The Minister's Manipulation: (An Alpha Alien Romance Novel)

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The Minister's Manipulation: (An Alpha Alien Romance Novel) Page 13

by Liza Probz

  “You going without me is an unacceptable risk!” She grabbed his face, pulling him down to her level. “Either you’re trying to protect me, or you’re trying to ditch me—“

  Drake shook his head, opening his mouth to interrupt. Jamie slapped her hand over his mouth.

  “Either way, this is bigger than me and you. If we’re going to save our planets, we have to get past our petty shit and concentrate on working together. If Herman says you have no chance on your own and he had a plan that takes two, then I’m inclined to listen to him.”

  “It’s too dangerous,” he said, his voice coming out muffled against her palm.

  “I know it’s dangerous. But so is your failure. We have to do this, and the only way we have a chance is if I go with you.”

  Drake wanted to argue. He wanted to make her understand. He’d be willing to let the universe burn, as long as she was safe.

  But the look in her eyes was a mix of strength and fragility. She believed that he was trying to get rid of her because he was tired of her when that couldn’t be further from the truth. To let her think so might be easier in the long run, but now, staring into her gorgeous face, he couldn’t give voice to the lie.

  Although she was scared, she was also insistent. A swell of pride went through him. His woman was brave, was willing to risk everything to save her people.

  Who was he to stand in her way?

  Drake peeled her hand from his face. “Okay,” he said after a moment.

  “Okay?” she whispered.

  “You can come.”

  She let out a squeal of joy and leapt into his arms. “Thank you! You won’t regret this, I promise!”

  He held back the reply that he already did and set her down gently, returning to the console. His hands shook as he input the coordinates to the Hareema prison planet.

  “Okay, Herman,” he said with a sigh. “Let’s talk about the data you’ve analyzed. What have you uncovered?”

  “There is a conspiracy among NASA elite.”

  Drake laughed mirthlessly. “We already knew that.”

  Herman let out an offended bleep. “Correct. But were you aware of another conspiracy? One within the Hareema’s own ranks?”

  Drake’s eyes widened as the robot began to speak.

  Chapter 19

  Jamie tried to keep her breathing under control. The ship was hurtling through space towards a planet filled with enemy shape-shifters. For the last few hours, Drake and Herman had worked together to mine the data and give their plan shape. And she’d sat to the side, trying to get her fright under control.

  She watched Drake, her eyes never straying far from his handsome form. His ebony skin still worried her. It hadn’t changed once in the all the hours she’d been watching. Coupled with Herman’s prognosis, she feared that he was hiding something important.

  Although she was pleased that he’d finally listened to reason and allowed her to come with him, she wasn’t sure what had caused his motivation to change. Jamie realized now that she loved the giant alien. She hadn’t known him for long, but already she couldn’t imagine her life without him.

  And if he was destined to die in the near future, she didn’t know how to accept that fact.

  “So they captured the mole, but they haven’t moved against him?” Drake was murmuring to the robot, pointing to a row of lines on the view screen.

  “Correct. They were plotting to use him to set up a gathering of rebels so they could arrest them all at the same time.”

  Jamie’s brows furrowed. Herman had somehow determined that the Hareema had their own group of rebels, shape-shifters who didn’t believe in their expansionist policies. Drake had surprised them by admitting knowledge of the rebel faction, but the Zantharians hadn’t had any means of contacting the rebels.

  Now Herman had uncovered data on Danner Thompson’s computer that had given them a glimpse into the Hareema’s plans. It had taken the little robot over an hour to break the code the shape-shifters had used to encrypt their data and make it resemble more mundane NASA business, but now they were privy to the Hareema’s plot against their rebellion.

  “If we can get word to the rebels before Thompson and his goons make their move, we’ll have the upper hand,” Drake mused.

  “Correct,” Herman replied. “Further, if we can rescue both Dr. Lakewood and the rebel operative, we have a chance of turning the tide of the war.”

  There was another period of quiet as the pair continued to dig through the data. Suddenly, a loud, repetitive beeping broke the silence.

  “What is that?” Jamie asked. A row of red lights on Herman’s surface had started blinking in time with the alarm.

  “I have routed my GPS locator through the ship’s array. I believe I have just located Dr. Lakewood’s position.”

  Drake punched some buttons on the console and a star map appeared on the view screen. There was a blinking red point on one of the planets.

  “There?” Jamie asked.

  “Correct,” Herman replied.

  “The prison planet. I was right.” Drake frowned. “We’ll be there in less than an hour. We need to make sure we have our plan ready to go.”

  As she listened, the alien and robot laid out their ideas for infiltration. Jamie knew that what they were attempting was risky, but she had faith in her friends. They went over the plan multiple times, dissecting it from all angles. They’d be relying on chance at several points, but there was little they could do in their circumstances.

  Drake came over to her, cupping her cheek with his large hand. “Are you sure you can do this? Say the word and I’ll turn this ship around.”

  Jamie nodded, touched by his kindness. “Yes. I want to do my part to save my planet. I’m tired of my sister getting all the credit for good deeds.”

  Drake laughed. She could see that he wanted to say more, but he remained silent and returned to his console.

  It wasn’t long after that another alarm rang out, this time from the central console.

  “Approaching craft, report.”

  “It’s the Hareema,” Drake stated. “Here we go.”

  He hit a button on the pad and began to speak. “Patrol reporting in. I have a prisoner.”

  “We have no record of your ship,” the voice returned, its tone tinged with anger.

  “I was stationed on the Zantharian home world. I’ve been in deep cover for several weeks. I was charged by the Zantharians with scouting the outer sector for our people. Instead I came across another human rescue mission. They reacted badly to my presence and attempted to use their inferior weapons on me. There was some sort of malfunction and their ship was destroyed. But I managed to capture a prisoner before it blew.”

  There was silence from the Hareema. Jamie held her breath. Everything hinged on them accepting Drake’s story. Finally, after what seemed like ages, the voice replied. “Affirmative. You’ve been cleared for landing in the central compound. You are to bring your prisoner directly to Command.”


  Drake stood, pulling up his suit. He’d been sure to let it recharge before the mission, and it was now in its red jelly form. Before donning the suit, he picked up a small pack with shoulder straps.

  “Are you ready for this?” he asked the robot.

  Herman beeped his agreement, and Drake picked him up and placed the robot in the pack. He then strapped it on his shoulders. Once he was equipped, he pulled on the human disguise.

  Jamie was amazed to see that the robot’s shape was invisible under the suit. She supposed she shouldn’t have been surprised, since the human disguise hid the enormity of Drake’s own form. Still, it was a jarring image.

  Drake steered the ship towards the planet, approaching the compound. He’d told them a little about his time as a prisoner, and his knowledge of the layout was sure to work to their advantage.

  He landed the craft, then rose, coming over to help Jamie out of her harness. He bent to give her a quick kiss after she’d rise
n. “You remember your cover story?”

  Jamie nodded. His eyes were full of an unnamed emotion. “If anything goes wrong, stay close to me. I’ll try to keep you safe.”

  She appreciated his words, but knew the risks were great and he might not be able to follow through on his pledge. She barely had time for a deep breath before the door opened.

  Drake pushed her behind him, ready to confront whatever dangers headed their way. Jamie was shocked to see the form of Danner Thompson enter the scout ship.

  “Report,” Thompson said, his mouth turned down.

  “I’ve got the prisoner. I’ve been instructed to bring her to Command.”

  Thompson’s eyes narrowed, but after a moment he nodded. “Let’s go.”

  Jamie tried hard to remain calm as they followed the shapeshifter off the ship. Around them, there were crafts of every kind in the gigantic hanger. There was little time to take everything in as they headed in the direction of one of the many doors.

  Thompson, or his impersonator, led the way. They headed down a long corridor, passing several creatures along the way. Aliens of all shapes and sizes, including tall blocks of red jelly that must be the real forms of the Hareema. Jamie couldn’t stop her mouth from dropping open as a creature covered with mobile eyes sped past. She shook her head, trying hard to focus on the task at hand.

  There were many twists and turns, and Jamie gave up trying to remember where they’d come from. Finally, they reached the entrance marked with symbols she didn’t recognize. Thompson hit the control panel and motioned for them to enter, then walked off down the hall. The door opened, and Drake pulled her in behind him.

  She was close enough to hear his heavy inhale. Across from them stood the form of a large alien male with mint green skin. He looked very like Drake in his natural form. A Zantharian male form, one that Drake must know.

  “What have we got here?” the Hareema impersonating a Zantharian asked.

  “A human female recovered from a destroyed Earth vessel,” Drake replied. “I believe she is important us.”

  The fake Zantharian raised an eyebrow. “This little thing? How could she possibly be important?”

  “I was able to scan the human database before their ship exploded. According to her bio, this one worked as an assistant in Lakewood’s lab. I figured she could help him with his work.”

  “Interesting,” their adversary replied. He eyed Jamie up and down. “She doesn’t look like much, but these humans have surprised us before. Take her to Lakewood’s cell and have her assist him.”

  Drake nodded, turning to leave and pulling Jamie along with him. The door shut behind them and she saw him let out a relieved breath. Then he was whispering. “Okay, Herman, I need your help. Which way to Lakewood?”

  Jamie could not hear the robot’s response but Drake nodded and started off down the corridor. She walked at his side, ready for whatever happened next.

  At least, she thought she was ready, until she saw what came around the next corner.

  “Sylvie!” she shouted as she saw her sister coming towards them.

  Drake grabbed her, pulling her behind him. “That’s not your sister,” he whispered.

  Jamie couldn’t help herself. It had been months since she’d laid eyes on her sister, and she struggled against him. “Let me go!”

  Sylvie came up beside Drake, her face neutral. “This one giving you problems?”

  Jamie recoiled in shock. Drake was right. This wasn’t her sister.

  “No,” he said shortly. “She thinks she knows the one whose form you inhabit.”

  The Sylvie creature let out a cold laugh. “Stupid humans. So easily fooled.” Then she was gone, headed down the hallway in the opposite direction.

  Jamie was shaking, her mind reeling. Although she’d known they were dealing with shape-shifters, it hadn’t really hit home until now. Suddenly she felt like she couldn’t trust anyone, including those at NASA who had supposedly been committed to helping her bring Sylvie home.

  And that included her fiancé.

  Drake kept them moving, and Jamie fought the sick feeling in her stomach. Before she realized it, they were heading through a vast space that held cages of various sizes. In each cage there was a creature staring out with sad eyes.

  Don’t look, she told herself. Concentrate on your mission.

  She wished she could free each creature, let them go and help them fight their way off the planet. Instead she had to pass the cages by. I’ll come back if I can, she swore silently.

  And finally they reached an entrance that was flanked by two guards. They’d taken human form. A very recognizable form.

  Identical Lance Cargraves stared down at her.

  Chapter 20

  Drake could feel Jamie start to shake at his side. He wanted to growl, to smash both smug Cargraves impersonators in their faces. Instead he gave them a short nod.

  “Command said to bring the prisoner to Lakewood.”

  One of the Cargraves gave him an answering nod. “We’ve been informed.” The other entered a code into the pad beside the entrance, and after a moment the door opened. “You can go in.”

  Drake pushed Jamie ahead of him into the room. He waited until the door closed behind them, then moved closer to the room’s only inhabitant.

  Dr. Keith Lakewood was bent over a workbench, his hands a blur as he assembled parts. He was a small human, balding, with big round glasses. His once white lab coat was filthy, encrusted with grease and burned in several places. He had yet to acknowledge their presence.

  Drake did a quick sweep of the room, noting the cameras positioned at several points in the room. They would have to be careful, for they were certainly being watched.

  “Lakewood,” Drake said as he approached. “I’ve brought your assistant, Jamilla Herman. She’ll be working with you.”

  The human scientist’s head shot up at his words. His expression was confused, but his eyes were shrewd behind his glasses. “Herman?” he said, after a moment. “How did you get here?”

  Jamie swallowed. “We were looking for you. I got your coordinates from the array you built.”

  Lakewood’s eyes narrowed. “But the array wasn’t strong enough to find me from Earth.”

  “I wasn’t on Earth,” she replied. “We took off from Chicago and searched until we found your signal.”

  “We?” Lakewood looked Drake up and down. “You and this guy?”

  “He’s not technically a guy,” she said. “He’s an alien.”

  Lakewood nodded. “I thought he might be a robot.”

  Drake caught on to the code Lakewood was using. He let out a short laugh. “Incorrect. Although your mistake is understandable. You do not have access to the needed information.”

  He hoped that his use of a modified phrase from Herman’s lexicon would be enough to signal to Lakewood that he was on his side. The scientist stared hard at him, then gave a short nod.

  “Well, you’re here to help, so come over here and look at this.” He motioned for Jamie to join him at the workbench. Picking up a pencil, he rapidly scribbled something down on a piece of paper. “Is this calculation right?”

  Drake leaned in until he could read the words. Can he be trusted?

  “Yes, I’m certain that’s correct,” Jamie replied.

  Lakewood scribbled something else. Escape?

  Jamie nodded. “That’s what we were working on, yes.”

  “And have you come to any conclusions in my absence?” the scientist asked.

  Jamie nodded, but before she could reply the chamber door opened. In walked one of the Cargraves. He pointed at Drake. “You’ve been ordered to report to Command. They want a full debriefing.”

  Drake wanted to scowl. His gaze flicked to Jamie. Her eyes were wide with fear. “I think it would be best to remain with the prisoner now. I’ll debrief as soon as I’m able.”

  Cargraves looked at him like he was crazy. “No one disobeys a direct order from Command. We’ve got th
e prisoners covered. Now go.”

  There was no way in hell Drake would allow himself to be separated from the human female. Not only would it throw a wrench in their plans, but the mating frenzy would not allow it. “No,” he spit out.

  Cargraves eyes narrowed, going from Drake to Jamie and back again. “You’re one of them. The rebellion. Trying to steal our scientist from us?”

  There is no way to talk my way out of this, Drake realized. Time to improvise.

  He threw his fist towards Cargraves with a speed that was unexpected. The man’s head bounced back, and Drake hit him again, knocking him to the ground. “Looks like it’s time to make our move,” he said.

  The Hareema was back on his feet faster than expected. He emitted a high pitched squeal, and a moment later the door was opening and the second Cargraves rushed in. “Traitor,” the first said, pointing in Drake’s direction.

  Both Cargraves came for him. He fought them, throwing punches faster than lightning, but their shapeshifter forms protected them. One got behind him and put his hands on him. Suddenly, the suit around him began to malfunction.

  The Cargraves at his back let out a gasp, and Drake looked over his shoulder. Where the thing’s fingers should have been, red tendrils had appeared, melding with his suit. Apparently the shape-shifters were able to somehow merge their forms, something he’d not been aware of.

  His cover was blown, he realized, as the suit melted off his body.

  “Holy fuck,” the Cargraves in front of him exclaimed. “What the fuck have you done to our brother?”

  Drake assumed he was talking about the Hareema who had died to become the suit he’d worn. But rather than speaking he replied with his fists, popping the Hareema in its mouth.

  Then he spun, sweeping out his legs to knock the one behind him to the ground. He was still partially merged with the suit Drake had climbed out of, so Drake turned his attention back to the Cargraves in front of him.

  Jamie grabbed Lakewood’s arm and started leading him in the direction of the door. Before they could get around the guard on the ground, he reached out and wrapped a tendril around her ankle.


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