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The Diary of a Side Chick 6 (SCD)

Page 52

by Tamicka Higgins

  I fumbled through the package and pulled out the keys. I dropped my attitude and went to give Travis a hug. I really was thankful for what he did for me and I didn’t wanna be a rude bitch and not show him I appreciated him.

  “Thank you, Travis. I love you.”

  He just wrapped his arms around me and laughed.

  “Yeah yeah, I’ve grown to love you and that big ass attitude of yours. Just know that I really do love and care for you. I just want you to do well and I’m sorry that shit happened to you. I would hate to lose my lil sis to some punk ass nigga.”

  We let go of one another and I went to go on and pack some things up in a duffle bag. Travis followed not to far behind me and watched as I packed up. While I was gettin' my shit together, he leaned against the wall and shook his head again, lookin’ like he wanted to say somethin’ else.

  “Travis, you good?” I asked as I stopped what I was doin’ and turned to face him.

  “Yeah. I’m just worried ‘bout you. I know you can hold your own but still. You gotta watch yo back, aight? Don’t forget to grab yo nine and toss that shit in yo bag too. Please just be careful and be aware of what is around you. Don’t be too paranoid, but be on guard, aight?”

  I chuckled and continued tossin’ shit in my bag.

  “Okay, big bro. I got it, aight? If I see any of his goons or any random nigga approachin’ me, I know to pull out my nine and use it if they try to get silly with me. Yo, that reminds me. I ain’t just gone be some scared bitch, I still got a job I gotta do. I still need to get that info you asked for. I had my shit all planned out and I ain’t gone let this nigga chasin’ me make me lose sight of what I gotta do.”

  Travis smiled at me.

  “I love you but you ain’t gotta do that shit, worry about yourself.”

  “And sit around like a scared ass bitch, nope. If I wanna get paid, I gotta do my job, right? Don’t worry. If I need yo help or if I’m feelin’ like a scared bitch, then I’ll call you and yo lil niggas. I mean, you’ll have a nigga on post right? He gone be around for me right?”

  Travis nodded his head.

  “Yeah, I gotchu sis.”

  I nodded at him and finished packin’ up my shit. I zipped up the bag and tossed the strap over my shoulder. Travis gave me a big hug and kissed me on my forehead before he walked me over to my new black Honda fit. It was cute, I ain’t gone lie. It looked low key as fuck and I was feelin’ it. I hopped in the car and turned on the engine. Travis looked down at me and closed my door, tapping my hood telllin’ me I was good to go. I waved at him as I drove off to one of the locations he had listed on the paper.

  “Let’s see how this goes. I still got a job to do, I just hope this nigga ain’t as hot on my trail as I think he is. Fuck.”

  Chapter 14


  I am beyond ready to take on this task of checkin out this new hangout. I know Kaleo said that I should take it easy but I’m good. My gunshot wounds weren’t that bad and they were basically all healed up at this point so I was cool. I got out of the bed and made my way to the living room where I saw Kaleo just chillin’ there with a fat ass blunt in his hand.

  “You good, bro?” I asked Kaleo as I made my way into the kitchen and poured myself a glass of orange juice.

  “Yeah, just sittin’ here chillin’. What you up to?”

  “Just pourin’ some orange juice before I get ready to go out. I’m gone start my mission tonight. I wanna start already so I’m going to go to tonight.”

  Kaleo turned around real quick and shot me a dirty ass look.

  “Nigga, what? You goin’ where? Back to that bed? I believe that is what I heard. Yo ass ain’t goin’ nowhere with yo body like that. You better take that cup of orange juice and walk yo ass over to that bed or this couch and sit yo ass down, lil nigga.”

  “Kaleo, I still have a job I have to take care of. I’m fine. My body is healed up and I’ve slept enough. I want to do this. Nah, I am goin’ to do this and you ain’t gone stop me.”

  I felt cocky as shit and it felt pretty good when I said that. But when I saw that Kaleo wasn’t happy with what I had just said, I leaped off that motherfucking high horse and rested my face.

  “Nigga, what the fuck? Who do you think you are, talkin’ to me like that?”

  “I’m sorry Kaleo, I didn’t mean to talk to you like that. I… I just wanna get this shit goin’.”

  Kaleo took a deep breath and shook his head before takin another hit off the hay. It looked like that hit calmed him down ‘cause his whole face changed from being scrunched and angry to being all calm and lookin’ collected.

  “My bad, though. I was just lookin’ out for you bro. I just worried and let shit get to me. You can go, not that I’m allowin’ you to go, you yo own man and that’s what you wanna do so go ahead and go. I trust you, lil nigga.”

  Kaleo made his way towards me and patted me on my back before he went outside to finish his blunt. I finished up my glass of orange juice and went back to the room to go ahead and get dressed. I quickly hopped into the shower and just rinsed off before I threw on my black pants, black shirt, and black hoodie. I slipped my feet into a pair of black freeruns, looks like I’ll be sporting all black. I loaded up my nine and put it in my back pocket along with my wallet. I grabbed my keys to one of the BMWs and made my way to the car.

  I passed by Kaleo and waved him goodbye. He waved back to me and watched me get into the car. I sat there for a second as I gathered my thoughts. I programmed the navigation and cranked the ignition before I pulled out of the driveway. I felt my heart start to race, I drove down to this known hangout. It wasn’t too far from where we lived, which was scary to know but it was okay, that just meant I wouldn’t have to drive for any longer than I needed to. Just as I was about to get wrapped up into my thoughts, the navigation system alerted me that we were close to the house. I shut off the navigation and cut my lights as I pulled down a street about a block away from the house. I parked my car in front of some random house and quickly got out of the car. It was pretty cold outside, I’m glad I brought my jacket to keep me warm while I lurked on these motherfuckers.

  I made my way towards the house and kept my eyes open just in case they were outside. Last thing I needed was for these niggas to come out and shoot me down before I even had a chance to get inside. I didn’t see anyone outside, but I heard voices, a lot of them. A lot of male voices to be exact. Maybe I was just tryin’ to hear a female voice somewhere amongst them all, in hopes that one of them would be the one. I still don’t know what this bitch looks like… I don’t know why I haven’t asked for a picture so my job would be that much easier. I guess this is the fun in huntin someone you ain’t even know what they look like.

  Before I knew it, I was standing before the messy ass house, lookin’ at the window to see if I could see how many people were there. Nah, I knew that was goin’ to be impossible, but I still thought I would give it a shot. I needed to get inside of there somehow, maybe the back door? I know I for sure wasn’t goin’ to go through the front door—that was askin’ for death. I shrugged my shoulders and crept to the back of the house. I made sure to keep low so that no one saw me through the open windows. As I passed the windows, though, I smelled the scent of weed and alcohol and some other drugs that these niggas were indulging in. That was a good sign for me that meant these niggas were under some kind of influence and their reaction time for shit is going to be slow. Perfect. That just gave me the greatest idea ever.

  I finally made it to the backyard when I saw some dude outside wobblin’ around like he had one too many to drink. Maybe he was on something else too ‘cause he looked and acted like he was more than drunk. Nigga was lit. I didn’t want him to notice me though, I ain’t know what the fuck he was on nor did I know what he was capable of doing, so I waited.

  It felt like forever but he finally stumbled his strung out ass back into the house, yellin’ that he needed more and needed a drink. I was just sittin’ there thinkin’
that this nigga needed to just sit the fuck down and quit bein’ so loud. I waited until he was good and inside before I moved a little closer. I sat right by the back door, right under the window that was right next to the door as I contemplated my grand idea. I was gone cause a mass murder. That is right, I was gonna walk in there blindly and start shootin’ up the place so I can silence whoever the fuck I come in contact with so I can find the bitch or some more information on where she is at.

  After that night that those niggas came up on me and damn near had me cornered and killed, I’ve been feelin’ some type of way. I need to prove that I am part of a force that should be reckoned with and I wanna find this bitch for Kaleo so he can get his answers. Let’s hope this doesn’t backfire on me and fuck up my game plan. That would piss me all the way off. Is this a stupid idea though? What if these niggas have guns and they pop off in my direction and end up killin’ me with they high selves. They may get lucky and shoot me in my head or my chest and land a nice bullet in somethin’ vital so I die. Why didn’t I think of this type of shit before I set my ass right before this door. Well here goes nothing, I guess I’ll take that risk and see how it works out.

  I took a deep breath and pulled my gun out of my back pocket. I positioned myself before the cracked door and placed my hand on the trigger. I threw the door open and ran inside like a bat out fresh out of hell. I didn’t yell or anything, I just ran inside and started to shoot whoever I saw.

  Pop, pop, pop pop pop!

  I watched as the niggas I hit fell to their knees, holding onto their chests or their legs or wherever my bullet decided to go. I honestly wasn't paying too much attention, I was just firing off. It felt like I was playing Grand Theft Auto the way I was poppin’ off. I ran like a horse with blinders on, just goin’ one way as I followed the hallways and shit. Hold up.

  I stopped in the middle of the hallway and looked back at who I shot. They were all screamin’ in pain and a couple of them were dead. I stared for a moment longer and realized that they were all dyin’ and they had no chance of escapin’ and tellin’ someone about what they fuck was goin’ on. I fired off a couple rounds that way and put the rest of them out of their misery. I felt like a gentleman in a way for doing that.

  Pop, pop.

  I grabbed my right thigh and groaned in pain. I was in shock as I looked over to my right and saw a nigga holdin’ a gun. He didn't look like he had it together, though, he looked high as a motherfucker. He fucking caught me off guard. I was low key heated.

  Pop, click.

  Nigga pulled the trigger a couple more times but his aim was way off. It looked like lil nigga was tryna aim for my head but he hit the wall about a foot over my head. Someone was on multiple shit with the way he was actin’. Looked like he was drunk and high off some good hay or somethin’. He caught me while I was off guard. I was dead just starin’ at him and he took the opportunity to fire off at me again. He ran out of ammo after he tried to take a shot at my head, I heard a clicking sound, indicating that there was nothing left in there. I just stared at him and tilted my head. I was curious as to what this nigga was goin’ to do next, bein’ he was out of ammo and drunk as shit.

  I took a step towards him and watched as he wobbled and tripped up over himself, making him stumble backwards. He caught himself but he just made it more evident that he was too high to defend himself. I was feelin’ bold so I cocked my gun at him and pulled the trigger, hittin’ lil nigga dead in his head. He just fell to the ground and laid there, bleeding out. It didn't hit me until I killed him, but the smell of blood was thick in this house now.

  Stomp, stomp.

  Shit, I need to get on. There are probably a shitload of them in this small ass house hidin’ and lurkin’. They probably gone come out and just come after me. I already made my appearance known, they just need to come find me. Before I continued on, I looked back again at all the ones I shot when I first came in, there were no females in that bunch. Was she even here? This was her brother’s notorious hangout, you would think she would be here to blend in? Maybe she didn't come up here because she didn't want to be seen. Why didn't I think of that when I was comin’ this way. It was a good idea and all, and there was a nice possibility that she may or may not be here. It honestly could have went either way. I can't get too down on it now, I still have a few rooms I need to look in. I just need to do it without getting hit anymore.

  So I continued on. I kept my gun up and ready just in case I ran into anyone else. I busted down doors when I ran through the hallway and shot up whoever was in the room. Damn it!! No females!! Just a whole bunch of niggas shootin’ up or smokin’ or some shit. This was hella weird, I would have thought there would have been some type of girls lurkin’ around here. There weren’t any though, not even hoes. Niggas loved hoes! What the fuck was this shit?

  I stopped myself and listened for any more movement. I didn’t hear anything so I searched each room for some type of evidence of Tangie. I moved quickly though. I quickly rummaged each room and tried to find remnants of this bitch, but so far I didn’t see anything. I needed to hurry up, I didn’t know if anyone else was goin’ to run through this place, I really don’t need a higher body count. I’m sure it would be impressive to hold a higher body count, but that was not what I was here for. I finally made it to the last room in the back of the house.

  “Hm, that’s something I didn’t see in all of the other rooms.” I muttered to myself as I looked at the clothes and heels and other feminine clothing on the bed and hanging over chairs. I could have easily assumed that these were clothes of another female, but I had reason to believe it was Tangie’s. Amongst the clothing and shoes, I found yet another piece of paper with the same handwriting and the same address of that damn warehouse. Maybe the bitch thought she misplaced the piece of paper in her house when I really took it. Damn, she really leavin’ around a damn paper trail.

  Stomp, stomp, stomp.

  “Holy shit, what the fuck has gone on in here?” A voice yelled in the distance.

  Oh fuck, someone was here and the only way out of the house was to either jump from this window or face whoever they were by goin’ out the front door. Yeah, I didn’t like the idea of facing whoever was up at that door, I didn’t need any more confrontation. So, I decided I would jump out this window on the second story of this house.

  Stomp, stomp.

  They were moving fast and heading back here. I struggled with opening the window and started to panic.

  Stomp, stomp.

  “Hey! There are more bodies in this room and down this hall! Check each room for more bodies. Better yet, find out who this nigga was or who these niggas were that came up and ran the place!! If they still here, then get ‘em. Murk they ass with no questions! Holy fuck.” Said that same voice that was yelling earlier.

  The voice sounded a lot closer than it did a minute ago and I was about to fuckin get killed if I didn’t figure out this damn window! I fumbled with the window for a couple more minutes. There was no hope, I couldn’t unlatch the lock. For whatever reason, it just would not open. Maybe this was karma catching up with me and giving me what I deserved. Damn man, I really didn’t wanna die like this. I continued to fumble with the window latch, praying that it would just fucking open and let me go.

  Stomp, stomp. Click, click. Boom.

  The sound of gunshots rang in my head and all around me was darkness, but I had to keep on running. I didn’t know where I was, but I knew I was running away from the house in hopes that I was headed in the direction of my car. I glanced over my shoulder and didn’t see anyone behind me chasing after me. Looks like I got away in time. As I dashed through unfamiliar streets, I tried to comprehend where I was. It took me a second, but I realized that I went in a circle and was nearing my car. I went the back way but somehow ended up on the right street, call it luck? Shit, that is an understatement. I was lucky that I got out of that window and lucky I didn’t land up in a fucked up position. I was glad that I thought on my toes and
took my gun to the window, busting the latch so that the window had no choice but to open up. Had I not had done that, I would have definitely been found out and them niggas would have had me and killed me right there and then.

  I was out of breath by the time that I got to my car. I didn’t care though, I just unlocked the motherfucker and hopped inside, cranking the ignition and peelin’ the fuck out of that damn neighborhood. I drove fast, but not too fast, just enough to get me to where I needed to go and just enough so that it wasn’t suspicious enough to get me stopped by nobody. I needed to head to Kaleo. I needed to tell him what the fuck had just gone on.


  “Nigga what?” Kaleo said as he looked at me with his eyebrows raised.

  I just sat there and nodded as I balled up the little piece of paper that I found at thehangout, throwing the paper at him when I was done crumpling the little shit.

  Kaleo caught the paper and looked at it with a disgusted look on his face. I honestly didn’t understand why he looked like that. I wasn’t sure if he was disgusted that she may actually be hiding there or if he was disgusted with me killin’ so many niggas. I wasn’t sure how to exactly feel at this point, honestly.


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