Dirty Deals: Fuck For Cash
Page 3
While Lara considered herself sexually liberated, she could count the number of men she'd slept with on two hands. She was no whore. Once in a relationship, she remained fiercely loyal until something went wrong. Even then, she tried hard to make it work. She hadn't ever cheated...until now. Her mind drifted back to Mark.
Even now, she knew she didn't hate him. She understood him. How could she not? Hadn't she been that girl in high school? That hot, skinny blonde that could get whoever she wanted but chose, instead, to date the quote unquote 'losers'? To give them hope and to spit in the face of every asshole who made fun of them? And hadn't she found almost all of them extremely caring, loving and giving? Didn't they all try that much harder?
Lara found a small smile on her face as she thought of Mark, then frowned. No, this was for money. Plain and simple.
There was no way she'd let it become anything else.
Chapter Three
The next twenty four hours were the toughest of his life, as far as Mark was concerned. He filled up the rest of that day with a few movies, a few times going out to collect some fast food. Lara invaded his mind like never before. Actually having had her, he couldn't stop wanting her again. Mark knew how to look at sex. He looked at it like he looked at most things: pessimistically. He knew that most porn was the way it was because everyone wanted to believe sex was better than it really was. He'd heard a lot of disappointment stories and even horror stories. Like the young couple, fresh out of lube, deciding to use tooth paste instead.
He'd heard that, like most things in life, sex wasn't really as good as everyone said it was. It was just everyone trying to convinced each other, and mostly themselves, that it was the best thing on the fucking planet. In all honesty, he'd just wanted to lose his virginity. He fucking hated having his V card, even if that meant not being able to tell anyone about it, he knew it was gone. Only it hadn't gone like that.
The sex had been way better than he expected. Mark didn't know if it was the fact that he was a first timer, or the fact that she was an experienced woman in her thirties. Or maybe it was because he'd paid for it. Or maybe none of those things. So many little details seemed to make up sex. Maybe he'd found the right combination for amazing sex. Maybe it was a fluke. He'd hoped not. Nonetheless, he masturbated to her that night before he'd gone into a fitful sleep. He dreamed of her, too. When he woke up, he desperately wished she had been there.
But she wasn't. He'd just awoken to an empty bed. Mark tried to kill the rest of the day as quickly as he could. But it just dragged on. Nothing seemed to be able to keep him occupied. He just kept thinking of her. Lara. Her in all her splendor. He watched TV and a movie, but could hardly focus. He went out to get some more fast food, but only got through half of it. Everything else in his life had abruptly fallen by the wayside.
Her arrival time, which he put at around four ten, came and went. For a few minutes, he was terrified that she wouldn't show up. That she'd have a change of heart. And then he heard footfalls on the walkway outside, and a shadow briefly broke the sunlight coming in through the slitted shades. The footfalls stopped just beyond the door, and then, after several seconds, a knock. Mark tried not to rush to the door.
Even though he was paying her and even though she had no interest in him beyond his wallet, Mark still knew that women didn't find pathetically desperate men attractive. And some part of him desperately wanted her to find him attractive, on any level.
He opened the door and she stood there, looking as pretty as ever.
“Hey,” she said in a quiet voice, stepping past him. He closed and locked the door behind her.
“How long do we have?” he asked.
“Well, I've got plans. So, I'd like to be out of here in half an hour. But that should be more than enough time, right?” Mark hesitated, the nodded. Lara seemed to lose what little smile she had.
“Sorry,” she said. “I...I didn't mean it like that.” And he was honestly surprised she felt like apologizing to him, considering their relationship. He tried to shrug it off.
“It's okay,” he said. “I'm sure I'll get better at it.” That seemed to really remind Lara of why she was here in the first place. He couldn't be sure, but from the subtle looks her face took on, it seemed as if the fact that she was now technically a prostitute kept slipping from her mind.
“Let's get to it,” she said, taking his hand once again as she had done before and leading him back into the bedroom. The action sent his heart skipping all over again. This time, she set her purse aside on his desk, shed her over shirt and then laid down in bed with him. When she started kissing him, he slipped his hand under her tank top and her bra. He groped the warm flesh he found there, feeling her nipple press into his palm, and groaned once more. They continued swapping saliva for several moments in his dim, cool bedroom. He managed to get her top off, as well as the bra, and soon found himself fully on top of her, dry humping her.
There were no words as she gently pushed him off of her, rolling him onto his back, and slid down the length of the bed. He felt nervous all over again as she pulled him out of his jeans and went to work, enveloping him in the warm, dark wetness of her mouth. This time, he put his hands on the back of her head and began thrusting into her. She seemed surprised at first, but quickly adapted, taking his full length to the back of her throat.
Somewhere in his head he was surprised she wasn't gagging. He'd seen a lot of that in the amateur videos where the girls weren't professional. But Lara, apparently, could handle it. He took advantage of that and began fucking her in the mouth a little harder, finding it easier, but not by much, to hold back his orgasm this time.
He finally had to make her stop.
“How do you want me this time?” she asked, looking up at him from her position down there, her hair already falling down around her face, framing it.
“Hands and knees,” he replied. He'd thought a lot about this. He wanted to fuck her from behind, this time. Wanted her doggystyle. Wanted to stare at her round, smooth, pale ass. She just nodded and did as she was told. He moved out of the way, positioning himself behind her and his knees.
Sliding into her was easier than last time. He moaned, the sheer pleasure forcing him to hunch over her. As he pushed his full length into her, she tossed her head back, blonde hair flying briefly, and let out with a loud cry of pleasure. Again, he found that, right then, he did not give a fuck if she was faking it. His hands found the smooth curve of her ass and he began to drive himself in and out of her. Inside of her was tight and almost seemed to grip him.
As he continued pounding her, his hands slid up to grip her hips. Lara had buried her face in the pillow by then, crying out into it. Mark knew he couldn't last for much longer. Already, he could feel his climax welling up with him, begging, demanding to be released. He didn't fight it. Instead, he leaned forward, letting go of her hips, and groped her breasts as he began to let off inside of her. He was trapped like that, for a moment: hunched forward, his hips making little thrusts as the orgasm took him, firmly grasping her breasts.
When he finally finished, he carefully pulled himself out of her and collapsed onto the bed next to her. She got up and went to the bathroom. Mark found himself wishing she'd stay behind, just for a few moments, and lay there with him. But when she finished cleaning herself up, Lara came back in and fell back down onto the bed beside him. He rolled over and wrapped his arms around her, hugging her to him.
“Cuddling costs extra,” she said. He couldn't tell if she was joking, but he shrugged.
“How much?” he replied. She hesitated, then said,
The amount felt randomly decided on, as if she was just saying it because she had been joking, and then realized that she shouldn't be joking in a situation like this. Again, Mark shrugged and continued holding her. It just seemed like the right thing to do. He breathed in the smell of her. The shampoo she used, whatever brand her deodorant was, the minty smell of her breath. And, beneath all tha
t, the smell of her. Her natural scent.
“Let up for a second,” she said, breaking the silence. He did and she went for her purse. She came back and settled back in, a cigarette in hand. She lit up and began smoking.
“Is there any real risk of your boyfriend finding out?” Mark asked. He surprised himself by asking it, it wasn't what he'd meant to ask. But Lara just shrugged. All she said was,
From the way she said it, he picked up the hint and decided not to ask any further. They cuddled a little bit longer, well, he did anyway, before she decided she had to go. Lara reapplied a bit of perfume from her purse before and after she had dressed.
“Was I any better?” Mark asked as he handed over six twenties. She made them disappear into her purse and shrugged.
“Hard to say,” she replied. “You weren't any worse, at least.” Mark just nodded. He followed Lara out to the living room.
“When can I see you again?”
“I'm off work tomorrow, but I've got things to do. Day after? I get off early, at two.”
He tried not to let the disappointment show through as he told her that'd be fine. She stood there, lingering in the doorway for a moment, wreathed in sunshine, staring at him. This time, he stepped forward and kissed her. It felt awkward, but good.
And then she was gone again.
Lara sighed as she began driving. Two times in two days. Her vagina ached, slightly. While it enjoyed the bi-weekly use of the vibrator she'd bought three months ago, Lara hadn't been lying when she said that Mark was bigger than Jim. He was and it showed. Throw in the fact that when he fucked, he was almost vicious about it, really driving deep and hard into her without letting up. He didn't stop for breaks to catch his breath or to ask if she wanted to switch positions. He was still in that young, obsessive phase of sex.
Lara found herself wondering why the kid had to pay for it. She supposed she should blame the media and primarily the internet. It was obvious that he felt uncomfortable and maybe even ashamed of the size of his dick. Like it mattered. Even going with the facts that there was more to a relationship than sex and that he seemed to be a little bit above average, not that many women actually cared about size.
And it wasn't as if he was socially retarded. He knew how to hold a conversation. He didn't seem to have any crippling mental disorders or social handicaps. He just seemed...shy. Lara sighed as she grabbed for another cigarette, hating herself for doing it. She'd be damned if she'd get addicted to anything. But right now...she just needed a fucking break. She didn't let herself believe that opening her legs for Mark had relieved her stress. Even if maybe it had...just a little. No, she thought as she lit up, Mark's problem was luck and maybe a lack of trying.
She could easily see him making some teenaged girl happy. Even a very pretty one. The sheer fact that he held down a job, had a car and didn't live with his parents should have made most girls his age wet. It was tough to find a nineteen year old boy that independent. That wasn't even counting the fact that he was now fucking rich. She didn't know much the inheritance was, but from the way he was dropping hundreds like they were nothing indicated either a lot or he was just burning through his cash too quickly.
Honestly, either was possible at this point. Lara popped her neck and took another heavy pull at the cigarette. She shifted gears and thought about Jim, and her vibrator. Nine months back, when the sex had started to trickle off once more, she broke down and tried to talk to him about it. It was always uncomfortable, and she got that you could get tired of any person given enough time. They'd come to a strange sort of compromise where they each bought a pleasuring device for 'dry spots' as Jim called it. He'd renewed his efforts at fucking her, but that hadn't lasted more than three months before she'd been forced to use the vibrator.
First, it was just every once in a while. Then it was once a week. By now, she was at it every Monday and Thursday. The thought of keeping a schedule for masturbation seemed ludicrous, even to her, but Lara had always been a planning kind of person.
In a way, Mark's enthusiasm was extremely refreshing. Lara bit down on the cigarette. Two days in and she was already thinking thoughts like that. She growled. No, she was doing this for money and nothing more. She loved Jim.
If she didn't, why would she have stuck with him for five years and moved in with him?
If she didn't love him, she would have just left him.
Chapter Four
This is how the next two weeks passed.
Mark would work his day around Lara's visits. The days she didn't visit, it absolutely killed him and he did everything in his power to take his mind off her. Or, at the very least, find a cheap substitute, up to and including spending hours upon hours searching through a variety of porn sites for any woman that remotely resembled her. He found one, once, that kind of looked like her, but about ten years younger.
And then he'd had to stop watching because he realized, with something like horror, that it hurt to watch someone else fuck her. Then he started thinking about her boyfriend, and he grew bitter with jealousy. He felt his life beginning to tear away from him, but tried his hardest to remain calm and composed around her. He thought he did an okay job, but when he was actually fucking her...he could never even begin to reign in on his true emotions.
For the first week, during her visits, he mainly stuck to missionary with the occasional doggystyle session. He wanted to get better, to last longer. Although it always seemed that everything about her, from her smooth, pale skin to her round ass, to her bright, green eyes sent him spiraling out of control and he never managed anything more than a five minute quickie before shooting what she often called 'a huge load' into her.
She came when she could, mostly after work, but sometimes before. When she wasn't around, Mark tried to work. He started calling in more than he would have ever dreamed before, but honestly, he found it hard to care about his job anymore. He was rich, at least by his own standards, and really, right now at least, all he cared about was Lara.
It was during the second week that he started trying different things.
Two weeks passed. Lara fell into a routine. In the beginning, she lied about days she couldn't come. Partly because she feared Jim really would begin to notice, but mostly because she was afraid of what would happen if she spent too much time around Mark. And already one of her fears were coming true: the rift between her and Jim was growing into a void. And with the coldness she began experiencing from him, she knew it was only a matter of time before she began seeking warmth from another source.
Warmth beyond just a warm body. Lara was tough. She was independent. It was one of the things she thought she could say about herself with pride. But, at the end of the day, she wanted someone to dote on her. Even just a little. For most of her life, she'd fought that feeling fiercely, calling herself weak and stupid for needing, even just wanting, to have someone do nice things for her. Not even big, sweeping gesture of romance like a candlelit dinner or a trail of rose pedals leading to the bedroom or anything like that.
Just little things. A back rub. A genuine thank you. Cleaning up around the house when she was just too exhausted. And Jim...he had always been great about that. It was the little things that made up their relationship, and she'd moved in with him about the same time she'd stopped fighting the fact that she needed someone like that.
At this point in the relationship, Jim's, and her, willingness to do the little things had all but died. If she wanted the dishes done, she typically had to do them herself. If Jim wanted the floor vacuumed, she found it difficult to be bothered. Household chores were divided into who cared about them the most, and small niceties had fallen by the wayside. But she couldn't blame Jim for that. She was just as passive towards him as he was towards her.
So, whenever Mark cuddled with her, or smiled goofily at her, or hugged her or kissed her with genuine pleasure...she felt so guilty. Because she lik
ed it. She liked how into her he was. And it wasn't as if Jim was helping. She had been subtly trying to get him to romance her, even in small ways, ever since her affair with Mark had begun. If she could relight the spark in their relationship, then she could probably stop what she was doing with Mark. He'd given her enough money, over two thousand dollars already, to float them through the next month or so. But not only had Jim failed to take the hints, he'd begun spending time away from the house.
He and some of his older friends, who used to have regular pool nights, decided to get back into the habit. Not knowing they were having money troubles, Jim decided it would help get his mind off his unemployment. And, not wanting him to know just how far she'd had to go to quell their money troubles, she hadn't put up a fight.
And it was a true testament to how starved for attention Lara was when she found herself not lying to Mark anymore about having to go after only two weeks.
Today, he'd be spending a hundred and fifty. This he was sure of. Lara called on her break and said she'd have three hours today. Plenty of time to shoot two loads, as far as he was concerned. Mark found his voice surprisingly steady during their brief conversation. When she showed up, he actually found himself hesitating at the sight of her once more. Instead of her usual slacks and button down, she was wearing loose fitting gym shorts that still somehow managed to hug her thighs, hips and ass, and a tight t-shirt with a plunging neckline that clearly showed off her bra.
She noticed his look and smirked.