The Holy Bible Is An Extraterrestrial Transmission

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The Holy Bible Is An Extraterrestrial Transmission Page 7

by C. L. Turnage

  It would seem from this analysis of biblical and other ancient texts, that planet Nibiru is responsible for periodic destruction of life on earth due to its anomalous orbital cycle. And, scriptures from both the Old and New Testaments describe celestial phenomena associated with its appearance into earth's vicinity, known as "The Day of the Lord."

  7.1. Foot Notes

  80Schellhorn, Cope, Extraterrestrials In Biblical Prophesy, Horus House Press, Inc. Madison, Wisconsin, pages 299 & 307. See footnote number 22 on page 307.

  81Sitchin, Zecharia, The 12th Planet, Stein And Day, Scarborough House, Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510, pages 218-223. The Lockman Foundation, The New American Standard Bible, Foundation Press Publications, Box 277, La Habra, California, 90631, page 3 of the New Testament, side margin, literal interpretation of Matthew 3:2.

  82Sitchin, Zecharia, The 12th Planet, Stein and Day, Scarborough House, Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510, pages 218-223.

  83Deal, Colin, Christ Returns by 1988, 101 Reasons Why, Colin H. Deal, Post Office Box 455, Rutherford College, North Carolina 28671, pages 161-163.

  84Schellhorn, Cope, Extraterrestrials in Biblical Prophesy, Horus House Press, Inc. Madison Wisconsin, page 294.

  85Velokovsky, Immanuel, Earth In Upheaval, Dell Publishing Co., Inc., 750 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10017, pages 190-191. See cover page and preface

  86Velokovsky, Immanuel, Earth In Upheaval, Dell Publishing Co., Inc., 750 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10017, pages 139-140.

  87Schellhorn, Cope, Extraterrestrials In Biblical Prophesy, Horus House Press, Inc., Madison Wisconsin, page 295.

  88Sitchin, Zecharia, The 12th Planet, Stein And Day, Scarborough House, Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510, page 220. Schellhorn, Cope, Extraterrestrials In Biblical Prophesy, Horus House Press, Inc., Madison Wisconsin, pages 297-298.

  89Schellhorn, Cope, Extraterrestrials In Biblical Prophesy, Horus House Press, Inc., Madison, Wisconsin, pages 298-299.

  90Sitchin, Zecharia, The 12th Planet, Stein And Day, Scarborough House, Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510, pages 359-363. Schellhorn, Cope, Extraterrestrials In Biblical Prophesy, Horus House Press, Inc., Madison Wisconsin, pages 300-301.

  91Sitchin, Zecharia, The 12th Planet, Stein And Day, Scarborough House, Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510, pages 357-359.

  92Schellhorn, Cope, Extraterrestrials In Biblical Prophesy, Horus House Press, Inc., Madison, Wisconsin, page 301.

  93Foster, Benjamin, Atrahasis, the Old Babylonian version, tablet II, Before the Muses, Volume I, CDL Press, Bethesda, Maryland, page 176.

  94Sitchin, Zecharia, The 12th Planet, Stein And Day, Scarborough House, Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510, pages 216-217.

  95Sitchin, Zecharia, The 12th Planet, Stein And Day, Scarborough House, Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510, page 192.

  96Foster, Benjamin, Atrahasis, the Old Babylonian version, Tablet II, Before the Muses, Volume I, CDL Press, Bethesda, Maryland, pages 173-174.

  97Noone, Richard 5/52000 Ice: The Ultimate Disaster, Harmony Books, A division of Crown Publishers, Inc., 201 East 50th Street, New York, New York, 10022, pages 50-51.

  8. The Return Of Marduk

  The ancient Egyptians may have witnessed the arrival of planet Nibiru-Marduk, for its passage seems to have occurred during the great Exodus of the Hebrews from Egypt. In fact, the Egyptian papyrus, part of the annuls of Thutmose the III, (1504-1450 B.C.), describes how flying, burning disks in the sky invaded Egypt and frightened the general populace as well as the Pharaoh. Though these peculiar and frightening disks were seen after the Exodus, (1540 B.C.) it is significant that flying saucer activity seems to have taken place during this time period. This invasion in the ancient skies of Egypt seems to correspond with the arrival of the Nibirian home planet, a time when a large invading force would find it easiest to journey to earth. (Such an armada is predicted to return in the end times, according to Revelation 19:14). This invasion force may have appeared on the scene in Egypt after the Exodus to make sure that the Egyptians did not decide to try and recapture their Hebrew slaves.

  In 1828, the museum of Leiden in the Netherlands acquired the writings of the Egyptian scribe Ipuwer. It is folded into a book of seventeen pages, and listed in the Museum's catalogue as Leiden #344. The parchment is written in the fast flowing style used by Egyptian scribes, a type of writing somewhat different from Hieroglyphics. His terrifying story is written as a hymn to god.98

  It was believed by Velikovsky, and by Richard W. Noone, author of: 5/5/2000 Ice: The Ultimate Disaster, that the writings of Ipuwer describe a global catastrophe that transpired at the same time as the Exodus.99 He describes water that turned to blood, earthquakes, fire from heaven, hail, and the noise and rumble of an earth gone mad. The writer of Exodus describes the event a little less vividly than Ipuwer, however, a comparison of the two works quickly leads one to the conclusion that both writers are describing the same disaster.100

  Strangely enough, the New Testament book of Revelation also relates an uncannily similar occurrence yet to occur in the end times. If the three accounts are compared, it would appear that we may have vivid descriptions of what happens on Earth during an approach and passing of planet Marduk into earth's vicinity. Bear in mind that symbolic devices were employed by ancient writers to dramatize events; and further drive home a point they were trying to make. For example, bowls were symbolic to the Mesopotamians because they believed they could trap evil spirits in them; thus the bowls of Revelation are releasing evil onto the earth. Trumpets were used to signal that important events were about to occur in ancient times, explaining the seven trumpets of Revelation.101

  As planet Marduk nears the earth, it would seem that the first plague to effect our planet is water that appears to turn to blood: "...the fish that were in the Nile died, and the Nile had a bad smell, so that the Egyptians could not drink water from the Nile. And the blood was through all the land of Egypt." Exodus 7:21.

  Revelation predicts that this will occur in the latter days shortly before the return of Christ: "...the third angel poured out his bowl into the rivers and springs of waters; and they became blood." Revelation 16:6, NAS.

  Apparently, a catastrophic reaction is set up in earth's atmosphere by the heat and light emissions of the approaching body of Marduk. The planet is described in ancient Mesopotamian texts as being a bright rayed planet.102 This could be a description of a peculiar type of radiation emanating from the core of the planet. As this radiation enters earth's atmosphere, it could be that it changes the molecular structure of water, causing it to turn red and then poisonous. It is more probable that the brilliant radiation of Marduk effects the temperature of the water, causing a greater reflection of sunlight, which in turn creates an increase in certain microscopic algae called dinoflagellates, responsible for red tide. During such an occurrence, water can literally turn red, effecting areas as large as 1,000 square miles. Even lakes, streams and rivers can be effected, resulting in the mass death of aquatic life.103

  Whatever happened to the water during the Exodus (7:21), caused the fish to die. That created a great stench, which may be another reason that the author of Exodus has described the red tinted plague water as blood. Apparently, this same plague reappears in the last days: "When the second angel poured out his bowl into the sea, it became blood like that of a dead man; and every living thing in the sea died." Revelation 16:3. (The blood of a dead man stinks and contains dangerous pathogens.)

  Notice the result of this water turned to blood, first with the Egyptians: "So all the Egyptians dug around the Nile for water to drink, for they could not drink of the water of the Nile." Exodus 7:24, NAS.

  Ipuwer also reports that in verses 2:10 and 3:10-13, that "Men shrink from tasting, human beings thirst after water," "that is our water,...all is ruin."104

  The book of Revelation also reports that water has "turned to blood" rendering it unfit for human consumption: "for they poured out the blood of the saints and prophets, and thou hast given them blood to drink." Revelation 16:6, NAS.<
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  The Bible and Ipuwer writings are not the only ancient sources to report earthquakes and water that turned to blood. The Mayan Manuscript Quiche states that the "earth quaked," and "waters in the rivers turned to blood."105 Clearly, this was not confined to the land of Egypt as many biblical scholars believe, but was apparently a global event that may have been triggered by the passing of Marduk into earth's vicinity. An analysis of the following plague may be able to help us better understand what transpires during a Marduk encounter: "There was hail, and fire flashing continually in the midst of the hail, very severe, such as had not been in all the land of Egypt since it became a nation." Exodus 9:24.

  The New Testament confirms a repeat of this phenomenon in the last days: "And the huge hailstones, about one hundred pounds each, came down from heaven upon men: and men blasphemed God because of the hail, because its plague was extremely severe." Revelation 16:21, NAS.

  Sitchin states that earth is plagued by heavy rains and possible flooding when Marduk makes its pass between Jupiter and Mars.106 Hailstones are closely connected with thunderstorms. They are formed when small ice crystals or snowflakes contact super cooled water drops, causing water to flow over ice. Part of it freezes instantly, while part of it remains attached to the growing hailstone until it freezes. This process continues until the hailstone falls out of the region of super cooled water. Sometimes they are caught in an updraft and taken back up into the region of super cooled water where they form even more skins of ice. Eventually they fall to earth.107 As the gravitational field of earth is distorted by the gravitational field of the larger planet Marduk, it is possible that super cooled water drops from the polar regions are forced into other areas, along with super cooled air, where they rapidly form hailstones.

  There is yet one other phenomenon that could account for several of the "plagues" described in Exodus, Revelation, and the Mayan "manuscript Quiche" - "El Ninyo." This is a weather event that occurs when large sections of the ocean heat up. The hot air rising from the water clashes with the cooler air surrounding the area, creating fierce storms. These storms consist of strong winds, large hailstones, and of course rain which can cause extreme flooding. As planet Nibiru's gravitational pull is exerted on earth, it could cause a shifting of the tectonic plates under the ocean. Volcanic eruptions might ensue, heating up the ocean water. As the air above the ocean heats up from the super-heated water, the storm activity would begin. This effect could also be responsible for the sea "turning to blood" as warmer water temperatures increase dinoflagellate production and thus “red tide”. This in turn could cause mass death to sea creatures, as it often does.

  The strange thing about the hail of Exodus was that it occurred with fire "flashing continually in the midst of the hail" (Exodus 9:24), and with fire running down to the earth. Then, "the Lord rained hail on the land of Egypt." Exodus 9:23.

  Why would hail and fire occur at the same time? If planet Marduk were passing between Jupiter and Mars, it might dislodge asteroids and other debris that would burn up as they streaked through earth's thick oxygenated mantle. This might explain the "fire that ran down to the ground," and that "flashed continually in the midst of the hail." (Could these asteroid impacts be responsible for the large number of craters on both the moon, Mars and Mercury)?

  Oddly enough, Ipuwer describes how "gates, columns, and walls were consumed by fire." The Mexican Annuls of Cauhtilan describe a time when the sky "rained not water, but fire and red-hot stones."108 The book of Revelation also describes how "men were scorched with fierce heat." The plagues of Revelation are very similar to the plagues of Exodus, though they occur in a slightly different sequence. First the plague of water turning to blood, next intense heat, then: "...there were flashes of lightning and sounds and peals of thunder... there was a great earthquake, such as there had not been since man came to be upon the earth, so great an earthquake was it, and so mighty." Revelation 16:18, NAS.

  And finally, the plague of the huge hailstones that weighed one hundred pounds each, described earlier. Does this tremendous earthquake occur because planet Marduk has reached its closest proximity to earth, and its powerful gravitational field is greatly disturbing that of earth? Could the "intense heat" emanate from global volcanic activity originating from the gravitational attraction of Marduk?

  Although the author of Exodus fails to mention earthquakes, Ipuwer describes earthquakes and the "earth turned upside down." He also describes the "land turning round as does a potter's wheel."109 Two other plagues that may be of special significance, and which occur in both Exodus and Revelation are the plague of darkness," and the "plague of sores."

  "And Moses stretched out his hand toward the sky, and there was a thick darkness in the land of Egypt for three days." Exodus 10:22.

  "...the fifth angel poured out his bowl upon the throne of the beast; and his kingdom became darkened; and they gnawed their tongues because of pain." Revelation 16:10.

  "...the first angel went and poured out his bowl into the earth; and it became a loathsome and malignant sore upon the men who had the mark of the beast and who worshipped his image." Revelation 16:2.

  In the book of Exodus the plague of darkness occurs after the plagues of blood, and hailstones; while in Revelation it is the fifth plague, and occurs before the great earthquakes and plague of huge hailstones. The plague sores appearing in Exodus occur after water has turned to blood, however, sores are the first plague of Revelation. Perhaps this occurs because there will be something unusual or different about this future Marduk encounter that causes the plagues to occur in a slightly different sequence. In order to see if this is the case, we must first study the order of plagues found in both books.

  Plagues of Exodus transpire in the following sequence:

  1. Water turned to blood

  2. Plague of frogs

  3. Plague of insects

  4. Egyptian livestock die

  5. Plague of boils

  6. Plague of hail and fire

  7. Plague of locusts

  8. Thick darkness

  9. Death of the firstborn

  In Revelation, seven plagues occur in this sequence:

  1. Plague of sores

  2. Sea water to blood

  3. Rivers and springs of water turned to blood

  4. Men are scorched with fire and intense heat

  5. Plague of darkness

  6. The Euphrates river is dried up

  7. Great earthquake, islands flee away, mountains disappear, one hundred pound hailstones fall from heaven

  Some plagues of Exodus, such as the death of Egyptian livestock, and firstborn are probably not related directly to the effects of a passing celestial body; but seem more likely to have been perpetrated by the Elohim themselves. (It is interesting to note that it was the firstborn child, who according to Egyptian religion, would make it possible for the parents to face the gods and ascend to heaven. Therefore the death of all the firstborn of Egypt was a type of psychological warfare that implied that all of Egypt was damned, for they had lost their mediators between themselves and their gods).

  The plagues of frogs, insects, and maybe even the locusts; appear to be the results of drastic alteration in the natural habitat of the creatures. Were these plagues brought about by changes that took place in the Nile river when it "turned to blood" as a result of the intense light, or possibly heat of the approaching Marduk? Did this cause red tide?

  Certain plagues common to both books appear to be a direct result of a Marduk encounter. Those plagues are: water turned to blood, sores, hail, fire from heaven, and darkness. Though the plagues do not occur in exactly the same sequence, as mentioned earlier, there may be a perfectly plausible explanation for this. As already conjectured, the passing of Marduk described in Revelation may be one of those "third passings" that would place earth and Marduk on the same side of the sun during its critical pass between Jupiter and Mars. The Marduk encounter in Exodus may have been a normal orbit, with earth shielded by the
sun as Marduk reached its critical passage through the asteroid belt.

  If this is the case, as the mathematics of Heraclitus, the parable of the fig tree, and geological data seem to indicate, then the plagues of Revelation should occur in a different sequence since the approach and effects of Marduk will be closer than before. In Revelation the sores come first, and could be caused by the intensity of the radiance of Marduk due to its extreme proximity. In Exodus they occurred after the water turned to blood, and before the hail and fire; while in Revelation, they occur before the water has turned red, or the fire and hail.

  It could be that the sun had acted as a shield between earth and Marduk during the Exodus encounter, where it does not in Revelation. As a result, men get the sores from radiation first, with the water then turning to blood, while intense heat occurs as volcanic activity takes place due to Marduk’s gravitational influence on earth's tectonic plates. That planet’s cloud-like radiance then obscures the sun, moon, and stars. The "cloud" may be the result of meteoric impact here on earth that creates a cloud of dust in our upper atmosphere as Marduk passes between Jupiter and Mars, and this may cause the freakish "darkness" to take place.

  Because the two bodies are passing one another in opposite directions at close proximity, a great earthquake and subsequent pole shift may be triggered. Huge hailstones may hammer the earth from the "El Ninyo" effect as Marduk travels through the asteroid belt. A thinning of earth's protective ozone layer will undoubtedly play a part in enhancing the effects of the plagues of Revelation as well.


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