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Think And Grow Witch: Witch Cozy Mystery (The Reluctant Witch Book 1)

Page 15

by Maeve Hart

  “The ring?” At first I thought they were naming one of the paintings or sculptures in the exhibition. “Oh yes, the ring. The ring Donald gave me?”

  After Jennifer had nudged Peter in the ribs, he blurted out, “That’s right, the engagement ring.”

  “I think I’ve got it in my bag. Just a moment.”

  I handed Peter my empty glass so I could use both hands to look in my bag. I found it at the bottom and pulled it out. It was covered in dust and dirt from being in the bottom of my bag with spare coins, a pair of broken sunglasses, and half a sandwich. I held the ring up to the light and blew off the dust.

  I held it out to Jennifer. “There you go.”

  She frowned, taking hold of it between her index finger and thumb. “It might have been better if you had it professionally cleaned at the jeweler before you returned it.”

  I was a little taken aback by her words, especially since she hadn’t even seen what it had been with in my bag. I extended my hand to take it again. “I’ll have it professionally cleaned.”

  She pulled the ring closer to her, looking like she didn’t believe I would give it back.

  “Did you come all the way here just to get the ring?” I asked.

  “No, we came to look at the art,” Jennifer said.

  It was a lie.

  “Enjoy yourselves. I was just leaving.” I walked away from them, leaving Peter with my empty glass and Jennifer with Don’s ring. When I got to the door, I looked around for my mother and seeing her trying hard to sell a painting I thought it best not to interrupt.

  Stepping outside the gallery into the night air, I longed to get back to the forest and into Jacques’ arms. I regretted my decision to stay at Abbie’s house.

  I hailed a passing taxi and headed back to Abbie’s. All the way there, I was fuming about Don asking for the ring by way of the letter, and for the way Jennifer and Peter had behaved.

  When I got to the front door of the house, Steve opened it before I had a chance to use the key Abbie had given me. Steve was bare from the waist up and a towel he was holding at his waist covered the rest of him. He looked slightly embarrassed, which made me even more so.

  “Oh, I’m sorry. Where’s Abbie?” I asked.

  “She’s just gone to bed. I saw the lights of the taxi and didn’t know whether you had a key or not.”

  I held the key up. “Thank you.”

  He said good night and I headed to my room while the longing for Jacques didn’t let up. I guessed that had to be the cause of me failing at everything I did. I’d been heading in the wrong direction. My right direction was Jacques.

  Without removing my makeup, I stepped out of my dress and slipped between the sheets. I still didn’t understand very much about Jacques’ world and how things worked inside the pack. Tingles trailed up and down my spine as I remembered him telling me he only wanted to be with one woman and that woman was me.

  A part of me knew that to be with him I would have to leave my life and everybody I knew behind. Was I willing to give up my life for a man I hardly knew—and a shifter at that? I reminded myself I was also a shifter and I didn’t fit with my old life. I had to move on.

  It was a coincidence to have met him just after I had unknowingly become a shifter. Or had he somehow known? And why had Don never mentioned talking to my grandmother alone?

  Those questions weren’t nearly as important as the fact I was missing Jacques. I pulled the spare pillow close, shut my eyes, and pretended he was beside me.

  When I woke the next morning I reached for the phone and called him.

  “Good morning. I was hoping it was you,” Jacques said.

  “I’ve missed you,” I said truthfully, deciding not to hold back.

  “Are you ready to come home?” he asked.

  Those words had never sounded so good. “I am.”

  “Where are you?” he asked.


  “I’m coming to get you right now.”

  “I’ve got quite a few boxes from my apartment here. Can we take them?”

  “Sure. I’ll have Seamus follow me in the van.”

  “Thank you.” I ended the call and jumped in the shower.

  As the hot water jets pounded on my body, I knew I was in love with Jacques and he was the one for me. He was the man in the vivid dream I’d had before my engagement party.

  I packed my things the best I could and hoped Abbie would be awake before I left. Realizing I hadn’t spoken to my mother since I’d left Frizelle’s opening the night before, I called her.

  “Destiny!” She sounded bright and chirpy.

  “I’m not calling too early, am I?”

  “No. I’m awake.”

  “I’m sorry I left without saying goodbye last night. You were deeply involved in a sales pitch.”

  My mother laughed. “We sold five paintings and I’ve got another two nearly sold.”

  “That’s great. What about the sculptures?”

  “No one understood those. He’s way before his time with them,” she said. “Thank you for inviting Don’s sister and brother in law, although I was a little surprised to see them there.”

  “I didn’t invite them. I’ve invited them to your gallery before on opening nights and they never came. They came to get Donald’s ring back.”

  “Did they ask for it?”

  “More or less.” I explained about the letter from Don instructing me to return it. “I was a little upset about how Jennifer treated me and she wasn’t nice at the funeral either.”

  “Is that right?”


  “She’ll be sorry.”

  “No, Mom. I don’t want you to do anything to her. Please promise me?”

  “I didn’t intend to. I simply meant the karmic forces of the universe will most likely catch up with her.”

  “Since when have you believed in that? You’ve always said there’s no such thing and that’s why you take things into your own hands.”

  “People can change, darling.”

  I had to downplay what I’d just said or Jennifer would probably end up with a bad case of piles. I could read my mother’s mind. Running through her head was what she could do to her. “It wasn’t Jennifer’s fault, Mom. Don was the one who asked for the ring back and I was going to give it back anyway. Jennifer and Peter being there saved me visiting them. So, it was a win-win situation.”


  “Don’t worry about it. I’m just glad it’s all over and I’ll never have to have anything to do with that family.”

  “Good. As long as you’re feeling okay about everything.”

  “I am.”

  Abbie stuck her head into the room.

  “I have to go, Mom. I’ll call you later.” I ended the call. “I’m sorry, was I too loud on the phone?”

  Abbie looked at my suitcase. “You’re going?”

  “I’m moving in with Jacques.”

  “You’re kidding right?”

  I shook my head. “No, I’m not.” Then I remembered the purpose of the loft. Was he going to put me there like a mistress? I wouldn’t be told what to do or where to go by another man again. “Well, I’m staying with him for a few days anyway.” Hell, I didn’t really know what I was doing.

  She sat on my bed and stared at me. “Jeez, the sex must be good. How long have you known him?”

  “A few days. You know that,” I said with a laugh. “But I know it’s right. And I don’t know how I can explain it.”

  “Good for you. It’s about time.”

  “Do you mean it?” I was glad she wasn’t giving me a lecture and telling me to tread carefully.

  “Yes, I do. Throw caution to the wind and go for it. You deserve some happiness. And if it doesn’t work, you can always come back here.”

  “Thank you, Abbie. And it looks like things are going well with you and Steve.”

  She sighed. “Same old, same old.”

  I giggled. I knew she was in love wit
h Steve and he with her. They’d be getting married soon, I was sure of it.

  “Jacques will be here in a little over an hour and he’s bringing a friend with a van for all these boxes.”

  “I’ll miss you. Where does he live?”

  “I’m not sure of the exact address. He lives close to the woods a couple of hours away. It might be near Steve’s cabin.”

  She laughed. “You didn’t like it last time you were in that location.”

  “I was having an argument with Donald at the time. I’m sure it’ll grow on me. Anyway, you should see the house. It’s amazing.” I bit my lip. I couldn’t invite her to have a look at the house. “He’s actually got a penthouse here in the city too. He said he owns a few places. Oh, and don’t tell my family about him.”

  “Of course not. I never see them anyway. I imagine someone with all his money would have a few places. Make sure you keep in touch; don’t disappear on me.”

  “I will. I’m not going far. You won’t get rid of me—you’re my only friend.”

  Abbie smiled. “How was the exhibition, or the opening—whatever it was?”

  “Oh, I didn’t tell you about that.” I sat down on the bed and told her all about how I gave the ring back to Jennifer and Peter at the exhibition, and about getting the letter from Don asking me to give the ring back, and the part where Don warned me not to trust anyone.

  “What a jerk!”


  “Of course, Don, and also his sister and brother-in-law too. After all he put you through, he leaves you nothing and you can’t even keep the ring.”

  “Don’t get upset. I nearly didn’t tell you because I knew you’d be angry.”

  “I’m furious and annoyed.”

  “I didn’t like the ring anyway,” I confessed.

  “I thought it was lovely.”

  “Anyway, it’s gone and I’m glad to have all traces of him gone.”

  “And what did he mean in his letter—don’t trust anyone? He was the person you shouldn’t have trusted.”

  I stared at her, nodding. I had to agree.

  “I know I’m not supposed to speak ill of the dead, but really?”

  “I don’t know why I put up with him for so long. I just dreaded the thought of starting again with someone I didn’t know. You know, starting at day one not knowing anything about anybody. It’s just a lot of effort.”

  “Well, you had that wrong. Look at you now. Look how happy you are now with Jacques and you don’t care you don’t know anything about him.”

  “I know that now.”

  Steve left for work early and Abbie insisted on staying with me until Jacques arrived. I kept an eye out the window while we waited. When I saw Jacques’ car and a white van, I opened the door for them.

  I called Abbie and she came out to meet them. I noticed that Seamus’ black eye was gone. When they went further into the house, Abbie gave me two thumbs up behind their backs. She obviously thought Jacques was gorgeous and was even eyeing off Seamus.

  When the van was loaded, I gave Abbie a hug and promised to keep in contact.

  As Jacques and I drove off, he reached for my hand and held it tight while I told him everything that had happened the previous day. I told him about the Devereaus and how they’d argued in front of me, and he laughed about that. When I told him about the letter I had received from Don, though, he grew angry.

  “What did he mean? Do you still have the letter?”

  “I might have it in one of my boxes somewhere. Maybe it’s still in my bag. I’ll have a look.”

  He tightened his grip on my hand. “Don’t look now. You can show me later. So he told you that you shouldn’t trust anyone?”

  “Yes. He was insanely jealous and suspicious of me. I wonder if he could’ve meant my grandmother.”

  “It was probably just to make you untrusting. He was playing mind games.”

  “Well, that would fit his personality,” I agreed.

  “Yes, considering what you told me about him it sounds about right,” he said. After a moment, he continued. “I can sense someone’s hurt you. Someone who treated you badly—a female.”

  “Jennifer, Don’s sister. I went to my mother’s gallery opening and she was there with her husband and she asked for the engagement ring back. I was going to offer it to them, but it was the way she said it that upset me.”

  “And this wasn’t the first time she treated you badly?”

  I glanced over at him, wondering how he knew. Had I told him? “At the funeral. I guess it’s a stressful time. I shouldn’t take it personally.”

  “There’s no other way to take it but personally.”

  Chapter 26

  “Where is everybody?” I asked as Seamus charged past me with boxes, loading up the elevator.

  “Some of them work outside the compound and there’s a lot of work to do here in the grounds. We’ve got a large section fenced off and there’s always work to do on the fences. I could pay someone, but it’s best to keep them busy.”

  “That’s it, boss,” Seamus said.

  “Thank you.” Jacques looked at me. “Let’s go upstairs and work out where we can put everything.”

  We traveled in the lift together with my boxes. Once we got to the upper level, we dragged all my belongings into the room.

  “Don’t go away—I just have to make one call.”

  “I’ll be here.”

  In three minutes, he was back. “What’s in all these boxes?”

  “My whole life. Computers, laptops, printer, and some clothes.” I took a breath. “Books, odds and ends, and other things I can’t do without.”

  “I’m quite low on closet space, but there’s plenty of room to fix that problem.”

  “It’s okay at the moment because I don’t have many clothes. Where shall I tell my mother I am?”

  “When will you be speaking with her next?”

  I shrugged.

  “We’ll think up something.” He opened his arms. “Come here.”

  I stepped into him and pressed my head against his chest.

  He kissed the top of my head, and then said, “I’m happy you’ve come here. I feel complete.”

  “I’m so happy to be here. I just wish there weren’t so many unanswered questions about Don and who killed him.”

  “That’s life, Destiny. We’re not meant to know everything about everything.”

  “I don’t need to know about the chicken and the egg, I just want to know who killed Don.”

  “Your grandmother?”

  I looked up into his eyes. “Do you think so?”

  “She killed once and got away with it. In a few years she’ll be boasting about killing Don too.”

  “I don’t know…”

  “Who do you think would’ve benefited from his death? I can’t think of anyone.”

  I didn’t like to think my grandmother did it.

  “Let’s forget about your old life and think about your new life,” he said. “Do you think you’ll be happy living here with me?”

  I giggled. “It’s sudden. What about the loft?”

  “That’s your pretend place to throw everyone off the track.”

  “I’ve got that money to give back to you somewhere in one of these boxes—the five thousand dollars.”

  “You don’t believe in banks?”

  I laughed. “I haven’t had a chance to get there and when I did have the time, I’d decided to give it back.”

  “Keep it. I used your ideas.”

  “I can’t. I’ll give it back.”

  “Forget it. Why don’t we go down and see what we can rustle up for dinner?”

  “We’re having dinner with everyone?” The pack still made me nervous. I didn’t know how to behave around them.

  “Yes. Don’t be scared. I’ll be there with you.”

  My phone rang. We both looked around for it. Eventually I found the phone was in my bag on the other side of the room. I grabbed it and answered it withou
t looking at the caller ID.


  “Ms. Stephens, it’s Detective Andrews.”

  “Oh, hello.”

  “I’m at your friend’s house, but she says you left.”

  “Yes, I’m staying with another friend.”

  “I need to have a word with you. There have been some developments. Can I come to see you now?”

  I glanced up at Jacques and he shook his head.

  “No, I’m sorry. Can I come and see you?”

  “When can you come to the station?”

  I repeated what Jacques mouthed to me. “Early tomorrow morning?”

  “Okay. I start at eight.”

  “I’ll be there. I don’t suppose you can tell me what this is about over the phone?”

  “No. I’ll see you tomorrow morning.”

  I ended the call and looked up at Jacques. “Did you hear that?”

  He nodded. “It’ll be interesting to find out what the developments are.”

  “I hope they’re not going to arrest me again.”

  “They won’t.”

  I put my hand to my stomach, suddenly feeling sick. “I think I need to lie down.”

  He helped me over to the bed and pulled back the covers for me.

  “Do you have a headache?”

  “I think so. I feel weird. I’m sorry, but I don’t think I’ll feel like any dinner.”

  “I’ll get something to make you feel better.”

  My head sank into the pillow. More than anything I thought the police were going to arrest me again or at least suspect me of killing Don. Perhaps the neighbors had told them about the frequent rows and how it wasn’t only that one day.

  “Here you go, take these.”

  Jacques was sitting next to me with a glass of water and two pills in his hand.

  I half sat up. “What are they?”

  “Just some painkillers.”

  I put the pills in my mouth and washed them down with half a glass of water. After I had placed my head back on the pillow I looked at Jacques to see that he’d gone all fuzzy. “I can’t see you properly.”

  He stroked my hair. “Shh. It’s okay. Relax and go to sleep.”

  Chapter 27


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