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Annabelle: An Erotic Western Spanking Menage (Doms of Destiny Trail Book 1)

Page 11

by Samantha Madisen

  Annabelle nodded, still taken aback by the seriousness of his tone. Rem shook his head and took the hand from his gun. "Annabelle, I don't mean to scare you, but I need to make sure you understand. You've got to say it for me. A gun is always loaded. Go on. Say it please."

  "A gun is always loaded!" Annabelle snapped, her hands exploding into a furious wave in front of him. "I heard you!"

  Rem took a step back and folded his arms over his chest. "Annabelle, I didn't mean for you to get upset..."

  "Well fine! Why do you have to say it like that?!?" she spun around and started walking back towards the other wagon. "I don't care about your stupid gun anyways!"

  Rem took a deep breath. "Annabelle," he said, staring at the ground but loudly enough that she could hear.

  "What?!?" she asked, spinning around. She set her hands on her hips and shot fiery daggers with her gaze.

  "Come back here please."


  As Annabelle stood facing Rem, the fury of her temper that had overwhelmed her began to ebb. She felt sheepish, getting angry about something so trite as Rem repeating something because he thought it important. But now that she'd succumbed to her temper and let it show in such an outburst, it was even harder to admit she'd been wrong to do it.

  "Why do men always have to speak that way to a woman? As if we're stupid?" she asked, taking the excuse of driving the point home to step closer to Rem as he'd asked.

  Rem kept his arms folded across his chest and looked at her squarely. "Annabelle, I would never say something like that..."

  "I'm not saying you..." Annabelle interrupted. Rem silenced her with a slight wave of his hand.

  "...nor would I even think it. Neither of us would. There might be men in the world that think that way but we're not among them. I have nothing but respect for you Annabelle, which is why I want to teach you the right way to carry and fire a gun. But the reason I said what I said, the reason I asked you to repeat it, was so that I would know for certain that you understood what it meant."

  The more he explained, the more embarrassed Annabelle felt about her outburst and the more sorry she was for it. She knew she should apologize, but the words wouldn't come.

  "What I did mean is that no matter if a gun's lying with the cylinder open and not a single bullet inside, I treat it like it's loaded."

  His further explanation only served to stoke the smouldering embers of her fury. "I know that's what you meant! You don't have to say it again!" Her shrill tone carried out over the plain. In the distance, thunder rumbled. Through the redness of her rage, she saw Blaise walking over slowly. She suddenly understood exactly what was coming.

  "That's all I wanted to hear you say, Annabelle," Rem said in a low voice as Blaise stepped up beside him.

  "Annabelle," Blaise asked, setting the supply crate he'd been carrying down on the ground and sitting on it. "Come over here please."

  Annabelle trembled, partly from what had just happened, partly in anticipation of what was to happen. Still, she had agreed to submit to them and she remembered it. As quick as her temper might have been, she was not a woman to go back on her word. She walked over to where Blaise was sitting and placed herself across his knee, lifting her own skirts in the process. She let him pull down her underwear and she clenched her jaw, bracing for his discipline.

  He spanked her hard this time. He took time between each hard smack of his hand, letting the pain of it sink deeper into her flesh before raising his hand again. She stiffened with each hard slap and soon the tears came to sting her eyes and run slowly down her cheeks. At ten she lost count and thought it probably best not to count anyways. She could see Rem's legs and the thought of him standing there, watching her humiliation made her face even redder than it had become.

  When Blaise finally finished, he set his large paw on her the same way he had before, to keep the heat in. They were silent for a while, in that position, until Blaise's hand drifted down her bottom, as she hoped it would, and he found her wet between the legs. She herself didn't know why her body reacted that way each time she was disciplined, but there wasn't a thing she could do about it.

  "Annabelle," Blaise said finally, his voice quiet and low. "You can stand up."

  She stood, pulling up her own underwear and straightening her dress. She couldn't bring herself to look at either of them.

  "Annabelle," Rem's voice was just as quiet as Blaise.

  She looked up and saw compassion in his eyes.

  "You were very good just then, submitting to Blaise the way you did."

  The compliment added another color to her confusion about how she felt.

  "We've got something special for you, something I think you'll enjoy. But we've got to pitch the tent first. And get some water. And learn how to fire a gun."

  She looked up at him and straightened her back. She liked these men that didn't give up even when she was being difficult. She liked them more every day.

  As Blaise got back to the matter of the tent, Rem explained carefully about the parts of a revolver, what each one did. He took the bullets out of his and showed her how to put them in, how to spin the cylinder to make sure it wasn't loaded and how best to stand when you meant to fire a gun. She did her best to listen patiently, though at times he said things more times than they needed to be said. But she supposed that if they were to have patience with her, she would do her best to extend the same courtesy to them as best she could.

  With the thunder rolling closer, Rem wanted to water the horses but he gave her the gun and made her show him everything he'd done and the way he'd done it. Then he made her shoot at a spot in the dirt. She did and the gun kicked back at her, but the next time she did it was better. By the third, she felt she might become quite good at it, given a chance to.

  "You're a natural," Rem said, looking at her with a smile.

  She smiled back out of the corner of her eye and did her best to take the compliment, though she didn't like those either.

  "Alright. Here's a holster," he said, unbuckling the one at his side and handing it to her. "That's your gun now. You take good care of it."

  Annabelle's eyes went wide with amazement as Rem buckled the holster around her and it rested against her side. She pushed the gun in gently and felt it settle easily into the worn leather, like it was at home. There was a swell of pride in her, at the fact the men would trust her with such a thing.

  "Would you go and get the water? Now you're ready, should there be danger, that is."

  Annabelle swept up the bucket beside the wagon, spun on her heel and started walking towards the river, trying to stifle the smile that threatened to betray how pleased she was at how it had all turned out. Though she had her back to Rem, she could feel that he was watching as she walked. That pleased her even more.

  Chapter 10

  The storm came slower than they thought it would and had mostly rained itself out by the time it got to them. Blaise said there was no sense to pack everything up just to ride in the last hour of daylight so Annabelle watched as the men built a fire. Mack and Tex headed out into the prairie to try to find a rabbit and Annabelle sat with Daisy-Lou.

  "I'm glad you're here," Daisy-Lou remarked as the two watched Rem and Blaise building the fire. "It'd be awful lonely if you weren't."

  "I'm glad to have you here too, Daisy," Annabelle said, putting a hand on her new friends arm. They sat in silence for a while, then Daisy-Lou turned to Annabelle again.

  "Can I ask you something?" Daisy-Lou asked quietly.

  "Sure thing," Annabelle replied sounding a little absent on account of staring at her men.

  "When you started your training, did it hurt?"

  Annabelle turned to her, a look of puzzlement on her face at what she might be asking. "What do you mean by training, Daisy?"

  Daisy-Lou turned her eyes down, as if shy at having to explain herself. When she looked back up, she couldn't bring herself to meet Annabelle's gaze, but looked past her instead. "I mean you rear."

  "My rear?" Annabelle asked, having some inkling of what the girl was talking about, but still not sure.

  "Haven't they begun yet?" Daisy-Lou asked, looking up at her now with big eyes.

  "Daisy, begun what? I'm not sure what you mean?"

  Daisy Lou waved her hands trying to lower the volume of Annabelle's voice and calm her at the same time. "I guess they haven't, since you're so confused." She sidled up to Annabelle and leaned even closer, cupping her hand over Annabelle's ear. "They both go inside you, you know? One goes in the front, the other in the rear."

  Annabelle finally understood what her friend was talking about. The memory of the men explaining to her that they would do just such a thing seemed distant and almost lost in everything that had happened since.

  "Yes, I know that..." Annabelle replied, trailing off and looking the other way.

  "Well, you know they don't just fit right away? Into your rear?"

  Annabelle shook her head. She hadn't given it much thought.

  "Well they don't. The hole's too tight. They have to train it to become bigger, so they can fit themselves in."

  "How do they do that?!?" Annabelle hissed, unable to believe what she was hearing.

  "They have plugs of all sizes, or at least Tex and Mack do. They always do it once I'm...excited. It goes in easier that way."

  Annabelle's eyes bulged as she thought of just how they might go about doing such a thing to her. "Maybe they won't need to do that with me," she said, frowning at the fact that Daisy-Lou had even brought it up.

  "Oh I think they will. You won't fit them otherwise."

  "Maybe..." Annabelle trailed off, contemplating the possibility. Oddly, it just made the ache in her middle come back, thinking about the men doing those things to her body.

  "Annabelle! Daisy-Lou!" Blaise's voice rang out from where they'd started a fire. Behind them, Annabelle saw Tex and Mack walking up from the river. Mack was carrying a rabbit. "Come on ladies! You've got to learn to do this sometime!" Blaise called out cheerfully as he waved them over.

  They all gathered around the rabbit. Blaise built a spit while the men showed Annabelle and Daisy-Lou how to skin the animal. But Annabelle could not concentrate on a thing they were saying. Her mind kept drifting back to the conversation she'd had with Daisy-Lou and wondering whether she was right, whether the men meant to do that to her and whether it did really hurt. Through the the dinner and around the campfire, she barely said a word and once she'd crawled into the tent at night, she lay curled up, pretending to be asleep. When the men crawled in and she felt them to be without clothes again, a shudder moved through her.

  "Annabelle, what's wrong? You've hardly said a word all evening? Are you feeling alright?" Blaise asked, resting a tender hand on her shoulder.

  "I'm fine," she answered curtly, adding "I'm just tired."

  "Annabelle," she heard Rem's voice as he pressed up behind her, "it's alright if you're tired but I have to say that Blaise is right, it seems like there's something else wrong."

  She suddenly felt quite trapped between the two of them, their questions just as imposing as their large frames.

  "Annabelle, if there's something else wrong, it's alright. You can tell us."

  The warmth in Rem's voice disarmed her and she felt her throat tighten as she fought back tears. After a few deep breaths, the feeling went away but she realized there was no sense in hiding her fear from the men. If they were to do it, they would do it one way or the other.

  "I'm...I'm scared," she whispered, finally, tucking her face towards the pillow.

  "Scared of what, Annabelle? We're here? There's nothing to be scared of!"

  "That's it," she whimpered, "I'm scared of you!"

  "Why would you be scared of us?" Blaise asked from the other side.

  "Because you're going to train me!" she blurted, hiding her eyes in the pillow for a second before coming out again and adding, "And Daisy-Lou said it hurts!"

  She listened to the silence, hoping she'd be able to gauge the men's reactions by the noises that they made. At least they didn't laugh or make fun of her. After a time, she felt Blaise touch her arm again as Rem spoke.

  "That's silly. We'd never do anything to hurt you. In fact, that's what we wanted to give you tonight. You remember when we told you we had something special for you? This was it. We were going to give you your first plug."

  Her body tensed at the word and she tried to pull the pillow further down so it covered her whole head. After a while like that, with the men saying nothing, she slowly pulled her knees up, raising her bottom until it was as high in the air as she could get it. She moved the pillow out of the way just long enough to say, "Fine! Get it over with!"

  A silence hung in the tent until she felt Blaise lie down beside her. He didn't move. He didn't speak. Neither of the men did anything and finally, her curiosity getting the better of her, she lifted the pillow, just enough to be able to see out with one eye. Blaise was looking at her with kind eyes.

  "That's not quite how it works," he said softly.

  The words made her feel better right away. "It's not?" she asked softly, peeking out from the pillow a bit further.

  "It's not," Rem said behind her. "And if you'll let us, we'll show you it's a lot more fun than you think." She began to let herself sink back down onto the ground but Rem's powerful hands held her up by the hips. "Oh, you can stay just like that," he said, his voice husky and low as his hand moved between her legs. She felt her arms pushing against the ground and her body rising as Rem's fingers found the soft folds of her flesh. She moaned and tried to sway back and forth, trying to feel her pleasure sooner. She was rewarded with a terse smack.

  "Annabelle," Rem growled, "you've got to remember, we're in charge."

  The sharp sting of the pain helped still her but it wasn't the only thing that did so. Though she'd only been with the men for a short time, Annabelle had already discovered the thrill of relinquishing her control and placing it in the men's strong hands. Though she'd been shy of it at first, she was starting to believe that these men held her happiness above everything else. It was becoming easier to trust them, even in these most intimate situations.

  She steadied herself, her head resting back on the pillow, her bottom exposed high in the air. Rem's fingers plied at her now moist folds and she clenched her fists and let out a quiet moan as he approached the spot where she felt it most.

  Blaise had gotten up from where he'd been lying and moved to a corner of the tent where she couldn't see him. When he crawled back, she noticed a pointed thing in his hand. Fear trickled through her arousal, heightening it somewhat, to her surprise, at the thought that this was probably the thing that would end up in her rear. She felt her whole body tighten at the notion.

  Rem must have felt it too. The movement of his hand slowed and his fingers left the spot they'd been caressing, the place that made her quake and tremble with pleasure. Slowly, he pushed her folds apart. She felt herself quite soaked now and his fingers slid into her easily. She moaned again and her whole body arched as he pushed his two thick fingers into the dark heat of her tunnel. She resisted the urge to rear onto him, though her body craved for nothing else.

  Then, as his fingers moved slowly along her walls, exciting her even more, she suddenly felt the heat of his breath on the tight opening at her rear. Her body tensed again, unsure of what would happen next but as soon as his lips touched the soft skin around her bottom hole, she melted back into a heat filled bliss. As his strong tongue coaxed her open, Annabelle moaned.

  Once again every thought, every space in her mind was in between her legs and now behind them as Rem's mouth worked at her gently. The wetness from it came trickling down the thin line of flesh between her two openings and she soon felt herself trying to push herself back against him again. To drive his fingers deeper and to open even further for his tongue. When his mouth left that place she gasped and wanted to beg him that he put it back and bring her to finish that way. But more
enticing than her desire to feel him again, was the feeling of letting him play with her however he pleased.

  When Blaise touched her shoulder, her eyes opened to see him lying next to her.

  "Come on beautiful, let me in," he whispered. She lifted a leg and let him slide under her and soon she was mounted on him. She felt the head of his cock touch her soft entrance. Immediately she spread her legs, trying to sink onto the rock hard shaft and satisfy her craving for him. Rem's hand quickly found her ass and he smacked it three times in quick succession. She yelped in pain, but knew that she'd been bad and deserved his punishment. "That's better," Blaise said from beneath her as she held herself exactly in place. He put his hands on her hips and the feeling of it made her quiver. They were so strong and she was powerless to resist once he started moving her closer. His cock lingered at her now sopping pussy, driving her wild with desire.

  She opened her eyes and looked at Blaise, anguish in her eyes and whispered, "Please?"

  "That's a good girl," Blaise replied, moving her back and forth and letting her slit slide down his shaft as a reward. "I like it when you say please. Now tell me what it is you want?"

  Annabelle whimpered as she felt the tight nub of her clit rub over the head of his cock. What did he want her to say? "Please, I want you to be inside of me..." she said softly, blushing as soon as she heard the words leave her mouth.

  "Tell me you'd like me to fuck your pussy, Annabelle," Blaise said, his eyes searching hers for her reaction.

  Heat flooded through her at the what he'd said. She was not the kind of girl that swore. But her body was screaming for the feeling of his thick, hard shaft inside her. She was dripping onto him and thought that if he didn't move inside her she might go crazy. He slid her along the length of his cock again, causing her tremble at the feeling of how slick she'd made him. She blurted the words, desperate for his love. "Please fuck my pussy!" she pleaded, clawing at him as he let her slide across him again, touching her clit for a second before sliding her back. "Please Blaise, please fuck me, please fuck my pussy," she begged, losing all sense of her propriety or anything but the hard flesh flexing between her legs.


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