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Suzie's Escape

Page 2

by Holly Ardent

  A small clearing, well off the road, caught his attention. He moved out to it and in the last of the daylight set up a small camp.

  This close to the road it'll have to be a cold camp. Don't want anyone calling the cops on me for having a fire. Jail would be a worse place to be than the airport if this pandemic really is hitting.

  After bundling up to stay as warm as he could he pulled his phone out again and shot off a quick text to his mom, Bill, Andy, and Ted. He just let them know he was on his way but it was liable to take him a week or more to get there.

  In the morning, he was cold and stiff. He pulled a bottle of water and one of the Datrex bars out of his pack, then ate and drank as he started moving, trying to ease the stiffness. As he walked along the road, he noticed that the area was getting even more rural than it had been. There hadn't been a lot of houses along the road yesterday evening, but it took him two hours of walking to find one this morning.

  The house he saw was an abandoned farmhouse, falling apart by the looks of things. What were once rich field were overgrown with a riot of weeds and large saplings that looked like they'd been growing undisturbed for several years at least.

  Don't want anything to do with that place. It looks creepy, and in its current state of disrepair I doubt there's anything I could use there anyhow.

  He kept moving along the road, in the general direction of home. He knew he'd had almost a couple of hundred miles to cover when he'd left the airport, but had no idea just how far he'd gone already.

  Shortly after noon, he saw another farm. This one was in better shape, although the fields weren't planted, they also weren't as badly overgrown as the previous one. There was also something he thought would be useful.

  A large farm pond stood a couple hundred yards off the road. He hadn't passed any bodies of water big enough to pay any attention to, but he knew that a lot of farm ponds had been stocked with fish and right now some fresh fish sounded like a good idea. He was already tired of the Datrex bars and junk food that he had with him.

  After the look of the last farm, he didn't think anyone would be around even if the fields weren't as bad. Even if there were someone around, he figured the worst they would do would be to run him off their land.

  Scott quickly found a longish branch that was strong enough to not crack if he caught anything. Then he dig into his tin and pulled out the fishing line and a hook. A minute or two of scrabbling in the dirt gave him a worm that he threaded onto the hook before tossing the line out into the water.

  To his amazement he had his first fish within five minutes. A small bass, it was probably of legal size to keep, but he wasn't going to pay attention to the legalities and measure it. He didn't have any way to keep it in the water, so he cleaned it on a nearby flat rock using the pen knife he'd purchased the day before. Then he tucked the fillets in an empty Datrex wrapper he'd kept and went back to fishing.

  Two fish later he was about to call it a day when he froze at the distinctive sound of a shotgun racking a shell followed by a voice.

  “Don't know what you think you're doing here, but you'd better move slow and careful. Stand up and turn around.”

  He did as instructed, standing with his hands up and slowly turning around. When he did, he was struck by a moment of cognitive dissonance.

  Facing him stood a woman. Take a brunette farmer's daughter from the classic stories about them and age her to her late twenties or early thirties. Make her beautiful enough to get a second look from any man, but then put a pump action shotgun in her hands, and point the barrel at your face. Scott thought that his few moments of confusion were completely appropriate.

  “Um, hello?” he said.

  “What do you think you're doing on my land,” she said. “You one of them bums? A hobo or whatever they call 'em? You don't look like it, but I don't see a car either.”

  He shook his head.

  “No, I'm sorry. I didn't realize anyone was occupying this land. The fields looked like no-one had done anything with them in a few years. I just wanted some fresh food. I'm trying to get home.”

  “Where's your car then?”

  “At the airport I was supposed to end up flying to. But things got all weird when I tried to transfer to the flight that would take me there.”

  “Weird things?” she said. “That might explain a little bit.”

  She lowered the shotgun, slightly, so it wasn't pointed directly at him any more.

  “You willing to answer some questions for me? About whatever weird things are happening.” she asked.

  “If I can, I don't know a lot about it. I kind of ran away from it instead of trying to find out more about it.”

  She lowered the shotgun the rest of the way.

  “That'll do, if you meant me harm, you would've told me you could tell me all about it. Follow me.”

  She turned and walked away from him. Scott shook his head, then gathered up his stuff and followed. He shook his head again when he noticed that she had the nicest ass he'd seen in an awfully long time.

  She led the way to a farmhouse. This one was in half-way decent shape. It looked as though it might've missed the last couple of years worth of maintenance but was still livable. She stopped at the door and turned to see if he'd followed.

  “Good, I'd hate to have had to go back after you,” she said, then she stepped inside.

  The living room was just inside the house, through a small mudroom and she sat down and gestured for him to do the same on the other side of the room.

  “So, tell me about this 'weird' you were talking about.”

  Scott took a deep breath, then stopped.

  Am I gonna sound crazy telling her all this? he wondered. What the hell, I'll tell her. Besides she's not going to be feeling too threatened with the way that shotgun's resting in her lap.

  “Okay, well I just flew into the airport and I overheard some people talking about watching this other guy get sick and cough his life out at a different airport...”

  Several minutes later he was done with his story and she was wearing a thoughtful look.

  “You say no-one's been telling anyone about this?” she asked.

  He nodded.

  “Huh, well I was wondering why the guys hadn't shown up this morning,” she said. “Maybe word's getting out now.”

  He shrugged.

  “What?” he asked.

  “Oh, yeah, you aren't from around here. You wouldn't know.”

  “Know what?”

  “My husband has a lot of friends so when he got sent to jail, he told them to keep an eye on me. They took it to heart and there's always one or two of his buddies around here, making sure nothing happens to me whether I want it to or not. But this morning no-one had shown up when the guy who stayed here overnight had to leave.”

  “Huh?” Scott asked, not quite believing what she'd said.

  “My husband. Most of these guys have had the shit kicked out them by him at least once. They'll do whatever he says and not dare cross him, even when he's in jail. So they've been making sure I don't mess around, or even worse according to them, up and leave my bum of a husband. So there's always been someone around here to make sure I behave.”

  She got a thoughtful look on her face.

  “But none of them are here now, and you are...”

  She stared at him with the sort of hunger he'd expect to see on the face of a starving man. For the first time, despite having seen the barrel of the shotgun aimed at his face earlier, Scott started to feel a little bit nervous.

  “By the way,” she said, “my name's Suzanne, but call me Suzie, everybody does.”

  “Oh, sorry. I'm Scott.”

  “Well Scott, I'm thinking we've got a pair of problems that we can maybe help each other with,” she said, the hungry look still on her face.

  “Uh, how so?”

  “Well, you were saying you need to get home, right?”

  He nodded.

  “And I'm sure you just heard me say t
hat I'd like to leave here, and maybe take care of some frustrations that have been building for a couple of years since my husband got put away.”

  That's not quite what she said, but I'm not going to argue with the lady holding the shotgun.

  “Yes,” he said, drawing the word out.

  “So, I'll tell you what,” she said. “If you can help me work out some of these frustrations then I could see my way to helping you get home a lot faster. Got a truck out in the barn that we can use. So you help me out here, then take me with you when we go.”

  She stared at him for a moment, her tongue unconsciously licking her upper lip.

  “Hell, if I like how you help me with my frustrations, then I'll even stay with you wherever you're going. I absolutely guarantee that you'll have no complaints about that if you're lucky enough for me to want to stay with you.”

  She was fingering the neck of her shirt now, tugging it down to reveal an impressive looking set of cleavage. He'd been able to tell that she was stacked even through the shirt, but the glimpse of her deep cleavage she was showing him now made sure that he had no doubt.

  “What do you say?” Suzie asked.

  What the hell? It sounds like her husband is some sort of badass around here, but it also sounds like he's safely tucked away. And Damn! She is hot, and it sounds like she's eager too. It sounded like her husband wasn't exactly nice to her either, keeping her trapped because he got sent to jail? I wonder what her life was like before he got sent there.

  Scott realized that he was procrastinating and that Suzie was still waiting for an answer. He desperately wanted to take her up on her offer, but his subconscious kept putting out warnings about how dangerous it might be. Fortunately for him his body and brain weren't communicating very well with his subconscious at the moment. All he could envision was how Suzie would look stripped nude and beckoning him to mount her.

  “Hell yeah!” he said, when he realized that the silence was stretching out and she was still waiting for his answer.

  Her answering smile was almost enough to give him an erection on its own.

  “Good, then let's cook up that fish you caught and eat it, then head up to my bedroom. We'll leave tomorrow morning to get you home and get me out of here,” she said.

  Suzie was a good cook also and it only took her a few minutes to toss together a dinner based around the fish he handed to her. Once they were done, she just tossed the dishes in the sink.

  “He can clean those whenever he gets out for all I care,” she said, before coming back to the table and grabbing Scott by the hand.

  “Come on. Food's great and all but I haven't been laid in two years or more and masturbation just doesn't have the same effect for me.”

  She dragged him to his feet, not that he needed much encouragement, then led him up a narrow stairway.

  The bedroom she led him to took up the majority of the upper floor of the house, the sprawling room arranged around a massive king-sized bed that looked soft and inviting. But regardless of the fact that he'd spent the night before sleeping on the ground, Scott thought that Suzie looked even more soft and inviting than the bed.

  She closed the door, then immediately reached down and pulled her shirt over her head. Her breasts were spilling out of the bra she wore and he wasn't sure if she was too large for it, or if it was one of those bras designed more to display than support.

  Her next action was to reach behind her back and unsnap her bra. When her breasts spilled down onto her chest, he decided that the bra was probably just too small because it had to have been supporting her breasts from the way they sagged now. He didn't care since they still looked firm and full and he'd never been a fan of breasts that defied gravity, he'd always thought they looked fake, whether they were or not.

  As she reached for her pants, she glanced over at him.

  “What are you waiting for, an invitation? I already gave you one of those, didn't I?” she asked.

  He started and realized that she was halfway nude already and he was still fully clothed. By the time he got his own clothes off, she was already nude. He stared at the honey colored tangle of hair on her pussy and she caught his gaze. She blushed for a moment, then turned and walked towards a door on the far wall.

  “I'll be right back, just give me a couple of minutes,” she said. “Sorry I haven't been keeping myself up, didn't think I had any need to do that, but it won't take long to fix.”

  He squeezed his eyes shut.

  What is she talking about? he wondered as he heard water running behind the door after she closed it.

  Three minutes later he understood, when the door opened again and she came striding out. Now her pussy was bare, the pink skin still glistening from the water she'd used to shave.

  “Better?” she asked.

  She smiled at him and if he hadn't already been hard from seeing her nude, he would've been just from the smile.

  “I wasn't complaining before,” he said, “and I'm definitely not complaining now.”

  “Good, come over here then.”

  When he approached her she spun around him, putting him between her and the bed. A single push from her and he found himself sitting on the edge of the bed as she dropped to her knees between his legs.

  “God, I've missed this,” she said softly, as she lowered her head.

  Her lips closed on his cock before she pushed her head lower, dragging her closed lips down the skin of his shaft. A sigh of contentment escaped her mouth, despite it being full of his cock, as she pushed his cock deeper into her mouth.

  She quickly started bobbing her head, her lips providing a slight bit of pressure that translated to friction on the skin of his shaft. He shuddered from the thrill of it as she worked her way farther and farther down his shaft. When she reached the bottom, taking his cock all the way into her mouth, she pulled up again, releasing him from her mouth and looking at his face.

  “I wanted that, but I wasn't sure I was going to get you all the way in. I stopped because I don't want you to cum there. I want you to cum inside of me, okay?”

  “Uh, sure. But... Do you have a condom? I don't have any with me.”

  “Don't worry about it. You won't get me pregnant. I got one of those IUD thingies. After my husband got me pregnant when I was fifteen, I dropped out of school. He married me soon as he could, but he said I had to get one of those IUDs because he didn't want more kids. My mother in law is raising my first kid. Jake, that's my husband, insisted we do it that way so the kid wouldn't be in the way. He said I was too young to raise her anyhow.”

  Wow, sounds like a real asshole, Scott thought.

  Suzie scrambled onto the bed, sprawled back, and spread her legs. It was obvious that she expected him to mount her and fuck her right off, but Scott had other ideas. The sight of her pussy, the slit glistening with moisture that he was sure wasn't from shaving, was too much for him to resist. He lowered his head between her legs and started licking.

  Suzie jumped. Then she looked down at him.

  “Oh, well, that's how it is? I'm sure as hell not gonna stop you. My husband's the only guy I've been with and he refused to do that. Got me good and hooked on sex though. I've been craving it ever since he got put away and not a one of his friends would fuck me when I asked. Guess they were too scared of him.”

  Scott heard the words, but he didn't care. He'd discovered that Suzie tasted good, really good. Some combination of musk, salt, and something vaguely floral and spicy. He wouldn't be able to describe it if asked, but he sure as hell liked the taste of it on his tongue.

  He drove his tongue deep into her slit, moving it around to lap up as many of her juices as he could, then he slipped it back out and up. When he reached her clit he brushed it lightly with the tip of his tongue, giving feather light caresses to the tiny bit of her clit that protruded from under its hood,

  Suzie shuddered and the smell of her excitement grew noticeably stronger. Scott dropped his tongue back down, licking her slit which was
now brimming with juices. Once he'd cleared it again, he moved back to her clit, this time pushing the hood out of the way with his fingers before licking it slowly. After she shuddered again, he moved closer, pressing his lips against the flesh of her, trapping her clit between them. When he closed his lips and put pressure on her clit her shuddering grew. But when he sucked gently, tugging her clit away from her body, she exploded.

  “Holy Shit!” Suzie cried as she thrashed on the bed.

  Scott smiled to himself and pulled his face away from her pussy.

  “There, that should have you all ready for me,” he said.

  Suzie didn't answer. Her eyes had a faraway look to them and her face was flushed. He watched for a moment as her breasts heaved from the panting breaths she was taking, then pulled himself up and over her. He brought his cock up between her legs and slid the tip of it into her slit before thrusting forward.

  His cock penetrated her pussy and her gaze sharpened for a moment, staring at his face. Her body stiffened for a few seconds before she started to tremble all over and her eyes glazed over again. She was breathing in quick, short breaths, almost panting. Scott noticed all of that, but the majority of his attention was on his cock.

  He'd gotten several inches deep with that first thrust, Suzie was very wet. She was also very tight and that had stopped his advance. He drew back and thrust forward again, gaining another inch of penetration and a gasp from Suzie.

  “You okay?” he asked.

  “More than okay,” she said in a dreamy voice. “Don't stop though, I want you all the way inside of me before you cum. It feels so good. It's been so long for me and, even better, you've got a bigger cock than I'm used to having inside of me.”

  Scott preened for a moment when he heard her words. Knowing he had a bigger cock than the badass that was her husband really didn't mean anything, but it seemed to in the moment. It spurred him back into action and soon he was thrusting away, gaining another half inch here and an inch there. In just a couple of minutes he was buried nearly all the way inside of her pussy. He drew back and slammed his cock forward again, this time driving it as far in as he thought he was going to get.


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