Always Angel (The List #4)

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Always Angel (The List #4) Page 12

by N. K. Love

  “I see.”

  I do understand her point, I just would’ve gone about it in a non-weirdo kind of way. But, given what I know about her—which she clearly doesn’t realise I know—her life is worlds apart from mine. So, maybe those tactics are her kind of normal.

  “I have spoken to X, but felt I should give you an explanation myself.”

  “Does he know you’ve come to see me?”

  “No, he doesn’t. I may respect him, Bethany, but I’m a big girl. I don’t flaming well answer to him.” She scoffs behind a genuine smile. “This was between me and you, sweetie, that’s all”

  For once, she doesn’t sound patronising. I feel like I’m actually meeting the woman behind the mask. After what she went through in her childhood, no wonder she can be a cow when she needs to be. I certainly wouldn’t want to fuck with Cruella. But Carmel, on the other hand, I’m beginning to warm to.

  When she asks me about Next Chapter we talk some more and she tells me a little about her loaded, stockbroker fiancé, Dean. When she finishes her tea and pockets her phone, I make a snap decision to pry a little, whilst I’ve got the chance.

  “I accept your apology, by the way. And I appreciate you looking out for him too… I understand that you’re still helping him.”

  “Jesus bloody Christ, he really has got it bad.” She snorts, but I don’t take offence—it’s true, we do have it bad. “So you know about that too? Well, well, well, he definitely trusts you.”

  I offer her a modest shrug and smile at the warm, fuzzy feeling I have, knowing that Jax absolutely does trust me.

  “Before you go, could I ask how the… investigation is going?”

  “Slow, as always. We don’t have resources on it around the clock, except when we get a decent lead. Last sighting was in Albania.”

  “What about the girlfriend? Did you ever go back to speak to her?”

  For a fraction of a second, Carmel looks taken aback, but she smiles again.

  “Bethany—in the nicest possible way—you’re his girlfriend. Leave this stress to us. I know what it feels like to want to escape a part of your life. That is almost impossible when the person you spend all your time with is involved as well… Does that make sense?”

  I know she’s referring to her ordeal and her father.

  “I think so; you’re telling me, politely, not to try and play with the big boys and girls.” Carmel starts shaking her head to object. “I’m kidding. I understand. It had just been playing on my mind, that’s all.”

  “Incidentally, the targets girlfriend is a dead-end. She upped and moved and denies all knowledge… Probably one of those crazy, ruthlessly loyal type of women!” This time she winks at me and I can’t help but laugh at her insinuation. “Anyway, Bethany, I like you. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want to have a girly night in, drinking champagne and braiding each other’s hair! But, I do like that feistiness, that fire.”

  “Is this your way of telling me we can’t be best friends?”

  I tease and pout. Carmel, smirks as she pats her pocket to double check her phone’s there, then grabs her keys off the table.

  “Hmm, funny too. X has hit the jackpot… Unfortunately, I do keep my inner circle quite small.” She stands to leave and I remain seated. “But, never say never. I may just have to practice my braiding skills after all.” Carmel cloaks her jacket over her shoulders. “Goodbye, Bethany. It was lovely speaking with you.”

  Taking my forearms, she leans in and air kisses either side of my face.

  “You too, Carmel. I’m glad we did this. Take care.”

  Chapter Nine

  Saturday 23rd May 2015


  “So, I haven’t gotta meet this bird around the back of the bike sheds to fight for best buddy rights?”

  “No, Wills. That position is firmly filled by you. You’re stuck with me I’m afraid.”

  As planned, we’ve met up outside the tattoo place a little earlier. The sun’s out with clear blue skies so we grabbed an ice lolly from the shop next door and perched ourselves on the bench opposite slurping and chatting away.

  “I’m glad you’ve cleared the air. Even though I know you can handle yourself—” She fakes a headbutt and laughs. “—I don’t like the thought of you having frienemies.”

  “Well, she’s neither a friend nor an enemy, but at least I know her bitchiness was all in good faith and she’s a nice girl behind all the baggage. Jax was pleased because he knew last week had bothered me.”

  I was careful about how I told Wills, making sure not to talk about anything unnecessary. As far as Wills is concerned, Carmel is a friend of Jax’s whom he does business with and she was being a bitch because she wanted to see if she could trust me. Thankfully, Carmel saw that I am trustworthy and now that stupidness is behind us.

  “You’re all set then, babe. Your ducks are back in a row with Jax and your sparkle is sparkling. Now, time for me to knock the wind outta your sails. Are you ready to hear my fucking, wank-stain news?”

  “Yes.” I screw up my face. “But, please don’t tell me you’re splitting up with Peter.”

  “No, no. We’re all good. It concerns the other significant male in my life… Yep. My dad.”

  “Shit. Is it to do with your mom?”

  “Yes and no. You know the money I won on the lotto?” I frown and nod, wondering where this is heading. “Well, I didn’t. I didn’t win it. I didn’t win the stupid lottery! It was all a set up! A fucking ruse!”

  “I don’t understand. How do you know?”

  “Now my parents are back together, my mom said they’re working on their differences and trying to talk more. I was at their house yesterday and Mom pulled me to one side in the kitchen and blatantly told me to ask him about my winnings.”


  “Yeah. So we both went into the garage, where he’s working on some old banger, and I asked him outright… Beth, you should have seen his face. He looked as suspicious as a nun in a cucumber field. I’m telling you… Hey, what’s wrong with you?”

  “Noth..nothing, just, nothing.” I stammer with cold, juice dribbling down my chin like a toddler. I mop it up with a napkin and hope she’s not noticing the immature blush that’s creeping up on my cheeks.

  “Okay. It is something.” Wills squints her eyes at me. “But you can tell me later… So—speaking of guilt-ridden faces—he didn’t have a leg to stand on. We all sat down and he spilled the beans. He didn’t try to dilute the truth, he just told me the facts. He said I always refused money from him so he concocted the lotto win. Funny thing is, it was so ridiculous, it was completely believable.”

  “How the hell did Will pull that off?!”

  “He arranged for a fake email to be sent saying my lucky dip numbers had won—it had a fake lucky dip ticket matching the fucking numbers and everything. I had no reason to think it wasn’t legit. I do a lucky dip each week and never check my numbers. I always relied on e-mail confirmation for any wins. I’d only ever got three numbers in the past. Anyway, when I gave them my bank details, they wired the money over. Hundreds of thousands, Beth!”

  “But what about the people you met with afterwards; the advisors, the publicity team?”

  “All people he’d paid to con me. Dad knew I wouldn’t want to sell any stories and he knew I’d be sensible enough to buy a property and save the rest. He certainly isn’t stupid. Dodgy as fuck, but definitely not stupid.”

  “Dodgy as in you think the money is dodgy?”

  “Beth, I know the money is dodgy. He told me as much. Or at least that it had been earned by, let’s say, unsavoury means.”

  “So was he really trying to look out for you or are you saying it was some kind of money laundering, embezzlement type cover up?”

  “No, babe. He was definitely only doing it to look out for me. Of that I’m sure. I over-reacted at first. God, Beth, I even fucking slapped him.”

  Wills covers her mouth and I see the frustration replaced with hurt as
she thinks about it. For all of her quirkiness and badass sense of humour, it’s obvious that this has hit her hard.

  “What did Will do?”

  “He took it. What else could he do? I went mad at him and he just took it. When I’d calmed down, we sat and spoke alone for ages. We haven’t fallen out or anything. It was just a shock. I felt manipulated, lied to, betrayed even.”

  “Was it all really necessary? I mean, that’s a lot of money. Surely he could’ve opened up an investment account in your name and stuck it in there for you.”

  “Apparently my dad does things the hard way. His plan was foolproof to be fair. I’d have never known if he hadn’t opened up to my mom about it. He wanted me to have money that I believed was mine. Dad said that if he’d ever convinced me to accept money from him, it’d feel tainted and I wouldn’t enjoy the feeling of independence when I bought my house and that…”

  “That does make sense, Wills. It was a kind, sweet thing to do, in his own twisted way.”

  “That’s what I think. It’s just the lies though, babe. I can’t stand knowing that he lied to me all this time.”

  “But, knowing your dad, he wouldn’t have found it easy. He obviously felt that having you financially secure and feeling independent, was worth it.”

  “Mmm… I disagree with it, but I don’t want to rock the boat and fall out because I understand why he did it. It was done with good intentions. He just chose a different way to express them, I guess.”

  I let Wills wise words soak into my mind. They ring true for Jax and I too.

  We throw our wooden sticks into the bin and head over the road for our noon appointments.

  My phone rings just before we go inside.

  “It’s your dad, Wills. Do you mind if I answer?”

  “No, don’t be daft, carry on. I’m intrigued!”


  “Hey, Smiler. How are you?”

  “I’m good thanks.”

  “Good. I believe my very pissed off daughter is with you. Did she fill you in yet?”

  “Yep and you’ve got some making up to do, Will.”

  “Yeah, I figured as much. I didn’t mean to hurt her. I hope she knows I thought I was doing the right thing.”

  “Don’t worry, it’ll all work out in the end.”

  Wills nudges me, trying to turn my phone so she can hear him, but I bat her away.

  “I hope so. Well, I know I can count on you to support her regardless… Don’t get up to too much mischief.”

  “Oh we will. We’re literally on the doorstop of a tattoo parlour.”

  “Sure you are! Alright, Smiler. I’ll let you get off, sweetheart.”

  “Okay. Say ‘hi’ to your better half for me.”

  “I will. Goodbye.”

  “See you around.”

  “Urgh… Was he checking up on me?”

  “What?” I shrug. “I think that’s sweet, Wills… Right, let’s do this.”

  I pocket my phone and reach for the door when Wills stops me.

  “So, are you absolutely positive about your choice?”

  I nod enthusiastically.


  “You nervous?” I nod again. “But you’re still sure you want to have it done?”

  We both slowly start smirking, knowing in sync that we’re thinking the same thing. There was only ever going to be one answer. I confidently respond, in unison with Wills, “Fuck It!”

  We didn’t have to wait long before having our consultations about the design and placement and then we were both being ushered into one of their larger rooms so that we could be worked on together. I’m pleased to find the room looks very clinical and it’s spotless.

  The two lads assigned to us, Mink and Daz, look like they’ve just finished crowd surfing, after jumping off the main stage at Glastonbury. My guy, Mink, is working in black skinny jeans and an open black denim gilet. Yes, he is rocking double denim and pulling it off with ease. The fact that he’s topless underneath may swing it in his favour too. These guys definitely have an air of fame about them.

  They’ve both got long, straggly black hair and lots of tattoos, mainly on their sleeves. It’s their piercings that have me most intrigued. Their bodies are littered, as though it’s their ambition to always get frisked at the airport.

  Shortly after getting started, once they’d realised that Will and I were talkaholics, they both donned earbuds and drowned out the rest of the world with some heavy rock. I initially thought it was standard practice, because they work in their own little bubble. But Wills seemed to think they just didn’t want to hear our girly drivel for the next few hours.

  Wills and I can see whereabouts each other are being worked on, but the tattooists have purposely positioned themselves so that I can’t see what she’s having and vice versa. Mink’s gloved hands work wonders and I’m fascinated by his skills.

  Considering where I’ve chosen to have mine, I thought it’d be more painful. I found that once I’d got to grips with the way it stung like a motherfucker, it was bearable. I was able to stay still and only needed to stop a few times for a little breather.

  I manage to discreetly tell Wills about the whole strawberries and cucumber sexperience, which rendered her speechless. Daz had to stop so she could get her fit of giggles over and done with before carrying on. Then she shared a similar story involving two strangely shaped carrots, which led to Mink having to stop too. It’s a good job they’re a couple of chilled out lads!

  During a particularly painful part for Wills, we went quiet and my mind soon gravitated towards its favourite subject. I started imagining all of the times Jax has sat in a similar chair, being beautifully inked. Everything about his body is a work of art.

  Mink finishes up on me before Daz is done with Wills so I reveal my ink before it’s wrapped up.

  “Ooo, yes! Babe, I love it. The colours and the shading are spot on.” Daz takes an earbud out so he can compliment Mink on his handiwork too. “Mine wouldn’t be appropriate placed there though, huh, Daz?” He chuckles, shaking his head. “So, are you pleased with it, B?”

  “Hell, yes!” I turn to Mink. “Thank you so much, it’s better than I imagined. You have serious skills. I’ve got a feeling this isn’t the only time you’re gonna get your hands on me… Not like that… I mean… You know what I mean!”

  He slams me a high five, laughing off my awkwardness and covers my new ink up. After chatting for a while longer with Wills, I go on a search and rescue mission. We need caffeine. Apparently, the lads only deal with energy drinks and herbal tea.

  After that experience, when the sun hits me, I feel a burst of energy. My dehydration is a thirst only Jax can quench. But he isn’t here, so a strong coffee will have to suffice, for now.

  I find a café down the street and by the time I return, Wills is all finished. She’s been straddling a reclined chair in her bra for all this time, so Daz finally gets to swivel her around and reveal where he’s been working on her shoulder blade.

  It’s a beautiful, vibrantly coloured fish.

  “Wow, Wills! The colours…”

  “I know, I know. Daz-the-man here has nailed it. It’s a Koi. It represents the overcoming of adversity. What do you think of the lettering?”

  Upon closer inspection, I can make out the calligraphy. Daz has entwined it amongst the design, within green seaplants and wrapped around the delicate fins. As the letters begin to pop out I realise what it says and burst out laughing.

  Fuck It, Shit Happens—F.I.S.H

  The capital letters are more prominent and colourful, whereas the other letters are all black.

  “It’s brilliant, Wills! The perfect tatt for you!”

  “Now you can see what I mean about placement!”

  Wills flicks her eyes to my crotch and twitches her button nose like a rabbit.

  Today is a good day and I get to cross one more item off my Fuck It list.

  Fuck It List

  1. Blowjob

bsp; 2. Handjob

  3. Cunnilingus

  4. Sex in a workplace

  5. Sex in a car

  6. Sex in the shower

  7. Multiple orgasm

  8. Get a tattoo

  9. Get a piercing

  10. Sex on the beach

  11. Phone sex

  12. Cybersex / Sexting


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