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The Progeny

Page 34

by Shelley Crowley

  “Hello there,” purred Alexander.

  “Hi?” replied Evie hesitantly.

  He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. “So, I heard you two reacquainting hard last night,” he said while grabbing a chair and grinding his pelvis against the back of it, pulling a face of mock bliss.

  Caius felt his cheeks flush and quickly looked down at the tiled floor. Oh, look, one of the corners is chipped.

  “What do you mean, reacquainting?” asked Evie.

  “Oh, please, like we all haven’t noticed you two being less mushy than usual. For a guy that is really into himself, I am also incredibly perceptive.”

  Caius dared a look and saw Alexander giving Evie a knowing smirk while Varsee, in the background, attempted to hide her amusement behind a steaming mug of blood.

  “I’ll tell you what it was, it was that vampire bar.” Alexander nodded affirmatively. “Seeing all that kinky shit, getting lost in the sexy vibe, really gets the blood pumping. You know what I mean, old man, don’t deny it.” He winked to Caius. In the corner of his eyes, he saw Evie bite back a smile. Alexander patted his flat stomach that was now exposed as the cord on his kimono fell loose. “Even just thinking about it is getting me going. I’m in serious need of a blood whore. I’m hoping the one you’ve ordered for me doesn’t die on the way this time.” He spun to his sister.

  Movement from behind made Caius turn around. Robin was standing in the doorway; his dark brown hair was ruffled and his jumper had dark stains on the front. “What’s going on?” he asked. His voice was gruff as if he had been gargling gravel.

  “Did you have fun last night, kid?” shouted Alexander way louder than necessary.

  Robin winced with a smile. “Hell yeah. It was the best night of my life.”

  “That’s right! Vampires know how to party.”

  Robin made his way into the room and stood by the fridge looking complacent.

  “My sis has ordered a blood whore. Fancy sharing?” asked Alexander.

  Robin gave him a queasy look and rubbed his stomach. “No thanks. I think I over did it last night.”

  “Over did it?” asked Caius, alarmed.

  “Relax, Caius, he didn’t kill anyone,” said Varsee casually as she drank. “I kept my eye on him. He was fine.”

  “Yeah,” nodded Robin. “There were just a lot of chicks offering.”

  “Yeah there was,” laughed Alexander, squeezing Robin’s shoulder. Robin giggled and pushed him off. Alexander watched him with a look of genuine affection as he rolled away from his touch. “Well then, I guess this blood whore’s all mine.”

  “Whoa, this place is amazing. You must feel right at home,” said Evie as her fingers ran over the records in the box Caius had pulled from the shelf.

  Caius smiled, watching Evie’s hazel eyes light up from the doorway. “Yeah, Robin found it. I didn’t even know there were rooms back here.”

  “Oh! I love this song!” She pulled out a record and slipped it from its sleeve before thrusting it towards Caius. “Put it on.”

  With a smile, Caius took the vinyl and placed it on the turntable. A crackling sound filled the small room as he carefully dropped the needle. Lionel Richie’s and Diana Ross’ Endless Love filled the room and Evie grabbed Caius by his jacket and tugged him closer. With a laugh, Caius crashed against her and held her close. Evie’s arms wrapped around his middle as he placed his hands on her hips.

  Caius let the music take him. His eyes fluttered closed as he held Evie, brushing his lips across her hairline. She sighed contently and began moving her feet, making the both of them move in a slow circle. He couldn’t help but marvel at how much had changed in one night.

  Evie was right- he did feel right at home. He felt at home because he had Evie in his arms.

  A hoarse cry erupted from somewhere inside the house, breaking through the music.

  Evie jumped back out of Caius’ hold and looked up at him, wide-eyed and panicked. It was notably a male cry. Alexander, maybe? Or… Robin?

  An uneasiness gripped Caius’ insides and he turned towards the door. Seconds later, there was another scream. This time it was more like a high-pitched, broken wail- definitely female. “Alex!”

  It was Varsee.

  Footsteps were clattering along the floor. Without a word, Evie shot out of the room. Caius followed quickly after.

  Robin was in the doorway to the kitchen, looking inside. Evie pushed her way past and Caius saw her stop dead, her hand on her mouth. Panic quickened Caius’ steps as he ran through the living room and followed Evie into the kitchen. He wrapped his arm around her from behind instinctively before looking upon what had made her face so ghostly pale.

  Alexander was on the floor, his eyes rolled back in his head and his body juddering uncontrollably. He was foaming at the mouth, blood red froth seeping from his lips.

  “Alex!” Varsee was wailing on her knees by his side, clutching his paisley shirt and shaking him. On one of the chairs by the table sat a young human girl with blonde hair down to her hips. She was crying into her hands as blood ran down from the two puncture wounds on her neck. “Alex! Wake up!”

  “What happened?” asked Caius, not being able to make sense of the scene in front of him.

  Varsee looked up and Caius’ dead heart contracted. Blood tears were running down her cheeks and were smudged around her temples. Her usual murky storm-like eyes were a terrifying, brilliant mixture of every colour imaginable. “He-he was j-just drinking. And then the next-the next minute, he collapsed.” Suddenly, her expression hardened and she jumped up to her feet with the incredible speed of a vampire, and grabbed the girl’s shoulders.

  The blonde girl wailed with terror as Varsee yanked her to her feet. “What did you do to him?!” She shook her like a doll, making her head loll backwards. “What did you do to my brother?!”

  “I didn’t have a choice!” the girl cried. “He told me I had to!”

  “Who told you?!” Varsee’s fangs unsheathed and the girl’s eyes filled with new tears.

  “He said it was needed for the cure! He tricked me!” She looked down at Alexander who was still having a seizure on the floor. “Oh my God, I am so going to lose my job!”

  “You’re going to lose your head in a minute!” threatened Varsee, releasing the girl’s shoulder and yanking back her hair instead. “Now tell me what the hell is going on!”

  “D-doctor… a doctor. His name… his name was…” She wailed. “I don’t know! I can’t remember! But he has a mansion. He- he told me you need to go there.” She looked down at Alexander. Evie had dropped to the floor by his side and was now smoothing down his sweat-soaked hair from his face. “He needs to go there. Otherwise he’s going to die.”

  “Are you talking about Nico?” asked Evie.

  The girl’s eyes widened, nodding vehemently. “Yes! Yes! That’s his name. Nico… Nico… Bergan! Doctor Bergan!”

  “And where does this Doctor Bergan live?” seethed Varsee, making the girl whimper.

  “I know.” Evie bounced to her feet. “I’ll take him.”

  “No.” Caius stepped in and grabbed Evie’s hand. “You can’t. He’ll bring you in, too.”

  Varsee dropped the girl back onto the chair and spun to Caius. “Then what the hell are we supposed to do?” She looked down at her brother and bit down on her bottom lip, her fangs piercing her skin. “He can’t die. I’m not going to let him die. I’ll take him myself!”

  “He’ll bring in any vampire he can get his hands on,” said Caius and he shuddered inwardly at the memory of his time spent in that basement.

  “Then what are we supposed to do?” cried Varsee. She spun back to the girl who cowered and began to sob. “If I take him to this doctor’s house, he can save my brother?”

  The girl nodded.

  “How, exactly?”

  “I don’t know,” the human whimpered. “He just told me to tell them to go there after they’re infected. He is their only hope at surviving.”

sp; On the floor, Alexander began coughing violently. Evie tilted his face to the side as he coughed up a jet of blood. A hoarse cry of rage filled the room as Varsee grabbed a knife from the kitchen drawer and speared it through the human girl’s chest in one vampire quick motion. Caius, Evie and Robin gasped in unison and took a step back. Varsee stood in the centre of the room over her brother’s convulsing body like a lioness protecting its young. Her blonde hair was marred with her own bloody tears. Smudged crimson marks covered almost the entirety of her face. Her whole body was heaving with rage.

  Caius could only stare. To him, Varsee had always been as cool and calm as a statue. Seeing her looking so vulnerable and distraught was terrifying. She had completely shattered.

  “I’m taking him,” she breathed out heavily. “I don’t care. I’m taking him.”

  “You don’t understand who this Nico is. We do,” said Evie, fear breaking her voice. “Whatever he’s done to Alexander. He’ll do to you, too.”

  “I don’t care.”

  “But there is another way. We could call an ambulance. Maybe they could take him.”

  Varsee scoffed. “Are you serious? Like they would care about us. We’re vampires, Evie. They wouldn’t help us.”

  “We don’t have to tell them we’re vampires.”

  “And once they find out, they’ll turn and leave. My brother doesn’t have enough time to wait around.”

  “Maybe another human could help.” It was Robin. Caius had almost forgotten he was there, still braced against the doorframe. Robin gulped and his eyes widened when everyone’s attention became focused on him. “Well, I mean, this Nico guy wants vampires, right? If a human brought Alexander to him… the human would be fine. Right?”

  “And do you know a human willing to help a bunch of vampires?” asked Varsee, sounding irritated.

  Robin looked to the floor. “No.”

  “Then why the fuck are you wasting time?!” bawled Varsee, then gasped when Alexander started having another coughing fit.

  “Sis…” he wheezed.

  Varsee dropped to her knees beside him and cradled his head. “Alex. I’m here.”

  “I don’t feel too good.”

  Varsee let out a weary laugh, sniffled back a sob, and brushed his hair back so she could see his eyes as they tried to focus on her. “You don’t look too good, either. But everything’s going to be fine. I’m going to get you the help you need. You can’t die on me, Alex. I love you.”

  He smiled lazily, showing stained red teeth. “How could you not?”

  Varsee sobbed with a laugh and pressed her forehead against her brother’s.

  Suddenly, Evie’s eyes brightened. “I know someone. I know someone who will help.”

  Varsee looked up. “Who?”

  “A friend. He’ll help us.”

  Varsee scoffed. “Oh, like the friend who almost got us all obliterated?”

  Evie gulped. “No. Not him, someone else. I’ve known Eric for a while. We can trust him. I promise.” She patted the pockets of her jeans, looked to the door, and then her shoulders sagged. “I had his number. But you broke my phone.”

  “I have his number,” said Caius.

  Evie turned to him. “You do?”

  He nodded. “When you left me, I saved his number in case I needed to reach you and you were avoiding my calls.”

  “Little stalkery… old man,” coughed Alexander.

  Varsee slapped Caius’ leg. “Get your phone then and call him!” She had Alexander’s body cradled against her and was rocking him softly. She planted a heavy kiss on his head as blood continued to run from his lips. He was still shaking but Varsee’s hold on him had contained it to just a tremble. “You’re going to be okay, Alex. I won’t let you die. I promised I’d take care of you. We’re going to get through this.”

  “Sis… I need to tell you… something,” Alexander wheezed, grabbing at her blouse.

  “What?” Varsee asked, “what is it?”

  “I-” He choked and fresh tears ran from the corners of his eyes. “I- I killed Mrs. Braverman. She was out- outside… made me jump… I freaked out… sorry.”

  Varsee laughed, biting down on her lower lip. “I know. I know. I found her in her armchair with a broken neck. I knew her death wasn’t from natural causes.”

  “I’m sorry… she scared me.”

  “Don’t be. It’s okay. You’re not leaving me. Stop admitting to stuff. You’re not going anywhere.”

  Robin jumped aside as Caius whipped past him and up the stairs in a blur. He found his phone in the bedroom and spun to head back down the stairs but started at the sight of Evie in the doorway.

  She stuck out her hand to him. Red was smudged under her eyes. “I’ll call him.”

  Caius passed her the phone. “Does he know you’re a vampire?”

  She shook her head as she fiddled with the buttons. “No. But I’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.”

  “Are you sure you want to bring him into this? He’s the only human friend you have.”

  Evie shrugged, a careless gesture Caius could tell was forced. “It’s our only option. Either that or Alexander dies.” Before Caius could say anything else, she turned her back to him with the phone to her ear. After a few rings, Caius heard Eric pick up. “Hi, Eric, it’s me, Evie. Look, I know we haven’t spoken in a while but I really need your help.”

  “Oh my God, Evie! You can’t keep disappearing on me. I’ve been calling but your phone was disconnected,” said Eric, sounding worried yet relieved.

  “Yeah, I know. I’m sorry. Things have been crazy lately. But look, Eric. I really need your help right now.”

  “Okay. Okay, sure. What do you want me to do?” he asked, a lot more alert.

  Evie hesitated a moment. “Could you meet me by the hospital in five minutes? Bring your car.”

  “The hospital? Why? What’s up? Are you hurt?”

  “No. Not me. A friend. But I can’t take him to where he needs to go. Look, I’ll explain when I see you. I can’t do it over the phone. Just meet me there, okay?”

  “Okay. Okay. I’m heading out the door now.”

  “Okay. Great. Thanks, Eric.” Evie hung up and turned to Caius. She passed him back the phone. “Nico’s place is only a short drive from the hospital. No point in Eric coming here then going back. We need to tell the other’s we’ve got to get moving.”

  Caius nodded, slotting the phone in his jeans. The two of them joined the others in the kitchen.

  “Eric’s going to meet us at the St. Mary’s hospital,” said Evie. “Varsee, can you carry Alexander there?”

  Without a word, Varsee got to her feet, hauling her brother up and holding him bridal style. Taking that as a yes, they all made their way out of the house.

  But as soon as they got to the gate, Varsee stumbled and almost dropped him when a fit of sobs attacked her unexpectedly. Caius rushed to her aid and took Alexander from her. She bent double and began to wheeze. “I’m sorry,” she mumbled. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”

  “It’s okay,” assured Caius, repositioning Alexander so he could hold him more securely.

  Alexander’s head lolled back and dangled. He expelled a hoarse breath and peered up at Caius. He lifted his hand as if to caress Caius’ cheek but missed completely. “Be gentle with me, won’t you?”

  “Come on, let’s go.” Varsee pushed passed after quickly collecting herself. She grabbed hold of Robin’s and Evie’s hands and took off down the country road in a blur. Caius quickly followed suit, the extra weight being no problem at all. As he navigated his way to the hospital, he silently prayed that it wasn’t too late. Because, even though he wasn’t particularly fond of Alexander, he knew there’d be a huge, crater sized hole left behind if he were to die. Which would devastate Varsee. And if Varsee fell apart, it would have a knock-on effect on Evie.

  She had already had to deal with a depressed Maker who had been filled with too much grief and hate to be of any use- he couldn’t let tha
t happen again.


  Chapter 22

  Alexander felt the pressure of moving at vampire speed suddenly lift, making his lolling head slam into Caius’ chest and a thrashing headache explode inside his skull. He groaned aloud and coughed up a thick mouthful of blood, managing to spit it onto the floor instead of up Caius’ shirt. Blinking hard, he tried to focus on his surroundings but it was like looking through a kaleidoscope. I wonder if this is how flies see things.

  They were in the city – on a quiet side street. He could figure out that much. Everything was lit up by the dull orange glow of streetlights, and the buzzing of the city mixed with the buzzing in his head. Hands stroked through his damp hair, making him want to smile but his jaw ached like crazy. It was his sister. Her head was bent over his, gazing at him with frantic, teary eyes. Alexander wanted to touch her so much. To brush away her tears and tell her he was okay, even though it actually felt like his insides were being ground up into a paste. What the hell was in that girl’s blood?

  “What’s wrong with him?” said a deep, baritone voice. Alexander rolled his head, intrigued by their new company. A tall, stocky black man in a simple, zip-up cotton jacket and sweatpants was standing by the open door of a stylish black SUV. He was talking to Evie.

  “He’s hurt really bad. He needs help, Eric,” she said.

  The man – Eric - looked confused. “The hospital is right there. What did you need my help for?”

  Varsee’s hands slipped out of Alexander’s hair. The absence of her touch made him feel hollow. He heard Eric gasp and Alexander managed to focus his eyes long enough to see him step back. “You’re a vampire?”

  “We all are,” said Varsee, and Evie noticeably cringed.

  Eric looked to his red-headed friend. “What’s going on?”

  Evie’s mouth began opening and closing but no words were coming out. Or maybe they were but Alexander couldn’t hear them over the white noise that was filling his head. He groaned and curled up into Caius’ chest. He’s strong. I like it, Alexander inwardly grinned.

  The pain in his gut was getting worse and worse. It was as if someone had grabbed his organs and was slowly twisting them. Is this what it feels like right before you turn into icky-sticky? Alexander shuddered at the thought and blinked hard, letting his burning red tears fall.


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