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Cypher Theorem Series Box Set: Books 1-3, The Zero Class, Shadow Moon, Dragon Fire: A Science Fiction Fantasy

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by Mark Brandon Powell

  The Zero Class (Book One)


  Dark and fiery clouds fill the skies as he lays on the ground. His vision is fuzzy and he can barely make out the fallen angel in front of him. Gigantic black wings covered in fire are all that is clear. The healer of his group runs to his side, and begins to cast a spell over him.

  “Are you ok?” The healer asks with a tremble in his voice.

  “Yea, I’ll be fine. I need to get back in there and swap out with the other tank. Make sure to fill me up while I get over there.”

  “You got it.”

  He runs toward the fallen angel and releases a torrent of fire from his hands, blindsiding the evil creature. It turns it focus toward him and he prepares to keep its attention while the others attack it from behind. A pop-up window appears in the right of his vision. It’s an incoming call from his mother.

  “Vernon, I know you’re playing your game right now, but lunch is ready.”

  “I got your message Mom, I’m on a boss fight and I'm almost done.”

  “Well hurry up or it’s going to get cold.”

  Vernon looks over to the health meter of the fallen angel and there is two percent left. He sends a message to his whole team that they almost have it and to blow any and all cool downs that haven’t been used or are available again. The boss falls, and the loot divided out. Vernon tells everyone goodbye and logs out of his game. He opens his eyes and sits up in his chair.

  The overlay is in the middle of his vision with the log-in logo of the game that he was playing, Worlds of Sword and Sorcery. Vernon spends what free time he has playing video games. They are a part of a full emersion virtual reality system taking over all the senses in his brain through the HaLO device on his wrist. He walks out of his room and heads into the kitchen where his mother and father are waiting for him at the table.

  “So how did the game go son?” his father asks.

  “We got it.”

  “That's good to hear but your spaghetti got cold. I’ll warm it up for you.” Vernon’s mother says, as she channels heat toward her hands. She grabs the bowl and her hands turn orange. The food inside the bowl heats up and she places the bowl back on the table, as the glow from her hands disappear. “That should be good, but if it isn’t I can heat it up some more.”

  Vernon says, “Thanks mom, but I could have just used the runes on the bowl instead of you using your magic to heat it up.”

  “I know but you’re still my little boy and you’re not all grown up yet. You still have one more year in high school before you go off to college.”

  “Have you thought about where you want to go yet?” Vernon’s father asks.

  “I want to go to the Paladin Academy in New Atlantis and join the Order, but since it’s so selective, I’m not sure I’ll get in.”

  “What about something around here? There are good Magic and Runic schools around here. Then you don’t have to leave us.” His mother pleads.

  “I know but I want to be like you and father.”

  “Let’s see what happens hun, because Vernon is right. It is getting more selective to get in now-a-days. There is less and less that requires military attention and they only select the best. I have faith in your son, but it might come down to who knows who. Politics and all.”

  “Thanks dad, and I know. Which is why I want to ask if there is anyone you know that can give me a recommendation. I know you and mom can’t because of the way you left the order.”

  “We can look into it but don’t get your hopes up.” His mom says.

  “Thanks mom.”

  There is a hurried knock on the door and Vernon’s father says that he will get up to check it. Vernon’s best friend Duke is at the door out of breath.

  “Vernon! We have to get to the school now!”

  Vernon leans against the door frame, “Why what’s going on?”

  “Did you not get the messages I forwarded on to you. You must not have because otherwise you wouldn’t be asking that question. They were straight from the government and the school board. They approved Mixed Magical Arts as a sport for high school!”

  Vernon is a little shocked to hear this. Mixed Magical Arts is a professional sport that was created to test physical and magical prowess. Each of the Domes have their own team and the finals tournament has a crazy number of viewers each year. The Sport can be dangerous and there have been a few people that have lost their lives while in the arena. To allow high school students to take part seems unreal.

  “Are you sure Duke, you’re not just messing with me.”

  “Nope, the tryouts are today in an hour.”

  “I don’t know man, I just don’t think I’m ready for that. Plus there aren’t many rune users in the professionals. Also, my parents will just pull me out anyway.” Vernon says. Remembering all the extracurricular activities he used to do in middle school. His parents always pulled him out halfway through the year, so he just stopped trying.

  “Ashley said that the dance team was going to do the cheering for the new MMA team. If my memory serves me right, Marie is the captain of the dance team. Isn’t she?”

  “Yes she is Duke but you know we are just friends.”

  “You keep saying that but you spend so much time together and neither of you are dating anyone. Maybe this is your chance. She has been wondering why you quit all the sports freshman year. She only joined the dance team to cheer you on, you know that right?”

  “She likes to dance that’s why she joined. If it was for me, she would have stopped when I did.”

  “Whatever you say, but seriously, you’re coming with me because I need you there with me. Ashley and Flint are already in too, and you might not think it but you are ready for this. All the training that we have been going through over the last few years has prepared you for this. Not to mention you are at the top of the class.”

  “But it’s going to be a lot of extra work, and practices, and even more training than normal. I would rather be inside playing my games.”

  “Too bad because I am not taking no for an answer. We’re going, now get a move on.” Duke says in a harsh tone.

  “Ok, ok, fine. Let me go get changed."

  Arriving at school Vernon see a group of people standing in line waiting to register for the tryouts. At the table is their history teacher Coach Hill. He is the runic curricular planner and head teacher for the runic side of the recently formed Magic and Runic school. About a year ago they merged the smaller Runic Academy with the main Magic school. The enrollment was on a decline for the Runic Academy because there have been less rune users born every year. A rune user has magical strength and aptitude but is unable to manifest spells without help. Runes are carvings or pictures on objects that once raw magic fills it you can fold and manipulate into spells. The Saint Anthony Runic Academy was the leader in runic teachings.

  As the line dwindles away as Vernon approaches Coach Hill. “Hey Coach, how are you doing?”

  “Vernon!? How are you doing, I didn’t expect seeing you here? You’ve never shown any interest before in sports.”

  “Yea I know, but Duke here is forcing me to join up.”

  “Ah, I see. It’s going to be good to have you two trying out. I would hate to put a team together without my two best students.”

  “Thanks Coach, but there are probably lots of good casters here that are better.”

  “We’re going to have a little competition beforehand to see who gets to be team ca
ptain. I'm basing it on physical and magical strength, so we can see who’s the best we have. Also before I say any more, I need to give you both a stasis band today.”

  “Stasis what?” Duke asks.

  “That is a good question, they’re brand new. The principle gave them over to me when she told me about this MMA team that I would be putting together today. They're a companion band to the HaLO and once the user reaches a certain point of exhaustion or injury it activates. Producing a shell or cocoon to cover the wearer and heal them.”

  “So do we have to hold back like in class?” Vernon asks.

  “Nope, I am supposed to sit back and watch once you have them on.”

  Vernon looks at his wrists, his right one with the HaLO and now his left with this new stasis band attached. He has never noticed his HaLO before but now that the stasis band is on, it feels uncomfortable around his wrist. He adjusts the new stasis band while it is paring to his HaLO. The Haptics Linguistics and Optics Band or HaLO for short is a device that connects to the nervous system through the wrist or ankle. It's given to every child at birth in the Astrum Government. With the direct connection to the nervous system it does all manner of things. It can detect all vitals throughout the body, and produces an altered visual interface through the eyes. On top of that it stores personal information with a DNA linked identification number. The HaLO acts as the main identifier within society. Its been a part of society for over six hundred years and it has long become part of everyday life. As the children grow the material stretches out to not cause any reduction in blood flow. There are some instances where there needs to be adjustments. With the stasis band now paired he walks over to the group of students waiting for the trials to begin.

  Coach Hill stands in front of all the students, calling for everyone’s attention. “Alright everyone. The trials are about to being. Team up if you want to or go solo. Who ever is left last is the captain. So Questions?”

  No one answers, and everyone looks at each other with a smile on their face.

  Coach Hill nods, “Good. Let’s begin!”


  Hot dust starts to settle as Vernon gasps for air. The dirt settles over his black hair turning it brown. He peers around the corner of the boulder he was fortunate enough to dodge behind before the fireball hit. The crater it made still fresh. Bright orange and yellow slag cooling. He hears someone call out from a distance.

  "Get your head in the game Vernon! Ashley and Flint are already out and we can’t lose you too!"

  Vernon's ears are still ringing from the blast, but still makes out Duke voice. The cheering crowd from the away team doesn't make things any easier on his hearing.

  "My head is in the game! I... just got a little distracted is all." He yells back.

  "Uhhh huh, you can watch Marie dance after the match, at home. Keep your eyes on the other team. I don't know how they are doing it but they’re picking us off like flies. We can’t even see them."

  Vernon peers out from behind the bolder again, the stone cold to the touch and notices that Duke is off to the left behind a split tree. He reaches into his pocket for the handmade etched leather gloves, and slides them on. Pulling them snug around his fingers, he makes fists a couple of times to get them comfortable. The etchings start to react from his energy he is filling them with by shimmering and glowing blue and green. With the dust finally settled he can see someone’s figure forming. A voice yells out from the smoke, and Vernon pulls back behind the rock.

  "So you’re too afraid to come out huh Zero?”

  The dirty slur hung in the air. It was a demeaning term meant for people who didn’t have magical aptitude for casting spells. There is a test given at birth to gauge what type of magic the newborn would be most in tune with. It is on a number scale of zero to one hundred and a color scale corresponding with the type of magic. Those who won’t be able to cast spells have the test come back with a black strip or a zero rating. They like to call themselves rune users due to their reliance on runic carvings to manifest magic. Vernon had heard people whisper this around him many times throughout his life. No matter how many times he heard it or how many times he told himself to let it go, it always stung.

  The boys voice rings out again, “I saw you duck away back there like a little coward. You got lucky dodging that blast with you looking off into the crowd. There isn’t going to be anyone in those stands that would applaud for you. They want a real caster to cheer for. Not some good for nothing Zero!"

  There it was again, Vernon was use to the ignorant goading and name calling but he still took the bait. Standing up and walking around the boulder the name caller comes into view. He isn’t tall or have much of a build at all. Vernon looks over the battle field making an assessment. Most of the trees have broken, burnt, or sliced in half. The floating rock formations that were overhead are now nothing more than floating pebbles. Save for a few platform sized rocks left. Nothing he can get to quick enough right now to be useful.

  The Saint Anthony Dome Arena is still somewhat in construction and he can see the cranes in the distance overhead. They were able to get the arena floor finished and the shield generator working over the two hundred yard diameter field. Even though the stands were only about half done, they filled to the brim with people from all over Eden cheering on their children. With the clock running down, most of the field destroyed and pushed up against the south wall of the arena. Vernon's playbook had been whittled down to nothing.

  There had only been three weeks between the trials and this placement tournament and he didn’t have much planned. Duke is still behind the split tree unseen by the opposition. Vernon can see he is just itching to attack and is all set by the glow from his runes on his necklace and a bracelet. They are both giving off a faint white glow, and he signals to Vernon he’s ready when Vernon is.

  Vernon decides that the best course of action might be distracting the boy and letting Duke get him from behind. He yells back to the boy standing on the hill in front of him. "Well that might be true. They might not cheer on some rune user but from the looks of it there isn't a real caster around here better enough to replace me. So I guess I’ll just have to do."

  "Ha, you think you’re going to intimidate me Zero!?"

  The slur echoes throughout the arena this time. Making Vernon cringe as well as everyone who could hear the hate behind those words. Vernon could hear people in the crowd gasp in disapproval at the boy for the blatant use of that word.

  "There isn't a rune user in this district that can best me one on one. I looked up your record and saw what it said about you. I'm better than anyone you have been against and I don’t care how many people you fought. I’m going to make a name off of you, so don't go tryin' to get all cocky on me. You’re the one without a team to back him. You’re the one in a hole, and you’re the one that is worth nothing!" The boy yells out and Vernon can see the spit flying from his mouth from where he stood.

  "Duke! Gloves on!" Vernon yells ignoring the boys obvious goading.

  Hearing his cue, Duke readies himself, and fixates on Vernon's movements. Ready to flank the smug New Atlantian, with his runes at a full charge. Vernon glances to the bottom left of his vision. His overlay readout showing both he and Duke are on their last bits of health due to the dwindling red bar. In seeing this Vernon feels like he is back playing his video games again but knows this is all too real. The other team’s information isn’t there but he knows the other team hasn’t suffered any damage. Because they have no points up on the board and he hasn't even seen any of the other team till this blabber mouth showed up. Vernon also takes notice of how much energy he has left. It reads about half energy for himself indicated by a half filled blue bar under his heath.

  The magical energy he has left has always been an estimate for him, which frustrates him to no end. Coach Hill did tell them that the stasis band activates at a certain point of exhaustion. He wonders if everyone feels the same way about the new band like he does. Duke, it seems, is ab
out out of health with less than a fourth left. One wouldn't know it by looking at him which is fortunate. Duke never gave any outward indications if he was wore out or not. With him it was always a hundred percent until he collapsed.

  The school officials always were ones to err on the side of safety. Coach Hill explained it as when you are dealing with the creativity of people, and the power of magic, things get dangerous fast. Over the last few weeks some people on the net wondered why the schools were allowing Mixed Magical Arts into the high schools at all. They could just use simulators hooked into the children’s HaLO’s. With all the technology available it was possible, and simple to do so, but no one ever brags about their simulator scores. That and with huge audiences watching it can bring in extra money for the school districts.

  Vernon starts to energize the runes within his gloves and boots with some of the magic energy he has left. The runes start to glow purple in his gloves and green in his boots. The boy seems to takes notice but doesn’t care that the runes are active. Vernon figures he must be full of confidence in his ability to put the zero in his place or is oblivious to the idea of losing. Vernon releases some of the charge from his boots.

  Wind begins to swirl around his feet lowering his body weight. He sprints toward his foe with the power of the wind beneath him. He closes the roughly twenty five yard gap between him and the boy in an instant. The boy was not ready for the speed Vernon displayed and Vernon can tell by the look on his face. Vernon appears in front of him right arm already cocked back.

  The boy vanishes like a mist in the wind right before Vernon’s eyes. He swings through the boy’s image, smoke swirling around his fist as it dissipates. Vernon stumbles forward without his anticipated resistance of a face on his knuckles. It disoriented him enough to where he needs to make an effort to get his center back. Organized chants from the crowd on both sides start up as he regains his footing. Confusion and urgency takes over as he starts to look in every direction trying to find the boy. He had vanished but how? Magic was the obvious answer, but he had never seen anyone use a spell like that before.


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