A Question of Pedigree
Page 25
There was a polite ‘do not disturb’ silence as the door closed. Each was wrapped in personal thoughts. The striking events of the day impacted on their cherished world of dog lovers and the camaraderie of the shows. Yes, they all gossiped a bit, not always in the kindest of ways, but that was no more than part of the fun. Part of the self-inflicted misery of show time. Gossip and rumour sometimes acted as a consolation for failure, or as a safety valve in the busy and at times stressful world they happily chose to inhabit. In truth, whatever they thought, none of them would give up the life. Not even if all that they had heard today was proved true. The world of doggie love and well-being would survive such aberrations. The death of Graveney had been a horrid affair. Now it was at an end. The virus had been removed. Such was their dedication that talk did turn to ways of making sure that neither Kem’s nor X3’s dogs came to any harm. There was expertise enough among them to see to that.
As he closed the door, Nigel Grant felt a glow of pleasure. The day had ended well. They knew about the article and its purpose. Also, how the desired readership was ensured. There was evidence – soon to be more – on how the dog-switch plot was carried through and, the vital bit, how the killing had been done. All to help speed Bannister on his way. Content with these outcomes, he turned to his caller.
All roads were flowing normally. The lights at the waterworks were in proper order. The men and women were on their way back from London. None injured by stones, sticks or flying bottles. Good news. Then the voice deepened. The gist was simple. The message one he feared. Oh no! Not again! A body had been found. That of a girl. Answering the description … and so on. That chill! He loathed it for itself. He detested it as a feature of the life he had chosen to lead. He dreaded, as always, the effect on the family of the found one. The misery of uncertainty may be over in that the search was concluded; the deeper misery of speculation over the last hours of life? Never.
Depressed, he couldn’t face final adieux. He would apologise to Simon at some suitable time. He set out on his funereal way.
“Strange? He’s gone. Must have been urgent.” Simon had come to see if it was clear for his guests to leave. He found the corridor empty. “Off you all go, then. Many thanks for coming, and again for all your support.”
“See you at the next show?” asked Janice. His face gave her his answer. Dad’s training or not, he had had his fill for a while of the dog show world.
“Good luck to you all. Just a chance I may pop into Crufts, now the field’s wide open, to find out which of you makes Best in Show.”
“Not with Agnes Thorpe,” were the last words he heard, as in a chorus from the five departing breeders. He closed the door behind him, case over, and turned happily to the prospect of the rest of the day in the company of Althea Gibbons. Among all the songs that had run through his head, as this Saturday approached a new beginning, ‘Alice where art thou’ was nowhere to be heard.
It’s a dog’s life
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