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Cypher Theorem Series Box Set: Books 1-3, The Zero Class, Shadow Moon, Dragon Fire: A Science Fiction Fantasy

Page 29

by Mark Brandon Powell

  She smiles, and slowly runs her hand down his chest, past his stomach. His heart thumps in his chest with anticipation. Her hand slow caresses him, like waves against the shore. He grabs the back of her head, pulling her in close for a long wet kiss.

  An hour passes by in the blink of an eye, both of them still holding each other, breathing heavily.

  Vargas says, “I almost forgot how good that was.”


  “I’m not sure how this is going to work, but we can figure something out.”

  Amber smiles, and places her head on his chest.

  A knock at the door brings them back to reality. It was the pattern they had worked out with each other to let them know who was knocking. Which could only mean it was Yeti.

  From the other side of the door, Yeti’s voice comes through. “Hurry up you two. The Johns are already lined up to get off the ship. We need to hurry if you’re going to follow them.”

  Oh crap. Shoots through Vargas’ mind.

  He gives Amber a panicked look, but she was already out of bed and half dressed.

  He yells back, “Give us like five minutes or less and we’ll be ready.”

  Two minutes later, both Amber and Vargas were ready at the door, staring at Yeti. He has a goofy grin across his face, but Amber didn’t seem too fazed by it. She walks out of the door, and begins down the hallway toward the elevator.

  “So I guess you took my advice, huh Cap?”

  Vargas glares back, “Not a word out of you, because this has nothing to do with you.”

  Yeti’s grin turns into a large toothed smile. “Right, got it. You’ve got to admit though, better this way, ain’t it.”

  Vargas’ face turns red in embarrassment. “Words, I hear them, they need to stop.”

  “Right, sorry.” Letting out a little laugh.

  Amber glares back at him, which abruptly cuts off the laugh. They walk the rest of the way to the elevator in silence. Both Yeti and Amber with smiles on their faces, and Vargas could still feel the heat from his face being flushed. They get into the elevator, and Amber winks at him, calming him down. Which was more than he thought it should have, but he takes the small comfort all the same. The elevator didn’t have a long ride, it was only two floors down to where the dock exit was. It had been right next to where the Dive Bar was located. There were people lined up as they exited, which they then had to get to the end of the line.

  Vargas keeps his voice low as he speaks to the two. “Amber, you’re going to come with me as we follow the Johns, and try to find out who they are going to be selling that item to. Yeti, I know this isn’t what you were originally told you had to do, but I need you to go set up the meeting with Biggs for us.”

  “Can’t. Sorry Cap.”

  “Why not?”

  “He told me the next time he saw me, he would kill me. I would prefer to stay living.”

  “Is there a reason for this?”

  “Long story short, I slept with his wife. I then gave him intel about how she was sleeping around all over the place stealing from companies and people. He thanked me for telling him, but his payment was a none lethal goodbye.”

  “Why did you sleep with the guys wife, didn’t you know that beforehand?”

  “She was dirty, he wasn’t. I am in the business of gathering information, I don’t care how I get it, and some ways are sweeter than others. That was what she wanted for the information that I was asking her for. I deemed it a cheap, yet satisfying form of payment. I am good at what I do, and that is all that I care about.”

  “Sorry, it’s not my place. From what I heard about from Tyler, you are the best within the Paladins, and should be my best asset.”

  “He said that did he. Took him long enough.”

  “So I still need you to go to him for us, or at least contact him about when and where to meet us. We need to follow the Johns and I know that isn’t your thing. I can’t send Amber by herself, three on one is a little out of balance. I mean I know she could take on two, but the third might get her.”

  Yeti nods slowly. “I get what you’re saying Cap.” He rubs at his chin. “I’m just not sure… I can try to contact him, but no promises.”

  “Thanks, that’s all I need. If things don’t work out on your end, we can just figure out how to meet him ourselves. We are only docked here for eight hours, having to fit in an hour talk with Biggs, which leaves us with six and a half hours. I guess that will have to do.”

  Amber says, “We can. Have time.” She places her hand on Vargas’ shoulder.

  He takes in a breath, letting it out sharply. “Alright, let’s do this.”


  Vernon laughs, “So you don’t like crowds either?”

  “No I don’t. Ever since the kidnapping, I avoid them whenever I can. Since you’re back now, I haven’t been as paranoid about it. Which has been a nice change of pace.”

  “I’m sorry, that was all my fault. If I didn’t have an interest in becoming a Paladin, that would have never happened to you in the first place.”

  “It’s ok Vernon, I don’t blame you. I blame Tyler, and that bastard Paladin he sent to get me.”

  Vernon tries to change the subject, “Well I don’t like crowds because I like to be around my family. I guess I will have to get used to the idea of being in a crowd, since I am going to be protecting the people as a Paladin.”

  Marie opens her mouth to agree, but is cut off as speakers pop and hiss with the voice of the bus driver filling the cabin. “Welcome to The Island! This land we are on is no more than a few decades old. With this land as a living area and staging zone, we are going to explore into the uncharted Viviania, and conquer it.” The bus driver clenches his fist, raising it into the air. “On this tour we will be taking you around The Island to show off the beauty and splendor that awaits all who want to live here. We are looking for colonist…” His voice fades into the background for Vernon as Marie nudges him in the side.

  “What is it?” He asks with a cheerful tone.

  “Have you ever dreamed about being an adventurer or explorer?”

  “Well it might have been something fun, under different circumstances, but I have always been more of a protector type than an explorer. I like running to the rescue, no traipsing about the wilderness.”

  “I guess you’re right. It is fun to think about though.”

  “It is, but we already have lots of plans in New Atlantis that are going to be more fun than this is, I’m sure of it. I am also pretty sure we wouldn’t want to bring cats into a situation like this, not knowing if we would come back. Children either for that matter.”

  “Have you been thinking about having kids?” Her eyes light up, “Are you really ready for that, or are you just saying that?”

  “I know that I love you, and I know that anything that we do together will be amazing. If that means that we are blessed with a child, then I will do everything in my power to be the best husband and father that I can be.”

  Marie wraps her arm around his, wiggling closer to his side. He tilts his head to give her a kiss on the top of her forehead. The sweet scent of her scalp carries up into his nostrils. He takes in a deep breath of the sweet fragrance. He gives her another kiss on her head, taking his free arm and gently placing his right hand on hers.

  They sit back into their seat, as they turn their focus back to the voice of the bus driver. “Viviania is a dangerous place, with monsters of all shapes, and sizes. If you are looking for a challenge in life, sign up to be citizen of The Island!” He goes on in detail to talk about how savage the creatures are, and the unforgiving land scape of the large continent. He warns about all of the previously thwarted attempts to colonize the continent. He gets out of his chair, as the bus stops.

  He stands facing the passengers, then points to Vernon, “Vernon Douglas, what about you, would you answer the call of The Island?”

  Vernon jerks his head up to meet the drivers, not expecting to have been called by name
, “I’m sorry, what?”

  “I asked if you would answer the call of The Island?”

  Vernon notices the constant emphasis the driver continuously places on The Island, and barely keeps himself from giggling. “I am a Paladin of the Astrum, and newly commissioned. So I won’t be answering any calls for a while.”

  The driver blinks, standing there slack-jawed, not sure what to say. He regains his composure and goes on to the next man, calling him by name, asking him if he was willing to heed the call. Out of the few passengers that were on this tour, there was only one couple that started to ask questions as though they were interested. Asking about housing, taxes, and available work. It was becoming more and more popular to try to get away from the Astrum government in recent years. People wanted to get out and make a name for themselves. Those people thought they could do it better, and formed companies, pooling money to make the attempt real. Vernon had not noticed it when he was looking through the brochures, but it seems that Paradise Sailing was another one of those companies.

  It had been a few hundred years since the last attempt to truly break free of Astrum, known as the Separatist movement. It ended in failure, like the few before it had, the only thing they managed to do differently was to make it more bloody. Vernon hopes this place won’t resort to their tactics, mainly because he would have to fight these poor people who are just trying to do better for themselves.

  Marie looks at Vernon drifting off into the inner recesses of his mind, and gives him a good nudge to the ribs. The shock to his side bends him over, and turns his head to Marie with a, what did I do look.

  She whispers to him, "You should know what you did." Giving him a small huff as she turns her head away.

  Vernon is thoroughly confused by this, not knowing what he had done. He can only figure he wasn't paying enough attention to her, and tries to make amends. "I apologize, I'm not sure what I did, or didn't do, but let's get back to our honeymoon. How about that?"

  She nods with a happy smile on her face as she wraps her arm tighter around his, as if trying to meld into one being. Vernon smiles at this, and squeezes her hand. They start to talk about the new apartment they got in New Atlantis, and how they are looking forward to having all of their stuff in one place, together. The apartment just so happens to have a wonderful view overlooking the fair grounds that they had gone on their first real date together. When the fair isn't running, they were told it’s converted into a garden park. The submarine ride they both enjoyed is also within eye shot of the patio, and operates all year round. There was no changing her mind, once Marie saw that view, the decision was all but made.

  For Vernon – luckily – it was the right size, layout, and was within the price they had been looking for. They moved their things in a week before the cruise, allowing them to relax after the wedding and honeymoon. The one downside for him was that it was on the sixth floor, and coupling that with an elevator that was the size of a small tanning booth – meant he had to maneuver furniture up six flights of stairs. His father and mother were more than happy to help, which he had been grateful for. Along with Marie's parents, who hired help as opposed to doing the heavy lifting themselves. Vernon was happy he was still mobile enough to enjoy the trip.

  The whole place was a thousand square feet of space, filled to the brim. Marie had a knack of making a place fill lived in almost immediately. There were knickknacks and decorations all over the walls within a matter of hours of setting everything up. They never stayed the night though, that was for the return trip home, after the honeymoon. Vernon was looking forward to sleeping in their new king sized bed they had purchased. It had floatation rune etched underneath it, allowing it hover over the ground. Four posts keep it from floating around the room, or floating up to the ceiling, where you don’t want it to be. The mattress itself was made of a gel foam mixture that molds to the body, dispersing or retaining heat depending on the temperature of the room and internal body temperature of the sleeper.

  Vernon starts daydreaming about their new bed. “Hey Marie, I can’t wait to get in our new bed. It’s going to be awesome.”

  “I think so too, but I am looking forward to living the inner-city life. We have lived out on the edge of a dome our whole lives. I can’t wait to have everything in walking distance, and to be working with you. Even if it is a different division, it’s nice we can work for the same place.”

  “You’re talking about your plans for the, thing you’re building, right?”

  “Yea, I am calling it deployable armor, but it’s just a project name. I will have to get a better name for it later. I have been so focused on building and perfecting the prototype that I haven’t had the time to name it.” She raises her hand in a dismissing gesture, “Yes I know, I’m not good at naming things in the first place, so don’t rub it in.”

  Vernon smiles.

  “Let’s talk about cats.”

  "What about cats?" Vernon says confused.

  Marie smiles, and continues the only conversation they have been on for the past few weeks, that wasn’t about the wedding. “I just remember when I was a child growing up my cat, Mister Pouncers, was around and there to comfort me. I also liked that she was a fluffy white cat. What type of cat do you want?"

  "I don't really care about the breed or color, I just want it to be an affectionate one."

  "Aw, you want it to be all loving with you. That’s cute."

  "Don't call it cute, call it appropriate, or that is the way it should be." Vernon replies defensively, trying to retain his man-card.

  "Aw, now you're being really cute. All defensive about wanting a loving animal to play with. Saying cute things and making cute faces." She says poking her finger into his ribs, at the same spot she hit earlier, with amazingly accurate jabs.

  Vernon dips his head and sighs, "Alright, alright I'm being cute. Can you stop teasing me now please." He finishes as the bus comes to a stop.

  The driver’s voice comes back over the speakers, “Passengers, welcome to the next to last stop, Attraction!” Vernon can’t help but let out a small snort when the emphasis falls on attraction. He thinks the driver must believe it sounds better that way. He can also tell that the driver noticed his laugh, which makes it even more difficult to contain his smile. Vernon clenches his mouth shut, trying to find his composure.

  The driver continues, “Our theme park, Attraction, is a one of the kind state of the art facility. Filled with the latest in virtual tech, and some of the most entertainingly engineered rides man has ever made. Paradise Sailing guests have already paid for their admission within their trip aboard The Navigator. Any guests who have flown in can purchase tickets at the admissions booth.”

  Vernon meets Marie’s gaze and they both get out of their chairs and head for the door to get off the tour. As they leave the driver tells them, other busses will be arriving throughout the day, and they can catch a later ride back to the docks.

  “Up for some rollercoasters?” Vernon asks with a hopeful tone.

  “I was just about to ask you the same thing.”

  They scan their HaLO’s at the admissions booth on the way in, confirming they were passengers of The Navigator. The attendee nods and waves them through. Entering the park gives them access to a virtual map over the HVN. Vernon turns around to say thank you, and notices that attendee is dressed in orange, blue, and black–which happen to be all over the signs at the entrance of the park. He also sees that the boy is no older than his teens, and has the same bags under his eyes as the waitress he saw earlier. Again Vernon wonders if they all have to work long hours or if it’s the rebellious nature of youth creating the baggage. He shakes his head to clear the thoughts of it and sees Marie’s wonder filled eyes as she takes in the park. He grabs her hand and follows her lead.

  The whole park was built in a large circle. Rollercoasters were the first stop on their list and they were all on the right side of the park. Walking along the path they come up to a food stand with a sign for funne
l cakes lettered larger than the name of the booth. Neither of them had seen or tasted one before, and with it looking like a digestive track with powdered sugar across it, didn’t help. That didn’t stop them, since it did have powdered sugar on, they decided it couldn’t be that terrible. They exchange a glance before they feed one another a piece of the funnel cake, not quite sure what to expect. Mmm rolls off both their tongues on unison.

  A few minutes, and one fight for the last bite later, they are back on their way to the first rollercoaster on the list, The Switcher. Vernon looks up at the track, if you could call it that, because they were a bunch of unconnected pieces. With this being a theme park, he knew there had to be some safety regulations, but it looked really sketchy from the ground.

  Vernon points out the track to Marie. “Hey, do you see this?”

  “Yes I do, but watch.”

  They watch as a cart goes past with people already loaded, screaming at the top of their lungs. There is a sway to the ride that makes Vernon nervous.

  Marie sees some hesitation in Vernon’s eyes, “Is there something wrong Vernon?”

  “No, nothing.” His voice a little shaky as the answer comes out.

  “Right. You keep thinking that.”


  Vargas watches the Johns with Amber at his side as they exit the ship. They were under no assumption anyone was following them, which made it easy to tail them. Amber kept watch around them to see if they were being followed, which could have been giving the brothers some form of reassurance. At the moment she didn't see anyone.

  The Island was a nice German style town from what Vargas noticed. The people he passed by that weren't passengers seemed to have been in dire need of sleep. Large black rings hang under their sunken eyes. The Johns were walking down main streets, out in the open, and there was something about it that didn't set right with Vargas.

  "Have you seen anyone that has so much as come up to say hello to them?" He whispers over to Amber.


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