was just the two of us. We talked, laughed, and played chess, as two good friends. ’Tis your lordly older brother who causes me to become vexed.”

  “I say we let her ride,” said Duff. He gave Malcolm a sideways glance.

  “See! Duff agrees with me! My horse is—”

  “’Tis not a horse ye’ll be riding.” Duff’s lip twitched. He slid half-closed eyes over her. “I’ve been thinking of little but yer body since I left ye hot and wet. Ye’d best not have used yer wee fingers to make yerself come.”

  Malcolm jerked, and then stared at Duff. Perhaps they’d not spoken of Duff’s visit. Her traitorous body responded, nipples peaking and pussy flooding. Heat flared her cheeks and ears.

  “We’ve been apart ten nights, sleeping on pallets,” murmured Duff. “Do ye miss my tongue on yer clit and my cock in yer pussy?”

  “Aye,” she admitted.

  Duff made a twirling movement with his hand. “Lead the way to our chamber, Kiera. Ye can bathe us, to start.”

  Her arousal vanished. “I am sorry, husband. I was told my chamber is too far to carry hot water, that bathing must be done in the kitchen.”

  She’d been startled when she’d gone to the kitchen, furious but resigned, and been refused a screen for privacy. Even her maid was denied her, having been assigned to Silean’s visiting kin. So she’d carried a single bucket of hot water up the stairs every evening to wash herself. With her father away, and Colin unaware, she could do nothing as Silean was now Lady MacKenzie and Bessie, the housekeeper who’d come to Castle Leod with Kiera’s mother, reported to her.

  “Is that so?” murmured Malcolm. Another unspoken look passed between her husbands. “I was told a tub and hot water would be brought to our chamber, along with a tray of bread, cheese, and ale.”

  His words proved the actions against her were just another way to get revenge. The years she’d spent as Lady Mackenzie after her mother’s death, keeping Castle Leod working well, didn’t seem to matter. She’d behaved badly after she was widowed and even worse since Silean had taken away her father’s company. What they’d done to her in the last ten days was petty and hurtful.

  Duff had told her the MacDougals grew up without hot water, thick pallets, or enough food. She would not complain at losing the things they’d never had. Soon it would be over as she’d be far away. Her headache intensified. She rubbed her temples. Perhaps when she had finished bathing Malcolm and then Duff she might have a chance, though the water would be cool and dirty by then.

  Malcolm took a step, forcing her to back up. He kept going so she had to tilt her head higher. She was extremely tall for a woman so few could look her in the eye. She’d forgotten how much these two towered above her. It did not frighten her. Their size made her feel small, even delicate, and far from the shrew she’d been called so often. It brought another prickle of tears. She turned her back before they could notice.

  Arms caught her shoulders and knees, sweeping her up. She squawked, clutching Malcolm’s neck so he didn’t drop her.

  “Hush. I’ve got ye,” he murmured.

  His simple caring statement had her curling her face into his chest to hide the tears she could no longer keep back. He smelled of fresh sweat, horse, leather, and something else that was all his own. She exhaled, her breath rattling in her chest. Duff passed them to open her chamber door. He stopped in the doorway.

  “Did ye pack it all?”

  Catching her on the stairs had made her forget what they’d find in her chamber. Malcolm pushed past Duff. He stopped, and then turned in a circle. One corner held the parts of her dismantled loom, a stool, and her spindles.

  “What is this?” he demanded.

  She swallowed hard to clear her throat. “I finished weaving the cloth for Duff’s shirt so took the loom apart. I’m allowed to bring it, my spinning wheel, and spindles.”

  The arms holding her tightened. “Allowed?” he asked, quiet and intense.

  “What of the rest?” asked Duff at the same time. “I see naught but a wee pallet on the floor, a thin one at that, and a stool.”

  “I was told all was needed elsewhere, and since I would be gone in a few days I could do without.” She wriggled, her bones still sore from trying to sleep on the hard floor. They’d been gone far longer than a few days, but her father would have been the one to set the pace.

  “They couldn’t wait for ye to leave?” Duff’s voice had risen an octave. His eyebrows disappeared into the black hair that flopped over his forehead.

  Malcolm’s arms tightened. His heartbeat sped up, pounding against her ear. A sound like a low growl erupted in his chest. Noises down the corridor suggested servants were arriving. She struggled to get down, but Malcolm held her tight. Men bustled into the room, their hands loaded. The first two placed a tub in front of the cold fireplace. The others filled it with hot water. All kept their heads down, silent.

  “I have nowhere to set my wife,” said Malcolm coldly. “I canna see a chair, nor a bed. Lady Kiera MacKenzi
e of Kinrowan, daughter of the Lord of Kintail, is carrying our babe. What is the meaning of this?” he demanded.

  An older woman bustled in as Malcolm finished speaking. Bessie had been her mother’s right hand and had continued in her role with Kiera. She’d not seen the woman since returning from the sheiling. Her face was red as she bobbed.

  “I’se Bessie, Laird Malcolm. Tis sorry I am, but I was given orders, and not to tell Lady Kiera why.”

  “By who?” demanded Duff.

  “Lady Euphemia Chisholm.” Bessie’s face showed her disgust. “She’s an older kinswoman of Lady Silean. She arrived for yer wedding. After Laird MacKenzie rode out she took Lady Silean’s keys, sent her to bed, and looked in every room and cupboard in the castle.” She looked at Kiera. “She waited for ye to go to the garden. She liked yer bed and things and ordered them moved to her chamber.”

  “Who is she to do this?” demanded Duff.

  “’Tis said she’s here to advise Silean on how to be a proper lady. Silean kens naught of this as her belly has kept her to her chambers, guarded by the dragon.”

  It all made sense. The old woman no doubt saw a young wife and an old laird and, thinking him besotted, decided to gain power. As Kiera had acted as Lady for her father she was a threat. Her shame at her past behavior to her kin, and uncertainty as to why she’d been shunned, had kept her in her chambers, allowing the woman to gain power.

  She was the reason Kiera was not there to welcome her husbands home! Sudden fury hit.

  “Put me down!” She struggled until Malcolm set her feet on the floor. He kept one arm around her waist as she faced him.

  “I spent the first three days you were gone finishing my weaving,” she told him. “The next day was sunny, so I went out to the garden. When I came in my bed, chairs, and table were gone. No one would say why. I thought they were being packed until other things happened as well. I thought ’twas MacKenzies gaining revenge. I’ve said some things over the years for which I am ashamed.”


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