Hagen, Lynn - Montana's Vamp [Brac Pack 16] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)

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Hagen, Lynn - Montana's Vamp [Brac Pack 16] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove) Page 5

by Lynn Hagen

  “All done, you’re in the normal range. Now go tear the sheets up.” Nicholas laughed.

  Gabby grabbed on to Montana when his wolf stood quickly and ran from the examination room. They flew down the hall and through open the bedroom door. Montana kicked it closed as he ran toward the bed.

  He squealed when Montana tossed him on the bed. “No rushing this time.”

  “Okay.” Gabby nodded as he pulled his shoes and jeans off.

  “Shirt, too.”

  Gabby shook his head. “I’m fat.”

  Montana growled, raking his eyes over Gabby. “You’re not fat. Now get it off before I rip it off.”

  Would he really? Gabby pulled his shirt off and quickly got under the sheets, pulling them to his chin.

  Montana was having none of that. He yanked the sheet to the floor, his eyes growing darker. “Damn, you look good enough to eat.”

  “More like a supersized meal, huh?” Gabby laughed nervously. He turned over onto his side, trying his best to cover his midsection.

  Montana crawled onto the bed and tossed the bottle of lube on the bed next to them. “Not fat.”

  Gabby felt his skin heat. “Okay,” he said shyly. He had been told just how fat he was by the other vampires in his coven when they snuck in to see him. They always looked repulsed when he took his clothes off. Gabby soon learned to keep his shirt on to hide how he looked.

  Gabby watched as Montana moved his hands away and bent down to kiss his belly. “Tasty.” Gabby was shocked that Montana was going anywhere near it. Could he really think that Gabby wasn’t fat?

  Gabby moaned when his mate went even lower. “Wait, wait, wait.” Was he crazy? Montana popped his lips off of Gabby’s cock, staring up at him as if he were. What did he want to say? Oh, yeah.

  “I know a trick. Can I show you?” Gabby tried to still his beating heart. Montana had been doing a pretty good job of making him forget his own name. And considering this was his first blowjob on the receiving end, he must be nuts to stop him.

  Montana rolled onto his back spreading his body wide. “Show me.” He wiggled his brows as he smiled down at him.

  Now was definitely not the time to become shy. Gabby bit his bottom lip as he crawled over Montana’s legs and got comfortable between them. “Let me know if you don’t like it.” He glanced up at his mate from under his lashes.

  “I’m sure I’ll like it.” Montana pulled his lip up in a half smile, and Gabby’s brain short circuited. His mate ran his hand over Gabby’s spikes, and Gabby was eating up the attention. He leaned in for a moment, soaking up all the attention Montana was giving him.

  Okay, he could do this. Gabby grabbed the base of Montana’s huge cock. He stared at it for a moment like it was an alien. Could he really do this? He’d never seen anyone with such a large bulbous head before. He prayed he didn’t make a big fool of himself.

  “Watch the teeth, pumpkin.”

  If he only knew. Gabby took a deep breath. He swept his tongue over the pearly drops glistening at the eye, the taste melting his insides. Montana was delicious. Gabby secured his lips over the head, swiping his tongue around, eliciting a moan from his mate.

  Montana’s legs pulled up, his back arched, and he rubbed Gabby’s hair. Gabby looked up. The wolf had his eyes closed, hissing out air between clenched teeth. Now was a good time to show the man his trick.

  Fear gripped him. What if Montana got mad at him? He did hate vampires after all. Swallowing his fear and pulling his bravado from deep within, Gabby opened his mouth and bit down on the large vein running the length of Montana’s cock.

  “Agh!” Montana came off of the bed, his seed shot down Gabby’s throat, and he choked to swallow all of it.

  “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” Montana shouted. Gabby sealed the wound, praying he was reading Montana’s reaction correctly. He suckled for a little while longer, for the pleasure and to stall. Gabby stole glances up at Montana, but his mate had his eyes closed.

  “Get up here, fireball,” Montana commanded gruffly.

  Gabby gulped, not sure how to read his mate. He just met him after all. “I’m sorry.” He got to his knees, fear making it impossible for him to move. Gabby worried his hands, unsure if Montana was going to thank him or hit him.

  “Now, pumpkin.” Montana was breathing heavily. Gabby crossed his fingers and crawled on all fours up to the head of the bed. Once again he rested on his knees, flinching when Montana opened his eyes.

  “I promise to never do that again.”

  Montana rolled over, pinning Gabby beneath him. His mate’s face was too dark to read. Was that anger?

  “That’s a promise you are going to break, time and time again, pumpkin.” Montana growled then kissed Gabby like he mattered, like he wasn’t just someone satisfying a need. Gabby cried out and wrapped his arms around his wolf. Montana wanted him.

  Gabby pulled his legs to his chest, Montana sliding wetted fingers inside of him. He writhed and moaned, clenching his ass to suck up those long and thick fingers.

  “Wherever you learned that trick, sign me up for the classes.” Montana chuckled. “That had to be the best blow job I’ve ever had.”

  “Really, you liked it? You’re not just saying that to placate me? You really enjoyed it—” Montana smothered Gabby’s mouth with his. Gabby forgot what he was saying, his body coming alive for the first time during sex. His hands shot above his head, grabbing the headboard as Montana prepared him.

  Montana broke the kiss. “I really enjoyed it.”

  Gabby moaned when Montana removed his fingers. He tried to roll over, but his wolf stopped him. “Where are you going, fireball?”

  “On my hands and knees, where I’m always supposed to be.” Every time he had sex, it was in this position. Why was Montana questioning it? Sure, he was on his back when he was claimed, but Montana wasn’t in his right mind then. He would be now. Nobody wanted to see his fat when they fucked him. Why would Montana be any different? He was more gorgeous than any man he had ever met, so he surely didn’t want to see Gabby on his back.

  Montana laid a hand on Gabby’s chest. “Stay on your back.”

  Gabby bit his lip and nodded. Montana wanted to look at him. He actually wanted to. Gabby’s fought the tears. He was not going to cry like a baby while being fucked. No, sir.

  But Montana wanted him.

  Gabby’s heart soared as Montana entered him. This was the happiest he had been in one hundred and twelve years. He wrapped his legs around his wolf, arched his back, and hissed as Montana drove into him.

  “I never thought I would say this, but damn, your fangs are hot as hell.” Montana lifted Gabby’s legs, pushing them all the way back, and thrust deep. Gabby moaned, rocking his head from side to side.

  “You should have seen them when I had braces,” Gabby breathed out.

  Montana stilled. “Vampires wear braces?”

  “No, we are not having this conversation while your dick is in my ass. Move it, Tanny.” Gabby used an assertive tone, something he never did, but Montana was driving him nuts, and he didn’t want his mate to stop.

  “Pushy bottom.” Montana growled and jetted into him. Gabby lost all ability to hear, think, or speak. That last one was enough to win his heart. He was being fucked speechless.

  “Come for me, pumpkin.” Montana grabbed Gabby’s cock, thrusting and pumping, taking Gabby to new heights. No one ever worried about him getting his orgasm. Gabby pulled at the headboard, arched up, and cried out, his seed spilling for his wolf.

  “Hell, yeah.” Montana pounded into his ass, pushing Gabby’s legs further back, then shouted. His hips moved as fast as sound waves. At least it felt that way. Gabby was going to be walking funny for the next week.

  “Oh, hell, fireball.” Montana dropped next to Gabby, a big smile on his face as he pulled Gabby into his arms. “Oh, hell.”

  Gabby peeked around the kitchen, making sure no one was watching him. When he deemed the coast clear, he filled a freezer bag full of ice a
nd shoved it down the back of his pants. Ahhhh. That felt so much better. Montana was going to fuck him into oblivion if he kept it up. He walked with his legs slightly apart as he made his way back to their room.

  “Are you okay?”

  Gabby stilled. Crap, he’d almost gotten away with it. He pasted a smile on his face and turned around. “Yeah, sure. I’m fine, no problem. I’m just going to go to my room and read a book. Well, ice—I mean nice talking with you.” Gabby ran from Blair, the bag slipping down the back of his pant leg.

  He almost made it to his room when that heavenly scent hit him again. No! Fight it, Gabby. He shook his head, trying to clear the fog that was pulling him under. Gabby whimpered. Just a small taste wouldn’t hurt.

  “Hi, I’m Melonee.”

  Gabby turned to see the little girl standing in the hallway, smiling at him.

  Just one little taste.

  Montana woke to an empty bed. His hand skidded across the sheets, but the bed was empty. Now where was his Gabby?

  When he noticed the sun, he began to panic. Tossing back the covers, he pulled a pair of pajama pants on and raced from the room. “Gabby!” he shouted as he raced down the hallway.

  “What’s wrong?” Johnny asked as Montana ran by him.

  He skidded to a halt, glancing up and down the hallway. “Have you seen Gabby?”

  Johnny shook his head but stared walking alongside Montana. “I’ll help you look.”

  A horrific thought occurred to Montana. He raced to Melonee’s room, but no one was in there. Damn it. Montana slapped his hands on top of his bald head. He had to think.

  Her playroom!

  “Come on.” They both took off to the playroom on the first floor. There was a daybed in there just in case Melonee ever wanted to take a nap. Montana skidded to a halt when he spotted Melonee lying belly down on the floor. Please, no.

  He stumbled into the room, pure terror filling him. He approached her slowly, praying with everything in him that she was okay.

  “Do you want a cup of tea?”

  Montana breathed out a relieved breath at her sing-song voice. She was okay, Gabby hadn’t harmed her. Who was she talking to?

  “Princess, who are you talking to?” Montana asked as he stepped closer, squatting down next to her.

  “Gabby.” She pointed under the bed.

  Montana dropped down to his knees and lifted the comforter slightly. Gabby hissed. He pushed himself further back to the wall, covering his face.

  Montana crawled under the bed, even though it was a very tight fit. “Not bad under here, a little dusty.”

  Gabby uncovered his eyes and smiled once the darkness was back in place. “Hi.”

  Montana watched the amusement twinkle in Gabby’s eyes. His heart beat once more for him and then left him. Gabby now had it in his hands, owned it. “Come here often?”

  Gabby giggled. “Once in a blue moon, you?”

  “Only when a hot guy is under here, so this would be my first time.”

  Gabby jaw hit his chest, “You think I’m hot?” Montana watched as Gabby pinched himself. “Ow.”

  “Hot as the fireball on your head.” Montana pushed Gabby further back, using his body to block out the rays. “Now why did you pinch yourself?”

  Gabby’s smile was from ear to ear. “You don’t want to know.”

  “I’ll buy you a drink, and we can talk about it.” Montana was enjoying himself. Gabby was the most gorgeous creature he had ever seen, and with a sense of humor. Talk about total package.

  “Hey, princess?”

  “Yes?” Melonee answered from above them.

  “Can you hand me the blanket on your bed?” Montana reached behind him and grabbed the fabric, trying his best to spread it out on the floor.

  “Hop on.” He patted the comforter.

  Gabby scooted onto it, and Montana wrapped him like a burrito. “Okay, let’s blow this Popsicle stand.” He scooted from under the bed, pulling his mate along with him. When he cleared the daybed, he pulled Gabby into his arms.

  “Thanks, princess.”

  She beamed up at him. “You’re welcome.”

  Montana walked briskly from the playroom and up the steps. He laid his mate on their bed then made sure the blankets covering their windows was secure. “Okay, unroll yourself.”

  Gabby kicked until he was free.

  “Explain.” Before Gabby could take a breath, Melonee shimmered into their room.

  Chapter Five

  “Uh, princess, would you mind telling Uncle Montana how you just did that?”

  Gabby agreed. He wanted to know, too, because all he could do was sit there with his mouth hanging wide open. Had she really just shimmered into the bedroom?

  “I don’t know. I was afraid Gabby would get into trouble, so I was thinking about him, and now here I am.” She looked around confused.

  Gabby watched her as Montana pulled his cell phone out. “Uh, Maverick, can you come to my room? Yeah, it’s important. I don’t care if you and Cecil…just get here.”

  “Am I in trouble?” Melonee asked with a shaky voice and watery eyes.

  Montana knelt before her, drying her tears. “No, princess. But Maverick needs to know so…heck if I know why.”

  Maverick came through the door, looked at Gabby then at Melonee, his eyes questioning. Gabby shrugged and pointed at the little girl. “Ask Houdini.”

  Maverick frowned as he looked at Gabby. “What are you talking about?”

  Gabby took a deep breath. “I’m not going to lie. I ran into her last night and the aroma was too much.” Maverick growled, but Gabby ignored him. “I fought it, though.” He beamed up at Montana, who smiled gently at him.

  “That’s my pumpkin.” Montana cupped the side of Gabby’s face and then leaned into it, basking in the fact that this hot hunk wanted him.

  Maverick huffed. “Can we finish the explanation before you two play leapfrog?”

  Gabby looked back at the Alpha. “When we got to her playroom we, uh…”

  “Played teatime,” Melonee added cheerfully. Gabby blushed. He was busted now. Everyone was going to make fun of him. What grown man plays teatime with a little girl? He couldn’t help it. She was adorable as she set the stuffed animals up and poured her imaginary tea. Who could resist something like that?

  He could tell Maverick and Montana were biting back grins. He shot daggers at his mate but continued. “Anyway, I wasn’t paying attention to the time, fell asleep on the carpet with Melonee, and next thing I knew the sun was burning my skin. Melonee pushed me under the bed and pulled the blanket down to cover the underside. She’s my hero.” Gabby gave Melonee thumbs up. “So then I was stuck under there for like hours until sleeping beasty here found me, and about time I might add. Do you know how many dust bunnies live under there? Too many, that’s how many. Anyway, Montana rolled me up like a burrito and brought me up here, and then Melonee got all sparkly and then appeared.”

  Maverick blinked. “I like you.” He smiled, and Gabby blushed. At least he knew he had one friend here, besides Melonee.

  The large Alpha knelt down to Melonee, a reassuring smile on his face. “Are we taking magic carpet rides now, princess?”

  Melonee’s head shook back and forth as her arms spread out at her sides. “I don’t know how I did it, honest.”

  Maverick ran his hand over her wayward brown tendrils. “I believe you. Can you tell me what you think happened?”

  “I can,” a dark voice said from behind all of them.

  Maverick swung around, blocking Melonee from whomever was clever enough to get past his Sentries and the security cameras. He stilled when he saw the most beautiful man he’d ever seen before. On second thought, second most beautiful. No one outranked Cecil.

  But the man was elegant in form. He was slender and tall. His hair a golden color, the top half pulled back in a leather thong. Maverick could tell he was a man, barely. His body seemed delicate, dainty.

  “Who the hell are you?�
� Maverick snarled then looked down. “Sorry, Melonee.”

  She nodded and then grabbed Maverick’s hand. He looked back up at the intruder.

  “I am Carter. Sentinel to the Wood Elven tribe, and that is not Melonee. She is Avantiana.” The stranger bowed to Melonee. “We have been searching for you for a very long time, young one.”

  Maverick pulled Melonee further behind him, shielding her from this fairy looking guy. “Well, keep searching. Melonee isn’t going anywhere. And what the hell kind of name is Carter for an elf?” Maverick smirked.

  “Elven and I am not three feet tall,” the man corrected snidely. “Her parents were murdered, and she was taken. I will return her to her rightful home.”

  “The hell you will. Take one step near her and I’ll—” Maverick covered Melonee’s ears. “Cut your balls off.” He whispered the last part then released her head.

  Carter threw his hands up in the air, giving a snort as he glared at Maverick. “Oh hell, enough with the diplomatic crap, how the hell did you find her?”

  Maverick tilted his head sideways. Did his mate slip something into his Chai tea this morning? Cecil had to have. This was just too damn Twilight Zone-ish. “Why should I tell you?”

  “Let me guess, smarty pants.” Carter glanced down at Melonee and smiled. “Vampires have been attacking more and more. Her blood is sweet to the nostrils? She just shimmered for the first time, alerting every elven creature of her whereabouts. Hmm? Am I close?” He glanced back up at Maverick, an irritating smugness crossing his face.

  Maverick growled. There was no way in hell anyone was taking his princess from him. Not even an elf. “You remind me of someone I’d love to choke to death. You didn’t hit the freezer first before you popped in, did you?”

  Carter flipped Maverick off. Maverick lunged, and Carter shimmered out and reappeared right next to Melonee. He quirked a brow. “I was only being nice, shifter. If I really wanted to take Avantiana, it would be this simple.” Carter shimmered out, Melonee with him.


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