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The Holy Bible Is An Extraterrestrial Transmission

Page 6

by C. L. Turnage

  Returning to the time period implied by Christ for his advent, we must again examine Luke 21:29-31, and what is known among biblical scholars as the parable of the fig tree. Christ stated that when the fig tree and "all the trees put forth leaves" then man would know that "the kingdom of God is near." According to Jeremiah 24:5-6, fig trees represent the Jews of Israel. Good figs were the Jews who would someday return from world-wide dispersion to inhabit the land in the last days. Because trees were sometimes used in biblical scriptures to represent the nations of the earth, the 'trees' which would be putting forth leaves, are actually nations that will be establishing themselves along with the fig tree Israel. (Ironically, the nation of Israel has adopted the fig tree as their national symbol).

  With the founding of Israel in 1948, a wave of world nationalism began. The French, Dutch, Belgian, Portuguese, Spanish, and English empires began breaking up. Nations rose up out of these empires and gained independent status. In Luke 21:32, Christ implied that some members of the generation of people living at the rebirth of the Jewish nation would see all the fulfillment's of Luke 21; including the physical return of Christ and the "kingdom of God," or Nibiru, the planet of the Elohim.

  In other words, some of the people living during the modern founding of the nation of Israel will still be alive.83 Theoretically, if we suppose a person born around the time of 1948, were to live an average lifespan of seventy-five years, then we could expect the return of Christ in 2023. This would be sometime before the "kingdom of the heavens," which should rendezvous with the asteroid belt around the year 2060 A.D., during its perihelion. And, this early arrival of Christ is in complete accordance with scripture, for Matthew 24:22 states in regards to earth's final tribulation, that "unless those days had been cut short, no life would have been saved."

  Next, we must determine if 2060 is a viable date for a passing of Nibiru into earth's vicinity; based on prior passage dates. Let's begin by subtracting 3,600 years from the 2060 date to see if there is earth conflagration to support this contention. We would arrive at the year 1540 B.C. as the last probable date of its proposed passage, and its latest rendezvous with earth during the period in which the Hebrew Exodus out of Egypt is believed to have taken place.84 Could this be why plagues and phenomena recorded in Exodus reappear in the book of Revelation, when the next passing of Nibiru is expected to take place...coinciding with the return of Christ to earth?

  Immanuel Velokovsky, a brilliant scientist who studied natural sciences at the University of Edinburgh, history, law and medicine (M.D.) in Moscow, biology in Berlin, the working of the brain in Zurich, and psychoanalysis in Vienna, claimed that 3,500 years ago, the level of the world's oceans dropped sharply, climate was violently altered, and ancient civilizations were plunged into destruction. Catastrophic changes in climate occurring about 1500 B.C. were reported by Sernander and other Scandinavian scientists in Velokovsky's book, Earth in Upheaval, copyrighted in 1955.

  He also reports that careful investigation of the Niagra River bed discloses that the present channel was cut by the falls less than 4,000 years ago, and that the Bear River Delta is only 3,600 years old. Velikovsky tells us that the research of Claude Jones on the lakes of the Great Basin indicate that they have existed only about 3,500 years.85 What could have caused such radical earth changes so quickly? Velikovsky attributed the destruction to erraticism in the orbit of Venus.

  The earth's magnetic field is like a giant bar magnet (a dipole field). This field probably originates from electrical currents flowing in the metallic interior of the earth. At the moment, the earth's magnetic axis is inclined at about 12 degrees to its axis of rotation, but does move about in an irregular way. There is evidence in rock formations that indicate that the earth's magnetic field has completely reversed a great many times in the past. This is important geological evidence, for it is a physical record that earth has been devastated by something numerous times. Velikovsky believed that the periodic passing of a large body in space possessing a powerful gravitational field could have been responsible for the shifting of magnetic poles.86 Could that large body be planet Nibiru/Marduk? This reversal of magnetic fields on earth by a large body could bear witness to the orbital cycle of a passing planet.

  The Middle Minaoan II civilization was destroyed by catastrophic earth changes which synchronize with the end of the Middle Kingdom in Egypt. The Isle of Thera, with its large volcano, exploded with such fury that Troy the III was smothered by a fifty foot layer of ash. In the Indus valley as well, entire cities were destroyed by natural calamity. Archaeological investigations have revealed that many parts of the Mediterranean and Near East were destroyed by some natural catastrophe occurring at the end of the Middle Kingdom in Egypt, which may have caused it to be brought down.

  With it, civilizations in Cyprus, the Caucasus, Persia, Syria, Palestine, and Asia Minor were severely effected.87 Were these ancient civilizations destroyed by a passing of the "kingdom of the heavens?"

  If we move back another 3,600 years from the year 1540 B.C., we arrive at the year 5140 B.C. There is strong evidence for flooding in the ancient Middle East from Sir Leonard Wooley's excavations at Ur, al-Ubaid, Ninevah, Kish, Erech, and Shuruppak. These excavations attest to repeated flooding of the Mesopotamian basin, which may have occurred around 5140 B.C., caused by a passage of Marduk. Otto Muck, the former German rocket engineer who wrote the well researched book The Secret of Atlantis, discovered alluvial clay some forty feet below the present surface of Ur, which is devoid of finds and indicates extreme flooding. Zecharia Sitchin postulates in The 12th Planet that when Nibiru passes earth, it triggers rains and flooding due to its tremendous gravitational effects.88 Though severe earth changes are not evident around 5140 B.C. other than flooding, which could have been due to a passing of Nibiru, anomalies in the long range orbital pattern of the planet may cause varying degrees of cataclysms with each orbit.

  The degree of devastation inflicted upon the earth might very well depend upon the position of the heavenly bodies surrounding earth as Marduk makes its grand entrance. As already stated, if Marduk and earth face each other on the same side of the sun, earth is subjected to the full force of the planet's gravitational force and radiation. Since Marduk moves in a clockwise direction, and the rest of the planets counterclockwise, the potential for collision with any of these bodies is great. Collision would depend entirely upon their proximity to Marduk when it enters their particular area of space.89 Even if it does not collide with them, perturbations in their orbits due to its influence might be sufficient to wreak havoc here on earth.

  Moving back another 3,600 years from 5140 B.C., we now arrive at the year 8,740 for the final proposed passage of Marduk into earth's vicinity; and for the greatest global catastrophe of all time, the Great Flood of the Bible. If you recall from an earlier discussion, it was proposed that every 10,800 years, or every third orbit of Nibiru, a global disaster such as a pole shift takes place. Zecharia Sitchin has speculated that the Great Flood of the Bible could have occurred sometime between 10,860 B.C., and 8,700 B.C. As you can see, the year 8,740 B.C., falls within this estimated time frame.

  Sitchin based his time period for the Flood on a tablet found at Ashur, written in a mixture of Akkadian cuneiform and Sumerian pictographs. This tablet placed the Deluge in the Zodiacal Age of the Lion (10,860 B.C. to 8,700 B.C).90 He believes that the Deluge was the result of the slippage of massive amounts of ice into the Antarctic waters, raising sea levels and causing gigantic tidal waves.91 The year 8,700 B.C. is very close to the Mayans estimate for the Deluge: 8,498 B.C., which is also "Zero Day A," the Mayan's earliest date used in calendrical and astronomical computing.92 This date seems to bear up Heraclitus in his contention that the world is destroyed every 10,800 years, or shall we say every third orbit of Nibiru.

  If this future passing predicted to occur around 2060 A.D. is a third passing; as may be evident (10,800 - 8,740 B.C. = 2060 A.D.); it may also result in a dreaded pole shift. The horrifying
result would be oceans flowing across continents as the earth is knocked out of equilibrium. Our answer may lie in an analysis of the following New Testament verses: "For the coming of the Son of Man will be just as it was in the days of Noah. ... in those days that were before the Flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and they did not understand until the flood came and took them all away, so shall the coming of the Son of Man be." Matthew 24:37-39.

  In the days that participate the return of Christ to earth, man may experience the same phenomena that occurred before the Great Flood. Most people will probably not be aware of what is about to happen on earth; just as they "did not understand" in the days of Noah. The Old Babylonian tale of AtraHasis describes how the gods swore an oath to keep the secret of man's imminent destruction from the human population, while they themselves prepared to escape the coming Deluge.93 Will the governments of the world swear our scientists to secrecy when they realize what is about to happen to earth? Will they be forced to do this to avoid panic and a subsequent breakdown of society? Will civilization then be destroyed by a pole shift as planet Marduk moves between Jupiter and Mars?

  Many Old Testament prophets understood that the next appearance of the "Lord" into our vicinity would spell doom for mankind. (Ancient man worshipped the Lordly planet as a "god”. According to Sitchin, they often referred to it as "God").94 Thus there are times when even the biblical texts actually associate the "Lord" with his world. Here is what Isaiah had to say regarding the frightening return of the Lord in the end times: " the Lord lays the earth waste, devastates it, distorts its surface, and scatters its inhabitants." Isaiah 24:1, NAS.

  The gravitational pull of God's planet could literally "lay the earth waste" through earthquakes and volcanic activity. Both of these events would "distort its surface," and most definitely "scatter its inhabitants" who would need to escape molten lava and devastated areas.

  "The earth will be completely laid waste and despoiled.... The earth mourns and withers, the exalted people of the earth fade away." Isaiah 24:3-4. This verse clearly describes what is left of civilization after Nibiru's effects target earth. Everything will be "completely laid waste and despoiled." The people who are left will "mourn and wither," as these "exalted" inhabitants of a once high civilization come to the realization that all that they built, and most of what they had struggled to achieve is now ruined - destroyed. They will "fade away" from starvation, disease, radiation emissions from nuclear power plants destroyed in earthquakes, polluted water, and roving bands of half-crazed survivors. Unfortunately, their horrifying ordeal is not over, for the worst is yet to come:

  "Terror and pit and snare confront you O inhabitants of earth. For the windows of the height of heaven are opened, and the foundations of the earth shake. The earth is broken asunder. The earth is split through, the earth is shaken violently. The earth reels to and fro like a drunkard... it totters like a shack, for its transgression is heavy upon it, and it will fall, never to rise again." Isaiah 24:17-20,

  Apparently, something extraordinary transpires in outer space that literally shakes the "foundations of the earth." In other words, it causes earth to quake violently, wobble about in its orbit, then transgress, or wander from its orbital path forever, never to return. Could that mysterious agency be planet Nibiru coupled with other devastating factors? Isaiah 24:17-20, actually says that earth will be broken asunder, and split through (or broken in two). This is quite similar to the destruction of Tiamat found in the Enuma Elish. It is possible that Isaiah had seen clay tablets relating the creation epic. He may have then compared earth's final disposition with the earlier cosmic destruction of the first solar system; which had resulted in the cleaving of earth into two parts.

  It could then be that the moon, or possibly Venus, are undergoing convolutions of their own due to the gravitational influence of Marduk; which then causes one of them to collide with earth at this time. Then again, some other catalyst may be responsible for her ultimate demise. The real key to understanding Isaiah 24:17-20 emerges from this part of the text: "and the windows of the height of heaven are opened." Enuma Elish translated means: "When in the heights," or when in outer space; 95 bearing up my contention that some cosmic collision is responsible for the final disposition of earth. (Interestingly, the literal interpretation of Genesis 6:11 of the New American Standard Bible states that the "windows of the heavens" were opened. This could refer to some heavenly catalyst for the Great Flood; and the reference in Isaiah to "windows in the height of heaven" being opened, could also be pointing toward another third passing of Marduk resulting in another Great Flood).

  It seems likely that earth will not be completely demolished, but rather moved to a new position in the solar system. The following verses seem to indicate this: "And I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth passed away, and there is no longer any sea. ...I saw the holy city, the New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, made ready as a bride adorned for her husband." Revelation 21:1-2.

  Notice that the prophet John now sees a new heaven or area of space, and a new earth. Could this new earth merely be what is left of the old earth, moved to a new point in the solar system? Apparently, earth has lost much of her former mass, "for there is no longer any sea." Its also possible that earth's water is somehow lost into space during the cataclysm. The Elohim must have predicted the coming disaster, for they have prepared a city, the New Jerusalem, a specially prepared base for a planet disfigured by catastrophe.

  Since Christ must first rule on earth for a period of one thousand years (Revelation 20:4), it seems likely that this ultimate cosmic disaster does not take place until at least a thousand years after the next passing of Nibiru transpires. It is not impossible that he could wind up ruling on whatever portion of earth survives this onslaught. (This final destruction is that foretold in Isaiah 24:17-20). It may be that some large body, a giant asteroid or meteor, disturbed by the gravitational field of Nibiru while in the Oort cloud, is finally pulled in by the sun, where it collides with earth and does its ultimate damage.

  Going back to Matthew 24:37-39, we must now ask ourselves what the days before the Flood were really like for mankind? The Bible gives us only a hint, but Mesopotamian texts elaborate fully: "The womb of the earth did not bear, plant life did not come forth. People were not seen about, the black fields whitened, the broad plain filled with salts. One year they ate old grain, the second year they exhausted(?) their stores. When the third year came their faces were distorted from hunger, their faces were covered, as with malt, life was ebbing little by little, tall people were shriveled in body..."96

  Christ predicted starvation before his return as well, "and there will be great earthquakes, and in various places plagues and famines; and there will be terrors and great signs from heaven." Luke 21:11.

  All the above phenomena mentioned by Christ may point the way to a passing of Nibiru. If a large celestial body were to pass near to earth, it would indeed cause "great earthquakes" on this planet due to gravitational influences. And, wouldn't these "great signs in heaven" cause "terrors" when people realized what the effects of this passing celestial body would be on earth? The following verse indicates that Nibiru's next passage may indeed be one of those third passings resulting in a pole shift: "For then there will be a great tribulation, such as has not occurred since the beginning of the world until now, nor ever shall. And unless those days had been cut short, no life would have been saved; but for the sake of the elect those days shall be cut short." Matthew 24:21-22.

  Christ makes it clear that if he did not return at a specific time, then everyone on earth would be destroyed, or "no life would be saved." Whether it is a pole shift, or some cosmic disaster involving collisions with straying, erratic, heavenly bodies, earth and everyone on it will perish -- if Christ and the "army of Heaven" do not return beforehand to perform mass evacuations.

  The words of an extr
emely aged Egyptian priest recorded in Timaeus reveal repeated cosmological disasters resulting in numerous pole shifts, consistent with a planetary orbital cycle; "There have been, and there are to be many diverse destruction's of mankind, the greatest of which will be by fire and by water." The priest went on to say: "The truth of it lies in a shifting of the bodies in the heavens surrounding earth, and a destruction of the things which are on the earth by a fierce fire, recurring at long intervals...and when after the usual interval of years (10,800, three cycles of Nibiru?), like a plague the flood from heaven comes sweeping down afresh upon your people, it leaves none of you but the unlettered, and the remember only one Flood, though many had occurred previously".97

  Could the "fierce fire," which like the destruction by water, and which occurs in "usual" intervals, be caused also by planet Nibiru? Consider this: if there is a pole shift, creating a "Deluge," then it is possible that when the earth shifts, it creates instability deep below the crust from stresses put upon it during the rolling over process. Might this open gigantic fissures or cracks in its crust, allowing molten lava to seep up and spread in various places? This would definitely cause "fierce fire" capable of much destruction throughout earth's surface. (Unfortunately today, we have to worry about radiation emissions from nuclear power plant destruction). And, since both biblical and extra-biblical sources describe how in the last days the stars will fall down from the sky, or disappear, it could be that when the earth rolls over during the pole shift, the stars would seem to disappear or fall for a brief time.


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