Naughty Secrets

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Naughty Secrets Page 7

by Joan Elizabeth Lloyd

  A twenty-six-year-old woman wrote:

  I do it nearly every day and, although I was brought up to believe it was wrong, I love it. I didn’t touch myself for a long time until I suddenly discovered all kinds of amazing things about myself. Now I know what I like and what I don’t like and now that I know I can tell my boyfriend, too.

  I’m damn good at it, too; like anything else it gets better with practice. I’ve done it so much that I’ve become multiple orgasmic. I’ve even tried to see how many climaxes I could have; I had six in about half an hour before passing out cold.

  I try to make it different and interesting every time. Sometimes it’s just a quickie to help me sleep; sometimes, I drink a little wine, read a book— Vox was my most recent—and “romance” myself. I just recently bought the iRabbit, a vibrator extraordinaire, and it’s terrific. I prefer my hand, though—human contact is always better than a tool. I enjoy masturbating in front of men, too, if they like it.

  A thirty-four-year-old woman wrote:

  Yes, I do, and the frequency depends on the time of the month. The week before my period, I masturbate probably two or three times a day. The week after my period, I may only do so once or twice all week. During my period, I have learned that masturbating relieves my cramps so the second and third days I may masturbate seven or eight times! It’s purely therapeutic, of course (evil grin).

  I have a vibrator to make it easy especially if I am in a hurry. I always close my eyes and fantasize completely unrealistic scenarios (like having a threesome with my husband and another male, or being the guinea pig in a scientific sex study). If I am not in a hurry, I like the easy stimulation of a soft spray of the shower on my clitoris. Nothing like a little good clean fun!

  A sixty-eight-year-old man wrote:

  I masturbate whenever I feel the urge, about three to four times a week. I use lubricant, getting very hard and pulsing, edging toward ejaculation for a long time. Stimulation? It varies, sometimes it’s on the phone or with a cyber partner, sometimes alone. I even have videos of myself masturbating, which excites me. I love the sight of my cock, hard and ready, and I love watching it come as I feel the spasms.

  A twenty-one-year-old woman wrote:

  I masturbate almost every day. More than anything else pornographic movies get me in the mood, and erotic stories often work well, too. My imagination also plays a big part in it. Music doesn’t usually play into my masturbation, but I know that it does with my partner.

  A forty-seven-year-old man wrote:

  I masturbate three times a week, sometimes more, generally lying down in bed fantasizing. Sometimes I like doing it to your short stories, Joan, and I also enjoy good porno movies. My hand works just fine, but occasionally I add my wife’s vibrator. Sometimes I lube with baby oil, sometimes with hand cream. I guess it just depends on my mood.

  My wife knows, but not “overtly.” She does know that a few times when she did not want to have sex and I was desperate, I jerked off in bed with her next to me, sometimes talking dirty to me, sometimes helping a little with her hand.

  She doesn’t admit that she masturbates, but sometimes I have noticed that, when I return from a business trip, her vibrator has been moved. I know it’s bad to peek but I do. I wish she’d share this with me because I think we could add it to our love life.

  A thirty-two-year-old man wrote:

  I masturbate every other day or so using lubricant. I like to read porn on the Web and sometimes I use a butt plug for added stimulation.

  A thirty-six-year-old woman wrote:

  I masturbate occasionally. My husband didn’t used to mind but lately my sex drive has taken a dive so if I were to masturbate without him involved, he’d likely be annoyed.

  A nineteen-year-old woman wrote:

  I masturbate three or four times a week. I usually just have to rub my clit to get off, but occasionally I insert a finger or two. I just do it whenever the urge hits me as long as the baby is asleep.

  My husband says he doesn’t masturbate but he does buy porno magazines and I suspect that he jerks off from time to time. I don’t really mind. Show me a man who says he can go three weeks without any and I’ll show you a liar. Hey, as long as he can stay satisfied without needing another woman I don’t care how he does it.

  A twenty-six-year-old woman wrote:

  I have masturbated since I was twelve. Now I do it once a week or so. I start out by watching a sexy movie or reading a steamy book until I am completely aroused. Then I use clitoral stimulation only until I have an orgasm. It usually only takes a few seconds to get there because I know exactly where to touch. I have never used a toy but I admit I am curious about vibrators. Someday I may have the courage to actually buy one.

  A twenty-two-year-old man wrote:

  Of course I masturbate. Even when you’re in a relationship, I think you still have to do your own thing once in a while. I believe that you have to love yourself and be open to self-experimentation to be able to love and be experimental with someone else.

  Once when I was at university I wandered into some nearby woodland and placed all my clothes into a bag. I placed the bag in a ditch, and walked about five hundred yards from it so there was no way I could get back to my clothes in time if someone saw me. I just lay down in the mud and masturbated. I was there for ages. I just kept getting close to coming and then stopping and starting again. I wanted to increase the danger, I guess. I ended up coming all over myself after about fifteen minutes.

  A sixty-year-old man wrote:

  I like to look at myself naked in a mirror, or gaze at a picture in a magazine, a TV film, a woman or girl outside, or at my partner lying in bed next to me. I fantasize a lot about having sex with different women, in different poses or situations while doing myself, and I often take as long as I can before coming.

  When I come while looking at my female neighbor sitting and relaxing before the large window on a chair in her living room, I just feel great, maybe because I think about the possibility she can see me doing it. Sometimes I even do it in sight of a woman passing by. It gives a tremendous tension just wondering, Has she seen what I did?

  Sometimes I try to get an erection without using my hands by sticking my penis into a small detergent drawer of the washing machine we have. When I stand upright it’s exactly level with my penis and it is the same width. I put my penis in and close the drawer as far as I can so my penis is held by the machine. Then I start moving forward and back and… I get a huge erection. After that my hand takes over.

  I think it is good to do it as often as you can and enjoy it, since then your sexuality is kept alive and you feel in a better shape. My wife often masturbates next to me in bed and that turns me on a lot! It’s great to masturbate while watching a woman doing it at the same time.

  A fifty-nine-year-old man wrote:

  I don’t masturbate alone much because I do not have to, except when my wife is sick or something. I do, however, masturbate as part of sex with her. What feels particularly good is the last few seconds before coming. The routine goes like this.

  She lies on her back, spread wide enough so I can straddle her left leg at the thigh. I put the fingers of my left hand inside her and my right hand strokes my penis until it comes on her tummy or tits. Then I collapse on top of her and rub my come between us. We spend a few moments, then clean up.

  We use toys sometimes, too: vibrators and dildos usually. Sometimes I put the little one inside her and my penis tight next to the vibrator. She is not very adventurous but goes along to please me. She likes me inside her.

  My wife doesn’t masturbate alone either. Her first husband just used her as a place to put his come and then rolled over and went to sleep. She did not have her first orgasm until after we were together and she damn near blew a gasket the first time she came. She can help bring herself to orgasm at times, but generally she likes me to do it for her.

  A twenty-year-old woman wrote:

  Masturbation for me varies from a c
ouple of times per week to twice a day, depending on my mood and location. At the moment my boyfriend is quite tired a lot of the time and goes to bed earlier than I do, so sometimes I need a little more satisfaction than I’m getting. Also, I find it very hard to climax during sex or any way other than with my own fingers.

  I tend to masturbate in the morning, or late at night. I usually read on-line erotica or find some porn. I put a cozy rug over my desk chair, sit down half cross-legged, and remove my slacks. I find something to insert inside myself—a tube of mascara with a tightly closed lid works wonders. I used to masturbate only with my right hand, with a very specific stroke. The needs of on-line porn (I have a right-handed mouse) have taught me to use my left also, with a slightly different movement.

  I find some images or stories that fit my mood, and alternate between using the mouse with my right hand and stroking my clit with my left and using my right hand to move the object inside me. It usually takes me around twenty minutes to come, but it can take much longer if I’m tired.

  A fifty-one-year-old woman wrote:

  The moments leading up to the orgasm, that excitement in all my nerve endings followed by that feeling that nothing could stop the rush, is the best thing ever.

  I am particularly turned on by my nipples. I touch and rub them until they become turgid, then pinch them between my fingers, and pull on them until I’m really hot. Then I move one hand to touch my clit, pressing down on either side so that the little head pops up. I lazily circle as I dip inside my cunt for juices, then things accelerate and I come. It feels like an immense release of all my powers, as if I’m giving them over for a touch of paradise.

  A forty-seven-year-old woman wrote:

  When I masturbate, I like to pretend that my lover sneaks into my room and starts kissing me from the toes upward under the sheets. Eventually I dream that he performs oral sex on me. It makes me come every time.

  A twenty-two-year-old woman wrote:

  I masturbate occasionally, when I read, watch, or think of something that makes me horny and I don’t have someone to take care of that need.

  Orgasms are usually dependent on clitoral stimulation for me. I have two vibrators. I insert the one into my vagina and put the smaller one on my clitoris, a pretty quick and simple way to climax.

  A twenty-five-year-old woman wrote:

  I begin by rubbing my clit until I start to open up, then I slide my fingers in and stroke my g-spot faster and harder until I orgasm.

  I have done it in front of my boyfriend and often rub my clit while we are having sex. He seems to like watching and will even buy magazines to get me aroused if I am not feeling sexual.

  A twenty-seven-year-old woman wrote:

  My masturbation routine is usually to read something sexy, anything from straight erotica like yours, Joan, to all kinds of fetish magazines. I imagine myself in the story and focus on my clit, rubbing as I read until I build to an orgasm.

  A twenty-eight-year-old woman wrote:

  I do it in the shower with a handheld shower massager but I would rather have a partner join in instead of doing it alone.

  A thirty-year-old woman wrote:

  I find that when I pleasure myself it’s too fast and over too soon so I don’t do it often. I read about people enjoying the pleasure for a long time but for me it’s over within five minutes.

  My husband encourages it and I know he would love for me to put on a show for him. Unfortunately I just don’t feel comfortable performing a show that is only going to last five minutes.

  A thirty-eight-year-old woman wrote:

  I masturbate almost daily. I enjoy the calm feeling after the release, which for me is very fast. I usually use the middle finger of my right hand or a vibrator to rub my clit.

  I own a bag full of expensive toys, most of which are good concepts but don’t really work—butterflies, ben wa balls, vibrators with fancy tops. I prefer my simple vibrator with the speed on slow.

  I also love my big dildo. It’s rubber, two inches wide, and eight inches long with a suction cup at the bottom. What I love is the feeling of it first entering me, and I love to stand it on its suction-cup base on the side of my bathtub.

  I am not able to orgasm through intercourse only, because it never lasts long enough. Consequently masturbation is part of our routine every time. I enjoy masturbating while his cock is pressed up against my vagina, or while I’m sitting on top of him, rubbing myself to orgasm. As soon as I feel release from clitoral stimulation, I almost immediately come from intercourse, and I’m able to “ride the waves” as I climax over and over again, for as long as he can remain hard inside me.

  My husband says he never masturbates on his own but he has played with himself once or twice with me. I find it so erotic to watch a man pleasure himself. It gives me insight as to what he likes and what works for him.

  A fifty-four-year-old woman wrote:

  To get in the mood for my daily masturbation session I think of one of the men I’ve talked with on the Net whom I have special feelings for. I’ll stretch out on the bed, sometimes with a rubber dildo or sometimes just using my hand stroking my clit, and relax and fantasize about how it might be with him there with me.

  Sometimes I masturbate in the morning when I first awaken. I’ll lie there half asleep, using one hand on my satin sleep shirt to caress my nipples while the other steals down to my mound, allowing my fingers to slip into my wetness. I slowly stroke my clit dreaming of my chosen partner, imagining him beside me there in bed.

  I’ve asked some of the men I speak to on-line about if it would turn them on to see me masturbate for them, because I thought it might be a turnoff thinking they weren’t enough for me. Surprisingly to me they were very positive about it.

  A fifty-eight-year-old woman wrote:

  I masturbate several times a week when I’m alone, but less often when my partner and I are together, although we do like to do it together. Sometimes we even do it over the phone since ours is a long-distance relationship.

  A twenty-five-year-old man wrote:

  Sure, I masturbate from time to time. When I was married my wife knew and at first she thought it was insulting and gross. It took a while but I convinced her it was a good thing to do. Eventually she grew to like it and wanted to watch. Now that we are divorced I have heard from her several times as a friend that she appreciates my teaching her to be less inhibited.

  A twenty-seven-year-old man wrote:

  My routine is to think of a girl I know. A lot of times it is an undergrad I am tutoring or someone I see around the campus. I imagine being seduced as I try to tutor her. At other times I dream that I’m seducing a pretty little freshman.

  A lot of times, though, I am tricked into a compromising situation and raped by a woman with a strap-on. I use a lot of lotion and, as I stroke, my other hand cups my testicles, my back arches off the bed, and I scream very very loudly!

  A thirty-year-old man wrote:

  I have masturbated at least three times per day since I was twelve, and about twice a week before that, starting at age nine. Just to see what it would be like, I masturbated fifteen times in one twenty-four-hour period when I was fifteen.

  I typically rub my cock while in the car on the way home, or discreetly under the desk at work. Sometimes women in SUVs or other tall vehicles will observe me while my car is stopped at a light.

  When I get home I enjoy reading erotica or looking at pornographic images as my cock hardens and my balls cinch up. I will then often rub my asshole and penetrate it with a finger, the top of a shampoo bottle, or a rounded wrench handle.

  A thirty-two-year-old bisexual man wrote:

  I like to lie back, lube myself up really good, and slowly stroke myself with a tight grip. I usually read erotic stories and get close to climax, then slow down, and continue doing this until I can come at the same time as the characters in the stories. Sometimes I use an anal vibrator when I masturbate, and that provides incredible sensations that lead to exp
losive orgasms.

  My wife knows I masturbate, and she often asks me if I have masturbated that day. If I have, she asks me to describe what I did. She occasionally asks me to put on a show for her. That’s really exciting.

  She, too, masturbates and it turns me on in an instant when she tells me about it. I especially like it when she tells me she got so hot thinking about me that she had to go into the ladies’ room at work and rub her clit. When she tells me this, I usually attack her before she finishes.

  A forty-year-old man wrote:

  I seldom masturbate. Occasionally my wife asks me to do it while she watches. At those times I like to sprinkle powder on my inner thigh and my willy, then I gently rub it back and forth against my thigh until I’m there. A lot of times I don’t finish because she hijacks my bone for her own fulfillment!

  A forty-two-year-old man wrote:

  Even if I have sex with my squeeze, I still masturbate at least once a week.

  My lady and I like to play with each other nude. Playing with her breasts while she plays with my nipples is the surest way for me to get erect. Frequently she doesn’t care whether she gets penetrated (or at least so she says) so we go into the bathroom and she plays with me while I masturbate. I love for her to suck and nibble on my nipples while I bring myself off.


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