Annabelle: An Erotic Western Spanking Menage (Doms of Destiny Trail Book 1)
Page 7
Blaise sprang up and slammed his glass on top of the mantle.
"We're going to teach those sons of bitches a lesson!" he said, mashing a fist into a palm.
Rem glanced at Daisy-Lou who was sitting by the fire and watched her flinch at the curse. Annabelle barely batted an eye. "Blaise..." Rem said, glancing at Daisy-Lou.
"Oh...sorry." Blaise muttered, taking another swig of his drink. "Alright then. Who's with me?" The room fell silent. "Oh, so that's how this is gonna be? We're just gonna let them walk all over us like that?" It was Amos who finally answered.
"Look Blaise, I don't think there's a single one of us who doesn't want revenge for what happened here. But going out and beating on someone, well that's just not going to fix this."
Rem watched Blaise's expression harden. "Alright then," he said, his voice cold. "We'll just roll over then."
"That's enough Blaise," Mack said, pulling himself up to sitting on the sofa. "There won't be any shooting or fighting or anything else. But I would like to take back what I said before.
Blaise cocked his head, unsure of what Mack was saying. Rem already knew what was coming.
"Mr. Evans, you've been real generous to us here and you know how much we appreciate it. If it weren't for working on your ranch we'd all have probably ended up robbing trains a long time ago. But there comes a time when a man's gotta find his own way in the world and I think that time for us is now. For all of us." Mack looked around at his friends who'd been listening as he spoke. None of them were nodding, but each knew what was on the others mind. Mack was right. It was time to go.
Rem broke the silence.
"I suppose we owe you an apology the Blaise."
"Huh? For what?"
"You were the one that said it first, before all this happened. We all told you it was the wrong idea."
"Oh yeah, that. Well, don't worry about it. But what in the hell are we going to do? All that stuff you said is still true. Rem and I, we ain't got enough money and now with Annabelle..."
"I'm sorry to be such an inconvenience!" Annabelle snapped almost instantly after hearing him say it.
"Annabelle, simmer down," Rem said with a scowl. "This is not the time for that."
"You all are right." Amos' voice brought the exchange to a stand still and everyone turned to look at the man who'd been quietly thinking in the corner. "Mack or Blaise or whoever thought of this is right. There's no way for you to stay here and be happy. Not with that rabble and their ignorant ways. Now they've got a taste for it, they'll be looking to beat you down any chance they get. Any of you. You can fight them, sure, but the only thing that's going to lead to is more fighting. Even if you do keep fighting them, they'll just keep coming back, uneducated as they are. No, what you boys need is to start fresh, in a place where you won't have these problems because there'll be no one there but you."
Blaise's eyes lit up at the last part of what Amos had said.
"That's it," he said, his voice sounding like a kid on Christmas morning.
"What's it?" Tex asked cautiously.
"We need to start our own..."
"Ranch," Mack said, sounding a little irritated that Blaise was repeating himself.
"No. Town."
There was a lull as they all though of what Blaise had just proposed. Mack spoke for all of them.
"Blaise, pardon me but what in the hell are you talking about? We just finished saying we've got barely enough money to strike out on our own and start a ranch. Why on earth would we go and start a town? How does that make any sense?"
"It makes sense," Blaise replied, sounding confident as ever and unfazed by Mack's skepticism, "because we know for a fact that we're not the only ones who want to live like this."
"What do you mean?" Tex asked, still cautious but with a note of curiosity in his tone.
"I mean, we know about Jake and Ty. Hell, they're not announcing it to the whole town like we are but y'all know there's only Madeleine between the two of them. And you remember those two cowboys that rode through here a few months ago? Anybody else find it strange that they only had that one sassy little lady in a wagon? Hell, I could tell they were like us before they hit the town limits."
"Okay," Rem began, "say you're right and this is all true and there's a bunch of cowboys out there who are like us just wandering the plains. What makes you think they're going to want to move out to the middle of nowhere?"
Blaise shrugged. "Who cares? They don't have to. I don't care what they do, but the more of us there are, the better for everyone. What if we got a Doc out there? What if we got a couple guys keeping a shop? Pretty soon word would travel that there's a place a hundred miles west of Destiny Station where it doesn't matter how you want to live, you're welcome there any way you come."
The room filled with silence again, the only sound coming from the crackling of the fire. After a while, Amos spoke up.
"Boys, I don't know how you feel about it, but I sure thing Blaise has a point. The more of you there are, the more'll want to come, the more work there is for everyone and the more prosperity to share. It won't be easy at first but it sure beats hiding the rest of your lives."
"It's a good idea," Mack said, sounding certain. "Anybody know what we have to do to start?"
"The first thing we all need to do is get some sleep," Amos said, finishing what was left in his whisky glass and heading towards the kitchen.
"That sounds about right," Tex said, stretching in a yawn.
The men got up and began to help Amos with the bedding. Blaise realized Amos was carrying his own sheets out of his bedroom and towards the sofa.
"Hold on a second Mr. Evans, what are you doing?"
"Well Blaise, I'm the only one that's not married here so I'll be taking the sofa," he answered simply, piling the sheets onto the one of the chairs.
"Oh no. No sir. There's no way we're gonna let you..."
"Listen up Blaise," Amos said, holding up a hand. "You boys are my friends now. That means two things. You can stop calling me Mr. Evans. Amos'll do. And, you can just accept that I treat friends like family. What am I going to do, let your wives sleep on the floor by the fire? I made the beds while I was waiting for you to get here."
"I don't know Mr. Evans..." Tex said, looking as sheepish as Rem had ever seen him.
"That goes for you too, Tex. It's Amos now. We'll drink to it tomorrow. For now, get your asses to bed so I can get some sleep out here."
The four of them exchanged looks. It was Mack who grinned first, though Rem could barely tell for how swollen his face was.
"Alright Amos. Fair enough. And thank-you."
"Enough of that. Every get to bed," Amos said, turning so they couldn't see his smile. The six of them shuffled off towards the bedrooms, Mack, Tex and Daisy-Lou heading to Amos' room and Blaise, Rem and Annabelle taking the room across the hall.
Rem had thought that with everything that had happened, the only thing he would want to do was sleep. But as soon as the door closed behind them and the two of them were alone with Annabelle, he changed his mind entirely.
Chapter 7
Annabelle turned to face the two dark shapes of the men behind her and felt a pang of fear filled with lust at the sudden realization that she was alone with them in a darkened room. She felt her hand move towards her chest and she looked away from the two of them and towards the large bed that almost filled the room.
She felt Rem move towards her, suddenly felt the heat of his breath on her neck and again the ache that she'd come to know since first seeing the men, filled her and made her body feel drawn to the man.
"You remember, Annabelle, what we were explaining to you earlier? About what happens between a woman and her men?"
"We haven't yet been married have we? I don't believe any of that sort of thing should..." She couldn't finish because she felt herself being pulled down and once again over Rem's knee. "Now wait a second! What have I done to..."
"Quiet." She recognized that it was his vo
ice, but she did not recognize the way it sounded. There had always been a note of kindness in it. Blaise might be wild and unpredictable, but Rem had always sounded kind and reasonable. Now? Now it seemed that he had grown tired, or impatient. "I won't raise a hand against you in anger, Annabelle, beautiful creature that you are, but I want to remind you of something. You did agree that you would submit to any discipline or affections that we might decide upon for you, did you not?"
Annabelle felt as if she were shrinking into herself and her normally quick tongue failed to produce a sharp enough retort, or any for that matter. Instead, squirming slightly, but mostly revelling in the feeling of the weight of Rem's palm on the small of her back, she could only bring herself to let out a weak and whispered "Yes."
"Good." Rem sounded more like himself now. "Because I don't mean to spank you Annabelle. Unless that is what you want?"
Annabelle couldn't be sure whether it was confusion revulsion or lust that moved through her at the suggestion but this time she couldn't help but snap at him. "Why on earth would I want that?"
His hand was moving along her rear, petting the curve of it and patting at it gently once every few strokes. "Because Annabelle, I saw what happened the last time I set to spanking you." He hooked his fingers into the top of her skirt again and begin to peel it away, along with her underthings.
She breathed a sharp inhale against the cool air of the room as much as the heat of his hand. He lifted it and brought it down on the fleshiest part of her rear cheek, making her remember the pain of his previous discipline. With it, she felt a dampness come between her legs and she blushed at it.
Wordlessly, he swatted at her again, this time on her other cheek, making her bounce on his knee and clutch at the leg of his trouser. But it only brought more dampness between her thighs and more red to her cheeks as she suddenly became painfully aware of how exposed she was to both the men.
His palm stayed on her now and his fingers began to move lower, past the curve that he'd slapped, parting her until she shuddered at the touch of him inside her thigh. He didn't stop, his fingers pushed up now, towards her soft, wet sex and though she kept blushing at the impropriety of it, her legs parted and her fingers dug into the fabric she was clinging to as she felt the first touch of a man on her softest core.
Behind her there was the noise of Blaise undressing and she meant to look behind her to see what was happening. Instead of pressing on her back with his hand to still her, Rem helped her up and in the same motion moved her onto the bed, laying her down gently on her back. She closed her bare legs and looked away but as soon as Rem's hands had left her she felt Blaise pulling her up the bed from behind and soon she was closer to him than she'd been to any man, her eyes on his lips hovering just above her own.
"Did you like the feel of Rem's touch on your pussy?" Blaise asked softly.
She looked to one side at the mention of her sex but despite how she might have felt about any impropriety, her body craved the men's strong touch more than anything else and when she looked back up, she bit her lip and managed a shy and gentle "Yes."
Blaise moved his hand down the length of her body, onto her thigh and when he came to where her legs were pressed together she opened for him. His touch was different from Rem's, not as gentle, and more insistent and he was pressed against her softness, then sliding along it where Rem had been.
Having never felt a man's affections, Annabelle knew nothing of what to expect or of how she might act. But her body seemed to take the direction of the men's hands and she felt herself curling, her back arching up off the bed, her legs opening to let them in.
Blaise was over her now, the first finger of his hand running up an down her wetness making her rise with him as he came to the top of her opening, then sink back into the bed as he plunged lower. Her hips rose and fell together with the rest of her body with each soft pass, he opened her slightly more. Each time he moved across her softness, she felt compelled to push her body closer to him.
The sounds of her wetness could be heard in the room now, embarrassing her even more but she felt powerless to stop any of it. When he finally pushed his fingers past her lips and into her core, her back pressing into the mattress.
"What are you doing?" Annabelle managed to whisper, before a moan escaped her and her hand shot to the side, crashing against Blaise's chest, bracing against the overwhelming pleasure.
"I'm giving you your reward. For being such a good girl," Blaise rumbled. She felt his voice in his chest and it only drove her into greater excitement. When Rem crawled next to her on the other side, she looked over at him. His shirt was off and the moon's pale glow through the window cast long shadows, making his hard chest look even firmer. As he pressed up against her, Annabelle felt powerless between the two strong men, her curves a soft pillow against the firmness of their frames.
Blaise twisted his hand, the two fingers inside of her pressing against her tight, soaked tunnel. It made her eyes close and her head roll back and her whole being seemed to move between her legs and the feeling there.
"That's a good girl," Blaise rumbled again as his body moved towards her in the darkness. "Let me open up that soaked pussy."
Her eyes sprang open as soon as she heard it and there he was, towering over her, Rem on the other side, pressing against her. These were different men than the ones she'd met. These weren't men who scolded or spanked and forgave, these were men that knew what they wanted and took what was theirs. And there she was between them. Theirs to do with as the pleased.
"You ever felt a man's mouth between your legs, beautiful?" Rem whispered, his voice seeming much lower than before. She turned to him, her body still curling with each twist of Blaise's hard fingers inside her soft center. She could only manage to shake her head in reply, her face the shape of anguish from what was happening inside her. With each small twist of his hand he touched another spot that sent tendrils of pleasure from her core racing up her spine, then back down again, curling her toes as her hips tried to grind her body even closer to him.
Rem began moving slowly down her side. He dipped towards her, his lips hovering just above her neck for a moment before he sank them onto the soft flesh there. His hot, wet tongue lapped at her as he sucked and bit at her skin, breathing her in deeply and making her shudder against him. She felt his mouth move down just as Blaise curled his fingers up inside her. Her body curled so tightly up that her back came off the bed. Something was happening inside her, warmth spreading like liquid through her whole body making her lose control of all her faculties. Then it was gone.
"Not yet honey..." Blaise said, his voice pulling her back into the room with the two of them.
Not yet what? she wondered briefly but couldn't hold the thought. Her hand had already moved towards him and now her fingers were wrapped around his arm, pulling him back in between her legs. She'd never felt such a need for anything as she felt now and she knew her face must be a portrait of pleading, begging for his touch, but she didn't care.
He settled his hand back between her legs, cupping her, but only let the tip of his finger brush lightly against her soaked opening. "Please..." she whispered, trying to pull him closer, to show him what it was she wanted. Then Rem was moving along her body again. His hard muscle sinking easily into the softness of her skin. Then his mouth was at the top of her breast and she forgot the man between her legs as she watched him kiss and lick his way down to where her nipple was stiff and ready for him.
He glanced up and caught her gaze before she had to look away from the intensity of his. As soon as she looked down again, where her breasts were heaving up and down, he looked there too and put his lips to the wrinkled pink flesh. Another agonizing wave of pleasure washed through her whole body as the softness of his tongue swirled around her nipple. Then a shock of pain. A gasp. His teeth were on her, tugging at her as his hand came up to hold the round curve of her breast.
"Ah!" she cried, not caring that the others could certainly hear. He swept
his tongue around her again, once more, then again, then his mouth began drifting again, farther down her body. She writhed beneath his touch, held in place by Blaise's hand between her legs. She felt him on her thigh, spreading her legs apart slowly and crawling between them. When she found enough resolve to look down it was only for a second because as soon as she did, his mouth was on the inside of her thigh, kissing the soft skin there and making her body curl towards him now.
Blaise's hand left it's place and she looked to him and could only say "No, no..." begging again, imploring him to touch her there again. But it was his turn to move down, cup her other breast and bring his lips to it, ready to feast on the deliciously stiff, pink nipple on that side.
Then, as he took her in his mouth and she felt his tongue swirl around her flesh, at that moment Rem lowered his head between her legs, his hot lips pressing against hers and making her feel heaven there.
He worked his tongue up and down the length of her tight slit, leaving a hot, wet trail as he moved. Her hips bucked, her body trying to grind against him now but his hands shot up and steadied her. Blaise looked up.
"Easy does it now," he growled, "we're in charge."
Even if she had wanted to, she couldn't move as the two men anchored her even more firmly with their hands. She could only whimper helplessly at the feeling of Rem's tongue gliding up and down her opening, agonizingly slowly, each sweep of it pushing her closer to the bliss she'd tasted not long before.
Finally, after she'd thought it would never come, that they would keep her in that state all night, forever, she felt Rem's tongue run up, in between her folds and settle on a place that caused her thighs to shake around him. Blaise felt her body quivering and raised his head from where he'd been tending to her breast.
"Okay baby," he said, his voice husky, "are you ready?"
Ready for what? she thought, wondering what might happen next, but she didn't have to wonder long. Rem's tongue, pressing against the tight ball of flesh he'd found, began spinning slow circles around it, winding something up inside her, something she feared could not be wound much further without breaking. At that same moment she felt Blaise's hand take the place of Rem's on her thigh as Rem's travelled towards her core.