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Snake (No Prisoners MC Book 5)

Page 15

by Lilly Atlas

  No one at work had ever seen him mistreat her so he wouldn’t have been confronted on his behavior. And she’d only told two people. Kat and Nick.


  She bolted straight up in her chair.

  Nick was there yesterday when Michaels accosted her. Nick heard all about her problems with the doctor. Nick slept with her last night.

  Nick did something to make Dr. Michaels quit his job.

  Chapter Twenty

  Amanda paced the length of her kitchen for what felt like hours while she waited for Nick to return from wherever he’d been since she arrived home. Her thoughts were a jumbled mess, and she had no idea how to approach the situation. Was she angry that Nick took it upon himself to fight her battles? Was she flattered that he must care enough to protect her? Was she even correct in her suspicions that he somehow influenced John’s decision to quit his job?

  Anger was winning out so far. What gave him the right to do whatever the hell he’d done? Sure, they’d slept together, but she had no idea what that even meant as far as their unconventional relationship. That was the real problem. She was obsessing over the hottest night of her life. Acting like a typical girl and wanting it to mean something to him beyond a physical release. And by opening up to her before they slept together, he’d given her reason to hope that might be the case. Hope for something she should steer clear from. Hell, he’d admitted the life he lived wasn’t good. Wasn’t legal. Wasn’t for her.

  But he couldn’t be that bad, could he? She’d been on Kat for weeks about her association with criminals and dangerous men and there she was sleeping with a man who could be just as shady. No, he couldn’t be as bad as those men. At times he was so sweet, so caring. No way could he be like the men Kat was investigating. Maybe she was trying too hard to convince herself.

  “Argh!” she screamed into the vacant kitchen.

  The now familiar crescendo of motorcycle pipes announced Nick’s arrival. She darted to the window in time to see him roll the bike into the garage and make his way toward his cabin. He apparently changed his mind because he turned after a few steps and lumbered toward the main house.

  She frowned. Was he limping more than usual? Wouldn’t be a surprise after the fall he’d taken yesterday and the hours of physical activity they’d engaged in throughout the night. He needed to take better care of himself.

  Amanda rolled her eyes. There she went acting like a concerned girlfriend. No, just a concerned therapist. He’d been her patient, after all.

  “Amanda? You home?” Nick called from the porch.

  “In the kitchen,” she hollered back.

  A few seconds later, he appeared looking so damn hot in his low hung jeans and leather jacket, she wanted to forget any conversation they needed to have, throw herself in his arms, and beg him to make her feel as good as he had last night.

  But she held off because the conversation was more important than her hormone surge. She needed to know if he’d hurt John. Really, it was deeper than that. She needed to know if he was the man she hoped he was, or a man she should walk away from.

  “You have a good day at work?” Nick asked. He leaned against the entryway to the kitchen, tapping his booted toes on the ground. Nerves? Hard to imagine him being nervous about anything.

  “It was fine. How about you. What did you do today?” She crossed her arms and leaned back against the sink.

  He cast his gaze out the window. “Oh, not much. Rode for a while, ran some errands.” He shrugged.

  “Hmm.” The lies rolled off his tongue too easily. “I called the hospital today to lodge a complaint against Michaels.”

  That got his attention. His gaze slid back to hers, singeing her with its intensity, and his jaw ticked with tension. “Did you now?”

  She nodded. “Yep. And you won’t believe what happened.”

  He raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms over his muscular chest, mimicking her stance.

  “He quit. Just like that. No notice or anything. Can you believe it?”

  “Interesting,” he said. “Guess you don’t have to worry about him anymore.” The gray of his eyes darkened and he stared at her with a hungry expression.

  A confession wasn’t necessary. A brief spark of guilt flashed through his eyes before he had the foresight to hide it. She’d been right. He did something. And he did it so she wouldn’t have to worry. Was it sweet or was it the behavior of a violent criminal?

  “Guess not.” Silence descended on the room. Tension was at a critical level. A combination of sexual tension and frustration with his actions had her head spinning and her body responding in the predictable manner.

  Her nipples beaded, abraded by the fabric of the workout tank she’d thrown on after work. Between her legs, a dull throb beat like a steady drum and wetness soaked into her yoga pants. Why him? Why did the one man who could make her respond like this have to be shrouded in secrets and danger?

  “What did you do to him, Nick?” She’d dragged this game out long enough. Time to cut through the BS.

  “I’m not sure what you mean.” The hard quality of his voice was in contrast to his obtuse statement.

  “How did you get him to quit? Did you hurt him?” They stood on opposite sides of the kitchen. About fifteen feet of physical space separated them, but so much more in truth and honesty. “I’m not stupid, Nick. Nor am I clueless.”

  The air crackled with electricity as she waited for a response.

  “I did not hurt him.”

  Well, that was something at least. “But you did something.”

  Nick sighed. “Can’t you just be satisfied with the idea that the fucker’s gone from your life?”

  “He’s gone from the hospital, but he could still show up here again.”

  Nick’s mouth flattened. “He won’t.” There was a finality to his tone. He was confident in the fact that Michaels would not be bothering her anymore.

  “You sound sure.”

  “I am sure.”

  “I want to know what you did.” This was her life. She deserved to know what was happening with it.

  “Let it go, Amanda.” His tone brokered no arguments, but she wasn’t so easily deterred.

  “No, Nick, I can’t do that. I want to know what you did.” She pushed off the sink, prepared to get in his face if necessary. “This is my life, my problem.”

  She hadn’t taken one step when he stalked across the room so fast she had no time to react. Before she knew it, he loomed over her with an arm on either side, boxing her against the sink. For the first time since she’d met him, his nearness, his sheer size made her nervous in a frightening way.

  “You want to know what the fuck I did?” Fire shot from his eyes.

  “Yes,” she whispered. No turning back now.

  “And what would you say if I told you I held a gun to his dick and threatened to blow it off if he didn’t quit? What would you say if I used the same threat to get him to clear out of town?” His snarling face was so close to hers there was no way to escape the force of his fury.

  “You didn’t,” she whispered around a tightness in her throat.

  “Yes, I goddamned did. And I wasn’t fuckin’ bluffing. I’ve done worse, believe me. I could have done it without blinking a fuckin’ eye.” He wasn’t joking. His voice was so cold it was like he was a different person. The person he’d warned her about last night. The person who could destroy her.

  She was scared, but the longer they stared at each other, the more she realized she wasn’t scared for herself. Nick wouldn’t hurt her, she was sure of it. But he would hurt others and she was afraid of that. Because she couldn’t be with a man like that, and their tenuous relationship would end. And it would hurt because she stupidly cared for this man and allowed her heart to enter the equation.

  “But, why? I was handling it.” She was proud of the way her voice held steady despite her trembling insides.

  He scoffed. “You’re more naïve than I thought if you expect one complai
nt at work to stop him. Assholes like him only respond to one thing.”

  “I am not naïve. And I want to know why you did it.” She put her hands on his chest to push him off, but the slight vibration of anger that rolled through him had her inexplicably wanting to soothe instead of punish.

  “You want to know why? This is fuckin’ why.” He yanked the front of her tank top down, exposing her breasts then sucked a nipple into his mouth. Like the previous night, he wasn’t gentle, but sucked her with a force just shy of bruising.

  Her knees turned to rubber and her hands flew to the sides of the counter. A white-knuckled grip was the only thing keeping her from collapsing to the ground.

  She needed to put a stop to it. The conversation wasn’t finished. Hell, it hadn’t even begun. He’d threatened someone with serious physical harm. Made that person quit their job and leave town. And he’d done that to protect her. None of this was okay. None of this was in her realm of experience and she had no idea how to react, but she did know she shouldn’t be allowing this.

  But all she could manage was to succumb to the intense pleasure shooting from her nipple to her clit. “Nick,” she said on a moan.

  He released her breast with a pop. “I’ll show you fuckin’ why,” he practically growled as he spun her and pressed the huge ridge in his pants against her ass.

  She scrambled for stability as her legs trembled and her knees threatened to buckle once again. Nick sucked on her neck, a biting kiss that ended with a roll of her tendon between his teeth. She could barely process anything, he had her senses in such a whirl.

  “Are you getting it yet?” He spoke next to her ear then bit down on her earlobe.

  “Oh my God.” She was getting that she was putty in his hands and he could arouse her to levels she’d only read about.

  While he worked his magic on her overstimulated body, he shoved her pants over her ass and down to the ground. Seconds later, a thick finger probed her entrance and her eyes rolled back in her head.

  “Fucking drenched, baby. Does the idea of me threatening that asshole turn you on? You like the idea of me staking my claim, don’t you?” He slid his finger inside and bit down on her neck again.

  What was he even saying? Something about claiming her? It was so caveman. Neanderthal. Brutal. Why the hell wasn’t she putting a stop to it? “What? No, I—”

  “Because that’s why I fuckin’ did it, baby.” The sound of his zipper lowering made her moan in anticipation. He withdrew his fingers from her core and replaced them with the tip of his cock.

  “Nick, please.”

  “I did it because I’m fucking this pussy. Me. And he touched you, he scared you, he threatened you. What the hell kind of man do you think I am?”

  The head of his dick rested right at her entrance and if he didn’t push fully into her in the next few seconds she was going to die. His possessive words should have freaked her out, but all they did was make her even more needy. “Nick, please, please.”

  “I sure as hell am not the kind of man who will tolerate some asshole harassing you. My pussy, Amanda. Mine.”

  “Nick!” she wailed.

  Then he finally rammed into her with one heavy thrust. God, he filled her so well, to the point of stretching. It was better than anything she could ever remember.

  He fucked her like an animal, lost in the aftermath of the day’s stress and near violence and Amanda loved it. Loved that she could make this strong, intimidating man lose control of himself. Loved that he felt possessive over her. Loved that he hungered for her.

  He was relentless in his fucking, gripping her hips with strong hands and slamming her back against him at the same time he stroked into her. The pace was furious.

  Her knees started to shake and for a second she worried she wouldn’t be able to remain upright. Nick wrapped one muscular arm under her waist and held her against him. With his other hand, he reached between her legs and pinched her clit. She flew into a screaming orgasm. “Nick!” she cried. “Come, Nick. Come inside me, now!”

  She needed to feel it. The warmth, the wetness of his satisfaction.

  “Fuck,” he yelled as his hips hit her ass one more time and he impaled himself deep, pouring everything he had into her welcoming body.

  The only sound in the house was that of their heavy panting as they tried to calm themselves. Nick rested against her back, but held himself up with his arms, otherwise they would have collapsed. She dropped her chin to her chest and sucked in great gulps of air. The feel of Nick’s lips brushing along her shoulder made her shiver. He licked up her neck, catching droplets of sweat. They were both drenched in perspiration.

  There was an extreme tenderness to the way he held her and kissed her in that moment. So in contrast with the near violence of their coming together. Amanda spun in his arms. She needed to see him. To find out what was going on in his head because she couldn’t wrap her own mind around what had just happened.

  He brushed the damp hair off her brow then cupped her face in his hands before kissing her with a gentle passion. In her chest, her heart squeezed. This man messed with everything she thought she knew about herself. It was terrifying and exciting all rolled together.

  “The thought of that piece of shit upsetting you, harassing you, and potentially hurting you makes me fuckin’ crazy. I don’t know what the hell I’m doing with you, Amanda. And I don’t have any clue why you are letting me anywhere near you. If I was any kind of a decent man, I’d walk away and never look back, but I can’t fuckin’ stay away from you. So until you come to your senses and boot my ass out of your life, I’m here and I’m yours. And that means you’re mine.”

  They weren’t words of love; she’d probably never get those from Nick. She wasn’t sure she even wanted that, but she wanted him and it was nice to know she had him.

  She wound her arms around his waist and hugged him close. “I can’t deal with the threat of violence like that, Nick. I know you…did things before you came here, but it’s not necessary now. My life is quiet, peaceful. Or it was before Dr. Michaels. I appreciate you wanting to protect me, but not like that. What we just did won’t happen if you’re behind bars and I don’t know about you, but I kinda don’t want to give it up now that I’ve had some mind-blowing sex.”

  He chuckled and tilted her face up for another kiss. The feel of his lips on hers awakened her need all over again. “Mind blowing, huh?”

  With a smile, she nodded.

  “I hear you, babe. Loud and clear.”

  “Thank you,” she said against his mouth.

  “Shower with me?” he asked.

  “Now that sounds like a good idea. Go get the water warm and I’ll be in in a second.”

  He winked and gave her a light slap on the ass as he sauntered from the kitchen nude from the waist down.

  Once he was out of eyesight, Amanda collapsed against the sink. Her life felt like it was spiraling out of control. Kat was due back in a few days. That should help. Her friend would smack some sense into her if need be.

  For now, she’d lose herself in Nick and hope she didn’t end up regretting it later.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Snake rolled over, running a hand through his growing hair as his eyes adjusted to the morning light. Next to him, Amanda slept on her stomach, facing away from him. The sheet gathered across her lower back, leaving the creamy expanse of her shoulders bare and beyond tempting.

  His lips twitched, begging for a taste. Not that they needed it. He could conjure her flavor, her smell, the sounds she made with minimal effort. Three months of sleeping next to a woman would do that.

  Christ, had he really been with Amanda for three months? Add the two months of time spent in the hospital and it had been almost half a year since he’d been injured. Half a year that Casper went unpunished for his betrayal, living Snake’s life and thinking he’d won. Half a year, where every night, after he and Amanda fucked themselves silly, he promised himself he’d come up with a plan to end C
asper and resume his rightful spot as President of the Grimm Brothers MC.

  Then each morning, as today, he’d wake to Amanda, lax and warm against him. Sometimes on top of him. Sometimes with her eager mouth roaming over him like she couldn’t start her day without a taste of him. Other times, he’d wake her with his mouth on her breasts, her soft belly, her pussy. It never took long for her to wake with a gentle gasp and beg him for more.

  Regardless, each time, thoughts of revenge vanished in an instant, replaced with a contentment that still surprised him after all this time. This was it, wasn’t it? That elusive American dream people talk about. A peaceful life, some money socked away, a good woman by your side. It was a life Snake hadn’t ever wanted. Hell, he hadn’t even contemplated it. Outlaw life was all he knew, all he’d ever know. Or so he thought.

  Now with his body back to ninety percent capacity and with Amanda by his side, his days were spent working on the cabins, anticipating the moment she came home from work and he could get his hands on her. But then night always came and he laid awake long after Amanda passed out, no matter how vigorous their nocturnal activities had been. That’s when he felt he was losing himself. Losing Snake, the powerful and feared man he’d spent his whole life building. The man who deserved revenge for the betrayal and injuries he’d sustained.

  A buzzing sounded from the table next to Amanda’s bed and he eased himself away from her. A long week at work coupled with the hours they’d spent repairing the roof on one of the cabins, and of course, late nights with him, had her worn out and exhausted. He’d let her sleep as long as she could.

  CeCe was the only person who had the number to his new cellphone. They spoke about twice a month, usually initiated by him when Amanda was at work. “Hey, Ce,” he said once he was in the kitchen and away from the risk of waking Amanda.

  “Hi, Nick. I hope I’m not waking you.”

  “No, kid, I was up.” He zombie-walked toward the coffee pot and filled the carafe with fresh water. Amanda lived on the stuff and would be a snippy version of herself until she’d had at least one cup.


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