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The Holy Bible Is An Extraterrestrial Transmission

Page 12

by C. L. Turnage

  Certain Mesopotamian texts describe how the God of the Old Testament staged a military coup on Nibiru itself, and seized the throne of Heaven. This epic interplanetary conflict and mankind's place in the scheme of things, is the subject of my third book: "War in Heaven! The Case For a Solar System War").

  Let us briefly examine how these ranks show up in the Bible from time to time, indicating that certain biblical numbers are in fact, simply drawn from the Sumerian Deity ranking system, making them a type of symbolic political statement. The number 40 for example, was the rank of the Sumerian Deity Enki, the father of Marduk, the biblical Satan, or "Adversary," the leader of the Nibirian Serpent faction. We find this number used repeatedly throughout the Bible in connection with unhappy events such as the Great Flood (Genesis 7:12). The Bible states that it rained forty days and forty nights (which may not necessarily have been the actual case). The Lord caused the Israelites to "wander for forty years" in the wilderness as a punishment (Deuternonomy 8:2). Moses went up to Mount Sinai for "forty days and forty nights" (Exodus 24:18). During the time he was departed from the Israelites, he was receiving the law, and they were busy breaking it. The result was the death of three thousand men (Exodus 32:28). Luke 4:2 says that Jesus was tempted for forty days by Satan.

  Even religious holidays were planned according to these ranking and celestial numbers. Every fiftieth year was to be consecrated as a "Jubilee" (Leviticus 25:10-11). During this time the Jews were to proclaim a release, or liberty, through the land to all its inhabitants. They were to be forgiven of all debts, and to have confiscated property returned to them; including their land. New grain offerings were to be made fifty days to the day after the seventh Sabbath (Leviticus 23:16.)

  Gudea, a Mesopotamian king of Lagash, stated that the celestial body that is "seven" stands for the god that is "fifty." Scholars that tried to find some mathematical solution whereby the number seven would go into the number fifty failed, not understanding the true intent of the statement. At the time, the god Enlil held the rank of fifty, and his celestial counterpart was earth, the planet that was "seven." In other words, Enlil was the Deity who held authority over earth.171 When Jesus Christ returns with the "army of Heaven," and seizes control of earth, he will then assume the rank of fifty, over the planet that is seven, or seventh in the "zone of flight."

  Thus, it becomes clear why Hebrew savants would connect their god with the number seven, declaring him the Lord of the Sabbath, and the Lord of the "seventh" day of creation. We also see why the Babylonians would have written their creation epic "Enuma Elish" on seven tablets, each representing a day of creation.* It then seems logical that the Hebrews would be required to make the new grain offering "fifty" days after the "seventh Sabbath" (49 days). (A smaller version of the Sabbatical/Jubilee cycle). Curiously, only men between the ages of "thirty" to "fifty" were allowed to serve in the tent of meeting (Numbers 4:3). The Israelites often organized themselves into groups of fifty men (2 Kings 2:7). Later, this was repeated in the New Testament (Luke 9:14).

  The number thirty figures into both the Old and New Testaments. "Now Joseph was thirty years old when he stood before Pharaoh, king of Egypt..." (Genesis 41:46). The sons of Israel wept for Moses for thirty days (Deuteronomy 34:8). Samson, the Legendary hero of Israel was associated with the number thirty. Thirty companions were at the wedding feast of Samson. He promised thirty linen wraps, and thirty changes of clothes if they could answer his riddle. When tricked, Samson killed thirty Philistines (Judges 14:11-13, 19). Christ was thirty years of age when he began his ministry (Luke 3:23). He was betrayed for thirty pieces of silver (Matthew 26:14-15). And, when he "was not yet fifty," he was questioned by the Jews (John 8:57). (Christ went to Jerusalem with his parents when he was "twelve" years of age; Luke 2:42).

  Even the tent of meeting was designed with ranking numbers incorporated into it. There were fifty loops on the edge of the curtain that was outermost in the first set, and fifty loops on the edge of the curtain that was outermost in the second set (Exodus 36:17). There were fifty clasps of bronze to join the tent together that it might be a unit (Exodus 36:18). Forty sockets of silver were under twenty boards (Exodus 36:24). (There are many other examples of Sumerian Deity ranking numbers found in the pages of the Bible. If you have further interest, consult a biblical concordance. Not all numbers used in the Bible are symbolic. Such numerical symbolism appears to have been used in order to drive home a specific point).

  Throughout archaic scripts, sacred symbols and numbers were interwoven with the worship of the gods.172 The Bible is literally bursting with Sumerian symbolism and numerological interpretations. Certain universal emblems found throughout antiquity have origins with the earliest civilizations of man; and those of the Bible clearly originated from visitations by Elohim deities (the Nibirians), to the precursors of the Hebrews -- the Sumerians.173

  It could be that other archaic cultures scattered throughout the ancient world have been exposed to these beings as well, since they also venerate the same emblems, having nearly the same meanings. For example, figures have been discovered traced on the ornaments and pottery belonging to the Mound Builders of North America,174 that also appear on the clay tablets and cylinder seals of the Sumerians and Babylonians, the sacred writings of Mu, and even the Orient.175

  They are:

  1. The cross, symbolic of Deity, or planet Nibiru

  2. The tree of life, symbolic of eternal life

  3. The serpent or dragon, usually symbolic of a "wise deity," however, in the biblical sense, it is symbolic of evil for it represents the adversary Satan,

  4. A star or other planetary symbols, represent the other planetary bodies of the solar system, and/or gods. Biblically, they represent angels, or the rank and file Elohim (Nibirians)

  5. Animal symbols, white horses, eagles, lambs, calves, etc. were the cult symbols of Sumerian culture, usually connected with their deities

  6. Wings were used to dramatize the flight capacities of deities

  7. The crown was symbolic of governing authority.176

  The cross is by far the most universal and the most ancient symbol. It represented the twelfth

  meaning, "The sign."177 Interestingly, the letter T, or Tav can be traced back to the prehistoric land of Mu, where it meant "the stars which bring the water." It was symbolic of immersion, and resurrection.178 Could it be that the inhabitants of Mu also believed in the "planet of crossing." just as their Sumerian counterparts, and that they connected it with the periodic global flooding its passing brought? For each time the land was inundated, it was again "resurrected." Could this ancient concept of "immersion and resurrection" by Nibiru's passing have been behind the Christian belief in immersion (baptism), and resurrection as commanded by Christ, who died on the "cross," the symbol for planet Heaven? The letter Tav eventually metamorphosed, changing from one culture to the next as time passed.

  Crosses have been discovered in the Oriental writings of Mu. This was a very old civilization that is believed to have existed thousands of years before the Sumerians, and which probably consisted of the first race of men nearly wiped out by the Deluge.179 Mexicans rendered crosses by designing them on the lines of a pyramid, some with a circle in the center. They also created looped crosses resembling flowers.180 The symbol of the cross, a four petaled flower, is known among the Chinese and Sumerians as well.181 Mexicans also created what is known as a butterfly cross -- a cross within a circle that has wings. Note its similarity to Sumerian and Hindu winged globes.

  A circle surrounding a cross represented eternity, the major identifying attribute of the Elohim. The winged globe with a circle in the center was commonly venerated in the Middle East among the Egyptians, Sumerians and Hindus, as well as in Mexico, and the sacred writings of Mu.186 The wings could possibly connote the planet's ability to move through the heavens. Sumerians sometimes depicted the cross with "rays" extending from it, representing Nibiru's ability to generate heat and light from some internal power
source.187 Mound builders of North America likewise recognized the symbol of the cross. They embellished ornaments and pottery with various religious motifs, unequivocally connecting them with a prehistoric race in Mexico, and with the legendary Mu.188 If such emblems were inspired by the Sumerian deities, then it stands to reason that their prolific presence in the Bible suggests that the Bible is in fact, based upon the Sumerian worship of these seemingly "eternal" beings from planet Nibiru.

  Bearing such data in mind, the modern scholars and archaeologists of today can help point the way to an entirely new biblical interpretation. This will lead to a more direct understanding of the original text of the Bible. Biblical authors can be looked upon as the reporters and journalists of the ancient world, who were often influenced by the interplanetary politics of their particular day. They sometimes transcribed, bizarre events that took place relating to, and in regard to the main characters of the Bible - God and the "hosts (inhabitants) of Heaven." And, if God is one of the Sumerian deities, then the next logical question is this: which one is He? We can discover the answer to this mystical inquiry in the pages of the Bible. It is the main intent of this work to reach into ages long past, dust off the records of antiquity, and attempt to find out exactly who, and what this being called God really is.

  In order to accomplish this, we must subject the Bible and the Mesopotamian texts from which it was drawn, to a thorough critical analysis; in light of what we know in this space age we now live in. According to Sitchin, the gods of the ancient world were technologically advanced, interplanetary beings, whom the literature of the Bible is based upon. A former NASA engineer, Josef F. Blumrich, believes that the book of Ezekiel describes a space vehicle, and contact with extraterrestrial beings. It was Blumrich's conclusion that this spaceship was a smaller reconnaissance craft; that exited a larger mother ship in orbit around earth. Blumrich stated that the craft possessed a main body, four extension legs equipped with helicopter-like blades, and a top capsule for the commander and his crew.

  The "awesome wheels" probably had the ability to retract themselves back into the vehicle, as the craft went aloft. The specific impulse of the craft was estimated to be 2,080 sec, the weight of structure 63,300 kg (139,000 lbs.), the fuel for the return journey - 36,700 kg (81,000 lbs.). The diameter of the rotor was 11 m (36.1 ft), and the diameter of the main body was 18 m (59.0 ft). The total power developed by the rotor was 70,000 HP189 There are several other passages in the Bible that appear to describe the comings and goings of interplanetary craft, manned by highly evolved extraterrestrial beings.

  The prophets and priests who recorded the word of their Deity, were aware that their god had come from a kingdom in the "heavens." They knew that he was in fact, a being from another world -- one of the Sumerian deities. They secretly incorporated clues as to his true identity in their writings regarding him. This may have been the real purpose of the Hebrew Letter/number code employed to write the Old Testament. It is in all likelihood, the reason Christians employed such a code in the New Testament writings. Such codes were meant not only for ancient man, but as you will soon see, for future cosmologically advanced men.

  Of all the alphabets of the letter/number codes of the world, Hebrew is probably the most holy and sanctified of all sacred alphabets. Its number lore extends back to the time of the patriarchs, when such elaborate codes were the most concealed of secrets. Every passage of the Torah was guided in its construction by these mysterious number secrets, allowing every sentence to contain a book of numerical nuances and interpretations. As a number code spanning the range of 1 through 1000, both Hebrew and Greek form the skeleton of numerical interpretation of all other sacred languages constructed on this number range.

  "Gematria" is the Hebrew technical term for the substitution of number values for alphabet letters as a means of interpreting scripture. It was first found in print in a collation of 32 rabbinical rules called the Bariatha of R. Eliezer ben R. Jose, the Galiean. This canon appeared around 200 CE In its twenty-ninth rule, gematria is defined as a legitimate Rabbinical method of exegisis. It is believed that the first Hebrew alphabet, being hieroglyphic in nature, was composed originally from a combination of 22 Egyptian hieroglyphs. These were given Sumerian phonetic, and numerical equivalents, making it a blend of Egyptian hieroglyphs and Sumerian cuneiform.

  An example of interpretation made possible by this letter/number code is as follows: Life, or HaY = 18. Add up the numbers of Hebrew festival days commanded by the Torah. Passover = 7, Shavout = 1, Rosh Hashanah = 1, Yom Kippur = 1, Sukkot = 7, Shemini Atzeret = 1. The total of Holy days = 18. These Holy days are celebrations of life on this earth, and symbolize the life to come in Heaven.190

  Archbishop Laurence, the brilliant translator of the book of Enoch, referred to the most ancient remains of the Kabbalah (Hebrew traditions and hidden wisdom) contained in the "Zohar." The Zohar was a species of philosophical commentary upon the Law, combining theological opinions with the allegorical subtleties of the mystical school. In this celebrated compilation, references are made to the book of Enoch, "a book carefully preserved from generation to generation." Laurence infers that "the authors of the Kabbalistical remains wrote their recondite doctrines in Chaldee," (Sumerian), and that they possessed a copy of the book of Enoch written in either Chaldean or Hebrew.191

  The Babylonians had absorbed much of the culture of the Sumerians, who occupied the land before them. Therefore, it seems likely that the Hebrew priests might have employed letter/number codes so that those initiated into their secret teachings could determine which of the Sumerian deities was their God (YHWH).192 Might they have done this at the behest of their Deity? A god who wished to remain hidden from the masses, but who wanted to provide those priests who served as mediators a way of determining his true identity?

  The Hebrews employed the letter/number code throughout the entire Old Testament. The early Christians used it throughout the New Testament as well. Interestingly, the orbital period of the planets designating the Sumerian gods appear in the hidden messages of the Bible. Given the orbital period, you then know the planet, and god that it represents.

  Using this letter/number code, we can mathematically unlock the true identity of the Deity of the Bible, as well as the true identity of Jesus Christ (the subject of our next chapter). In earlier chapters, we have shown how the Hebrew letter/number code relates to the orbital period of the Elohim, or Nibirian planet. The presence of a scientific, mathematical code in the Bible brings us back to the initial religion of Sumeria. Based upon a relationship with extraterrestrials, and their political control of earth.193 For, as you will soon learn, in light of the technologically advanced society we live in today, the Bible can no longer simply be relegated to the realm of ancient fantasy. Nor, can it be considered a collection of Sumerian fairy tales propagated by the Jewish nation.

  There is now an organization called the MERU Foundation, dedicated to the study of geometric forms and mathematical symbols discovered in the biblical texts. It is based upon the astonishing work of the mathematician Stan Tenen whose research supports the ancient Jewish belief that their alphabet was "sacred." Tenen believes that sacred alphabets and sacred literature are somehow different from ordinary alphabets and literature. He states, "They record not ordinary information, but fundamental states or conditions, and fundamental processes have to be used to stringently navigate in a formal context." The Hebrew alphabet contains dual level meanings; while the common meanings give us the story line of biblical text, the sacred meanings generate something more subtle on the "computer screen" of the reader's consciousness. The sacred meaning appears to be a type of hidden subliminal message.

  Tenen discovered the secondary meaning from a visual pattern of Genesis 1:1. Although he did not know Hebrew, he did recognize the visual appearance of the line of text. From that pattern, Tenen defined the formula for a geometric shape from which he mathematically deduced the formula for an unusual vortex. When this vortex is held in 27 d
ifferent positions between a lamp and a screen, it produces the shadows of the 27 letters of the Hebrew alphabet (and with slight modifications, the Greek and Arabic alphabets). This led to further developments in which universal meanings could be ascribed to the individual letters based on their relative positions in the alphabet. Such letter-level meanings beneath the familiar words, indicate an experiential stratum of the text.

  Since the vortex also generates Greek and Arabic, and possibly Sanskrit, MERU believes that it may have found the elements of a natural universal language. This could even be the language spoken before the "Tower of Babel" incident recorded in Genesis.194 If this is true, then the Hebrew texts represent a form of that language, and may even have been derived from the actual language spoken by the Sumerian Deities on their native planet Nibiru.

  11.1. Foot Notes

  145Sitchin, Zecharia, The 12th Planet, Stein And Day, Scarborough House, Briarcliff Manor, NY 105110, pages 216, 191-192, 326, 330 & 339. Barthel, Manfred, What The Bible Really Says, Wings Books, New York, Avenel, New Jersey, pages 29-31.

  146Barthel, Manfred, What The Bible Really Says, Wings Books, New York, Avenel, New Jersey, page 19. Gordis, Robert, "Pentateuch," The World Book Encyclopedia, copyright 1971, page 243.

  147Sitchin, Zecharia, The 12th Planet, Stein And Day, Scarborough House, Briarcliff Manor, NY 105110, pages 216, 191-192, 326, 330 & 339.


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