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Page 2

by Sofia Grey

  I was wrong. He lifted his hand in a cheery wave, and I had to acknowledge him. I’d have looked stupid otherwise. His stride lengthened, and before I knew it, TJ stood in front of me, a now familiar grin dancing on his face. “Henare. I’m glad I caught you.” He tugged on the dog lead and then, with a graceful twisting move, released a small backpack from his shoulder.

  “I’ve brought your gear back. Thanks.” He dug into the pack and produced my clothes, neatly folded.

  “Umm, thanks.” I set them on the bleached log next to me and stared at the sea while I waited for him to leave.

  He didn’t take the hint. Instead, he rummaged in the bag again and produced something with a flourish. I gazed at the four bottles of beer in his hand.

  “I brought you a proper thank you.” His smile was too enticing. Jesus, what had I started? Instinct told me to refuse the gift, but curiosity made me hesitate. I couldn’t get drunk, and I’d never tasted beer. Today was a day of firsts. Maybe it would also be the day I put Matiu behind me? The idea made my chest ache, and I tried to push past it.

  “Beer. Thanks. Do you want to, uh, join me?”

  “Love to.” TJ sank onto the golden sand, and Butch settled down between us. “I just grabbed the first I came to, do you like this one?” He snapped off the metal cap and handed me the cold bottle, moisture clinging to the glass.

  I took it cautiously, and pretended to examine the label. “Not tried it.” Not tried any. “I’m sure it’ll be good.”

  “Cool.” He opened his own drink, and lifted the bottle to tap gently against mine. “Cheers.”

  “Cheers,” I muttered. The scent reminded me of fresh green hedgerows, almost floral. Unusual. I copied TJ when he took a drink, tipping the bottle to my mouth and gulping the liquid. Cold, sharp and yet sweet, a fizz of bubbles filled my mouth and came down my nose, making me cough. What the hell?

  TJ raised his eyebrows, but I recovered and took a smaller sip, holding the beer in my mouth for a second before swallowing. Flavours cascaded onto my tongue and exploded on the roof of my mouth. This was good. I drank some more. Really good. Why had I never tried beer before?

  The bottle was already half-empty and I stared at it, feeling TJ watching me. “I like it.” What could I give him in return for this experience? I could talk to him. “How was the tour?”

  He leaned back against the driftwood and wriggled his shoulders, as though getting comfortable. His dark, silky hair lay just inches away. “It was good. Mostly rich Americans, but they were all fit enough for the climb.” He tilted his head to look up at me, in the way Matiu used to. “You’ve been to Kapiti Island, yeah?” A flood of memories hit me and I was unable to speak, so I nodded. “We took the shortest route to the summit and it only took a couple of hours. The views were awesome today. As clear as I’d seen it.”

  The island was designated a nature reserve, and there were only limited numbers of people allowed to visit. Matiu and I had spent time there hundreds of years ago, before the native Maori settlers had even set foot there. Stop thinking about him, Henare. With an effort, I listened to TJ’s chatter, and the ache eased a little. I could do this again. Spend an undemanding hour with a handsome guy, even if he did seem determined to become a friend.

  TJ opened and held out another bottle, swapping it for my empty one. “Yeah, it was a good day,” he concluded, and closed his eyes against the low sun. “I won’t come running into the sea tomorrow morning, now I know you don’t need rescuing.” His chuckle loosened something tight inside me.

  “No, you really don’t need to.”

  “You know what?” He didn’t wait for me to answer. “If I hadn’t, I wouldn’t be sitting here now. It’s all good.”

  He reached down and fondled Butch’s ear, and the dog grunted. I watched his fingers slide back and forward in the thick fur, gentle and graceful. There wasn’t anything ugly about this man. I took the opportunity to examine his face, noting the long, thick eyelashes and the bruise blooming on his cheek.

  “What happened? To your face? The bruise.”

  “Some jerk decked me this afternoon. Thought I was ogling his chick.” He didn’t sound upset.

  “Were you?”

  “Nah.” He opened his eyes and pinned me with the blast from his stare. “I’m not into chicks.”

  My mouth instantly dried, and I took another gulp of beer. He was perfect for me. Young, hot and interested. Lust pooled in my gut, and all the blood in my body shot to my dick.

  Even as my brain processed his words and my body reacted, I felt another pull, one that could not be ignored. The tattoo on my arm heated, a warning of my imminent change, and I dragged my gaze up to see the sun minutes from setting.

  Fuck. How long had we sat here? I needed to go.

  TJ closed his eyes again, his shoulders sagging. “Don’t be offended, Henare. If you want to punch out my lights as well, feel free. Every other fucker does.”

  The tattoo started to burn. I had two minutes at most.

  “I have to go,” I blurted. Before I could change my mind— or consider the implications— I leaned down and cupped TJ’s cheek. His skin was smooth, he must have shaved before coming to see me.

  It was the swiftest of kisses. No more than a featherlight touch, my lips brushing over his. “I’m not offended,” I whispered. “But I still have to go.”


  Chapter 4

  For the first time since I’d been cast out of my realm, I looked forward to the sun rising. When I drew breath, I swam through the waves to the shore and splashed through the shallows, anticipation bubbling through my veins. Would TJ be there?

  Memories of the kiss-that-wasn’t-a-kiss surged. In truth, they’d not been far from my thoughts all night. The way his eyes had snapped open. The desire that had flashed between us. The disappointment on his face when I hurried away, darting behind him into the cover of the dune, just a couple of strides away.

  There hadn’t even been time to strip before my human form dissolved into a cloud of moisture particles and arrowed back to the sea, to merge with the ocean. I’d heard TJ call my name, and then I’d submerged beneath the waves. What must he have thought?

  I saw Butch first, trotting along the shoreline, a stick in his mouth. Not on his leash. As soon as he saw me, he bounded across and tossed the stick at my feet with a playful woof. If the dog was here, TJ would not be far away.

  Throwing the stick seemed to be what the hound wanted, and he raced after it while I padded across the sand. Where was TJ? Apart from Butch and myself, there was nobody… and then I saw him. He sat on the dry sand close to my cottage. Watching me.

  I blew out a breath, tension leaking from my shoulders, and I fought to hide my smile. He was here. An unusual emotion settled in my chest, one I’d never imagined feeling again. Pleasure. His wide smile suggested he felt the same.

  I paused, a few steps from him and reined in my first thoughts before they became words. I sought something neutral. “You’ve let Butch run free?”

  “There’s nobody about for him to run after.” His gaze darted down my nakedness to my half-hard cock, before rising slowly to my face. “You must have gone out early.” His cheeks coloured, and he shrugged. “I mean, I’ve been here a while and didn’t see you go out. Do you swim far?”

  Hundreds of miles. “Yes, I like to swim.” I tried to contain my delight, wanting to hold onto the emotion. He’d been waiting for me. Unlike Matiu. I clenched my fists at the memory of my lover, and TJ noticed.

  “Hey, I’m sorry. I’m not trying to stalk you or anything.” He tensed, and I could sense his uncertainty.

  “I’m glad you came back,” I replied.

  He scrambled to his feet, a hopeful look in his eyes. “The way you disappeared last night. I thought, well, yeah. I couldn’t be sure.” He gave an awkward one-shouldered shrug.

  He’d come back, that was what mattered, and I didn’t want him to doubt that. “Be sure of this.” I curled one hand gently in his T-shir
t— so soft— and tugged him toward me. He moved fluidly to stand close, our mouths just inches apart. I could smell something sweet on his breath. “I don’t like girls either.”

  His answering smile was a thing of beauty.

  It felt like the most natural thing to lean into TJ, and claim his lips, even while alarm bells shrieked inside my head. I never kissed. That implied more than physical lust, more of a connection, just more. I wanted to fuck him, that was all. I was about to pull back and say something, when he made a broken sound in his throat and opened up to me. His tongue flicked over mine, and I was scorched in a blast of heat.

  Sweet, hot and enticing, I wanted more. My cock pulsed with need, and I flexed my hips to brush against his denims. A shockwave of sensation flooded me and I knew in that moment, I had to have him.

  TJ lifted his head. “We should move,” he whispered, his eyes bright and pupils dilated. Move?

  My brain caught up with his words, and I sucked in a harsh breath. “Come.” I stepped behind him and pushed open the door. Another first. I’d never fucked here before. He followed, the dog bounding alongside, and then he leaned against the door to close it. The cottage was dim inside. The morning sun wouldn’t reach the windows for some time, but I didn’t need light for this.

  “I want you.” I planted my palms on the door, either side of TJ’s head. “Now.”

  His response was to slide one hand onto my neck and tug down my head. “Fuck, yeah.” The kiss this time was harder, almost rough. I nipped at the full lips, my teeth grazing at his skin, and my tongue soothing the sting away. Heat flashed between us, and when I dropped one hand to cup him, he moaned at my touch, his hard-on jerking beneath my fingers.

  “Take me, please.” TJ’s voice was strained, as though he surfed the edge of control too. It would take very little for me to turn him, drag down his jeans and take him right here, against the door. He moved, fumbled with his jeans, and then with a clink of a belt buckle, and a rustle of heavy fabric, they were gone, pooling around our feet.

  He wore no underwear. His cock bumped up against mine and I heard his breath hitch. Gods, that felt good. I sent a mental thank you to mighty Tangaroa, God of the Sea, for sending TJ to me. I hadn’t fucked in an age.

  “Here.” He shoved a foil packet in my hand. “I can’t wait.” Humans insisted on condoms, and usually lube. I only carried them when I went looking for sex, and I wondered if TJ was the same, or if he was always prepared. It didn’t matter. Within moments my dick was covered, and straining inside the thin latex.

  I couldn’t see his eyes clearly in the near darkness, but I found his mouth easily for another kiss. He was addictive.

  As if he’d read my thoughts, TJ turned to face the door and bent slightly. “Now. Please, Henare.”

  By Tangaroa, his ass was as perfect as I’d guessed, the skin smooth and unblemished to my touch. His whimper made me smile, and I took my time, teasing with one finger between his clenched cheeks. “Lube?”

  “Just do it.”

  I didn’t want to hurt him, and the thought made me pause. Why was I bothered? I sucked on my fingers anyway, and teased some more, before sliding one wet digit inside his ass. His groan of pleasure reverberated through my aching cock. I could wait no longer.

  The first push into his tight hole made my head spin. Heat enveloped me and I plunged deeper, filling him, taking everything.

  The world around me ceased to exist. I pumped steadily in and out, each thrust dragging a moan from the man I pinned to the door, every movement hauling me closer to a dizzying climax, held at bay by sheer force of will. His T-shirt was soft under my hand, and I pressed my fingers into his shoulder. Such contrast. Firm, strong muscles and bones, all hidden from view. I’d admire them later.

  Reaching around his front, I took his cock in my fist and squeezed.

  “Henare.” He cried my name and I lost it. I dug my teeth into the soft flesh at the base of his neck and let the orgasm roll over me, coming in waves until I was spent. I sagged over him, my knees strangely weak, and the breath tight in my lungs. What the fuck just happened? He called out my name. Another reminder of Matiu.

  My worlds collided for the briefest moment. The man I yearned for, and the man panting beside me. I could pretend they were one and the same. His cock like granite in my hand, I wanted to pleasure him. With care, I eased out of his ass, earning another whimper. His turn now. Pre-cum was sticky on his cockhead, and I used it to slick my fingers, before gliding along his length.

  “Jesus, that’s good.” No, he mustn’t speak. I couldn’t pretend otherwise. I released his shoulder and stuffed two fingers into his mouth, to keep him quiet. He sucked them, eager and intent, and I continued to jack him off, fast and hard, until he came over my hand.


  Chapter 5

  We’d fucked. It was time for TJ to leave, only… I didn’t want him to go just yet. He wriggled within the confines of my arms, and turned to face me. “I don’t… it’s never…” He swallowed, as though the words had stuck in his throat.

  Had I misread him? Anxiety speared my temples, and I stroked an unsteady finger down his stubbled cheek. “Did I hurt you?”

  His soft huff of laughter warmed my chest. “Fuck, no.” He gazed back at me, holding the connection. “It was amazing.”

  Leaning into him, claiming those full, soft lips again, felt right. Instinctive. As did tossing aside the condom, taking TJ’s hand and leading him into the previously unused bedroom. I was acting so far outside my normal behaviour that I didn’t recognise myself.

  Knowing that still wasn’t enough to stop me.

  I wanted to go slow this time, to savour the experience. TJ stripped the T-shirt over his head leaving him as blissfully naked as me. The only thing he wore was a chunky watch, and a smile.

  “Let me taste you.” He sank gracefully to his knees and gazed up at me, an impish grin on his face. I nodded, unable to speak, and helpless with longing. My dick was hard and ready to go again, and it thickened even further when TJ closed his sweet lips around it.

  Holy Tangaroa. This was more than I expected. Moist heat enveloped my cockhead, sparking so many sensations that my knees were buckling under the onslaught. I had to grab the decorative chest of drawers for balance. Bit by bit, TJ took my cock. It must have been uncomfortable, but he swallowed, glanced up at me, and then took the last inch, leaving his nose pressing into my groin.

  How could he breathe? The myriad of anonymous fucks had never matched this, or even come close. Millions of nerve endings sang in pleasure, and that was before he started to move. Long slow glides to almost leave his mouth, before he sucked again, back and forth, in and out. My chest tightened, the air constricting in my lungs.

  I, the dreaded Taniwha, was reduced to helplessness by this man on his knees. He’d almost made me human.

  His tongue laved the underside, swirled over the head, and caused stars to flash before my eyes. “TJ.” I dug for control, to wrestle back some power, but he ignored me. My balls ached with the need to come, but I feared he’d choke. “Stop,” I managed to gasp, before coherent thought disappeared altogether.

  Worry flitted across his beautiful eyes, but he let my cock slide from his mouth. His lips were dark and swollen. Edible. “Did I do something you don’t like?”

  “No.” I sucked in a ragged breath, my heart pounding. “It was too good.”

  TJ’s smile was sweet. “There’s no such thing. Will you come in my mouth? Please?”

  He offered freely what I’d only ever taken before. As easily as he took my cock into his mouth, he slipped under my defences, and chipped away at another piece of my armour. I wanted him too much. I couldn’t refuse.

  This time, he stroked my super-sensitive balls while he sucked, and I couldn’t stop. I erupted into his throat, fierce spasms that seemed to last forever, each spurt robbing me of my sanity.

  I stared, open-mouthed, when TJ licked me clean. His dick jutted forward, hard and flushed, and it cried
for my attention.

  I don’t do this.

  I only touched him earlier because I pretended he was Matiu.

  I don’t give.

  Sinking onto the bed, I held out my hand to him. “Come here.” My voice was little more than a rasp. TJ scrambled to his feet, and then perched on the edge of the bed. “I want to touch you.” The words were unfamiliar when I spoke. I’m not sure I’d ever used them.

  A smile to rival the sun lit his face, and he wriggled back, to sprawl against the pillows. “I want that too, Henare.”

  Not sure where to start, I lay on my side next to him, and slowly stroked his dick with my fingertips. Root to tip, I mapped the veins and listened to the sounds he made, learning what he liked. Over the head, I slicked through the gleaming pearl of pre-cum, and then used that to lubricate my fist. Watching him, seeing the signs of his arousal, and feeling him, satisfied me in a way I’d never known possible. How could it be that I was getting turned on, by pleasuring him?

  It made no sense, but judging by the pink flush on his cheeks, and the way his eyes glazed, he was enjoying it. I pumped his shaft, the way I like to touch myself, and his whimpers turned to groans. Desire unfurled again in my belly, and my cock stirred. I could do this all day. Touch him, and then fuck him. I squeezed harder and found a faster rhythm, his erection hot and sticky within my hand.

  “Henare,” he whispered, and tugged at my head. Our lips met a second before he came, the hot streams splashing over his stomach. Beautiful.

  “Christ,” he muttered, his head dropping back onto the pillow. “I don’t think I can move. Do you have any tissues?”

  No. I dug into one of the nearby drawers and produced a T-shirt. “Use this.”

  TJ’s eyes flicked open, his surprise tangible. “I can’t use your shirt. I’ll get some toilet paper.” He wouldn’t find any, but he didn’t know that. I forestalled his argument by wiping him clean, and then dropping the shirt onto the floor.

  The first fingers of daylight peeped through the window, and strayed across the bed. I wanted to look at TJ some more, see his face illuminated by the sun, and wonder at what he was doing to me.


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