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Page 10

by Lexi Buchanan

  What the hell!

  We walk back out front and Thalia takes my hand, dragging me through the crowd of girls to get to the front of the stage.

  Breathe…concentrate on Thalia… Breathe… Breathe.

  My heart feels about ready to burst out of my chest, its pounding so badly as the crowd closes in. There is barely any room to move as the whole crowd is wild with Deception up on stage doing their thing. Just as I feel ready to turn and run, Thalia pulls me in front of her at the stage. She then turns me to her, putting her hands on my face, which gets me to focus on her instead of what’s around me.

  As I focus on her, I’m conscious of the guys finishing up and the hooting and cheering that surround the stage. I exhale in relief that the panic attack didn’t hit me full on, but before I can thank Thalia, I’m pulled into Reece’s chest.

  He’s sitting on the stage with me wrapped in his arms. “God, Callie. You should have stayed round back,” he breathes into my neck.

  I cling to him, not wanting to let go. He feels so good and solid against me – comforting me. He caresses up and down my back giving me something else to think about as the warmth from him seeps into my body, and places that could do without having his warmth.

  I groan, flexing my hands on his shoulders wanting to climb into him.

  “Is she okay?” Donovan interrupts us.

  Reece sets me slightly away from him, but keeps his hands on my hips and his gaze on mine.

  “I am now,” I answer, dragging my gaze from Reece to meet Donovan’s worried eyes. He doesn’t look as though he believes me.

  Everything is so quiet. How the hell haven’t I noticed that before? I look around and realize we are causing more of a show than Deception. Then I realize I kinda had my mini freak during their performance.

  “Shit,” I say under my breath. Waving my hands around, I say, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean…”

  Reece cuts me off. “It’s not your fault, baby.” He takes my hands and kisses them. “Will you be okay if I go back up there?” he hesitantly asks.

  “I’ll be fine.” He frowns. “I promise. Now go before everyone starts getting pissed.” I take a step back and feel Thalia wrap her arm around my waist.

  “She’ll be fine. Go do your stuff.”

  His gaze bores into me as though he isn’t sure, but he lets Donovan drag him away. Once he’s back at the drums he gives me one hell of a heated look before sending the place into uproar as he starts beating the shit outta them.

  “Holy fucking shit!” Thalia shouts into my ear to my astonishment. I mean don’t get me wrong, we both have potty mouths, but that was, um, not particularly like her. She squeezes my waist. “He has it so fucking bad… I hate to break it to you, but you’re screwed.”

  I snicker. “I will be later.”

  She opens her mouth and starts laughing, but her attention soon jumps to Phoenix on the stage, who has just started singing one of the bands most known songs, ‘Love Lost and Found.’ It’s the band’s signature tune really because they don’t get on a stage without singing it. Also Phoenix always sings it directly to Thalia, who always goes into a trance.

  I take the opportunity to glance around and that’s when I see her – glaring at me from across the stage. At first I’m taken aback that she’s so close to Reece, who obviously knows she’s there. I mean she’s standing so close to him all he has to do is reach out and he’s touching her. Why didn’t he tell me?

  Dragging my gaze to Reece, he’s watching me with a frown on his gorgeous face. My heart starts to pound and I’m not too sure how to react. I look back to the bitch. Do I go off half-cocked and accuse him of…of, I’m not exactly sure what? But what the fuck is she doing here? How did she know he’d be here? Did he tell her? Oh, God, I feel sick.

  My hand automatically goes to my stomach as I look back to him. The song comes to an end and instead of parading around the stage getting the crowd worked up, he comes straight back over to me.

  Jumping down to my level, he takes my face into his hands and kisses me. “I didn’t know she’d be here.” He meets my gaze with his eyes and I can see that he’s being completely honest. “Fuck. I’ve never seen her before Lexington, or since until tonight. I swear Callie.”

  I sag in relief. Part of me knew that before he opened his mouth. It just feels good to hear him confirm that.

  “Are you really, okay?” he asks moving his hands down to my neck.

  “Get me outta here.”

  “My pleasure.” He sweeps me up into his arms and carries me through to the back and outside into the alley where he has his bike parked up.

  But there is something I need to do.

  “Put me down.” I wiggle to try and get out of his arms. “Reece. Now.”

  He freezes and lets my feet drop to the floor and once I have my balance, I turn and watch him through heavily lidded eyes.

  His eyes open wide in shock.

  I start to walk into his space, making him back up and finally he hits the wall. I grin and seal his lips with mine. As usual, there is no gentle caress; it’s full on hunger. God, he has me so wet, I’m not sure I’m going to be able to carry out my plan.

  Breaking the kiss, I gasp and trying to catch my breath, slowly make my way down his chest with a slight bite to his nipples through his shirt.

  “Callie,” he groans.

  I move further south over his abs and finally reach the low hanging waistband of his jeans. Shoving his shirt up, I leave a trail of hot kisses along the top of his pistol tattoos.

  His button comes undone quickly.

  “What are you doing?” he croaks.

  “Well, if you have to ask I’m obviously doing something wrong.” I yank his zipper down and out pops his erection. And boy, it’s an erection and half. He’s so damn long and wide I’m not even sure he’s going to fit in my mouth, at least not all the way.

  Shoving his jeans further down past his ass, I take his balls into my hand and slowly massage them, which has his cock twitching and leaking. Leaning forward, I use the tip of my tongue to trace a wet path from his balls to the mushroom head of his cock, where I lick his pre-cum up and flick his piercing.

  He shudders and his hands go into my hair. He doesn’t use any pressure and just tangles his fingers into my locks. I look up and meet his gaze and moving to the tip of his pistols, I kiss all around his groin area, on both sides before moving in to suck his balls into my mouth. He throws his head back and groans.

  “You’re driving me crazy.”

  I grin as I release his twins and slowly nibble up his dick before taking the tip into my mouth. I flick his piercing again. I love this. Unable to help myself, I suck the head – hard.

  He quivers. “Fucking bastard.”

  I’m obviously doing something right, now.

  Gripping his ass, I slide him as far as I can into my mouth and after a few seconds of getting comfortable with his length and girth, I start bobbing my head up and down on him. Keeping one hand on his ass, I slide my other between his legs and caress up from his balls to the root of him. Gripping the rest of his cock in my fist, I start to jack him off in time to my mouth.

  I can feel his legs quivering against my chest as he tightens his hands in my hair. He feels and tastes delicious, and if I’m honest it sure gives me a power kick to have this big, strong guy standing in front of me while I practically bring him to his knees while sucking on one of the most sensitive parts of his body.

  “Callie…fuck…I’m going to come.”

  Rolling my eyes, I slip my other hand between his legs and press on the sensitive spot between.

  His cock lengthens, if that’s possible, and then he explodes in my mouth. I slow my movements to prolong his climax as I take all he has to give me. As he stops flooding me, he pulls my head away and releases my hair.

  “Dammit babe. I can’t breathe.” He holds his hand out and helps me up from the floor before he pulls his jeans up, and leans in to kiss me. And the kiss this time
is gentle, but full of feeling. It feels like he’s trying to tell me something without actually speaking out loud. Does that make sense? Well, it does to me…kind of.

  “Not that I’m complaining, but what brought that on?”

  He trails kisses from my lips, down along my jaw and neck before moving back to my lips.

  Taking a deep breath, I answer, “I wanted you to remember my mouth.”

  He stills and rests his forehead against mine.

  “I’m not going to act as though I have no idea what you’re talking about because I do. I don’t want you thinking about her. I was a bastard and used her to get to you, which I shouldn’t have done, but I did and it’s too late to change that. But I can assure you, I’ve not once thought about her since. You are the only one who’s in my head.” He takes a loose piece of my hair and puts it behind my ear. “But, feel free to use your mouth on me anytime to make me forget everything.”

  I pull away and hit him on the arm as he laughs before grabbing me around the waist and throwing me over his shoulder.

  He starts to walk to his bike, his hand landing on my ass. Slowly he starts to slip it underneath my skirt, which is barely covering my ass anyway. He grips the top of my thigh with his fingers touching my pussy.

  All I want to do is spread my legs and give him better access, but my skirt is too damn tight and he’s holding me close. It takes everything in me not to squirm against him. Not to create the right friction to give me the climax that I’ve wanted since I walked into the bar tonight. Who am I kidding? The climax I’ve wanted since I spied those come-fuck-me shoes at the store.

  He gently places me on his bike, and slides his hands up my thighs before lifting my right one so I’m straddling his bike, awkwardly, considering my skirt won’t budge. A problem he soon solves by shoving it up around my waist – baring all.

  “Callie,” he growls. “What is it with you and no panties.”

  Hearing the door at the club slam, he quickly shoves my shirt under my ass and the helmet on my head before climbing onto the front of the bike.

  Sitting forward, I wrap my arms around his waist, feeling his stomach muscles quiver when my hands slide over them. I squeeze my thighs along his, but he ruins my seduction by grabbing my hands to keep them on his stomach instead of letting them wander south.

  He starts the bike and away we go.

  Chapter 16


  Cooking bacon in my kitchen with a spatula in one hand and strong, black coffee in the other has my stomach growling in hunger.

  Last night after arriving back at my building, I dragged her from my bike and straight into the apartment. I had her skirt off and my mouth on her within five seconds of walking through the door. How the hell I managed to get us back without crashing the bike is anyone’s guess.

  Placing my coffee on the counter, I run my hand over my head and down my face in exhaustion. Spending the night in bed with the little wild cat has taken it out of me. Not that I’d ever admit that to her or anyone. No way in hell. But hot damn, I don’t think I’ve ever spent bedtime with anyone like that before or for as long. Jesus, I’m surprised my dick hasn’t fallen off with overuse.

  Covering my junk with my hand, I nearly jump out of my skin when I catch Callie standing watching me. “Shit babe. How long have you been standing there?”

  She smirks. “Long enough to watch you feeling up your junk.”

  I laugh passing her a coffee. “I was making sure it was still there after what you did to me last night.”

  Narrowing her eyes she pinches my ass before taking a sip of her coffee. “What I did to you, huh? What about what you did to me with that ginormous thing? I think I’m going to need my pussy kissing better.”

  Chuckling, I put my coffee down before removing hers from her hands. Taking her by the hips, I lift her up onto the breakfast bar. She looks really cute wearing one of my t-shirts, and as I slip my hands up inside the shirt, I discover she still hasn’t put any panties on.

  “So, you going to just stare at me all day, or are you going to kiss it better?”

  “What is it with you and no panties? It’s not really something I expect you to do…not that I’m complaining.”

  Without waiting for an answer, I spread her knees, pull her toward my waiting mouth and kiss her on her sore pussy, which took a hammering during the night and I’m not exactly on the small side either. Yeah, I’m an ass and like to brag, but hey, I’m a guy. We brag.

  “God, you’re good at that,” she squeaks, when I point my tongue and tickle her pussy. She tastes damn good, but we’re not doing this.

  Quickly standing up, I stay between her legs and rest my hands on either side of her on the counter. “I’m not having sex with you today.”

  She blinks as though she didn’t really hear me say what I did. “Um, why?”

  I start to caress up and down her arms. “I’ve never had a relationship before. Well, at least one that I’ve wanted to last more than a week.” Shit, I can feel my cheeks flush. God, I might as well get it all out. “I really don’t want to do anything to screw this up so I don’t want a relationship based on sex.”

  I quickly cover her mouth before she gets a chance to speak. “The sex is great, in fact it’s better than great, it’s fucking awesome…but for the first time in like…ever, I want more than sex, and I want that with you. I’ve gone a week without being a dick.” She grins and her whole face lights up. I slide my fingers through her golden strands and cup the back of her head. “I’m trying, okay? So after breakfast we’re going to play mini golf.”

  She rolls her eyes, gives me a quick kiss before jumping down from the breakfast bar and coming into contact with my erection. “You sure about no sex? Because your body is saying otherwise.”

  “My body is a horny dick.”

  I smack her ass and shoo her out of the kitchen, “Go and get dressed, and for fucks sake, please wear panties.”

  She winks. “I’ll do better than that and wear jeans and boots. Actually, I hope you’re not expecting anymore fuck-me shoes because they’re going in the trash.”

  “Well that will be a damn shame… Keep ‘em. You can wear them in bed for me.”

  She mumbles something under her breath as I let out a whoosh of air. Watching her head back into the bedroom to get dressed, I pray she really does wear jeans. The harder it is for me to get to her, the easier it will be to keep my hands to myself. At least that’s what I’m telling myself.

  Now, all I have to do is figure out a way to tell her Dal is coming to stay in a week. How the hell am I going to admit this to her? I mean Dal was the reason I left the way I did during the summer. I have a really bad feeling that this piece of news isn’t going to go down too well. Although I’d love to have it out of the way, I think I’ll let it go for now because I really do want to just spend the day with my girl without any arguments and I have a feeling we’re going to have one when I finally tell her.

  ~ * ~

  “You have got to be kidding me.” Callie climbs off the back of the bike and keeps looking between the sign and me, back and forth as though the words are going to suddenly change.

  I grin, but can’t help wondering whether I should have taken her to the more traditional mini golf at the other side of town instead of here to ‘Sixty Nine.’ It’s not actually the words that are causing her to silently question me; it’s the picture underneath. Yeah! It has a naked man and woman in the sixty-nine position. I thought it would be more fun, but now I’m questioning myself especially after saying we weren’t going to have sex today.

  “Well,” she clears her throat, “this is, um, certainly going to be entertaining.” She finally locks her gaze on me. “Are you sure you’re going to be able to keep your hands and, um, other body parts, to yourself?” She glances down at my erection trying to burst through my zipper.

  “I’m having second thoughts,” I grumble.

  “I bet.” She snickers. “I can’t believe you’d bring me t
o a place like this…so tacky.” She waves her hands around.

  “Now babe, this place is really popular, especially at night, but it seems pretty quiet right now.”

  I pay the guy at the gate, who can’t seem to hide his grin when he looks at Callie. He passes us the clubs and a couple of golf balls, so I pull her inside the park.

  It isn’t one of the bigger mini golf sites, but it’s more fun and entertaining and yeah plenty of nights I’ve been here trying to get into someone else’s panties, but that’s something I plan on keeping to myself.

  “C’mon, it starts over here.” I wrap my arm around her waist and walk her over toward the ‘cum shooter.’

  Hearing her gasp, I start laughing and move away from her to place the ball on the white spot on the ground. About to take the shot, I glance at Callie and realize she hasn’t moved. “Babe, you with me?”

  “That’s kinda hot,” she replies staring at the giant penis waiting to have our balls shooting through the head, hence the title ‘cum shooter.’

  Basically, you take the shot and have to use enough strength to get the ball to shoot straight up a slight incline, which goes around to the right and your ball is supposed to shoot out.

  Taking a deep breath, I rearrange the dick in my jeans before taking the shot, which keeps going…and shoots out the tip of the large dick. I fist the sky and turn to look at Callie who is moving toward the giant balls that the dick is sprouting from. Standing in front of them she turns to me, grins and then runs her hand over them, trailing her fingers along the dick as well. “Mmm…feels so good.” She licks her lips looking at my crotch.

  God, the things this girl does to me. Bringing her here was a really, really bad idea because all I can think about is opening my jeans and letting her stroke me. My dick is leaking in anticipation of her fingers. She’s going to kill me today.

  Walking closer, she stands in front of me and bends to place the ball on the start, only to have her ass rubbing against my jeans. I growl and pull her into me, desperate to have no fabric between us.


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