Hagen, Lynn - Montana's Vamp [Brac Pack 16] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)

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Hagen, Lynn - Montana's Vamp [Brac Pack 16] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove) Page 6

by Lynn Hagen

  “No!” Maverick shouted. His heart seized in his chest as his windpipe closed up around his throat. It became impossible to breathe. Not his Melonee. No.

  “Relax.” Carter chuckled from behind them. “I’m not that big of a jerk. You obviously care for her.”

  Maverick’s heart began to beat again. He could feel his anger hitting the roof. If he could manage to get his hands on this fucking fairy, he was going to choke him within an inch of his life. “Do that again and I’ll…Cover her ears.”

  Carter covered Melonee’s ears.

  “Kick your ass all the way back to the elf factory. Grab me some damn cookies before you shimmer your ass back here, too.”

  Carter threw his head back and gave a hearty laugh. “I like you.”

  “Taken already, now give me back my princess.” Maverick held his hand out, and Melonee ran to him. Carter had let her go. Was this some sort of trick? Was he allowing Maverick a false sense of security? He didn’t like this one bit. He and Cecil had pretty much adopted her. She belonged to them, damn it.

  “We need to talk.” Carter rubbed his chin as he stared down at Melonee then looked up at Maverick. “I think we can come to some sort of compromise.”

  Maverick crossed his arms over his chest, not liking this one bit indeed. “I highly doubt it. I don’t want her summers only.”

  Carter nodded with a jerk of his head. “Not joint custody. Shifters really are stupid.” He rolled his eyes as if the Alpha was really that dumb.

  “My office,” he snapped at Carter then turned to Melonee. “Can you take us there, princess?” Maverick smiled down as his little lady.

  Melonee shrugged, scrunched her eyes closed, and the two began to shimmer out.

  “Later.” Carter waved at Montana and Gabby.

  Gabby pinched his arm. “Ouch.”

  Montana shook his head.”What the hell just happened here?” He looked down at his pumpkin and then back up to where all three had just disappeared. This was some freaky shit.

  For once, Gabby was at a loss for words. He just sat there with his mouth hanging open, rubbing the area he had just pinched.

  Montana turned when Ludo knocked on their open door. “Hey, I thought Maverick was in here.”

  Montana nodded and pointed to the empty space. “He was, and then he went—”

  “Poof.” Gabby splayed his fingers out and up for emphasis. “Sparkled right out of here.”

  Ludo bent his head as he studied Gabby, a brow slowly climbing. “Your blood sugar high?”

  Montana crossed the room as he scratched his bald head. He answered Ludo as he sat on the side of the bed and pulled Gabby into his arms. “You’ll see.”

  Now Ludo was staring strangely at both of them. “Can I speak with you a moment?”

  Montana kissed Gabby on his head, looked over his shoulder to make sure the windows were blacked out, and then closed the door behind him. He stepped into the hallway. “What’s up?”

  “Maribel. She’s escaped the catacombs. I don’t know how. Maverick had silver in those shackles.” Ludo growled.

  “Let’s go see Maverick.” Montana popped his head around his bedroom door.

  “I’m going downstairs. You need anything, pumpkin?”

  “No, thank you anyway.” Gabby had lain down and curled up on their bed. He pulled the sheet over him and closed his eyes.

  Montana looked at his mate a moment longer. He was being a little too quiet. The shock of what just happened was understandable, but Gabby seemed a little…off. “I’ll be right back.”

  He closed the door, and then the two warriors made their way downstairs. “Hey, Johnny, can you go keep Gabby company?”

  “Sure.” Johnny ran up the stairs.

  “What the hell do you mean, use our forest?” Maverick was snarling at Carter when Ludo and Montana entered the office.

  He looked around the office, but Melonee was nowhere in sight. Maverick must have asked the other warriors to guard her. The Alpha wouldn’t take chances with her. After the magic trick upstairs, he wasn’t sure even the Sentries could help.

  “Just what I said.” Carter crossed his long, elegant arms over his chest. For an ethereal creature, he sure didn’t act like it. Weren’t elves supposed to be meek and soft spoken? That’s how they were in the movies.

  “No fucking way. I’m not opening my home to a bunch of creatures who think they are above us.” Maverick threw his booted feet up onto his desk, crossed his ankles, and laid his hands on his abdomen. “I don’t care about a war between you and the Shadow Elves. Your business. Not mine. What the hell is a Shadow Elven anyway?”

  Montana took a seat. He wanted to know this just as well.

  “They live in a watery marshland. But lately, for some reason, they have been infiltrating out forests. They’ve killed off half our population. We need a refuge, and you have plenty of space,” Carter bit out as he pointed accusingly at the Alpha. “Are you that coldhearted that you would let an entire race be wiped out?”

  Maverick laughed darkly, making Montana think twice about pissing the guy off. “And bring your drama here? Hell yeah.”

  Montana thought he was hard-nosed. Hell, Maverick had him beat hands down. “Might I make a suggestion?” He normally didn’t interfere with other people’s business, but since meeting Gabby, he now had a new perspective on anyone in dire need of protection.

  Maverick turned his head in Montana’s direction, a sparkle of mischief in his eyes. “By all means.”

  “There is the land between Brac territory and the Eastern pack.” It was a reasonable amount of space. It all depended on how many elven creatures there were though.

  “See, he knows how to compromise.” Carter pointed at Montana as he looked hopelessly at Maverick. “Why can’t you do the same?”

  “Don’t put me in this shit. It was only a suggestion.” Montana put his hands up in a surrender gesture. He liked living here. Maverick wasn’t going to kick him out thinking he sided with the fudge cookie maker.

  Maverick pulled his bottom lip in, chewing on it as he stared at Carter. Montana was glad he was on the Alpha’s side. He knew for a fact Maverick wasn’t anyone to play with. The shifter was the largest Timber wolf born. He may be badass, but he wasn’t suicidal. He and his mate needed a place to live.

  “So basically your telling me that I can keep my princess if I give you land? That’s low.” Maverick growled. “I don’t think using her in a trade bargain is gaining any favor with me.”

  Carter blew out a breath and dropped in the leather chair across from Maverick’s desk. “You would have kept her anyway. What does she have to go back to? A war? It’s not safe there for her. She has no living relatives. So no, that’s not what I’m saying.”

  Maverick pulled on his soul patch. “Five hundred acres, not an acre more.”


  Montana had a feeling he just watched the Devil and the Demon from the primal source shake hands. He wasn’t sure which one was which yet.

  Gabby stared at the cards he had in his hands. He wasn’t sure what he was doing. Johnny—he found out the blond man’s name—along with Keata and Nero, tried to explain the rules, but he was confused as hell.

  His hand slid across the carpet, snagging a pretzel, and quickly shoved it into his mouth.

  “Hey, you’re supposed to bet with those, not eat them.” Johnny wiggled a finger at him, reached into the bag, and tossed a few more on Gabby’s pile.

  “I’m hungry,” Gabby whined. With everything that had been going on, he hadn’t had a chance to eat. He felt sweaty, and his hands were shaking slightly.

  “It’s still light out. You can’t go downstairs,” Johnny reminded him.

  Like he couldn’t figure that out. Montana had placed the blackout curtains up, but Gabby could feel the sun high in the sky. It was something all vampires could do. He guessed it was nature’s way of protecting them.

  “Maybe we could get him one of those crinkly silver suits the fi
remen wear. Yeah, that would do. It would,” Nero suggested.

  “He can wear blanket,” Keata piped in.

  “Come on, let’s go eat.” Johnny grabbed the blanket from off of the bed, throwing it over Gabby’s head.

  “Hey, can I stand first? If I try to get up now, I might fall over. Although I heal pretty fast, it would still hurt. Let me toss one on your head and see how fast you can get up. It’s not easy you know, especially with how hungry I am.”

  Johnny tilted his head and smiled. “I like you.”

  “We could all get under it. We could.” Nero pulled the blanket up with his blue latex covered hand. “This is clean, right?”

  “I guess.” Gabby shrugged. He moved over as Johnny and Keata joined them.

  “Ready?” Johnny asked.

  “No.” Gabby didn’t think this was a good idea. What if they fell and the blanket came off of them? He wouldn’t burst into flames, but man, would it hurt. He couldn’t bring himself to point this out. He had friends, something he never had before. If they thought it would work, then he would try it.

  They took the steps very slowly, huddled together as they walked down to the kitchen.

  “Hi.” Melonee giggled as she shimmered under the blanket. All four of them screamed. She had caught them off guard. Gabby slammed a hand over his mouth, her smell driving him wild. He didn’t fall into a fog this time, but his salivary glands were working overtime with her this close to him.

  He shot out from under the blanket and then screamed again, the bright afternoon lights instantly making his skin blister. Gabby ran in circles, disoriented and panicky. His hands swinging wildly around as he ran around in circles.

  “Pumpkin!” Montana called out, but Gabby was hysterical by now. His arms were flying around, tears ran down his cheeks, and his skin felt as though it were peeling from his body.

  A blanket was tossed over him. He felt someone pick him up, and the contact was agonizing. He cried out, but whoever had him wouldn’t let him go.

  The blanket was torn from his head moments later. Gabby blinked. Even his eyelids hurt, so he smashed them shut.

  “Doc, he’s badly burned.” He heard his mate talking. All Gabby could do was sit there whimpering.

  “On it, give him an infusion of blood.”

  Skin was pressed against Gabby’s mouth. He shrank back. He may have been out of it when Montana fed him by the den, or when they mated, but the idea still repulsed him.

  “Drink or I’m going to spank you.”

  Gabby opened his mouth, and the skin surrounding his lips pulled tight as it burned. He pressed his fangs into Montana’s skin, the sweet tasting blood poured down his throat. Gabby drank greedily. He could feel the healing begin already.

  When vampires were injured, a fresh supply of blood triggered the healing properties in their tissues. They could still die though. What living organism couldn’t?

  “He’s beginning to heal already,” the doctor commented in amazement.

  The skin around Gabby’s eyes stopped burning, so he opened them. Montana was staring at him with lust in his eyes. Gabby smiled up at him around Montana’s wrist.

  Montana winked at him as he chuckled. “Uh, Doc, can we have a moment?”

  “You’re kidding, right?” Gabby’s eyes shot over to the doctor’s. He was standing there with his jaw on his chest. “He has second-degree burns.”

  Gabby drew in a few more times then released Montana’s wrist, sealing the wound with his tongue. “I’m feeling much better now.” He stared up at Montana dreamily. Lust was coursing through his body, making his cock rock hard and his hole aching to be filled.

  “Go now or witness. Your choice,” Montana warned the doctor as he pulled Gabby’s shoes off.

  Gabby prayed the Doc left. He wasn’t into exhibitionism. The man mumbled under his breath but left the exam room. He breathed a sigh of relief. No one was going to see his fat ass but Montana. But that was okay. Montana seemed to like his fat ass.

  “Can you do this?” Montana looked as though he was barely containing his lust. Gabby nodded and scooted off of the table. He pulled his jeans down and then turned, leaning over the exam table. His cock nudged against the table, but Gabby was oblivious to anything and everything except the ache in his ass, the need to be filled. It would have been better if he had been fed and fucked at the same time, but he was still horny as all get out.

  “Fuck me,” he begged as he wiggled his ass around.

  Montana growled, pushed his jeans to his knees, and lifted Gabby up and onto his belly. “Hell, you’re almost healed.”

  Gabby hissed when Montana reached over to the counter and grabbed something, tore it open, and then squeezed it onto Gabby’s crack. He tried to lift his right leg, but his pants prevented it. He ground his cock into the white paper that was spread out across the table, dying for some sort of release. He whimpered, wanting Montana buried deep inside of him.

  “Hold still.” Montana pulled his right shoe off, pulled his right pant leg off, and then pushed his right leg up onto the table. “God, that looks so fucking good.”

  Gabby dug his nails into the table when his hole was stretched to fullness, Montana entering him. He slung his ass in the air, wanting Montana deeper. Gabby swished his hips around, rocking up and down, fucking his wolf’s cock.

  Gabby pushed up, getting onto both knees. He swiveled his hips around, dropped his head, and groaned. Montana grabbed his hips, and then held still. “Fuck me, fireball. That’s it, baby.”

  Gabby rocked back, pulled forward, feeling the cock pushing in and out of his hole. Montana filled him to where he felt every move. His prostate was caressed every time he pushed back. Gabby found a rhythm, hissing and keening, lost in the carnal lust coursing through him.

  His legs spread wider, and he pushed back harder, picking up his pace. “Oh god, fuck me.”

  Montana took over, digging his nails into Gabby’s hips, pulling him back onto his cock. Gabby cupped his forehead, rocked his head back and forth. His skin was on fire again, only this time with sensations he had never experienced before. He bit his bottom lip, raised up, and threw his head back. “Harder, Tanny. Fuck me, harder.”

  Montana slammed his pelvis into Gabby, the sound of skin colliding echoing throughout the room. “Yes,” Gabby cried out.

  “You like that, baby?” Montana snapped his hips, driving all the way in.

  “Gonna come,” Gabby shouted. Montana grabbed his hair and pulled back. Gabby’s scalp tingling, he cried out.

  “That’s it, give it to me.” Montana growled and then bit into Gabby’s shoulder, taking his orgasm to a new level. Gabby was falling free through the raging waters of desire.

  “Tanny,” he whimpered.

  “Let go. I’ll catch you, baby.” Montana blanketed Gabby’s back, wrapping his arms around Gabby’s chest, thrusting harder. He kissed the area he had bit, Gabby lost all ability to hold himself up, and he trusted his wolf not to let go.

  “Gabby,” Montana shouted, his hips pounding into Gabby. “Fuck,” he grunted.

  “Sleep, need sleep.” Gabby closed his eyes. Montana was going to fuck him into nonexistence. He wholly believed it now.

  Montana dressed him, Gabby too worn out to move. Once both of them were clothed, his mate opened the door. “You can come back in.”

  “Good, I think the people five states over heard you two.” Nicholas waved his hand in front of his nose and soured his face. “Smells like hot, funky sex in here.”

  Gabby buried his face in his hands, totally mortified but completely sated.

  His mate just snickered. “Then I did it right.”

  “Let’s take this to my office while this room airs out. I swear, there’s more sex under this roof than at a hooker convention.”

  “They have those?” Gabby asked Montana.

  “Come on, pumpkin.” Montana pulled him from the table and carried him into the next room.

  Johnny walked up the steps, Keata and Nero clo
se behind. “Do you think he’s okay?”

  “Only one way to find out,” Nero pointed out.

  Johnny felt terrible. It had been his idea. Maybe not the blanket part, but he felt responsible. If anything happened to Gabby, it would be all his fault. He had to check and make sure. Being a vampire must be really hard, Johnny thought.

  He wouldn’t know what he would do if he couldn’t go out in sunlight. They knocked on Gabby’s bedroom door, Montana answering.

  “Is Gabby okay?” Johnny asked Montana anxiously. He tried to peek around the warrior, but Montana filled the doorway.

  Montana smiled and pulled the door wide open. “Come on in, fellas. He’s fine.”

  Johnny ran over to the bed, pulling the sheet away from Gabby’s face. “I’m sorry.” He blurted out. “I didn’t mean for you to get hurt. Honest.

  “It wasn’t your fault,” Gabby mumbled and turned over. Johnny gasped.

  “Why are your eyes that color?” He pointed his finger at Gabby’s face.

  Gabby reached up and felt his face. “What are you talking about?”

  Montana walked over and cursed. “Stay with him, men. I’m going to get Nicholas.”

  Chapter Six

  Maverick sat back in his chair as he stared at the eight men in his office. What was going on lately? It seemed everyone was coming to him about pack land lately. “So, are you asking to live here?”

  Mr. Lakeland shook his head. “No. I just want your permission to live in Brac Village. Me and my boys found a place to live. One of the old farmhouses is for sale. I want to purchase it and work the land.”

  “Cowboys? Interesting.” Maverick pulled at his soul patch as he thought about it. It would be nice to fill up some of those empty farmhouses littering the outskirts of town.

  He knew they needed to expand, breathe new life into their small town. The people who lived here deserved to have a thriving community. “And what exactly would you be raising?”

  “Angus cattle, corn, and poultry. We come from a long line of farmers and ranchers so we do know what we are doing,” Mr. Lakeland argued his point. “Although, one of my sons owns his own construction company.” Mr. Lakeland pointed to the one sitting on the couch. “Roman likes to build instead of grow.” Roman’s father sounded proud of this fact.


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