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Page 19

by Lexi Buchanan

  “Then don’t,” I whisper. He lifts his head and our gazes meet.

  We’re still connected when my mom walks back in, again. “For goodness sake. What is it with you.”

  I feel Reece tense against me at my mom’s words so I squeeze his hand. “Reece isn’t going anywhere mom. I love you, but if anyone is staying with me then it will be Reece. I love him.” I start crying again, and when Reece starts to take me into his arms, I reach up around his neck and cling to him while I kick the covers off my legs and practically knock Reece on his ass and back into the chair with me in his lap.

  “Babe, as much as I love having you in my arms, you need to be covered up in bed.”

  “Callie, please stop being silly and let go of him.”

  I shake my head. There isn’t anywhere else I want to be but in his arms. I need him surrounding me with his body and scent.

  “C’mon.” Reece stands and places me back on the bed before untangling himself. He then faces my mom. “I love your daughter. Callie’s asked me to stay, and although I would have stayed anyway, I’m staying because she’s asked me too.”

  I reach out and take hold of Reece’s hand. “Please mom. I need and want him with me… I also need to stop talking because it hurts – a lot. Please accept my guy.”

  Mom hides a smile, which causes me to blink thinking I’ve imagined it.

  “I do honey. Reece, I’ll leave my daughter in your care.” Mom comes over and kisses me on the forehead before hugging a surprised Reece. She gives us both one last glance before she slips out the door, as silently as she came through.

  “Wow.” Reece drops back into the chair.

  The nurse comes into the room with a painkiller injection. “Doctor’s orders.” After injecting me, she leave us alone.

  Feeling sleepier, and feeling my throat starting to go numb, I slide over in bed and pat the space to the side of me.

  Reece takes his shoes off and then climbs onto the bed, pulling me into his arms. I’m safe wrapped up in my guy.

  “I love you, Callie. So fuckin’ much.”

  I hear Reece as sleep drags me under.

  Chapter 28



  I hear my name, but ignore the voice because I’m having one hell of a hot dream that involves a naked Callie on her knees using her mouth. The sensations running along my cock feels too damn good to open my eyes and lose the dream. The dream that feels real especially now that ‘Prince Albert’ is being played with.

  “Reece,” the voice whispers across my neck. My eyes fly open as I arch into Callie’s hand.

  “What the fuck?” I groan, closing my eyes again. “Callie.” Inhaling, I remove her hand, catching my breath when she strokes along my fully aroused dick as I finally get her hand out of my jeans.

  I meet her gaze and see amusement sparkling in her blue eyes before a shadow covers them. “Touch me Reece. Make me forget he had his hands on me by putting yours on me.”

  Oh boy! “Babe, we’re in the hospital and you’re hurt. It would kill me if I hurt you.” I kiss her forehead to take the sting out of my words. She’s badly bruised on her chest and the thought of hurting her more makes me sick.

  About to pull slightly away from her, she starts to shake against me. Is she crying? “Callie… Baby.”

  “It’s okay. You probably don’t want me now.”

  What the fuck’s she talking about?

  “Now someone else has had their hands on me.”

  She’s left me stunned. By not wanting to put my hands on her bruised skin, have I left her doubting whether or not I still want her? “Look at me.” I tip her face up to mine and look into her beautiful eyes swimming with tears. “I love you and I’m not going anywhere. Yeah, I want to kill the bastard for doing this to you, but I still want you. I’ll always want you, Callie. Even when I’m being a dick, I’ll always love and want you. Don’t ever doubt that.” I kiss her soft lips. “I’m terrified of causing you pain.” I kiss the tip of her nose and inhaling, I tell her, “If you’re sure then I’ll kiss you better.” I grin, and after a few seconds she nods.

  “Lie back for me… I’m only touching your chest, babe. The rest can wait until we really are alone.” I help her lie on her back and flex my arm a few times to take the pins and needles away, left over from having Callie sleeping on my arm for the few hours of sleep we’ve both had.

  My girl is beautiful and what she trusts me with will always stay with me.

  Because her injury is her chest the nurse put the hospital gown on back to front so that the fastenings are in front, which makes it easier for me.

  Callie keeps her gaze locked on me as I very nervously open the first and second ties on her gown, and then taking a deep breath for courage, I spread both sides open and stare at her chest.

  I’m not sure how long I’ve been staring, but she takes hold of my face, making me look at her. “I’m sorry. I didn’t think. I just thought you’d be able to take away the pain. I should have realized it would hurt you seeing me like this.”

  “It does hurt me seeing you like this.” I lean closer and rest my forehead against hers, closing my eyes, I inhale her scent. “Let me love you, baby.”

  She spreads her legs so I move between and resting on my arms on either side of her, I start with soft kisses and licks over her collarbone before I work my way down to her black and blue breast. I place small kisses over her bruises, hoping I don’t cause her more pain. For someone so slim, she has very large breasts. They overflow my hands and seeing what that bastard has done to her is breaking something inside me. As I continue kissing her breast softly, I just want to go and cry so she doesn’t know how much what was done to her is affecting me.

  “Touch my other one,” she asks in a whisper.

  Her other breast doesn’t have small bruises all over, but from what she told the cop he’d used pressure on it. Callie takes my hand and places it on top.

  “Are you alright?”

  “More than alright. Please, don’t stop.”

  Sticking my tongue out, I start to lick around her breast at the same time as I start to stroke her other one. She groans, arching into me.

  I’m slowly losing control of my own body with the little noises she’s making while I continue to lick closer and closer to her dark red nipple. It looks hard as rock, but with the dark coloring I’d say it’s sore as hell, which tells me I need to stay away from it…but dammit, she pushes my head closer. “Please…”

  I flick it with my tongue and she reacts as though hit by lightening. She moans, arching into me and grinds against my cock, which is awake with her moaning and groaning.


  She’s gonna kill me. “Tell me if I hurt you.”

  I feel her nod.

  Groaning, I take her bruised nipple into my mouth and swirl my tongue around, gently, while I massage her other between my finger and thumb.

  Trying to be gentle with her is taking everything I have when she’s grinding like crazy against my dick, which really wants to come out and play, but that is so not happening, at least for now.

  “Reece…make me come.”

  Oh fuck! My dick lengthens at her words. I press into her pussy knowing if I get my cock out, I’m not going to be able to be gentle. I need to claim her as mine, to get that fucker out of her head and the only way beating against my insides is to fuck her brains out, but she isn’t up to that.

  “Does this hurt?” I ask as I take her other nipple between my lips and gently suck.

  “No,” she pants, “that nipple isn’t sore…more.”

  Her legs break free of the cover between us as she wraps them around my hips, locking me to her.

  I move back to her sore nipple, lavishing it with my tongue as I pinch and roll her other one between my fingers. I press down against her, rubbing her with my cock through the covers as she matches my rhythm.

  “Reece… I’m gonna… Oh God,” she shudders, “I’m coming… Ahhhhh

  Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

  I try to breathe, as she’s frantic against me, my dick desperate to blow its load, which really isn’t a good idea right now. I let my head drop between her breasts, staying there until I feel her heart beat return to normal.

  Her legs fall back to the bed as she caresses my head and down to my shoulders, scraping her nails on my back causing a shiver to wrack my body.

  Unable to stay lying where I am, which is too painful with my dick wanting to come, I climb off the bed, and standing, look out of the window with my back to her. I cuss myself for getting turned on when I was trying to erase the pain from her eyes. I shouldn’t have been aroused, but dammit to hell, every time she’s in my arms or in the same room as me I’m sporting wood so it’s nothing new.

  “Reece, please talk to me. What’s wrong? Did I do something?”

  The last I only just catch as her voice catches.

  Turning, I go and sit beside her, wincing when I do. After rearranging myself in my jeans, I take her hand into mine, and kissing her palm, I close her fingers into a fist to hold my kiss to her. “You didn’t do anything. I was supposed to be giving you a new memory, not get hard as fuck, ready to blow.”

  “You did give me a new memory. It was hot, especially knowing anyone could have walked in and caught us at any point,” she chuckles.

  Fuck! That hadn’t even crossed my mind.

  “As for you getting ‘hard as fuck,’ I’d have been hurt if you didn’t.”

  I shake my head. “You’re hurt. It isn’t right.”

  “Reece, I asked you to put your hands on me, and you did. If I wasn’t too far gone, I would have been getting you out of your jeans and inside me, but the minute your mouth and tongue started touching me I was lost and couldn’t think. Don’t ever be sorry for getting ‘hard’ for me. I love the fact that I can make you lose control. You’re my guy and I’m crazy in love with you so stop acting like a pussy. I want my sweet bad ass back.”

  “Sweet?” I scowl.

  She grins, rolling her eyes. “Yeah, sweet.”

  “Just don’t repeat that when anyone else is around. You’ll ruin my image.”

  “Hmm. Think I might get it tattooed on my ass.”


  “Property of ‘sweet bad ass.” She giggles with a teasing expression on her face as the door opens and Thalia and Phoenix race through it.

  “Shut the door quick,” Thalia tells Phoenix, “before that nurse comes back.”

  I raise an eyebrow in question to Phoenix. “The nurse wouldn’t let us in so Thalia dragged me into a storage closet until she disappeared from the desk outside your room… I kinda like storage closets.” He grins as a bright red Thalia whacks him in the stomach.

  No doubt they’ve been up to no good while they waited. It’s written all over their faces.

  Thalia walks over to us and I reluctantly let her have my seat and watch as Phoenix turns away to hide his smirk.

  “Reece, you go and get a coffee or something with Phoenix and I’ll look after Callie.” Thalia takes Callie’s hand, and I feel as though I don’t have any choice, but it isn’t easy, leaving my girl.

  “C’mon. Let’s leave them to catch up.” Phoenix opens the door and sticks his head out to check the corridor for the nurse. He turns toward me and gives me an all’s clear thumbs up as he waits for me to get with it. Except, I can’t just leave.

  I lean over the opposite side of the bed and cup Callie’s face in my hands before leaning in to kiss her. “I love you, babe. I won’t be long.”

  “I’ll be okay. I love you, too.”

  Quickly walking out of the room, Phoenix drags me down the corridor to the coffee machine and after shoving one in my hand stands grinning like an idiot in front of me.

  “I can honestly say that I never in a million years expected to see you pussy whipped.”


  He chuckles and asks, “So, what did we nearly interrupt?” leaning against the wall beside the machine.

  I snicker. “Probably the same as what you were up to in the closet.”

  “Considering Callie is in the hospital with a bad throat, I very much doubt that.”

  I pause mid drink, shaking my head at him and trying not to laugh, which is easier said than done, and he knows that.

  “Callie will be fine, you know that, right? She’s a spitfire like my girl.”

  We both deposit the now empty cups into the trash as I slouch beside him against the wall, which I slide down until my butt hits the floor and draw my legs up, letting my wrists hang freely from them. “I’m going to ask her to move in with me.”

  Phoenix slides down beside me and for once doesn’t say anything.

  “I don’t know if she’ll agree, which makes me damn nervous, but I’m going to ask. She turns me inside out, you know… Christ. I am pussy whipped.”

  “Yeah… It feels good though, doesn’t it?” He gives a nervous laugh. “But you know what? I’d rather be pussy whipped any day than be without Thalia and I don’t give a shit who knows it.”

  “It feels strange. Half the time I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing with her or what she sees in me, but I’ve got her and I’ll be damn if I’m going to let her go.”

  “Fighting words…and she’ll move in with you. She looks at you the same way Thalia looks at me…and if you breathe a word of what I’ve just said to Thalia, I’ll tell Callie about the fishing hole.”

  I narrow my eyes at him. “You wouldn’t dare.” The fishing hole is where we first started having sex as teenagers and lets just say it was very rare for it to be empty. I sure as hell don’t want Callie knowing about that part of my past; it’s damn embarrassing looking back.

  “Try me,” he smirks. “Okay, enough of all this emotional crap,” he stands, “we’re guys let’s act like it.”

  He’s crazy. I join him on my feet. “Are you on something?”

  His eyes widen.

  “Joke. Lighten up.”

  Phoenix doesn’t do drugs, none of us ever have. We made a pact when we were at school, when someone’s brother overdosed, that we’d never dabble. It’s a pact that, as far as I know, not one of us has broken. Sometime I wish we’d made the same pact about alcohol after spending the morning after, sitting on the bathroom floor hugging the toilet.

  Walking back into Callie’s room, not only is Thalia in here, but her parents.

  Chapter 29


  Phoenix has taken Thalia home to her parents for the weekend so after landing at the airport, we collect Phoenix’s car from the parking lot and are now heading toward Reece’s apartment.

  After spending the night in the hospital and then last night at my parents house, I was only too glad to get on a plane to head back to where I consider my home. My parents wanted us to stay longer, but not only was Reece uncomfortable staying with me in their home, he was itching to get back to see his sister, Mara. I have to grin though because I’m sure he’s more concerned about the fact that she’s alone in his apartment with Donovan, who she apparently has a crush on. I’m kind of looking forward to the show that’s about to transpire. I only hope Donovan has behaved otherwise it could get ugly.

  “Callie, you hear me?”

  “Sorry, lost in thought,” I reply.

  I glance over to him and he looks to be nervous about something.

  “You really didn’t hear a word I just said, did you?”


  “Callie,” he says in frustration. “Have you got any idea how hard it was for me to work up the courage to ask you to move in with me, only to have you not hear a word I spoke?”

  He pauses and I laugh with how he’s just blurted that out.

  I honestly don’t know what to say. He wants me to move in with him? I start to smile, liking that idea. Living with him won’t be easy because he can be an ass when the mood takes him, but what about…

  “What about Donovan?” I curl toward him on th
e seat as he negotiates us through rush hour traffic wondering whether I could live with Donovan as well. Don’t get me wrong; I like Donovan – a lot. He’s good to talk too, but I’m not sure whether or not it would feel awkward living with him as well after sleeping with him.

  “I’ve already spoken to Donovan, and he’s cool with you moving in. He’s been keeping his eyes open for another apartment close to the one we’re sharing, but nothing’s come up yet…and before you say anything he’s been looking before we got together.”

  I rest my head on the chair and just gaze at the guy I’m in love with. His dedication to me over the past couple of days has been amazing. He hasn’t left my side other than to use the bathroom. We’ve already agreed to stay at my place tonight so that Mara could carry on sleeping in his bed. Tomorrow he planned on putting her on a plane home. Somehow I don’t think it’s going to be as easy as he thinks.


  “You serious?”

  “Were you?”

  “Hell yeah!”

  “Then so am I. I’ll move in with you Reece. I love you and can’t believe you were nervous about asking me.” I stroke his arm and take his hand when he offers it, sliding my fingers between his.

  “I’ve never asked anyone that question before, and the thought of you turning me down made me want to puke,” he admits with slight color in his cheeks.

  “Aww. I told you, you’re sweet.” I grin knowing on the surface he wants me to think he hates that word, but I think he loves me calling him sweet.

  “You are going to have to find a different word to describe the ‘sweet’ stuff I say to you. I’m a guy and ‘sweet’ doesn’t cut it.”

  I chuckle, trying not to let a full belly laugh out because I don’t think he’d be impressed, plus I’d probably end up coughing as my throat hasn’t completely healed. Clearing my throat, I say, “I can understand that so what about ‘wicked?’ Instead of saying ‘you’re sweet’ I could say ‘you’re wicked,’ although it doesn’t describe the situation well because you really are sweet.”

  That’s it, I can’t hold my laughter in anymore, and end up having tears streaming down my face. He is so easy to tease. There is no other word to describe him sometimes, other than sweet, although he does do wicked things to me with his mouth and other parts of his body.


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