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Suzie's Escape

Page 4

by Holly Ardent

  He came back out of the bathroom to find Suzie sitting up. Obviously her personality had something against modesty because when she saw him she didn't try to cover up. Instead she yawned, her arms going up into the air and her back arching to thrust her breasts out more prominently.

  When she was done yawning she looked over at him and caught him staring.

  “Like what you see?” she asked.

  He nodded eagerly.

  “Well, you'll get more of it later on. We've got things to do now.”

  She got out of bed and made her own way into the bathroom, grabbing a stack of clothes as she did so.

  When she came out, he was dressed, as was she. But her choice of clothing had Scott's cock nearly as hard as it had been watching her stretch.

  She wore a denim vest with a floppy collar, but no sleeves. And he was pretty sure that she wasn't wearing anything else under it. Cut-off short shorts covered her ass, barely, and the brown suede boots she had on came up to mid-calf. It was all very cowboy, and incredibly sexy to him.

  They stopped in the kitchen to grab something for breakfast and Scott had an idea.

  “Do you have some shopping bags, or a garbage bag or something?” he asked.

  She looked confused, but pointed toward the pantry.

  “On the back of the door there.”

  He found a stack of reusable, canvas shopping bags hanging on the back of the door and promptly started filling them with all the dry goods and canned goods he could fit.

  “Oh, why leave it here if we can bring it?” she asked.

  “Something like that, plus a more immediate benefit to letting you stay. Your welding will come in handy eventually, but they might not recognize how much right off. Bringing a couple of weeks worth of food? That they'll recognize right off.”

  She helped him load the bags and set them on the back porch. By this point, they were ready to leave. The sun was barely peeking over the horizon when she pulled the old farm truck out so they could load the food in.

  She was right, he thought, that old truck took less time to warm up this morning and sounds quieter already.

  “Hey, I thought of one other thing we can do too,” she said. “Mind if we delay our departure a little while longer?”

  “What for?”

  “There's a couple of five gallon gas cans in the back of the ugly truck, plus siphoning equipment. I thought I'd bring along the gas from that also.”

  “That is a great idea Suzie, can you use some help? We'll get it done faster that way.”

  With the two of them working together, filling the two gas cans from the other truck's tank took less than twenty minutes. They put the full gas cans in the back of the farm truck, climbed into the cab, and headed out with Suzie driving and Scott navigating.

  They entered the first small town in less than an hour. It looked peaceful, but Scott noticed that the convenience store and gas station that he'd expect to be open by now had a sign reading: 'Closed until further notice'. All the other stores whose signs read 'closed' might've just not opened yet, but he wondered after the sign at the gas station.

  Most of the drive was through fields and forest, not towns, but when they got to the next one an hour later, he was sure things weren't good. There were people on the street. Some of them wore masks and the rest had bandannas or other cloth over their faces.

  That's not going to protect them much. I hope they don't think it will, he thought.

  Then he had another thought. He rummaged through his emergency pack and pulled out his second medical grade N95 mask. He placed it on the seat between him and Suzie before speaking.

  “If we have to stop and deal with people anywhere, put that one first,” he said, gesturing towards the mask. “I've got one for me also, but it should give us a lot of protection against catching whatever this pandemic is.”

  “Good, I thought about asking, but figured you would've volunteered one to me if you had a spare.”

  “I didn't even think of it until right now, sorry.”

  “You got me one before I needed it. That's what matters,” she said, not taking her eyes off the road.

  No-one had threatened their vehicle yet, but the sight of several broken plate glass windows on stores had Scott feeling nervous.

  If they're looting already, it's only one more small step towards going for vehicles that look like they might have something worthwhile in them.

  He glanced into the bed of the truck and realized that from the outside the only thing that would be visible would be some of the welding equipment, probably not the most tempting of targets. Even so, he fingered the pistol where it lay beside him on the seat, still holstered. Suzie's shotgun was racked behind their heads in easy reach for her.

  A half hour later, in the middle of nowhere, Suzie pulled over to the side of the road.

  “What's up?” he asked.

  “I was planning on gassing up somewhere, but the only two stations we passed were both closed. I'm gonna go pour one of those five gallon cans into the tank. That should get us there if you were right about the distance we had to go.”

  He nodded. He hadn't given any thought to the fuel level in the truck's tank yet, assuming that Suzie knew how much they'd need. Now he wished he had, not that they could've done much differently if he'd known.

  It only took a few minutes for her to drain one of the gas cans into the tank, then she hopped back in and started the truck back up. Scott had been watching the surroundings while she did, nervous that they were stopped, but now he pulled out the map.

  “That last town was getting nasty. I think, if I can find alternate routes, that we ought to avoid the other two we'd normally pass through.”

  “We've probably got twenty-five more miles worth of gas than we need, so don't make those detours any too long or we'll have to use the other can also.”

  He nodded as she pulled back onto the road.

  The trip, which would've taken three or four hours on a good day ended up taking six, but it was well before dusk when he saw the road the Retreat was on.

  “Turn here, it'll be the third driveway on your right. A couple of miles down the road.”

  When they arrived, the gate was locked across the driveway and the signs warning that fence was electrified were visible.

  “Looks like Bill turned the fences on,” he said. “I'll have to buzz to get him to turn them off, they electrify the gate as well as the fence. It's strange though, normally I hear a buzz from the fence, but I don't this time.”

  He walked up and pushed the prominent buzzer mounted on a post a few feet in front of the gate. When Bill's voice came through, Scott couldn't help but grin.

  “Who is it and what do you want?” Bill asked gruffly.

  “It's Scott, I made it back a lot sooner than anticipated with the help of a new friend.”

  “Oh Christ, another one?” Bill asked.

  A moment later the intercom activated again.

  “Alright, fence is off. Come on in,” Bill said, sounding a little irked.

  Scott unlocked the fence, opened the gate, and motioned Suzie through. Once she was through, he locked the gate behind them and hopped into the truck. They drove up to the house and he noticed an unfamiliar car in the driveway along with the ones he'd expected.

  They hopped out of the truck and he was greeted by the clucking of chickens.

  “Great, looks like Ted made it here with his chickens,” he said.

  “Ted?” Suzie asked.

  “Oh yeah, I never did mention it. I've got three buddies and we all helped set up the Retreat. Bill, Andy, Ted, and myself. I'll introduce you once we're inside.

  * * *

  They walked in and found a group of people waiting. His mom, Jackie, quickly came over to give him a hug before moving back next to Andy, where she'd been when he came in. Scott recognized everyone except for one person and quickly made introductions.

  “And I'm afraid I don't know who this other lady is,” he finished

  Bill snorted, but Ted stepped forward.

  “Scott, this is Vivian. She's a nurse, so now we have someone who knows the medical end of things.”

  “Good to meet you,” Scott said.

  Jackie was eyeing Suzie, as though trying to discern if there was something going on between her and Scott.

  “I'm sorry Suzie, I hadn't been thinking. I imagine the others put my mom in my room, but we'll find a place for you to bunk.”

  “That's fine,” Suzie said, her voice suggesting that it wasn't. “If need be, I can make myself a room in that barn I saw out back. I'll just need a few materials, mostly scrap stuff that's probably hanging around anyway.”

  Jackie cleared her throat and Scott turned to see that her face was a dark shade of red. He knew that it meant she was embarrassed, but he couldn't imagine why until she spoke.

  “That... Um... That won't be necessary,” Jackie spit out finally. “I've been... well... I've been staying in Andy's room.”

  Scott's eyes flicked to Andy, who refused to meet his gaze.

  “Oh,” Scott said. “That's...” It took him a moment to process the fact that his mom and friend were sleeping together. It only took another moment for him to realize that Suzie was a mom also and that even if he wanted to criticize, he was in no position to do so.

  “That's great,” he finished finally. “I'm happy for you.”

  He turned to Suzie.

  “So, no, you won't need to make a room somewhere else, you're welcome to share mine.”

  Suzie's eyes flashed with heat and the look on her face was almost enough to give Scott an erection, even with all his friends standing there.

  “Show me where it is?” she asked.

  “Just a minute. Bill, did you upgrade the fence? I didn't hear it when I was coming in.”

  Bill's face held a forlorn look and when Scott had turned to look at him, he'd caught Bill's eyes flickering between the three women.

  “No, when I told you the fence was off, it wasn't anything I did. We turned it on a couple days back, but that windstorm damaged it. There are three posts side-by-side where the insulated holders for the wire got snapped off by a tree coming down on them. We chopped up the tree, but I'm still trying to figure out how to replace the holders so we can get the fence running again.”

  Good, I bet that's something Suzie can help with.

  “Those ceramic ones with the metal bases that were welded to the poles?” he asked.

  Bill nodded.

  “Suzie and I got it,” Scott said. “She's a welder and she brought her equipment. We'll unload the truck first though, we've got more guns for the safe.”

  Bill cocked his head to the side.

  “Good stuff? I know you're the weapons expert for the Retreat so I'll take your opinion on it.”

  “Useful stuff at least. No more battle rifles, but some pistols, shotguns, a 10/22, and a hunting rifle.”

  “That's good?” Bill asked.

  “The 10/22 will be great for picking of varmints in the garden and the hunting rifle is something I would've liked to have, but never managed to afford.”

  Bill nodded, his face slightly less sour looking than it had been when Scott had first introduced Suzie.

  “Okay then, when do you think you can get to the fence? We haven't seen any groups of people going by yet, but it's only a matter of time.”

  “Well, it's almost dusk now, will be after we unload, so first thing in the morning?”

  “Sounds like a plan. Just... keep your ears open in case we get visitors, okay? The main gun safe is already unlocked so we can get to the weapons quickly if we need to, keep yours unlocked also.”

  Scot nodded. The Retreat had two gun safes. One was in the large living room and held a shotgun and a pistol for everyone, or at least for each of the planned inhabitants. With the women added in there would still be a weapon for each of them, if they were able to handle it. He'd have to check that soon.

  The second gun safe was in Scott's room. It held another pistol, a shotgun, and a pair of AR-15s that he'd planned as the main defensive weapons for the Retreat, but he hadn't checked any of the other guys out on them yet. Now he might not have to. If Suzie was comfortable with one, he'd pick her to watch his back over any of the guys with less shooting experience.

  “Let's bring the guns and ammo in first,” he said, turning back to Suzie.

  She was staring at him, an amused smirk on his face.

  “Weapons expert for the Retreat? You didn't mention that,” she said.

  He shrugged.

  “It didn't exactly come up in conversation now, did it?”

  She laughed out loud.

  “I think I made a good choice here. You're right, let's go get the guns.”

  It took them until after dark to unload everything going into the house. Bill was surprised, yet again, when they stacked all the food on the table, and he murmured a barely heard apology for his earlier attitude.

  Although I get it, Scott thought. Andy's with my mom, Vivian is with Ted, and Suzie's with me. Bill's gotta be pissed that the three of us have a partner and he doesn't. I'll try to cut him some slack.

  After a quick meal, Suzie and Scott excused themselves to knowing glances from four of the other people present and an audible groan from Bill whose face flashed with jealousy when he heard them excuse themselves.

  When they reached Scott's bedroom, Suzie plopped down on the edge of the bed and looked at him for a moment.

  “So,” she said, licking her lips, “What do you want to do now?”

  He stared at her for a moment.

  “That depends, do you feel safe?” he asked.

  She glanced over at the gun safe, which was open. Staring at the battle rifles for a moment. Scott had shown her the basics of them earlier on and she'd caught on quickly. Then her gaze turned back to him.

  “Yes, I think I do feel safe, why?” she asked.

  “Don't you remember? You promised me a whole lot more of something if I got you to somewhere you felt safe.”

  She shucked off her denim vest, proving something Scott had been thinking all day long. That she wasn't wearing anything under it, no undershirt, not even a bra. Her nipples were already erect, probably from rubbing against the denim all day long.

  “I remember, I was just teasing,” she said.

  She held her arms out to him and he came over to the edge of the bed, then dropped to his knees so he was at her level, or at least closer to it. She wrapped her arms around his head and pulled it in against her breasts.

  “Thank you,” she said. “Even if Jake gets out he won't be able to find me here, and if he does, we can defend ourselves.”

  “You're welcome,” he replied, the sound muffled by the breasts currently surrounding his head.

  She let go of him and slowly stood. She started to take off her boots, but Scott looked at her hungrily.

  “Leave those on?” he said. “But ditch the shorts.”

  The cut-off shorts she was wearing slid over the boots just fine and in moments she stood in front of him, totally nude except for a pair of brown suede boots.

  “Damn, you're hot,” he said.

  “You aren't so bad yourself, except I much prefer the view without clothing in the way,” Suzie replied.

  Scott blushed for a moment, then started removing his own clothes. When he finished, he looked up to find Suzie lying back on the bed, her legs hanging over the edge, and spread wide. He stood and she caught his eye.

  “I know what I want,” she said, “but if there's something in particular you'd like, let me know and we'll do that first.”

  “What do you want?” he asked, taking in the sight of her pussy. Since it had been more than a day since she'd shaved, he could see the slightest bit of stubble, but for some reason it looked soft.

  “Umm,” she said, “you know that thing you did?”

  His eyes traveled up her body pausing at her full breasts where they sagged to either si
de of her chest, letting him know that they were all natural. Finally he tore his eyes away from those and met her gaze.

  “You mean eating you out?” he asked.

  “Yeah, going down on me. That's what I'd like,” she said. “Just like you did the other day, okay?”

  “Yes, and no,” Scott replied.

  “What?” Suzie asked, shifting to start sitting up.

  “Yes, I'd be happy to, but no, I won't do it just like the other day. I was in a rush then, now I'd like to take my time with it.”

  “Oh,” she said, sagging back until she was lying on the bed again. “Okay.”

  Scott dropped to his knees between her legs and leaned his face forward. He was struck by the odor first. They'd been tense on the drive and worked hard unloading the truck, even so she smelled good enough to eat. So he did.

  His tongue flicked out and gently caressed her labia first. She giggled a little at the soft contact, then brought her hands to the back of his head, pulling him forward until he was making a less gentle contact with his tongue.

  When she let go of his head, he drove his tongue deep into her slit, lapping at the juices he'd seen glistening along her opening. She sighed heavily as he drove his tongue into her and Scott smiled inwardly.

  I don't think I've ever had a woman react this well to my eating them out. I'm going to take my time with this, he thought.

  He brought his hands up and started massaging her inner thighs as he continued to run his tongue up and down her slit. Occasionally, he let the tip of his tongue travel up a little farther and graze her clit and its hood before bringing it back down again.

  The muscles in her legs relaxed as he worked on them, and Suzie herself was relaxing from his other attentions to her. He ran the width of his tongue up her pussy, his entire face shifting up as he did so. When he caught sight of her stiff nipples jutting up into the air, his next move was entirely unplanned.

  Scott's arms slid under her legs, then lifted. Suzie's legs went up into the air, presenting her pussy to him in a position even better to work on, but his hands moved up her sides. He could feel the leather trim on the top of his boots brush against his arms, the leather slick and shiny from long use.


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