The Minister's Manipulation: (An Alpha Alien Romance Novel)

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The Minister's Manipulation: (An Alpha Alien Romance Novel) Page 12

by Liza Probz

  He pulled his head away, breathing heavily and staring down into her face. Her eyes blazed up at him, full of need. One delicate hand gently caressed his cheek, the other curled around his neck and buried in the tendrils laying there.

  It doesn’t matter, he thought. She’s likely attempting to distract me, to get her way, but I don’t care. All that matters is that she’s here in front of me, looking at me like that, wrapped around me.

  Whether it was the frenzy or his heart talking, he didn’t know. Probably both. And he couldn’t help but listen.

  Drake returned his lips to hers, giving himself up for lost.

  Chapter 17

  Jamie felt herself get lost in the kiss from her Zantharian lover. His power washed over her in waves that made her feel adrift in a sea of sensation.

  She barely noticed when he carried her to the rear of the small craft, where he pushed a button to open the entrance to a little chamber. There was barely room from the bunk positioned there, but he wasted no time squeezing inside and laying her down.

  In just seconds, her pants were pulled off her body. In a motion so swift that if she wouldn’t have been there, she wouldn’t have believed it happened. It turned her on that he was even capable of doing that. Then his strong body was covering hers, as he reclaimed her lips and made her moan in pleasure. She stroked the soft tendrils covering his head. He paused his onslaught to look at her. His dark eyes like twin pools of midnight black.

  Jamie traced a finger over his cheeks and down to his mouth. “Your skin,” she said. “It’s black. The last time we… you know… it was purple.”

  He stared at her for a moment longer and she thought she saw a shadow pass over his features. Then he was kissing her once again, and her question was forgotten in a haze of lust.

  She squirmed beneath him. She wanted, no needed, to feel him inside of her. She needed to feel a release.

  Instead of him shoving his hard cock inside of her, he took things slower than she wanted and kissed down her body to her wet pussy. He began to lick and suck her. She still couldn’t believe how good he was at that. Usually, she had to pretend to enjoy it, but with Drake he could make her come from the way he moved his tongue on her.

  A finger slid deep inside her, and she watched as he pulled it out and placed it in his mouth and sucked it gently. “So delicious,” he said before sliding it back inside of her.

  She sucked air through her teeth before letting out a moan. The pleasure was undeniably intense. It only grew more as he slid another finger into her and began to move his fingers in and out of her at a fast pace.

  “Oh, Drake. Don’t stop.” She moaned.

  He put his face near her clit and blew a little bit. She wiggled beneath him. And he put his mouth on her. He licked her clit in circles as she moved her hips in the same motion, pushing herself against him even more.

  He pulled back and focused on fingering her. Shoving his fingers in and out of her in a hurried pace.

  Jamie felt her body tense and she screamed his name as she came on his fingers. He didn’t stop moving as she came down from her intense orgasm. She closed her legs, which made Drake give her a look of confusion.

  “Lie down.” She said, helping to position him. He looked doubtful but finally laid down, submitting to her.

  Jamie stared at the body stretched out before her. It was as if he was made for her pleasure. Drake was so perfectly formed, from his broad shoulders, large hands, and lean muscles to his shapely torso and long legs. And the cock that was visibly throbbing, she had to admit was her favorite part.

  She moved herself so she was straddling him. She took his large shaft into her hand. When she moved to lower herself onto it, Drake put his hand up to stop her.

  “What is it?” She asked, confused.

  Drake shook his head and pulled her onto him so her chest was touching his and her ass was in the air. But he didn’t speak.

  “You don’t want to?” She asked, her voice small. She tried to hide the fact that she felt a little hurt from his rejection.

  “Oh, no, sweetheart. I want to more than anything. I just don’t think it’s a good idea right now.”

  Jamie cocked an eyebrow at him. What was his deal? They’d fucked like rabbits in Lakewood’s lab and he hadn’t batted an eyelash. What was going on now?

  “So you can make me orgasm but deny me to do the same for you?”

  “No one is keeping score,” he said, his face at once both striving for seriousness and nonchalance.

  Something’s up, she thought. He’d been moody since their last interaction, with shifts in emotion that had been hard to follow. And now… this.

  “I’m keeping score,” She said, climbing off of him and sitting on her knees next to him. “And I believe that I’m a point ahead.”

  Jamie touched him, running her hands along his well-built chest, arms, and stomach. She was delighted when he shivered in pleasure.

  She leaned down and kissed his chest taking time to tease his nipples, slightly. Then she began to kiss down his torso, past his navel, until she reached his hard dick. It began twitching as she inched toward it. And she was surprised to find that it made her mouth water.

  She bent over him and kissed the tip. She noticed a shock ran through him from head to toe. His reaction only made her want to do it again, which she followed with a flick of her tongue across the head.

  Drake let out a moan that gave her goosebumps. She started to tease him by lowering her mouth around the head but not going any further down. She’d stop, look at him, and do it again.

  The next time she took him a little farther into her mouth, and then a little more. Each time he let out another moan. A moan that turned her on.

  “Don’t stop.” He moaned, sending a shiver down Jamie’s spine.

  Jamie took him all the way into her mouth, surprised to find that her gag reflex was cooperating with her. Without gagging, she continued to suck him all the way into her mouth, over and over again.

  She felt his body tense up and she knew he was close to the edge. He put his hand on her head and thrust deep into her mouth. Jamie didn’t mind this, in fact she found it sexy as fuck.

  “Oh shit!” Drake called out. Jamie sucked him harder and suddenly she felt a change. His cock began to vibrate, his body began shaking and she saw his mouth was opened in the perfect “O”.

  And then it was over, and he fell back to Earth, the tension leaving his body.

  Jamie stared at him, confused. Human males released their seed when they climaxed, but from him, she hadn’t gotten a drop.

  As she watched him, his eyes drifted closed and his breaths began to slow. In moments he was breathing slow and steady, his muscles limp.

  Drake had fallen asleep.

  Jamie wasn’t sure how to feel. She decided to take his reaction as a compliment. She contemplated lying down beside him and snuggling up, but she felt too restless to relax. So she carefully climbed out of the bunk, retrieving her pants and redressing as best she could.

  Then she stumbled out of the small chamber and back into the main area of the ship. As the door closed behind her, she saw Herman sitting near the center console, his lights blinking attentively.

  “He’s resting,” she said, seeing his lights blink in recognition.

  “Perhaps we can take this time to consider the data we’ve collected and come up with a plan for our infiltration of the base.”

  The robot had a point, but Jamie wasn’t sure if their efforts would be appreciated. “He doesn’t want me to come along.”

  Herman bleeped, a solemn sound. “We may be able to uncover clues that could convince him otherwise.”

  With a shrug, Jamie moved closer, stopping to grab her sweater off the floor and pull it on. “Okay,” she said. “What did you have in mind?”

  “The device he used to copy the files from Dr. Lakewood’s computers may be helpful.”

  Jamie nodded, crouching beside the discarded skinsuit. It was unnerving, seeing
what appeared to be human body empty of its contents. She tried to convince herself that it was just a costume and set about digging in its pockets.

  Pulling out the device, she examined it. “Now what?”

  “Perhaps there is some way to hook it into the central processing of the ship,” the robot suggested.

  She scooped up Herman and seated herself at the console. As she watched, the robot extended an arm from his innards. This one had a different attachment than the other. It appeared to have a small robotic hand on the end, a hand Herman used to tap experimentally at the console’s pad.

  A line of symbols appeared on the screen. It was a script with which she was not familiar. Maybe it was the Zantharian language?

  Herman continued to explore the console and finally pointed to a small slot to the left of the pad. “Could the device be inserted here?”

  She fiddled with the data tool until she was able to lock it into place. A blur of data filled up the screen, flashing by too quickly for her to comprehend.

  Herman, however, seemed to keep up. In the next moment his little hand whirred over the pad as he began to fish through the data Drake had collected. While Jamie sat there, holding the robot ball, he worked, the lights on his surface flashing with a speed she’d not yet seen.

  Rather than try to keep up with the robot, Jamie let her mind drift. Something had changed since their time locked together in Lakewood’s lab. As she’d experienced the single most powerful sexual experience of her life with Drake during that time, she’d expected him to open up to her, just as she’d felt her heart start to open to him.

  Instead, he’d become more closed off than ever. He’d grown angry when she’d insisted that she not be left behind on Earth. That had hurt. Although he’d chalked it up to concern about her safety, Jamie wasn’t sure she bought that entirely.

  A tendril of fear uncoiled in her belly. Maybe he was only looking for a way to get rid of her. He’d gotten what he’d wanted from the little human, and now it was time to drop her off and go on his way, seducing other females across the galaxy.

  She didn’t want to believe that he was so shallow, but she also couldn’t readily accept the opposite explanation. Maybe he really did care for her, and really was so concerned about her safety that he had to keep her out of danger.

  That would mean that he felt for her as deeply as she was coming to feel for him.

  Was that possible? Could an alien male, one who was so rugged and in control, really be interested in a tiny human female who’d never even thought about life on other planets before?

  He’d already admitted to his plans to use her as a way to bypass NASA’s security. Maybe her willingness to submit to his seduction was just a happy byproduct of that plan.

  Could he have been seducing her, just like she’d tried to seduce Lance for his security badge?

  That thought caused a layer of ice to form in her chest. While she might admit to herself that in many of her past relationships she may have used sex as a transaction, as a means to getting what she wanted. But the idea of Drake doing the same, to her, caused surprising tears to well up in her eyes.

  She didn’t want to be used by him. For the first time, she wanted sex with a male to mean something more.

  This isn’t the time, she told herself. You’re in the middle of something so huge and important, something you don’t fully understand, that you don’t have the luxury to fall in love.

  And yet, that realization may have come too late.

  Jamie had already handed her heart over to the massive Zantharian male. The question was, would he accept it?

  She was afraid she already knew the answer to that question.

  Chapter 18

  Drake woke with a start. He was disoriented for a moment at his surroundings, and then the memories started crashing over him.

  He’d succumbed to his desires yet again and taken the beautiful Jamie Cohen. Although he couldn’t regret the pleasure they’d shared, he knew that it wouldn’t make things any easier. He’d barely been able to restrain himself from plunging inside her wet heat, but he knew that he had to.

  If he’d thrust inside her again, if he’d felt her around him, warm and willing, he would not have been able to hold back his seed. While it may have made things easier in that the frenzy would have been abated, claiming her in that way would bring up a whole new bundle of problems.

  Once a Zantharian male claimed his mate, he would never accept another. He would become protective to the point of insanity, not allowing her out of his sight except for short periods. He’d need her as much as he needed oxygen. And that would mean there was no way he’d be able to leave her on Earth while he set off to accomplish his mission.

  But there was an even greater risk. If he did release his seed and it took root, a new life form would soon be growing inside of her. He didn’t think Jamie was the type to welcome that news, especially as she was currently engaged to another man. Her life didn’t seem ready to accept a mate who would seem overbearing at best, let alone a half-alien child.

  And he refused to make that decision for her. So he’d pulled her away when she’d been ready to take him inside of her. Still, she’d given him such intense pleasure that he’d been exhausted and fallen asleep. And now, the hours fast slipping away, he had to get up and do the hardest thing he’d ever done.

  He had to abandon her on Earth while he went to his death to protect their planets.

  Rising from the bunk, he made his way out of the chamber and into the bridge of the small ship. He was surprised to see Jamie’s form at the console, and data spinning across the screen. She swiveled around when she heard him approaching, a small look of guilt on her face.

  Herman was nestled in her arms, and the robot let out a series of annoyed beeps.

  Drake suddenly felt nervous, facing his lover. “I’m sorry,” he said softly. “I hadn’t slept in a couple of days, and I guess it just caught up with me.”

  “No worries,” she said, a small smile appearing on her face.

  “What are you doing?”

  Jamie motioned to the robot. “Herman thought we might be able to help you by reviewing the data you got from NASA and Lakewood’s labs.”

  Lights flashed over the robot’s surface. “I believe I have uncovered something of interest, but I need more time for analysis.”

  Drake moved to the console and pulled up the navigation display. “Unfortunately, we don’t have much time. I need to get Jamie home.”

  “I would not recommend that.”

  He was surprised by the robot’s response. Had Jamie spent the time he’d been sleeping convincing Herman to join her side?

  “Despite your recommendation, I’m afraid I’ve already decided.”

  “Well I haven’t,” Jamie piped up. “I want to hear what he has to say.” She remained sitting in his seat, so Drake crossed his arms and stared down at them.

  “Your current plan of attempting a rescue of Dr. Lakewood alone has a high probability of failure. Taking another person with you increases your chances of success by orders of magnitude.”

  “Is that right?” What the hell was this robot talking about?

  “Yes. I’ve done the calculations repeatedly.” Herman’s lights blinked with authority.

  “And did your calculations include the probability of Jamie being captured by the enemy?” Drake couldn’t control the anger that rose up inside him.

  “Yes. I will admit, capture has a high probability as well. But your chance of success alone is less than .2 percent.”

  “Ridiculous,” Drake said. “What data are you basing this on? I doubt you found anything in the NASA files or Lakewood’s shit to extrapolate that conclusion from.”

  “Correct,” Herman replied. “The data I’ve used is your own bio-readings.”

  “What?” Drake was shaken. The robot had been scanning him?

  “Your readings indicate that you are unable to complete this mission alone in the time you have rema

  “Remaining until what?” Jamie’s tone was anxious.

  “Until he collapses and likely expires.”

  “What the hell are you saying?” Jamie’s face was stricken. “He’s going to…die?”


  The robot’s matter-of-fact tone made the words echo in Drake’s head. Although he knew the end result of an unsatisfied mating frenzy, somehow hearing it from the robot made it all the more real.

  “The chance of his expiration before completion of the mission is over 99%.”

  Jamie stood at last, setting the robot on the seat she’d abandoned. “What’s he talking about?” She stared at him. “Does it have something to do with your skin color? It hasn’t shifted since it’s turned black. What’s going on?”

  Drake shook his head. He hadn’t expected Herman to expose him. Nor had he expected having to explain himself to Jamie. Fuck.

  “He’s incorrect. This doesn’t change anything.”

  “The hell it doesn’t!” Jamie grabbed his arm. “I know something is going on. Tell me!”

  I can’t! he wanted to scream. Instead, he ignored her. Pulling himself from her grip, he moved the robot off his chair and sat down to input coordinates at the console.

  “Drake.” Her voice was coated in steel. “You can’t do this.”

  “I have to.”

  Herman let out a warning bleep. “You have explained the risk to both our planets. I believe I can come up with a plan that will be successful, but it requires more than one person to pull it off.”

  Drake shook his head. “I’m not taking her with me, Herman. That’s final.”

  “This is bullshit.” Jamie used all of her strength to spin him around to face her. “Where do you get off, being all high and mighty? You can go throw your life away for nothing, but I can’t come with you and give us an actual chance of succeeding? You’re being an idiot!”


  He immediately regretted yelling when he saw her flinch. Drake stood, pulling her into his arms. “Taking you with me is an unacceptable risk.”


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