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Just A Fling: A Driven By Fire Novel 0.5

Page 4

by Rayna, Eden

I bend myself over her back so my mouth is pressed right up to her ear. “You won’t have to worry about bending your rules for me.” She shivers under me and swallows hard, finally silenced.

  I move my hands from her body to the footboard beside hers as I slide my hips back, withdrawing my dick almost completely from her core. I go slowly, obstinately, just to prove a point. In and out I glide to the sound of her breath hitching.

  “Feel that.” I don’t ask, I tell. “Feel how hard I am because of you. Feel how stretched you are. How wet I make you.” I don’t expect a response from her. She’s too stubborn to admit that going slow like this could ever feel so satisfying.

  I move one hand to her nipple and roll it between my fingers. Without changing the speed of my thrusts, her pussy clenches and I know I have her convinced now even if she’d never admit it verbally. Her body tells me everything I need to know. Danielle’s shoulders relax and instead of fighting against my movements to speed things up, we start to move together.

  Danielle’s hips roll in circles, grinding her ass against my groin when our bodies meet. “That’s it, babe. Work with me, feel my length with every turn, every thrust.”

  I move my hand from her nipple to between her legs. She hisses then starts to make these sweet noises that shoot straight to my balls making them tighten. I rub her clit, getting her closer to where I am. Her hums turn into moans and my breathing turns to grunting. I sink into her harder at the same slow pace, stopping each time our bodies collide to pinch her clit.

  Her back arches and straightens, my hips drive forward and back. Danielle throws her head back, exposing the long line of her neck. My free hand comes off the footboard and I grab her neck for leverage. She sits up, bringing her back to my chest and her neck closer to my lips. I want to bite into her. I want to leave a mark on her but she would kill me for exposing her to a scandal. I think about all the scandalous things we could do together. All the things I want to do to her. One night isn’t enough I tell myself again.

  I let her go before I lose control and drop my hand back to the bed frame once more, pushing her down along with me. Danielle’s hand covers mine, digging her painted nails into my knuckles. It hurts and I think she’s broken my skin but she doesn’t notice because her eyes are shut tight and I don’t care because I love how I was so right about her. I draw energy from the pain in my hand and from her cries of pleasure. I press down on her clit and pull her body closer to mine. She quivers then shakes and cries out as she comes undone. Her primal screams hit me in my balls making them tighten and explode after a few more hard strokes.

  My chest remains pressed to her back and I feel a flurry of hard heartbeats as her rhythm weaves its way through mine, pounding throughout my body. Fuck, that was intense. I need a minute before I can sit up. The palm of my hand is splayed out on her stomach; her skin is so smooth and soft, I want to curl up around her and snuggle into her tenderness. It’s a sudden shift in attitude from the licentious behaviour a minute ago.

  She pulls her nails from my hands and rubs over the red marks apologizing softly. No blood. I tell her not to worry, I’m happy to be marked up by her. She lowers her head and raises her eyes at me indicating that marks go against one of her rules: No evidence left behind. Except for what her mind will recall in the days and weeks to come.

  Danielle doesn’t cover herself up while I take care of the condom. She lays on her side with a hand propping her head up, watching me climb back on the bed toward her naked glory. I mimic her resting pose and place a hand on her hip. She smiles at me sleepily.

  “Want to go to sleep?” She hesitates for a moment, marked by the breath she won’t exhale. “If you’re thinking about going home, the answer is no.” She reflexively blinks at me. “I’m not done with you, Danielle. Not by a long shot. And I’m pretty sure you were the one who wanted a mulligan.”

  Her eyes flit back and forth between mine as she contemplates my request/demand. I know she wants more of me but this isn’t how things usually go for her. When she’s gotten what she needs, she hightails it outta there. I’m a game changer she didn’t see coming and now she wants more of what I have to offer. Even if it means breaking another one of her rules.

  “Relax, Danielle. I’m not asking you to marry me. I’m asking you to spend the night so we can have a little more fun together before the sun rises. And maybe again after the sun comes up.” I scoot closer toward her, wrapping my arm around her back and pulling her in to snuggle against my chest.

  After a beat, she wraps her arm around my back and says a muffled “Fine,” into my chest. “But I’m only saying yes for the sex.” Although I keep my laugh silent, I can’t help my chest from shaking earning me a swat on my ass.

  Danielle fits perfectly in my arms, a conclusion she comes to in her own time when she eventually relents and relaxes. A few breaths later she is asleep, curled up tight against me, our legs entwined together and our breathing in sync.

  Chapter Six

  I wake up with the sun pouring into the room and the sound of Brett Kissel playing somewhere down the hallway. I stretch my arms above my head and feel the pleasure of the dull ache between my legs. I smile.

  Last night was fun.

  Maybe too much fun. I’ve never spent the night at a guy’s house before but there was something in the way that Kirk told me he wasn’t done with me that made me unable to say no. What did I have to lose by staying the night? The answer is nothing but sleep.

  After a few more moments of stretching and replaying the highlight reel from last night, I sit up and drop my feet to the cold floor. It’s chilly in here without Kirk’s arms wrapped around me. We slept with my nose to his chest and our legs in a fit of tangles for several hours until his erection pointing into my hip woke me up.

  He was still fast asleep, grinning like a fool. Using the dim light from the street lamp outside filtering in through the slat blinds, I watched his eyes jump under his eyelids and wondered what he was dreaming about. His hard length made me wonder if it was me and my belly dropped with the idea that a man could be dreaming about me.

  Not one to let a hard-on go to waste, I grabbed hold of him and slowly pumped up and down. He moaned and mumbled all while still asleep. It wasn’t until I felt his balls draw up that his eyes fluttered open. He looked at me with brief disbelief and without a word, he grabbed a condom, flipped me on my back and slid inside me in one long, hard stroke. He somehow managed to hold off on his own explosion and we came together, wordlessly panting into each other’s ears.

  This time when we fell asleep, it was with my back against him and his arm around me.

  I’m not a cuddler. At least I never had been before last night. Maybe I didn’t think I was one because I had never tried before.

  I liked it. I liked the weight of Kirk’s arm across my waist. I liked the even cadence of his breathing. I liked the protective feeling that came with the cocoon he had me wrapped up in.

  All these things have me smiling as I walk around the bed to find my clothes from last night. I spy them folded on his dresser with a fresh t-shirt of his perched on top. He’s so thoughtful. The smile that hasn’t yet dissipated from my face at the memory of our exploits only grows larger.

  I slide his shirt over my head, laughing out loud when it lands at my knees. I think about finding a belt in his closet to cinch it at the waist and make a dress of it, but then I glimpse his cowboy hat hooked on the corner of his closet door. Way better than a belt.

  I crack the bedroom door open and call down the hallway. “Kirk?”

  “Yeah, doll,” his mouth-watering voice sails back to me. He lowers the volume on the music so he can hear me.

  “Is it safe to come out? Is Justin here?”

  I hear a quiet laugh. “No one’s here but us.” His tone goes from playful to husky on that answer.

  I hold his hat to my head, a necessary act since it is ten times too large for me and walk into the kitchen to find Kirk standing by the stove, shirtless and looking a
ll sorts of delicious. The ripple of his back muscles contours the line of his spine. Two small dimples frame his ass that is sadly hidden by loose joggers.

  “Morning,” I say to his back.

  He turns around smiling at the sound of my voice, then thumps the spatula down on the counter, white knuckling it.

  “Fuck me,” his voice is full of gravel. “Get that fine ass of yours over here, cowgirl.”

  “I need to check in with the girls, then I’d like to freshen up first, if that’s okay,” I say with a tilt of my hat.

  He points down the hall, “Second door on your right. And you’d better make it quick.”

  I text Carly first because that just takes a second. Piper is next, knowing that a text to her will be followed by a phone call. She’s likely blowing a gasket that I didn’t message her at my usual four a.m. when I headed home. I give Piper a few minutes while I sit on the edge of the bed, looking around Kirk’s room. It’s sparsely decorated with just the essentials. No pictures, just one book on the nightstand (a well-read version of Kurt Vonnegut’s Player Piano) and a generic Home Sense pre-framed piece of art on the wall above the bed. I don’t go as far as looking through drawers although the temptation is there. When Piper doesn’t get back to me right away, I leave Kirk’s room before I get busted doing something worse than borrowing his hat.

  When I come back into the kitchen, I find him resting against the kitchen counter, arms folded across his shirtless chest making his pecs and biceps bulge. He’s waiting for me like he has nothing else in the world to do.

  Now it's my turn. "Fuck me, cowboy." My breath is less controlled than I want it to be. I want to press myself up against him and I want him to fuck my mouth with his tongue like he did so many times last night. He pushes off the counter and taps the brim of the hat causing it to fall over my eyes then he makes a clicking noise with his tongue that I can only interpret as approval.

  “Sit,” he orders, pointing at a stool. I glance down at the counter where he has a steaming mug of coffee set out for me with cream and sugar set beside it.

  “Thank you,” I hum, pouring in some cream and wrapping my fingers around the warm mug.

  “No sugar?”

  I wink at him, “I’m sweet enough, thank you very much.”

  He makes a sound of dissent while shaking his head. “There is nothing sweet about you. Uh uh, missy. You are all sass and naughtiness.” He waves the spatula up and down my body making my nipples perk up under the scrutiny. “Very, very naughty.”

  Not ever having hung around to discuss the escapades of a hook-up before, and feeling very self-conscious of it now, I am quick to divert his attention to other things. “Whatcha cooking up, cowboy?”

  “Bacon, eggs, toast, grilled tomatoes.” He points at each item as he lists them. “Anything else you want? Yogourt, fruit –.”

  I have to cut him off. “You running a diner here? Can I order off the menu?” I joke then wonder if he does this for all his hook-ups.

  “Anything for you, doll.” My insides flutter at the way he looks at me when he says that. Like he is referring to more than just food items. “Just be sure to leave the hat on, will you? As a matter of fact, lose the shirt, keep the hat.”

  I scoff at his quip. “I’m not going to sit at the kitchen table topless!” He looks down at himself flashing me a wry grin as if to say why not? “It’s different and you know it!”

  “There you go again with the double standards.” He’s referring to my friends last night and how they treated him like livestock at an auction. He lets it go quicker than I would have if the tables were turned. “I’m a new age man, I would never judge a woman who wanted to go around topless.” He offers me a wolfish grin and even with his dimple making an appearance, I don’t take the bait.

  He sets a heaping plate of piping hot food in front of me then turns to grab the coffee carafe and refills my mug. My insides warm before I even take a bite. So thoughtful. No one’s ever made me breakfast before. I need to remind myself that it’s because I have never stuck around to let it happen. Why am I breaking all my rules with him?

  Kirk sets his plate that is piled up twice as high as mine on the counter and parks himself on the stool next to me. “Enjoy,” he says with a flourish.

  “I will, thank you. This wasn’t necessary.” I say, tipping up my hat to look at him. Every time I move, the hat falls over my eyes. It’s funny at first, especially when he helps me to prop it back, then it just gets frustrating. Kirk takes it from my head and leaves it sitting on the edge of the counter.

  “It pains me to take it off because you look so fucking hot in it, but I don’t want bacon grease on my hat. It’s the only one I have here.”

  “Here? As in there’s a there?” The lack of homey-ness in his room makes more sense now.

  He hums a yes around a mouthful of food but waits until he is done chewing and swallowing before he speaks. “My farm, back in Nobleford.” I shoot him a questioning look like, where? He laughs and casually bops me on the nose. “It’s not on another planet. It’s down south, near Lethbridge. My family owns a dairy farm.”

  “What are you doing up here, then?”

  “I take the odd trucking job when a good route comes along. Usually only two or three times a year. Gets me away from my family for a few weeks.”

  “You live with your family?” Alarm bells go off in my head. Like wife and children? Or worse, his parents (wait, is that worse?).

  “Relax, relax,” he says, laughing and brushing the crease between my eyes with his thumb. “I have my own house on the property. My older brother and sister do too with their families. My younger brother still lives in the main house with my folks. Family run business, you know?”

  I don’t have first-hand experience with a family business but I can appreciate what he’s saying now that the blood is no longer pounding in my ears. And anyway, why do I want to know so much? It’s not like I’ll be seeing him again.

  “What about you, Danielle. Where are you from?”

  “I’m in Fort McKay at the moment. I work at the motel there.”

  “Sure, I’ve driven through that town. You like it?” His tone leaves no room for me to say yes and I laugh at how he’s leading my answer.

  “It’s good enough for now. When the next thing comes along, though, I won’t be sad to leave.” I think back to Piper then quickly let it go before my mood sours.

  He makes a face at me like that comment somehow has an impact on what he’s thinking. I wasn’t implying in any way that I wanted to hop in his truck and head down to Nobleford. And thankfully, I am saved from having to explain that to him when my phone starts ringing.

  “Excuse me a minute.”

  I am blasted by Piper’s screaming as soon as I swipe to answer the call and have to turn the volume down on the phone. “Oh my god, Danielle, I was petrified when I woke up this morning and there was no message from you. Where are you? Are you okay?”

  “Piper, calm down.” I finally get a chance to speak. “I’m fine. I spent the night at that guy’s house.” Kirk mouths, “That guy?” like he’s actually offended by the title. What else was I supposed to say? I swat him away but he uses my flapping hand to pull me in between his legs. His hands hold my ass and I have nowhere to put my free hand but on his shoulder. We’re oddly close for me to be having this conversation with Piper. He can unmistakably hear every word she says.

  “The whole night?” Kirk covers his mouth to stifle a laugh at her question. I try again to pull away but he won’t let me go.

  “Yup, sure did.” I’m just as amazed as she is and my cheeks are flaming at the confession in front of the topic of our conversation.

  “Can you send me a proper picture of him so I know who the guy is that tamed the wild and free Danielle Cooper?”

  “He didn’t tame me,” Kirk gets a kick out of this and I swat his arm giving him my best glare, finally moving to sit on my stool and out of his heat-radiating zone. This guy shoots his pher
omones like laser beams and my nipples are all too eager to receive his signal. “And, I did send you a picture.”

  “No, Dee. You sent me a white, blurry blob. But that’s fine. I’ll just text him and get him to send me one himself. I have his number, remember?”

  “Piper, don’t you dare. You know I will do the same to you when the time comes.” She sighs exasperatedly into the phone.

  “Okay, well, great chat. Glad you’re alive. See you tonight.” She hangs up on me.

  Kirk pulls me off my stool once I have placed the phone back on the counter and tugs me back between his legs. “That’s your security protocol friend?” I nod and he clasps his hands together behind my ass, locking me in. “She thinks I’ve tamed you? Did I break the wild filly in you?” He smiles at this like he finally won his belt buckle at the rodeo, but I don’t find it funny.

  I squirm to get away from him. "I am not some animal that needs to be broken," I say with scorn. I turn my back to him and pick up my plate, ready for this night to be over because it already lasted too long. Too much of a good thing always turns bad in the end.

  I hate when people tell me that my lifestyle is unacceptable. Not wanting to settle down and have a family doesn’t mean I need fixing. “Just because I like having no-strings sex –.” I continue on the same rant until Kirk spins me around and cuts me off with a finger to my lips. If I wasn’t on the verge of mad right now, I would suck that finger between my lips.

  “I’m not judging you, Danielle.” His eyes are soft and yielding unlike the near-anger in mine. “Look, I’m just as guilty as you for hopping in the sack with a stranger from the bar last night.” He says it with a light tone that implies we are on an even playing field but it’s different for women than it is for men no matter how nicely you say it. “Besides, I like you wild.” He pulls the hat off the counter and plunks it back on my head then swats my ass. “Come on wild one. Let’s get dressed. We’re gonna spend the day together.”

  The plate nearly shatters as I drop it in the sink. “Ha! No, we’re not,” I say, folding my hands across my chest. “That goes against the whole premise of a hook-up. Really,” I swirl a hand in the direction of our breakfast, “this does too. I’ve already spent too much time here.”


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