The Diary of a Side Chick 6 (SCD)

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The Diary of a Side Chick 6 (SCD) Page 43

by Tamicka Higgins

  JB and I advanced in the building and walked around dead bodies that looked nothing like my guys, which was amazing. Meant my niggas was doing work. If one of them died tonight, it would be in honor and best believe Ima make sure they get they recognition. I'm proud of my niggas for sticking it out right now.

  JB dragged me down again. Shit, I was becoming way too consumed with all of this. I needed to focus. My heart was racing like I was scared of something. I didn't understand why, but then again, I didn't understand anything up to this point. It was still a big ass mystery as to why my bro was even bodied and why they did it the way they did it. Maybe it was adrenaline eating at me. It was intense, so intense that I started to shake. I needed to calm down. I was already caught off guard for the second time and I wasn't waiting for a third time to charm. Had JB not dragged me down, I would have been hit by the very bullets that were currently flying over my head. He gave me another disgusted look as he shot up again to kill the niggas. Man, JB was the one.

  “FUCK!” JB exclaimed as he crouched back down.

  “Ugh, nigga was able to graze my arm. I'll be fine. He's dead anyway.”

  My eyes widened at the sudden reality that we weren't invincible. JB had only been grazed, but it was enough for me to wake the fuck up. I couldn't lose him, too. Just as I was about to help him out, we heard someone calling for help. The voice sounded familiar. It was Keshawn, or at least it sounded like it, and it sounded like he was hurt real bad. JB looked at me and nodded.

  “Yo, Ima help out bro over there. You good to go solo? Don't get caught up daydreaming, motherfucker. I ain't gonna be by yo side to save yo ass anymore.”

  I laughed louder than I should have before I nodded in approval. All right, it was my turn. It was my turn to kill some niggas, hopefully some niggas who shot my brother so I can get some type of self gratification knowing I murked someone who thought it was funny to kill my brother.

  I crouched low and continued on, stopped when I heard a noise coming from a room directly to my left. Aha, my first kill was hiding out in a room. Damn coward. I approached the room and stood in the doorframe, holding up my gun, ready to place lead in someone’s dome or chest cavity, whatever my gun was pointing at was good enough for me.

  Then I saw it, a shadow emerged and materialized into a petite frame. Was this a girl? Damn, it was and she had a bomb ass body. Shit. She distracted me enough for me to not realize that she was pointing a gun at me.

  “Y’all making too much noise shootin’ up my squad. Y’all must be here for vengeance or somethin’ ‘cause y’all straight killin’ my niggas and I don't see shit missing. I'm bout to murk yo ass though.”

  She stood pretty wearing all black and hiding that face with a ski mask. Her voice sounded familiar as shit or maybe I thought it did. Or maybe I wanted it to sound familiar ‘cause mami’s curves had me fucking distracted.

  “Yeah, yeah. Go ahead and do it, bitch. You don't scare me.”

  She laughed out loud before pausing and tilting her head like she just found something out.


  Hold the fuck up. Not only was this bitch fine as fuck, she knew my damn name. This is a bad joke. Who the fuck is this? I waved away the dust and shit that was blocking my view, bad enough the lighting was shit so I couldn't make out her face when the bitch stripped off the ski mask. After taking a moment to focus on her, I realized who it fucking was and I damn near had a heart attack.

  “Woah, Tangie? Since fucking when?”

  She didn't even say another word, she looked at me or past me or in my direction. I don’t think she even saw me as her damn boyfriend but as someone who was on her turf and murking niggas that worked with her. Damn, I was going to go out like this? I wasn't about to shoot my own girl, I just spent the other day ‘fessing up how I felt for her and she gone do me dirty?

  “Tangie, are you going to answer me?”

  Apparently not. She just raised her gun and pointed it in my direction.

  “W-Wait. W-Why? Tangie! Baby!”

  I never stuttered until now. I was fucking mad and confused and hurt. My first kill was killing me…


  Chapter 16

  “Kaleo, yo!” I heard a voice calling to me. I peered over and saw my bro running towards me.

  “Kairee, I'm dead, aren't I. Bro, tell me this is Hell, I know I didn't deserve to go to Heaven for shit. Not for all the shit I've done. I don't know anymore, I don't know what to think. All I know is, seeing you gives me peace…” I said as I wrapped my arms around my bro.

  “Well, I don't have an exact answer for you, but I will say I'm glad you're here with me. That night was fucking insane. I don't know why that happened to me, I'm guessing you are here to tell me?” Kairee said as he let go of me, keeping his strong hands firmly on my shoulders.

  “I'm sorry, man, I don't even know. Your guess is as good as mine, all I know is, fucking Tangie betrayed me. I come to seek vengeance for you and I find her pretty little ass pointing a gun at me. She didn't even flinch, bro. That shit irked me so fucking bad. The fact that she didn't even blink or second guess killing me.” I shook my head and hung it low in shame.

  He lifted my head and shook his own.

  “I don't know why you're getting so down on yourself. You didn't fail me.”

  “What are you talking about? I'm dead, Kairee. I fucking died!”

  He just shook his head and smiled. He pulled me into another warm embrace before backing away.

  “Kaleo, go find out what happened to me and why it happened. I'll be watching over you, just know I'm always with you. You didn't fail me. I'm right here.” Kairee smiled once more as he pointed to his chest, indicating he was always in my heart. He faded away from me and everything went black.



  I slowly opened my eyes and found myself alone in my bedroom. Was this all a bad dream? Did I really see Tangie the other night? I'm sure I went out last night and shit. There's no way.

  I stumbled to my bathroom mirror and examined my chest before realizing she didn't shoot me, but someone pistol whipped the fuck out of my head. There was a nice gash on the side of my head but it looked like someone nursed me up before leaving me here. I wonder how long I’d been out. Wait, did I really see Kairee in my dreams? Wait…was I fucking dead? Holy shit, what the hell is going on?

  My head started to pulsate and the room started to spin. I hurriedly leaned over the toilet to vomit and sat there until the spinning stopped. I got up and made my way into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water before heading back into my room. I took a sip of the ice cold water and placed the bottle on my nightstand before laying back on the bed.

  I closed my eyes and allowed my mind to wander as the room started to spin again, although, this time it was as bad as sitting up. I tried to make sense of everything that was going on, but I kept hitting a wall. What was tripping me out the most was the fact that I talked to fucking Kairee. I really do believe I died and went to see him and he met me in limbo. Fuck, I don't know anything about that type of shit. Come to think of it, if I were to mention this to Momma, she would call me crazy and hit me upside my already injured head.

  I couldn't get over the fact that Kairee was telling me to figure out who did this to him. I thought I had it figured out, but it seems I didn't. I didn't do my research like I should have. Wait, it just dawned on me. What if they killed Kairee as a way to get to me? Since they couldn't get to me ‘cause I was out with my family, they used him as the scapegoat. But why Kairee? Why not JB? Not that I would rather have had JB die in his place, it's just nothing was making sense and I'm over here kicking myself in the ass because I rushed into it. Regardless of JB’s direction, I still rushed it and went in after my own heart and my own pain. Shit. Thanks to that, I lost my opportunity to do more research. I was in their damn facility and I could have used that to my advantage, but no. I was too busy in my feels, watching my niggas kill these motherfuckers ‘cause it made m
e feel good. Damn it!

  Now on to the main question of the damn century, why was Tangie there? That was killing me. My own damn girlfriend let someone hurt me like that after we spent the last several years being friends. Yeah, we just got into a relationship and told each other how we felt but that doesn't mean shit. Regardless of that, she was still my damn best friend who betrayed the fuck out of me. I'm convinced that rat had something to do with Kairee. Maybe not directly, but her being in that house was enough for me to conclude that she was part of it. She had to be involved in some type of way. I don't care if it was her sitting pretty in the getaway car or if she just stood in the room while they discussed it, the chick was still around.

  The bitch looked cold at me. The bitch didn't even try to work her way around it. Nah, this bitch was ready to body me, her long-term best friend. Why the fuck was she up in that gang anyway? What connections did she have with them? My head was hurting trying to put all of this shit together. I needed to investigate on this motherfucker. I was still out for blood. I never finished my original task. I still want someone to die telling me why the fuck my brother was targeted like that. Starting with my girlfriend. This bitch was going to fucking talk. This motherfucker crossed the line. How dare she betray me. This was about to be one interesting ass next few months. She better fucking watch her back.

  BONUS BOOK 4: She Betrayed Me 2

  A South Vendetta Hood Drama

  Tamicka Higgins

  © 2015


  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters and events are all fictitious for the reader’s pleasure. Any similarities to real people, places, events, living or dead are all coincidental.

  This book contains sexually explicit content that is intended for ADULTS ONLY (+18).


  “I swear to God, I’m ‘bout to kill this fucking bitch. She actin’ all brand new and shit and thinks that a nigga like me would let her go this easy? Nah, bitch. She got me all the way fucked up. If this bitch only knew all the work I put into finding her conniving ass. Fuck her and fuck the fact that she is actin’ cool as shit. I’m beyond pissed off with her.”

  I parked my car a couple blocks down from this weird ass building that lil bro located a while back. Earlier, when I gave him the task, we ain’t find her here. Somethin’ told me to come back though, so I made it a point to go back at some odd hour so she wouldn’t expect me to come. Had lil homie watch the place and he confirmed that her dumb ass frequented here every once and awhile. After he watched her for a good amount of time, lil nigga, Dae, found that she had a pattern for coming to this place. I knew he was a good edition to the team, he had been through some shit and he almost gave up on me, but I knew he was stronger than that and I am so glad lil nigga stayed. If he only knew how much him just being near me meant.

  It was pretty fucking cold tonight and I was glad I brought my heavy winter coat even though it was summer. This weather is bipolar as shit, either that or I’m just one weak ass nigga. I highly doubt it was the latter, I ain’t no punk, it’s just too cold for a nigga right now. My heart started to race as I made my way closer to the rinky ass looking building, partially excited but somewhat nervous. I don’t know why I was nervous, shit, I was fucking ready for this moment. I was this close to fucking murking the bitch who decided it was sweet to kill my lil bro. Maybe I was partially nervous ‘cause it was my girl and my long time best friend. But shit, all that flew out the window the second I found out it was her punk ass who was involved. Maybe now I need to listen to my own advice and believe that you really cannot trust no bitch, not even yo’ long term best friend who turned out to be yo’ girl. Now that has me thinking, did this bitch get close to me knowing what shit was going to go down? Aw, hell nah. That is petty on so many different levels. Yup, her ass is getting it tonight.

  I stared down the weird lookin’ building and spotted a door on the side that was waving open and closed. I assumed that was the safest way in, being it wouldn’t be the smartest of ideas to go through the front door. I mean, Tangie and I ain’t cool like that, can’t be pulling up and expecting this bitch to be all friendly and shit with me. I would be hella weirded out if she was being all friendly and shit, though. I would def think the bitch would be tryin’ to coy me into something, talkin’ all sweet and then pullin’ out a nine on a nigga. Yeah, I ain’t up for that shit. She can’t take my bro’s life and then try to take mine. Damn bitch.

  I peeked my head inside the door of the two story weird lookin’ house building and saw that the hallway was dark except for one room. I slowly walked into the hallway and pressed my back against the wall, waiting to hear some type of movement before I made my next move. I kept my eyes on the light that was shining out the door and illuminating the hallway. I saw a small shadow in the light and heard papers shuffling. Before I moved closer to this room, I made sure there were no other movements to indicate that there were other people here. I was only left to assume that there was only one person in this building, because after listening in for some time, I heard no other movements besides the one that was coming from that room. I didn’t have time to wait for any other movements, I needed to move fast if this really was her. If someone else was here, I had my gun and I knew how to use it. I had to just hold my own if this was the case.

  I swiftly moved towards the door and stopped right when I was inches away from the door frame. You would think I wouldn’t be nervous for shit, but nigga, lemme tell you how I was feelin’. My heart was damn near about to leap from my chest and I ain’t even know who was on the other side of this damn door frame. It was like I knew who was there, or my body knew who was there ‘cause as my heartbeat increased, my body tensed up. I took a deep breath before peeking my head into the door frame, finally seeing who was making all that noise. I peered my eyes as I saw someone sitting at the door, facing away from the door. I recognized the long hair and hourglass frame and the way this female cocked her head when she was in thought. Yup, it was Tangie alright.

  I pulled my head from the doorframe and kind of giggled internally. I ran hella different scenarios thinking about what I wanted to do to this bitch. I was thinking about going in and murking her, execution style so she didn’t see it coming. Then I thought about scaring the bitch and saying something. Yeah, I wanted to see her pretty little face freak out about seeing me in the door frame. I guess I’ll do that and watch this bitch beg for her life. That sounds ideal. All this scenario runnin’ had me getting all hot and excited, I felt like a damn female gettin’ hot flashes. This is on some other shit right now.

  I was ready to go ahead and do somethin’ instead of sittin’ here thinking about what could happen. I took a deep breath and slowly walked into the room, making sure I was quiet enough so this lil hoe didn’t hear me comin’ in. I stopped a few feet before her and raised my glock so it was facing her face when she turned around.

  “What up, bitch.”

  Tangie stopped what she was doing and dropped the pen she was holding. It looked like her body froze up because she turned around like she was a statue being spun by an artist. When she finally faced me, I saw the look on her face and wanted to fall over laughing. It was too perfect, the ideal face that I wanted to see from her. This bitch looked like she had just seen a ghost. I absolutely fucking loved it.

  Tangie’s freaked out face relaxed after the bitch realized who the fuck I was. I thought she was gone hold the face a little while longer, if she did, I was about to take out my phone and snap a quick picture of how pathetic she looked. But nah, she changed her face real quick. This bitch looked like she had something
over me with the ugly ass smug face she was shooting me. I hated it. What the hell? She think she gone get passed me actin’ like that?

  “Kaleo, what the fuck you want? How the fuck did your dumb ass find me here? Get the fuck out, nigga. You ain’t needed here. Bye!”

  Tangie waved her pathetic little hand tryin’ to gesture for me to shoo away. Uh, someone tell me who this bitch thinks she is because like, this shit is hella irritating. I’m about to fucking kill her and she over here trying to shoo me away like I’m a fly or somethin’. I gave her a look of confusion mixed with utter disgust ‘cause she had me all the way fucked up treating me like that. This shit is laughable for fucking real. I looked and watched as she turned her pretty little self back around to get back to her work. What did she think? Did this lil bitch think I was playing games or something? Did she honestly think I came here for a friendly “hello” or to just be some annoying ass nigga who wanna see what his ex-girl is up to? Nah, I’m here for a reason and this bitch is about to find out. Petty ass hoe.


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