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Hungry Like the Wolf

Page 13

by Hungry Like the Wolf

  "We just blow your mind, don't we?" Byron smirked.

  "Ass," she spat.

  He quirked an eyebrow but didn't respond to that. His head jerked up and he whispered, "Client's leaving now."

  She frowned, not having heard anything. "How the hell do you know that?"

  He shrugged. "I've got good ears I guess."

  Glaring at him, she whacked him on the shoulder and muttered, "Get off me."

  "Hey, you brought me down here!"

  "I should hope so when I told you to be careful with her, Byron."

  They both jumped as Hugh's words resounded over their own quiet conversation.

  "Milston leave?"

  "Yeah, he just wanted an estimate on that empty house over on Riversbank. I told him we'd get it to him by next Friday. Seven days should be enough to give him a roundabout figure."

  Byron nodded then gained purchase on his elbows, before he clamped his hands to her hips and lifted her into his arms. "Nicole wants us to take her home," he murmured.

  Taking refuge in Byron's shirtfront once more, Nicole didn't have to look up to see that Hugh was frowning at Byron.

  "Nicole?" She ignored him. "Baby? Are you sure you want us to come home with you? You'll know what will happen, don't you?"

  She heard him move around and felt his heat surround her from the front. She gulped when she felt his callused palm grip her chin and gently urge her out of hiding.

  "You know that when we get you home, we'll make love to you, don't you, sugar? Do you want that?"

  She gulped. "Yes," she managed, her voice like a croak.

  He grinned broadly and slapped Byron on the back. "Good. Just so we're all on the same page."

  Neither of them said anything about her car, but she knew she wasn't in any condition to drive. She hadn't been in a state mind to drive there to start with and decided to worry about it later. The ride home was quiet. None of them said a word. It was only a ten minute ride from their office to Nicole's house, but it was the longest ten minutes of her life.

  Despite never having experienced an orgasm like that ever before, rather than exhausting her, her body felt as though it were burning up with need for their possession. Whatever they'd done to her had made her so damned horny it was difficult to sit still on the seat! She wanted to squirm about. She wanted to put her hands between her legs and touch her clit to bring herself to another climax.

  Her eyes grew dazed as she imagined Byron's head between her legs and his lips licking her pussy. Her tongue could almost taste Hugh's cock as he crouched at her chest and pounded his dick into her mouth.

  She moaned softly and moved awkwardly on the seat.

  "You okay, baby?" Byron asked with a faint smile on his face.

  She jerked her head in assent.

  "She's horny, aren't you, sweetheart?" Hugh asked, knowing full well the answer to his question.

  He lifted his arm and tucked it around her.

  She buried her nose against him and breathed in his scent. It merely enhanced her need.

  It was damned hard not to move about on the seat, increasingly difficult not to beg for release, for something to keep her going until they arrived back at her place. She felt awfully like a junkie, craving the next fix.

  When she felt a hand press between her clenched thighs, she moaned out loud and willingly spread them. Hugh's blunt fingertips scraped at her denim covered pussy, and she thought she would go mad at being touched yet not being touched enough.

  It was like scratching an itch. It helped a little, but she needed more, much more. She needed his cock. His fingers weren't nearly enough. Her breathing began to quicken as need roared through her like a conflagration. Her body was aflame, and there was nothing she could do. Only the men beside her could assuage her need.

  "Hugh," she murmured hoarsely.


  "I need you. I need to cum."

  She heard him laugh and damned him for being able to be so blasé when she was on fire and her body burned for him. He unclipped her seat belt and lifted her so that she sat astride him. His cock rested at the apex of her thighs and immediately she began to rub against him. Her hips rocked back and forth until tears of frustration began to pour over her cheeks.

  Looking up at him with tormented eyes, she pleaded, "Please Hugh, please."

  Until she felt his fingers at the fly of her jeans, she didn't realize he was answering her pleas. When a finger slid along the curve of her cunt and finally speared her, she threw back her head with relief. Soon another finger joined in and another and another until four of them filled her to the max.

  Nicole grunted but relished that wonderful feeling of fullness after such an eternity of emptiness. Cries and whimpers burst from her as she wiggled and rocked and rode his hand. Small bursts of pleasure exploded inside her, but until she pressed down against his fingers and accidentally slipped forward, pressing the cold zip of her open fly against her hot, hot pussy, release wasn't hers.

  As the cold metal touched her scorching skin, she screamed as she climaxed. Her face was now buried against Hugh's shoulder, and she rode the orgasm with abandon, pressing the soft flesh of her cheeks against the scratchy material of his shirt.

  Every single texture was magnified, she seemed to feel so much that it left her dazed and spent. Eventually she flopped gratefully against Hugh's strength for support.

  "Is she alright?" Byron asked quietly.

  "She needs our seed. Until she gets it, she'll just burn up."

  "Can she move?"

  "I can carry her to her room."

  Looking up with bleary eyes, it wasn't until then, that she realized they'd been sitting in her drive all the time she'd been riding Hugh's hand. It was impossible to be embarrassed in front of these two anymore, though. Everything and anything they did to her was for her pleasure and now that she knew that, the happier and more comfortable she felt around them.

  Nicole felt herself being lifted up and carried out into the cold air. But it wasn't long until the front door opened. They must have grabbed her keys back at their office, she thought as she was carried through the doorway before remaining in the hall.

  As the door banged shut, her need once more overwhelmed her. She gasped like a fish out of water and her back arched away from Hugh, so much so, that he almost dropped her. He clung to her and pressed her against the wall to support her body further.

  She felt insensate, totally spent from feeling. Yet at the same time, she felt everything. The contrast was too much to bear, and she began sobbing. Feeling Hugh press tender soothing kisses at her temple, she scratched her cheek against his bristly jaw and felt it resonate throughout her body. Her cunt begged for him, begged for Byron. She pushed the apex of her thighs against him and felt him tense.

  "Byron, keep her pinned against the wall."

  She felt Byron comply with Hugh's wishes, felt herself hefted higher up against the wall. She thrashed about, her need not allowing her to settle down and wait. It slammed through her like a hammer powering a nail into a wall. She was out of her control. The sensation was new and exhilarating.

  Her ears pricked up at the sound of a fly being zipped open. Whimpers and growls and grunts escaped her throat at the thought of what that meant. At that moment, she truly felt like an animal. Her fingers clawed and she tried to rake them against Byron, wanted him or Hugh to hurry the fuck up, wanted them to fuck her senseless and then, only then, would she feel any relief.

  Nicole felt the drag of denim against her thighs and the sensation of cold air brushing against her molten core was almost blinding. Her panties fell to the floor and a cock soon plunged into her, impaling her on a hardness that could relieve this unbearable ache. She screamed as she felt herself dangle against the wall. Their only point of contact was the cock that was ripping through her pussy and setting her cunt alight. Soon her legs were grabbed and spread, Hugh lifted them higher so that she was almost bent in half as he fucked her against the wall.

More! More! More!" she begged hungrily. Greedily. Totally uncaring about everything except her desire for fulfillment.

  She felt fingers flutter at her cunt and shrieked happily at the sensation. Her moisture was collected and spread at her ass. She felt more being taken and heard the wet sound as it coated Byron's cock. Hugh lifted her and moved so that he was leaning against the wall rather than her. He bent down slightly and maneuvered her body so that he could carry her but could spread her ass cheeks at the same time.

  The drag of Byron's glans at the pucker of her ass made her whimper. The pressure as it pushed relentlessly into her made her squirm happily. She needed this, needed the slight pain to alleviate the burn of lust that was pushing her out of control. The cock in her ass pressed against the one in her cunt and she tightened all the muscles in her lower body to cling to those delicious invaders.

  Hearing their groans of desire made her sigh happily, and, somehow, they managed to fuck her, managed to slide in and out of her, one at a time, dragging against each other every time, pushing into tight spaces that only just managed to swallow them.

  She tightened her pussy around Hugh, wiggled in his arms. Did anything she could to make him cum. Because that was what she craved. His cum. His seed to bathe the heat of her cunt and soothe the burn. She knew that if she could make Hugh climax, then Byron would soon follow and as soon as that happened, she could cum, too.

  It became a litany in her mind. Hugh first then Byron then me!

  She sang it as she rode them, as she rocked her hips and tightened inner muscles. When she eventually heard the groan of defeat, she sighed with excitement. That first splash was like pouring oil on water. It accomplished nothing. Then she felt more. Could almost imagine Hugh's balls shrinking and puckering and retreating to the apex of his body as his seed was forced out to comfort her. She felt the same way with Byron, felt his cum power into her. As it coated her cunt and eased the heat there, only then could she climax.

  It was as though she were caught up in a storm. The wind seemed to whistle around her head, circle around her powerfully until her ears rang with the sound. Her eyes caught the glare of lightning bolts. Her skin felt the hiss as cold rain drenched hot skin. Every single one of her five senses was engaged, and it was a climax to end all climaxes.

  She cried out, her voice hoarse, her throat raw as she screamed. Her back arched upwards from Hugh, but Byron's presence behind her, pushed her forward and that simple touch was too much.

  Her eyes saw no more. Her ears heard no more. More was too much. She couldn't think, couldn't feel. A black cloud seemed to wash over her mind, cover it in a blanket that protected her sanity. And, with that comforter in place, she dropped wearily against Hugh and passed out.

  Chapter Six

  With a now limp Nicole lying heavily in his arms, Hugh looked up at Byron with a grin. "Well, that shut her up for a little while at least!"

  "Yeah, we'll just have to fuck her into submission from now on," Byron muttered sarcastically. "I've never met a more contrary woman! Trust us to get her as our mate!"

  "Is that a complaint I hear?"

  Byron sighed. "No. No complaint."

  "I didn't think so."

  "Do you think it was wise to claim her?"

  "Probably not."

  "Oh great. 'Probably not!'" he mimicked. "What the hell did we do it for then?"

  "Did it seem as though we had a choice?"

  "No, I suppose that's true. It just sort of happened, didn't it? I wasn't intending for anything to happen, then she started making those noises and my mouth was right there. I could feel her pulse against my lips and my wolf took control from there on in."

  "Yeah, same here. But it certainly wasn't how I'd planned my claiming, to be honest," Hugh replied drily. "In our fucking dingy office, where anyone could walk in off the street! Damn, we were lucky no one actually did come in until afterwards. If Milston had walked in just five minutes earlier, we'd have been fucked. We'd look like damned vampires or something!"

  "Never really thought that much about my claiming, if we're being honest and all that. I did always think it would be a were, and, seeing as we never meet any of them outside of their packs, I just thought we wouldn't have one. I'm damned glad we do, though, and, you're right, we were lucky, especially with Milston. He's a damned pious bastard. He would probably think we were molesting her or something!" Byron said in disgust.

  "Yeah, Milston is an acquired taste. I can only handle five minutes of the man myself. It's probably better for us that Nicole is human. No were family would accept us as their daughter's mates."

  "That's so unfair. What happened wasn't even our fault!"

  "No, it isn't fair. But then life isn't fair, and, in our case, the sins of the fathers are definitely being visited upon the sons," Hugh said ruefully and cast a fond look down at his mate. Leaning down, he pressed a soft kiss to her temple and began the short journey to her bedroom. "Nicole doesn't even understand our ways. That can only be for the good."

  "Yeah, it is good for us, and I'm relieved we've found her. Now that we have her, I wouldn't want anyone else, but it's still unfair that no were or her family would accept us. Our father didn't do anything wrong. Well, not the way you tell it anyway. Have you been softening the truth? You know I hate it when you do that! I'm only two years younger than you, Hugh. I don't need to be protected!"

  "No. Of course I haven't been hiding the truth. What do you take me for? I told you the way it happened, the sheer unvarnished, nasty truth. A rogue wolf killed our father. The pack called for mom to be mated to the area Alpha because it wasn't right for her to have two sons and no role model for them. She refused because she loved our father, because she was still grieving for him. She died soon after . . . also at the hand of a rogue. I never believed it, though. I always thought our father was killed by the area Alpha to get mom, and, when she didn't comply, she was discarded, too . . . ."



  "I'm glad Nicole is human. There's no way I could stand all the pack politics after being out of it for so long. To my way of thinking, all that bullshit smacks of hypocrisy. Not only that, but I couldn't stand being ruled by the same bastard that probably killed our parents. He's still alive, isn't he?"

  "Yeah, I think so."

  Byron sniffed. "Then, I'm definitely glad she's not were. But should she have reacted so strongly to the claiming?"

  "I'm not really sure," Hugh said, hugging her tighter to him, more to comfort himself than her since she was still unconscious. He just hated being uncertain about his mate's welfare. "It could be that because she's human our bites are a shock to her system. Or it could be that they'd be a shock regardless, or it's because there's two of us. Any way you slice it, I think it will burn off to a point but not fully. It keeps her libido matched to ours, I suppose."

  "Fucking hell, I'm glad it will burn off slightly then. I thought she'd bite our dicks off if we didn't start fucking her when she made her demands!"

  "I'm glad it happened though. Fucking her after biting her cemented the claim. Not only that, she'll view Durst with disfavor now. Instinctively, she'll turn away from him. It will be in her nature now. We're written on her genetic code."

  "How do you know all this crap?"


  "When did he tell you this? You were only fifteen when he was killed."

  "Yeah, exactly. I was old enough to know about mates. He would probably have told you when you reached your thirteenth birthday. A few weeks later and he would have disclosed all the hideously embarrassing details to you, as well."

  Byron chuckled. "Werewolf Birds and the Bees, huh?"

  Laughing, Hugh nodded in agreement. "Werewolves are raised to be at one with their bodies. Even you weren't too young to know that. But still, listening to him go on about meeting mom . . . . It was enough to make me cringe! There are some things no guy should ever have to hear about his mother."

  "I would have loved to have seen that!

  "Yeah, I'm sure you would have loved to have seen your big bro mortified. You were a precocious brat!"

  Byron gave him the bird and watched as Hugh lay Nicole down on the bed as though she were a precious gem. Which to him and Hugh, she actually was. She was their one chance at making a happy future. She was their only chance at making a family, and, even though he hadn't realized it before now, it was something he wanted more than words could express. He watched as she unfurled on the sheets like a flower touched by sunlight after a long night.

  "She'll be alright, won't she, Hugh?" Byron asked gruffly, anxiety and worry coloring his tone.

  "Yeah, I'm sure she'll be fine. She'll just be a bit horny for the next few days."

  "That might mean we'll get to spend the night then. Always had to leave afterwards, didn't we?"

  "That's true. God, we should have claimed her earlier."

  "It's nice to know that she doesn't really love Durst, isn't it?" Byron said appreciatively, recalling the argument that had taken place at their office only a short time before.

  "Yeah. That's probably why we claimed her. It was sort of a defensive action. I thought you were going to shift when she said she wanted to call it all off."

  "Damn. I almost did! I only just called the wolf back because I knew it would frighten the fuck out of her and then there would be no talking to her!"

  "Don't think it was so easy for me, either! I noticed that she seemed reluctant about the whole thing. I knew she wasn't happy about what she was saying …. So, Durst funds her brothers' college education …. That's very philanthropic of him, isn't it?"

  "Yeah, my thoughts exactly. I wonder why he'd do something like that. He doesn't do something unless he gets something in return."

  "God knows. Maybe he did it to get the mother on his side. I doubt he was that great of a husband. In fact, I know he wasn't! Who is the first person Nicole would likely turn to if her rat-bastard of a husband did something he shouldn't? Her mother."


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