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Hagen, Lynn - Montana's Vamp [Brac Pack 16] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)

Page 9

by Lynn Hagen

  “Orange is my favorite color.”

  “But what if—”

  Johnny held a hand up. “Stop making excuses. What’s the real reason you’re so scared?” Johnny stabbed his index finger into his palm.

  Gabby bit his lip and looked away. “What if Montana loves the baby so much he forgets about me?”

  Johnny grabbed Gabby by the arm and spun him around. “Are you nuts? There is no way Montana could ever forget about you. You stick out like a sore thumb.” Johnny giggled and pointed at Gabby’s hair.

  Gabby smiled and reached up, his fingers twisting one of his spikes. “You really like my hair?”

  “Yep, looks cool on you.”

  Wow, no one ever said his hair looked cool before. Gabby’s heart melted for the other mate. “Johnny?”


  Gabby cleared his throat and looked down at his shoes. “If I do, you know, will you be the godfather?”

  Johnny’s eyes rounded. “No! I can’t whack anybody.”

  Gabby laughed so hard he fell against the cavern wall. “No.” He giggled some more. “It means if anything ever happens to me and Montana that you will take care of him or her.” He giggled some more. Boy, the man was funny as all get out.

  “Oh, I knew that.” His cheeks turned beet red. “Do you really trust me to do that for you?”

  “Of course, you’re very smart, and kind, and caring. What more could a baby ask for?”

  Johnny beamed. “I would love to then.”

  “Thank you for being my friend.”

  Johnny waved his hand at Gabby. “Being a friend is easy. Being an enemy takes too much work. Besides, I like you, but in a buddy sort of way.”

  Gabby giggled. “I know what you mean.”

  Gabby looked over his shoulder. The others had stayed back some, but smiles were on their faces. Oliver winked at him and chuckled softly.

  Gabby smiled back at him. They wandered around exploring for what seemed like forever when they finally came across a natural spring.

  “I told you it was going to be pretty.” Gabby beamed proudly.

  “You were right about that.” Murphy leaned over and swished his hand through the water, the ripples reaching all the way to the other side. “This place was worth the trip.”

  Gabby felt a tightening in his chest at the mates’ approval. They all rolled their pant legs up and waded around the shallow end of the pool. “This is so cool.” Drew laughed.

  “It’s fun.” Keata smiled.

  Yeah, it was well worth the trip, Gabby thought as he watched all of them run around laughing and enjoying themselves.

  “Secure the perimeters now!” Maverick bellowed as the house ran around in chaos. Not only were six of the mates missing, Maribel had tried to get into Melonee’s bedroom. Thank god Nero had the sensors installed. The alarm had sounded as soon as the window had opened.

  Melonee had shimmered into Maverick’s office with fear in her little angel eyes. “Where the hell are the mates?” Maverick bellowed.

  “In a cave.” Caden shrank back as he answered the Alpha. “We were supposed to follow right behind them, but Tank had come into the library so we all hid.”

  Maverick roared, “How the hell did they get there?”

  Mark grabbed Caden around his waist, narrowing his eyes at Maverick. “I’ll yell at him, not you.”

  The human had balls, he would give him that. “Tell me now.” He bit out between clenched teeth.

  “Carter.” Caden shrank back again as Maverick slung his arm out, the cabinet in the hallway crashing down.

  “Carter!” Maverick yelled.

  “You rang?” Carter asked behind him. Maverick twisted around, seething as his chest heaved. “Where did you take the mates?”

  “Don’t get your panties in a bunch. They’re safe.”

  Maverick lunged, ready to rip the fucker’s throat out. Damn fairy popped out and then popped back in behind Mark.

  “I’ll just go get them now.” He gulped then disappeared.

  “Find that bitch. Maribel dies tonight.” Maverick stormed off.

  Chapter Eight

  “Maverick, it’s Zeus.”

  Why did it feel like everything was crashing down at one time? Maverick rested his elbows on his desk, pissed that Carter hadn’t returned yet. “Now is not a good time.”

  “Well, then I’ll make this brief. Two of my pack members are missing. I wanted you to be aware of this just in case you heard anything or came across any information.”

  Maverick had a sinking feeling. They still hadn’t found the doctors that had experimented on Heaven, giving the man a makeshift womb. Could the doctor be tied into this somehow?

  “I’m sorry to hear that. I’ll keep both ears open for you.”

  “I would appreciate it. I’m at my wits’ end trying to find them.”

  “I’ll call you if I find anything out.” Maverick hung up with the Alpha of the Eastern pack.

  “Fuck, does anyone else want to join the party?” Maverick asked the ceiling as he laid his head back.

  “Carter!” he yelled.

  The elfish man shimmered into the office, six mates in tow. “The little buggers weren’t where I told them to stay. Took me forever to find them.”

  “That wouldn’t have been a problem if you hadn’t taken them in the first place.” Maverick watched as warriors stormed into his office, each grabbing their wayward mate.

  “Next time just say no,” Montana snapped at Carter.

  Carter quickly shimmered away as Montana lunged for him.

  Maverick rubbed his temples. His family had grown to a disproportionate size. It was becoming more and more complex in dealing with all of them, but he wouldn’t change it for the world. Although he had a feeling the elven race was about to make it a lot more interesting.

  “Gabby, you can’t run off like that. I was worried sick.” Montana took him upstairs. “Promise me you won’t do that again.”

  “But they wanted me around, really wanted me. How can I say no? They won’t want to be my friends anymore if I turn them down. Do you want my new friends to hate me? I couldn’t live with that.” Gabby twisted his hands in his lap, biting his bottom lip while sitting on the bed.

  “If they are your friends, then telling them no won’t make them stop liking you.” Montana hadn’t realized how clueless his mate was about friendship. “The mates in this house take you as you are. Telling them no won’t change their opinion of you.”

  “Are you sure? Because Johnny is my friend, and I don’t want to lose him.”

  “I’m sure.” Montana pulled Gabby into his arms, kissing him softly on his lips. He wanted to claim his mate, assure himself that his fireball was safe in his arms. “This no sex thing is driving me nuts. I need to go find Nicholas and see if he has the results yet.”

  Gabby cleared his throat. “We could have sex,” he whispered as his hand ran back and forth over the comforter they were sitting on. He peeked up at Montana then looked back down.

  Montana’s heart beat double time behind his ribs. Was his mate saying what he thought he was saying, or was it wishful thinking? “Talk to me, pumpkin.” He swallowed hard, his throat dry at the idea of becoming a father. Excitement and fear raced through his body and crashed into each other to make Montana’s heart leap into overdrive.

  “I’m saying the subject has been revisited, and I’m not against it.”

  Montana cupped Gabby’s face, staring into the reflecting onyx of his mate’s eyes. He could see the shocked look on his face in those dark pupils. “What made you change your mind?”

  “Promise you won’t get mad at me?” Gabby tried to squirm away, but Montana held him firmly.

  “I promise.”

  Gabby’s hands covered Montana’s. “I thought you would forget about me, love the baby more.” His mate’s cheeks turned crimson as his eyes lowered.

  Montana was stunned his mate could think such a thing. Hadn’t he shown him how much his f
ireball meant to him? He tucked a knuckle under his pumpkin’s chin, kissing him lightly. “How could you ever think that? You are the stars in my sky, the beat in my heart, and the balm to my soul. To forget about you would be harder than forgetting to breathe.”

  Gabby’s jaw dropped. “Wow,” he said in awe.

  Montana smiled. “What? You think because I’m a warrior I don’t have feelings? I feel, deeper than you think. I could never forget about you, pumpkin.”

  “No, I wasn’t thinking that. I was thinking that you didn’t rhyme.”

  Montana’s mouth pulled back in a smile. “Hallmark, I’m not.”

  He laid Gabby down, pulling his jeans off, growling at his perfect cock. His mate pulled his T-shirt over his head and tossed it aside. Gabby’s hands went to his belly, trying to cover it, but then moved his hands away.

  He loved that his mate was becoming comfortable with his body. Nothing in this world was sexier than his pumpkin, every last inch of him. Montana wouldn’t change a thing.

  Montana lifted Gabby’s right leg, running his fingertips over his mate’s smooth and creamy skin. The pale complexion was incredible. His fingers circled his mate’s ankle, holding it gently in his grasp as he kissed the pad of Gabby’s foot. His thumb caressed Gabby’s ankle, his hand skating down his mate’s leg. “So beautiful.”

  Montana lowered his leg and then disrobed, crawling over Gabby and ghosting a hand over Gabby’s hairless chest. He tweaked the brown disc, gaining a gasp from his mate. Gabby’s eyes locked with his, the pools of darkness begging Montana to fuck him.

  Montana’s stomach clenched with raw desire at the sight. He grabbed the lube, preparing his mate for what could lead to a baby. Montana withdrew his fingers and grabbed the base of his cock, pushing in, and then stilling. He closed his eyes, hoping they were doing the right thing, praying that Gabby was ready for what might come.

  “I love you, pumpkin.” Montana pushed deeper, dropping to his forearms, and began to move his hips. Gabby wrapped his legs around Montana’s waist, his head rolling back, his fangs bared.

  Montana was lost to the erotic sight under him. He pulled out slowly until only the head of his cock remained, and then pushed back in until he could go no further. He felt Gabby’s entire body shudder as he rocked in and out of him gently.

  “I want you to come for me,” Montana crooned.

  He skimmed a hand over his mate’s body, relishing the feel of his skin. Montana raked his fingernails softly into Gabby’s flesh, his mate moaning and writhing under him.

  Montana snapped his hips, stroking deeper, harder, and faster. His abdomen tightened, and his spine tingled. He fisted his mate’s cock, spreading the pre-cum around as he pumped it.

  “Gabby,” Montana said with desperation.

  Gabby placed his hands on the back of Montana’s head, pulling him down for a scorching kiss. Montana, strong and protective, able to take down the meanest of enemies, whimpered into his mate’s mouth, coming unglued at his mate’s touch.

  Gabby cried into his mouth, his back arched as he came in Montana’s hand. The smell of his mate’s seed sent Montana over the edge. He gasped against Gabby’s lips, ground his cock into his mate’s ass as he came with a blinding force.

  His nerves were raw, exposed, as his cock became ultrasensitive. Montana pulled Gabby into his arms, holding him close. How could his mate ever think he had the slightest ability to forget about him?

  Montana blinked his eyes open. Gabby smiled at him. “Hi.”

  His mate’s brows pulled together. “Your eyes, they’re green again. How?” Montana shifted and propped himself up onto his arm. “Not that I’m complaining. I missed them.”

  Gabby shrugged. “I don’t know. I noticed them, too, when I was in the bathroom.”

  “Do you think we…” Montana placed a hand on Gabby’s abdomen.

  “I have no clue. I don’t feel any different. Of course, I’m no expert at this. I heard that women vomit all over the place and cry at the drop of a hat. I don’t feel nauseous or like crying. If it didn’t work we could always try again, but after a night like that, I’d be surprised if I wasn’t. That was mind-blowing, earth-shattering, and downright hot. I wouldn’t mind a repeat of that again.”

  Montana grinned at him. “I’m still amazed that you don’t pass out.” He chuckled.

  Gabby swatted at him. “Stop making fun of me.”

  Montana threw his hands up and laughed. “I swear I wasn’t.”

  Gabby growled and rolled out of the bed. “I have to go see Nicholas for my insulin.”

  “Damn, that’s one fine-looking ass you have there.”

  Gabby wiggled his hips and smacked his bottom. “Want some of this, big boy?”

  He giggled and ran to the bathroom when Montana flipped the blanket back and chased after him.

  Gabby was happy. He had someone to give all his love to, and a man to love him regardless of all his flaws. What more could a guy ask for?

  Maverick’s fists were clenched at his sides. A snarl ripped from his throat as Tryck brought a struggling Maribel into his office.

  “You can’t keep me. I’ll get away.” She stopped struggling and smirked.

  “Let’s cut all the bullshit out and get to the point. Why?” Maverick asked.

  “Well, as far as Murphy is concerned, my dumb ass fell in love with him. He had to go and ruin it by being gay.”

  “Uh, last time I checked you don’t try and kill the person you’re in love with…twice,” Maverick pointed out.

  “Who said love was perfect?” She sighed dramatically. “To hell with him, I’ve moved on. Just so you know, I will get that little fey.”

  Maverick growled at her. No one was taking his princess from him. “What the hell is so important about her?”

  “Collateral.” She laughed, and then threw her head back and yelled. “Ahm.”

  Maverick couldn’t believe the sight in front of him. A tall man with skin tinted blue and hair so white that it resembled snow, shimmered in and grabbed Maribel. Before he shimmered out he looked over to Maverick with the evilest of grins, winked, and then disappeared with the bitch.

  “Carter!” Maverick yelled.

  “I’m about tired of you calling me like I’m your pet,” Carter snapped as he appeared.

  “Who the hell was Papa Smurf that just took Maribel?” Maverick snapped back.

  Carter’s eyes widened in fear. “He was here?”

  “Who is he?”

  “Ahm, the meanest of the Shadow Elves. Oh hell.” Carter’s hands twisted together. “This is not good.”

  “Mine!” Tryck roared from behind them.

  Maverick looked from Tryck to Carter, a wide grin spread from ear to ear. “Ah hell, this is going to be a riot. Karma must really love me.” Maverick grabbed his side as he laughed, pointing between the two. “Irony is a motherfucker.”







  Lynn Hagen loves writing about the somewhat flawed, but lovable. She also loves a hero who can see past all the rough edges to find the shining diamond of a beautiful heart.

  You can find her on any given day curled up with her laptop and a cup of hot java, letting the next set of characters tell their story.

  Also by Lynn Hagen

  Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 1: Maverick’s Mate

  Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 2: Hawk’s Pretty Baby

  Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 3: Sunshine’s Savior

  Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 4: Remi’s Pup

  Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 5: Stormy Eyes

  Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 6: Oliver’s Heart

  Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 7: Keata’s Promise

  Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack
8: George’s Turn

  Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 9: Loco’s Love

  Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 10: Lewis’s Dream

  Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 11: Mark’s Not Gay

  Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 12: Nutter Nero

  Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 13: Heaven’s Hell

  Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 14: Nicholas’s Wolf

  Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 15: Murphy’s Madness

  Available at


  Siren Publishing, Inc.




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