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The Silent Quarry

Page 7

by Cheryl Rees-Price

  The next photograph made his stomach contract. It wasn’t that he was squeamish, and he had enough experience of violent crime. It was because the image showed a girl who went to school with him, full of life and laughter, lying lifeless on a dirt floor. The Bethan he remembered was not this pitiful grotesque image. She lay as Gwen described. Skirt bunched up revealing her thighs. Denim jacket smeared with blood and dirt, a wild tangle of blonde hair matted with blood.

  There’s nothing pretty about death. No sleeping angel, no look of peace. The next set of photos showed Bethan from different angles. A pool of blood leaked from her head and was partially soaked up by the dirt floor. A close-up showed part of the skull caved in. She had a torn nail on her right hand and a bruise to her cheek. Looks like she put up a fight. Scrapings would have been taken from under her nails, which would have matched or eliminated Sam Morris’ DNA if the technology had been available at the time. He moved on to the photos of Gwen. He guessed that as SOCO were already at the scene they were at hand to take photographs of Gwen’s position and the rescue operation. It was evident that a zoom had been used and the details were not as clear as they were on the photographs of Bethan.

  Gwen lay on her right hand side, her leg twisted outward. Her arm trailed in the stream, with her head dangerously close to the water. She was wearing shorts, her right foot was bare and her legs dirty. Meadows moved on to the hospital report. Gwen had sustained multiple injuries, among them fractures to the femur, tibia, and fibula of her right leg, open fracture to her right arm, and a fractured left wrist. Broken ribs, one of which punctured her lung. The most worrying of the injuries was a depressed fracture of the skull causing haemorrhaging to the brain. She must have had some strength to pull through those injuries.

  Among the listed injuries was a four-inch cut to the back of the head, not consistent with the fall. Meadows took another look at the photo of the shack and studied the bloodstained axe. Likely she was thrown against the wall with some force, this would have stunned her and could be the reason she didn’t immediately run for help. She would have been dizzy and slow to respond. Easy to catch.

  He felt anger rise in his chest and bubble beneath his skin. Who would do this? He left his desk and walked to the kitchen where he made two mugs of coffee. He took one to Edris then picked up the post mortem report on Bethan.

  Cause of death was listed as a depressed fracture to the skull, resulting in severe haemorrhaging. Bruising was visible around her throat, consistent with manual strangulation, however not sufficient pressure had been applied to cause unconsciousness or death. There were signs of recent sexual activity and traces of semen were found.

  ‘Bloody hell!’ Meadows cursed as he read the next paragraph.

  ‘What is it?’ Edris stopped typing and turned his chair to face Meadows.

  The ringing of a phone shattered the silence in the office. It took Meadows a few moments to realise that it was his mobile phone. ‘Hold on a sec.’ He pulled it from his jacket pocket. ‘Meadows.’ He announced.

  The pleasure of hearing Gwen’s voice soon turned to concern when he noted the panic in it. He listened intently then ended the call as he stood.

  ‘Come on, Edris, we have to go.’

  Chapter Twelve

  Gwen ended the call to Meadows then paced the kitchen. I should never have started this. She heard Matt come into the kitchen and turned to face him.

  ‘So you called the police,’ he accused.

  She turned to face him. ‘Yes, I had to.’

  ‘Why can’t you just leave it alone? It’s going to get worse. It’s not just you now, it’s the whole family. Is that what you want? Drag us all into this mess.’ He glared at Gwen.

  Gwen sighed. ‘No, of course not, but what do you expect me to do?’

  ‘I told you, leave the police out of it and just forget the whole thing.’

  ‘I can’t. Win … Detective Meadows is on his way now. Let’s just see what he has to say.’

  ‘Why does it have to be him?’ Matt clenched his fists.

  ‘Because he’s the one dealing with the case.’ She turned away and gazed out of the kitchen window. A little support would be nice.

  ‘What bloody case? This was over years ago!’

  ‘It’s never been over for me.’ She could feel the tears sting her eyes but was determined not to cry. She took a deep breath and blew it out slowly. She could feel Matt getting closer. He lay his hand on her shoulder and she felt her body stiffen. She turned to face him. ‘What have you got against Winter?’

  The kitchen door opened and Alex sauntered in. ‘What are you two arguing about again?’

  ‘Nothing. Where’s your sister?’

  ‘Upstairs in her room. Probably on Facebook giving all her friends updates.’

  ‘I hope not.’ Gwen groaned. ‘Go and check on her and tell her that this has to be kept in the family.’

  ‘Well it isn’t going to be now, is it?’ Matt hissed. ‘I’ll go and see her.’

  Blue was dancing around the kitchen. It was past his evening walk time and Gwen could sense that her unease was making him restless. ‘I’m sorry, boy.’ She stroked his head. ‘We’ll go out soon.’

  ‘Do you want me to take him out?’ Alex offered.

  ‘No, you’d better stay here until the police come.’

  ‘What for? It’s not like I can tell them anything.’

  ‘OK then, just take him around the block. Thanks love.’

  ‘It’s OK. You shouldn’t let Dad bully you.’ Alex grabbed the lead and hooked it to Blue’s collar.

  ‘He doesn’t mean to get angry. I guess he just wants what’s best for us all.’

  ‘Yeah, well, he’s always bloody angry.’ Alex turned and left the kitchen. Gwen fussed around, filling the kettle and putting out cups. Her stomach felt twisted and the adrenalin pumping through her body made it difficult to stay still.

  Even though she was expecting the door to knock it still gave her a start when it happened. She rushed to the door pausing to check her appearance in the mirror. She heard Matt thumping down the stairs as she opened the door.

  ‘Thank you for coming so quickly.’ She smiled at Meadows. Why does he always have to look so good?

  ‘This is DC Edris. He’s assisting me with the case.’

  Gwen heard Matt huff from behind and ignored him. ‘Please come in.’ She led them into the kitchen where they all took a seat.

  ‘You said on the phone that you had received a threatening letter,’ Meadows addressed Gwen.

  ‘Yes, Ariana found it in her bag.’

  ‘May I see it?’

  The printed words on the page jumped out at Gwen as she handed Meadows the letter. SOME THINGS SHOULD REMAIN FORGOTTON. YOU DONT WANT HISTORY TO REPEAT ITSELF. She felt a coldness creep over her skin and averted her eyes.

  Meadows put the letter into a plastic bag. ‘How many of you have handled the letter?’

  ‘Just me and Ariana.’

  ‘Good, was it in an envelope?’

  ‘Yes.’ Gwen handed it over. ‘Her name was typed on the front.’

  ‘And she found this today?’

  ‘Yes, but she’s not sure how long it’s been in her school bag.’

  ‘Some pervert is obviously after my daughter. What do you intend to do about it?’ Matt demanded.

  ‘It doesn’t appear to be a direct threat against your daughter –’ Edris began.

  ‘Of course it is, you idiot. Why was it put in her school bag?’ Matt sneered.

  ‘As not to be seen posting it through the door, perhaps. It’s meant to frighten your wife,’ Edris said.

  ‘Perhaps we can start by looking at who had access to the bag. Maybe it’s best that we speak to Ariana,’ Meadows suggested.

  ‘I’ll give her a call.’ Gwen stood up, glad to have a chance to leave the room. The atmosphere was already tense and she had a feeling it would get worse. She called up the stairs to Ariana then returned to the stony silence of the kitchen.
  Footsteps thundered down the stairs then Ariana strolled into the kitchen. She looked around the table and her gaze fell on Edris. Her eyes widened and she altered her stance before walking tentatively to the nearest seat.

  ‘Hello, Ariana. I don’t know if you remember me from the hospital. I’m DI Meadows and this is DC Edris.’ Ariana acknowledged Edris with a coy smile then lowered her eyes.

  Gwen suppressed a smile as she picked up on her daughter’s attraction to the young detective.

  ‘Ariana, would you mind talking us through how you found the letter?’ Meadows asked.

  ‘I was emptying my school bag for the weekend and it fell out from between my books.’

  ‘Do you think it was placed there today?’

  Ariana shrugged her shoulders. ‘I dunno, I suppose it could have been there since Wednesday.’

  ‘Why since Wednesday?’

  ‘I wasn’t in school on Monday and Tuesday, I wanted to stay home to make sure Mum was OK.’

  ‘OK. I take it you keep your bag with you at all times.’

  ‘Yeah, unless I have PE, then I leave it in the changing room.’ Ariana sneaked a glance at Edris, who was scribbling on a notepad. He looked up and smiled. Two red spots appeared on her cheeks and she squirmed in her seat.

  ‘What about after school? Do you usually come straight home?’

  ‘I stayed behind on Wednesday to practice drama. Yesterday I went to Jess’ house.’


  ‘Jessica Evans.’

  ‘Catrin Evans’ daughter, they live on Quarry Road,’ Gwen added, trying to swallow the bitterness that rose in her throat every time she heard that name.

  ‘Anywhere else?’

  ‘Only Gran’s’

  ‘Was Uncle David there?’ Gwen instantly regretted the question as Meadows turned his attention to her.

  ‘Yeah, he was there.’

  ‘Why do you ask?’ Meadows was still looking at Gwen.

  ‘No reason.’ Now he’s going to think there is something going on with Uncle David. How can I explain it’s just a feeling?

  Meadows turned his attention back to Ariana. ‘Do you catch the service bus when you stay after school?’

  ‘It depends, there’s a late school bus at 4.30 but I don’t always make it.’

  ‘What about Wednesday?’

  ‘I caught the service bus, I stayed till five.’

  ‘Were you alone?’

  ‘No, Jess was with me.’

  ‘Anyone else you recognised on the bus?’

  ‘Not really, I wasn’t taking much notice.’

  The front door opened and Blue bounded into the kitchen. He jumped up on Gwen, his front paws resting on her shoulders. She patted his head and he moved towards Edris.

  ‘Whoa!’ Edris moved back in his chair.

  ‘He won’t hurt you.’ Ariana giggled.

  Alex appeared in the doorway. ‘Alright?’

  ‘You were quick,’ Gwen commented.

  ‘Stupid mutt wanted to come home. Ten minutes away from you and he started whining.’

  ‘Well, I think that’s all for now. Thank you, Ariana. Perhaps I can talk to your mum and dad alone.’

  ‘OK.’ Ariana appeared reluctant to leave the room and miss the opportunity to sneak glances at Edris.

  ‘Move it!’ Matt snapped.

  Ariana huffed then left the kitchen, closely followed by Alex.

  ‘Well?’ Matt demanded. ‘What are you going to do about it?’

  Gwen felt her skin prickle with annoyance. Why does he have to behave like a prat?

  ‘Do you think that Ariana is in danger?’ Gwen asked.

  ‘I think you should take some precautions. Make sure she isn’t alone after school. The note could’ve been placed at any time. Maybe a parent asked their son or daughter to slip the envelope into her bag or it could have happened after school. We’ll start by looking at those who were interviewed in the original investigation and see if they have children currently attending the same school as Ariana. We can also talk to the headmaster about security.’

  Mr Epworth. Gwen felt herself drifting back in time. She didn’t fight it but let the memories flood her mind. Meadows’ voice faded and was replaced by the clattering of cutlery against plates among distorted voices …

  She was sat at a table in the school canteen. Winter was sat opposite, a copy of the English O level study book open in front.

  ‘Thanks for helping me. I just can’t get into this book, nothing’s sinking in.’ Gwen could feel her whole body tingle as she looked into his eyes.

  ‘It’s no problem. Shakespeare isn’t the easiest to study, you either love him or hate him.’ Winter smiled.

  ‘I heard you got straight As in all your exams. I’ll probably end up with U’s!’

  ‘Don’t be so hard on yourself, it can’t be easy with all the work you had to catch up on.’

  ‘No, but it’s better than being put back a year. I suppose I can always resit.’

  ‘I don’t think you’ll have to.’ He leaned forward and turned the pages of the book.

  Gwen felt her stomach squirm. It had taken her weeks to work up the courage to ask him to help with her studies. He was one of the few who didn’t stare and whisper behind her back. Now the more time she spent with him the more she liked him and looked forward to the time they spent together. Bethan would have a fit if she could see me now. Pain gnawed at her stomach, bringing tears to her eyes. The grief always caught her unaware, sneaking up and clawing at her insides.

  ‘Are you OK?’ Winter reached his hand across the table.

  A noise erupted in the canteen, Winter withdrew his hand, and Gwen looked up and saw a group of boys dressed in their rugby kit approaching.

  ‘If you want a study partner I can help you there.’ Matt, the leader of the group, winked at her.

  ‘I’m fine, thank you.’ Gwen turned her attention back to Winter.

  ‘Hey, hippy boy, move over.’ Matt sat down and the group followed until Gwen was squashed in between them.

  ‘We’ll finish this another time.’ Winter stood up and grabbed his bag.

  ‘Don’t leave on my account,’ Matt called as Winter left the canteen.

  Gwen scraped back her chair. ‘You’re such an arsehole sometimes, Matt.’

  Outside she scanned the grounds for Winter but there was no sign of him.

  ‘Gwen, wait!’

  Gwen turned and saw Matt running towards her. ‘What do you want?’

  ‘Don’t be like that, I just came to see if you’re OK.’

  ‘Well, I’m fine.’ Gwen clenched her fists.

  ‘OK, but I’m here if you need me. I’m watching out for you so there’s no need to worry.’

  ‘What’s that supposed to mean?’ Gwen felt anger bubbling beneath her skin.

  ‘Matt looked at the ground and shuffled his feet. ‘After what happened, you can’t trust anyone. Just because Sam Morris left school it doesn’t mean you’re safe. You don’t know Hippy Winter, I don’t think you should be hanging out with him.’

  ‘I know him well enough. I’m quite capable of choosing who I hang around with, so you can fuck off.’ Gwen turned and stomped away.

  ‘I’m sorry.’ Matt caught up with her. ‘I just want to be friends with you.’

  Gwen stopped and turned to face him. ‘What is all this about? Why would you want to be seen with me?’

  ‘I like you. I’ve always liked you …’

  The memory faded and Gwen was surprised to find Meadow’s still talking. Doesn’t look like any of them noticed I zoned out.

  ‘I’ve looked over the case notes and it appears that there were no sightings of Bethan on that day. I thought we could do a fresh appeal for witnesses. Perhaps a reconstruction. It could help jog some memories. Someone who didn’t come forward at the time out of fear or protecting someone else may come forward now.’

  ‘Are you out of your fucking mind?’ Matt’s jaw clenched, his nostrils flaring.<
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  ‘Matt, please.’ Gwen felt her skin prickle with shame. He hasn’t changed, still acting like the school bully.

  ‘Well, what does he expect?’ Matt cast Gwen a scathing look. ‘Do you want the same thing that happened to you to happen to Ariana? Cause that what’s going to happen if you allow him to stir it all up again.’

  ‘Matt, I have no intention of putting either Ariana or Gwen in danger. Whether we do an appeal or not, whoever attacked Gwen all those years ago and put that letter in Ariana’s bag is not going to hide away and see what happens. It’s better that we continue with our investigations while we have a chance of catching the person responsible.’

  ‘Yeah, like your lot did such a good job last time.’

  Gwen could see that Meadows was struggling to keep his patience. She wanted to offer some reassurance that she agreed with him. But did she? What if Matt is right and I put Ariana in danger by continuing with this? She could feel her forehead tightening with the onset of a headache.

  ‘This time there is a good chance that Gwen will remember who attacked her and Bethan. It’s getting late, perhaps you could take some time to think things over. Meanwhile I’ll promise that we will do all we can to ensure Ariana’s safety.’

  ‘I’ll see you out.’ Gwen rose from the chair.

  ‘I’ll come and see you in a few days,’ Meadows said as he stepped outside. ‘Perhaps in the meantime you could come to the station with Ariana so we can eliminate your fingerprints.’

  ‘That’s not a problem. I’m sorry that Matt was rude to you. He’s just worried about Ariana.’

  ‘It’s fine, you don’t have to worry, I’ve had a lot worse.’ He smiled then turned away.

  Gwen closed the door and ran her hand through her hair. ‘What a mess,’ she sighed as she walked into the sitting room. Matt was slumped on the sofa, the remote control in his hand. Well, I guess that’s the end of the discussion tonight. She walked into the kitchen and closed the door. I didn’t even offer them a drink, she thought as she noticed the unused cups. She switched on the kettle and put away the spare cups. The kitchen door opened and Ariana walked in.


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