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Bang: Challenge Accepted

Page 8

by M. Dauphin H. Q. Frost

  "Oh shit!" he says louder as he pushes me away and tries to fix himself. Jesus, I've never seen a guy move that fast to clean up after a BJ. I sit up to see what he's freaking out about now. He's always freaking out about something.

  Calm the fuck down, man.

  The flashing lights behind us are a pretty big thing to be freaking out about, though. I smile wiping my lips and sitting up straight, making sure no trace of what we were just doing is evident.

  Perfect timing.

  We pull over and wait for the officer to come to our window. I'm trying not to crack up as Jack looks a combination of flushed and pissed and way too turned on. I hope it isn't a female cop.

  The knock on the window comes and I hold my breath. I'm honestly not drunk but a cop wouldn't know the difference seeing me right now. I'm all kinds of turned on and giddy and scared, but it's all coming out to look like I've had way too much to drink.

  "License and registration please," the officer says.

  Jack hands him his papers and groans when he retreats to his car. I'm trying my hardest to not laugh at this whole situation. Pulled over for road head at almost thirty years old. Sweet Jesus, what would my grandma say?! Only a few minutes later he returns with the papers in his hands.

  "Mind telling me what's going on in here?" the officer eyes me suspiciously and I try my hardest not to look guilty. Fuck!

  "Just heading home from the lake."

  "Looked like an awful lot of commotion going on in the cab just a minute ago. You sure everything's good?" His brows furrow and he looks in the back to see Able sleeping away.

  Good thing this kid's a good sleeper. I'd hate it if he ran his mouth to Liam and Ryley about this. They'd never let me watch him again.

  "Everything's great, officer. I dropped my phone and was trying to find it in the dark without having to take off my seatbelt," I smile. "It's a bit difficult to do, ya know." I shrug and smile sweetly.

  He takes a moment to regard the two of us as Jack's gone quiet and his grip on the wheel looks hard enough to crush it.

  Don't give us away, Jack.

  "Listen, you have a tail light out on the trailer. Get that fixed," He nods. "Just a warning today, but next time it'll be a ticket. Understood?"

  "Yes, sir, thank you," Jack says taking his papers back.

  "Get home. It's late." He smiles and nods at Able then retreats back to his cruiser.

  I hold it in until Jack has the window up then I burst with snorts and all.

  "We almost got caught!" I laugh harder than I've laughed in years.

  "Shit." He looks back at Able who's still sound asleep, then pulls back onto the road to make our way back to the house.

  He's quiet the rest of the drive, but about a block away from the house he sighs and reaches over to take my hand, absentmindedly running his thumb across my knuckles. I smile at the endearment.

  By the time we make it back to the Porter house I've worked myself up to be nervous. I don't do goodbyes at the end of the night. I do 'get out so I can go to sleep' goodbyes, and I've never had a problem with that. This feels so much more different.

  "Thanks for today," I say smiling as I reach for the door handle.

  "Wait," he says getting out of the truck and walking to my door.

  Opening it, he holds his hand out so I can get out. Helping me down, he grins and I'm certain my panties just took themselves off for him.

  "I had fun with you, Jenny," he whispers then gently kisses me. "Thanks for hanging out today."

  "I had fun too, Jack," I say honestly. "You better let me know about the puppy," I threaten and poke him in his chest. Maybe just for another reason to touch him, but I don't care. He's so yummy.

  "I promise. Here, let me help you get him inside," he says then opens the back door to get Able out of his booster seat.

  Jack helps carry Able inside and puts him in bed for me, something I'm very capable of doing but don't mind letting him take care of.

  On his way out I stop him. "You sure you have to leave?" I pout.

  "I've got a few meetings tomorrow. Early. With Liam gone I'm the one they will all need." He shrugs. "I'll call you," he says then leaves, gently shutting the front door.



  Jack called yesterday, telling me it would be another day until he could bring the puppy home, meaning any minute now he will be here with the new addition to his household. I think he's actually excited at the prospect of having a dog, but he's not letting on to it. Able talked him into bringing it over to play with us in the backyard tonight. I'm blown away at how well Able has taken to this man in the short time that he's known him. Jack's a good guy, and it shows in just how well he treats Liam and Ryley's boy. I've spent the last two days doing every boy thing possible. From trains, to Hot Wheels, to baseball and catch. He's got more energy than I ever remember having. It's amazing.

  "Aunt Jenny, he's here!" Able yells from his bedroom.

  He's been waiting so impatiently since I told him this afternoon that Jack's bringing the new puppy over tonight. We had the talk of how to be gentle with her since she's hurt from being hit, and he seems like he understands.

  He books it to the front door and is practically hopping up and down on the porch

  "Hey, bud!" Jack calls from his truck.

  He peeks his head in the truck and comes out holding the puppy. I say puppy, but it's probably at least a year old.

  Jack's smile hits me and I'm immediately glad I'm not wearing panties tonight. Easy access. I grin and he shakes his head. The puppy is licking him but with the cast on her leg she looks incredibly awkward.

  "Hey, you," he says and smiles when he makes it to the front porch.

  I nod and look down at Able who's practically exploding with excitement.

  "This little man's been waiting for this moment all freaking afternoon." I laugh when the dog leans down and licks Able's face.

  "Well, let's head inside. I'm starving." Jack grins and laughs. "Pizza tonight?"

  "Har har…." I shake my head then meekly mutter, "Yes. It'll be here in twenty minutes."

  He laughs and Able cheers.

  By the time dinner's delivered I'm fairly certain we're never going to pry Able away from this dog. He's sitting on the floor by it, bringing it toys to chew, stuffed animals to snuggle, and I'm certain he keeps sneaking treats. Poor dog's going to be too fat to run around by the time it's allowed to run again.

  "So what'd the vet say?" I ask taking a bite of pizza to stop myself from making a snarky comment about how attractive she is.

  She's obviously attracted to him and I'm in no place to care if he's attracted to her back. I'm just a fuck, he's just a fuck. I need to keep telling myself this.

  "She said everything checks out, other than the broken leg and scratches. Tiny trooper was pretty lucky if ya ask me." He smiles into his beer while watching me react to his answer.

  My eyes narrow and I grit my teeth before turning my head hoping he doesn't notice my jealousy of Little Ms. Beauty Vet.

  We make small talk, purposely not bringing up the dog or the vet, since I'm afraid the green beast would be too much for me to accept at this point. Jack talks a lot about his business that he and Liam run. It's nice being around a grown man that has a purpose in life. At dusk I hear Able shriek and I go running for the living room thinking something bad happened. Maybe the dog bit him, or he fell and hit his head, or—

  "Lightening bugs! Aunt Jenny, can we go outside!?" he's screaming and jumping at the bay window.

  I'm smiling remembering when Ryley and I were younger and how awesome catching lightening bugs was. As an adult it doesn't seem so magical, but I can't help from getting giddy from seeing him so excited.

  "Get your shoes," I say sighing that the dog is attempting to run after him, slipping and tripping over the cast. "Come on, crazy," I mumble then pick her up and walk her out to the patio telling Jack to bring Able out when he's ready.

  All sprayed with bug sp
ray, I watch Able come barreling outside full speed with a jar in hand. He's cracking up, squeeing and laughing at all of the blinking bugs emerging from their sleeping spots. Jack takes the seat next to me on the patio and we sit in comfortable silence watching Able play. The dog's snuggled in my lap and for the first time in a long time I'm totally content just doing nothing. Sitting here with a gimp dog and a handsome man, watching my best friend's son play so innocently. I can see why Ryley likes it up here.

  "Think he knows what's really happening when they light up?" I ask laughing as one crawls up his arm, lighting up along the way. Jack's quiet and looking at me with a confused look on his face. "What?"

  "How would a six year old know what happens when a lightning bug is lighting up. I'm not sure they've covered that in science class yet." He chuckles and shakes his head.

  "What're you talking about? It's not over his head. Everyone knows it's because they're pooping!" I laugh at the look on Jack's face.

  "What! Jenny are you serious?" His eyes are wide and he's smiling so widely I have to laugh at him.

  "Duh! They light up every time they shit!"

  "Jenny…" his mouth falls open and he's shaking his head. "Who told you that?"

  "My grandma." I narrow my eyes at him. "It's because they're pooping, right?" Oh Jesus, have I spent my entire life picturing tiny lightning bugs shitting on me every time they light up for nothing?

  "Oh my God, Jenny. You're not joking, are you? You seriously believe that?" He's cracking up and though I'm thoroughly embarrassed I can't help but laugh along. It's contagious.

  "Yes! I spent my entire life thinking that!" I laugh and the puppy starts to grumble at our antics, yipping at us.

  "And you made it through school thinking things like this?" He calms down and lets out a chuckle.

  I toss a pillow from the patio set at him and laugh.

  "So what is it then? I'm certain you have all the answers." I raise an eyebrow challenging him silently.

  "Bioluminescence. Chemicals in their abdomen mixing with oxygen that create the light. It's to help find a mate." He's smiling, trying not to laugh at me.

  "You just dumbed that down for me, didn't you?" I narrow my eyes at him and suddenly have the urge to check Google to make sure he's not making this shit up.

  My phone rings from my pocket and I pull it out just in case it's work needing something. They've been good so far this week, only calling for a few reschedule problems, so it hasn't been too bad yet. Not work, though. Thankfully. It's Liam's phone number, but I know it's Ryley.

  "Sorry, I gotta get this. It's Ryley," I say making sure I brush my ass against him when I walk by.

  He curses and slaps my ass quickly as I retreat inside. I slide the patio door closed and answer, still watching Able play, unable to wipe the smile off my face.

  "Hey, bitch." I laugh as a lightning bug lands on Able's face and he freaks out. Jack runs out to calm him down, so I'm good for now.

  "Woah. What's going on with you? Why so giddy?" Intrigue is lacing her question.

  "Oh, Able just had a lightening bug on his face and he was freaking out." I seriously can't wipe this smile off my face.

  "I didn't hear him, everything ok? Are you outside with him?" She's just curious but I still roll my eyes at her protective ways.

  "Oh no, I'm inside. Jack's out there with him," I let slip.


  "OOOOh…. So Jack, huh?" Her voice tells me she's smiling, but she said that way too loud for my liking.

  "The fuck, Bang!?" I hear Liam yell from the background.

  I'm laughing but the sigh that came out of Ryley shuts me up. I know she isn't a fan of our banter, but I hope she knows it's all fun and games. Kind of.

  "Tell him to calm the fuck down. It's nothing. We hit a dog the other day and Able wouldn't stop bothering me to see it again so I had Jack bring it over to play."

  "You hit a dog!?" Ryley screeches. "When were you in the car together?"

  "Oh, Sunday we went to the other side of the lake. Spent the day swimming, boating… it was fun." I smile as Jack starts chasing Able around the backyard.

  The shrieks and giggles coming from Able warm my heart. I love that he's happy. I love that Jack's so good with him. And I just love that tiny puppy that's laying on the patio watching the crazies play. Her tail is wagging like crazy and I know it's probably killing her that she can't play and is all alone.

  "Are you listening to me, Jenny?" Ryley's voice breaks through my thoughts.

  "Oh… uh, sorry. Sorry. No. No I wasn't. I'm gonna get going. Jack's heading out soon," I lie. I just want to go out there too. Go spend time with him. With them.

  "Right. I believe that like I believe the sun is blue." I hear Liam groan in the background and laugh.

  "Peace out, bitch," I say then hang up before she can try to talk me out of having Jack stay a little longer tonight.

  For some reason I'm okay with sleeping with him multiple times in one week. Not all men can say they've had that honor, but there's something different about Jack.


  I sigh and leave my phone on the counter, heading outside to a giggling Able and Jack. Laying in the grass, Jack's pointing out different formations in the stars and Able is eating it up. Every word.

  Watching them tonight outside got me thinking.

  Would opening up my life to someone like Jack be so bad?

  Impossible, Jenny. It'd never work.

  I sigh and join the two boys out in the grass, laying down on the other side of Able.

  No, a relationship won't work. But fucking him a few more times will. This won't be able to go further than this week.

  I just need to keep reminding myself that.




  I left that night without the happy ending I'd wanted. The blow job in the truck was great, fantastic actually, but I wanted to reciprocate, I wanted to feel her. Instead I wandered out with a sleeping puppy that I could kick myself for agreeing to keep. I love dogs, I love animals, but I don't want one, I don't have time for one, but I did hit the poor thing and Jenny seems to switch into mother mode when the puppy is around. Call me what you want, but I like that, I like seeing her act motherly. No, I'm not in love with her, it's just a good sign that a woman as brash as her can also be loving and gentle.

  I'll never tell her but the next morning before work I went back to where I hit the dog and I looked around for signs posted of someone missing their pet. I couldn't steal someone's loved pet, but there were no signs, there weren't even houses around. I can't imagine where she came from. Well, where ever she came from, she was coming with me to work until I could trust she wouldn't crap all over the place.

  Liam's back today and I know this day will be very interesting.

  "Jack." He nods while headed toward my desk and the look on his face is one I've seen from my dad before. I don't like it. "I heard you were with my son the majority of the time I was gone." His arms are crossed and he's glaring down at me like he's going to reprimand me for leaving Able's Legos out or something.

  "Yeah, and?" I stand. "I'm not allowed to spend time with the boy that considers me an uncle anymore?"

  "You can spend your last dying breath with Able, but if you keep spending your time with Jenny, your last dying breath will be soon."

  "What's that mean?" I snap at him harsher than intended and his eyebrows shoot up.

  I'm not sure what he's insinuating but I don't think I like it.

  "It means she's like a Black Widow, a Preying Mantis, it means she kills her conquests."

  "What?" I boast at his ridiculous comparison. "Liam, you haven't been here for over a week. There's stuff I know you need to take care of." I sit back down not in the mood for his ridiculousness.

  "It's like that now, huh?"

  "Like what? You came in here threatening me—"

  "I'm not threatening anyone!" He laughs. "I'm looking out for you. Jack man,
I've known Bang our whole lives. We bust each other's balls but I don't really hate her, but I do know she's not the type of chick you're looking for."

  "I'm not looking for a woman, Liam," I grit out.

  "You spent how many days? Unforced, with Bang? You like her more than a quick fuck." He walks to my office door.

  "I don't do quick fucks! I respect women!" I yell as he walks away from my office. "Ryley probably would love to hear that's how you think," I mutter.

  "How who thinks?" Ryley asks appearing in my doorway and the completely unexpected surprise makes me jump and tip my chair. "Jack!" she boasts rushing to my side.

  "Uncle Jack fell!" Able rolls with laughter and I can hear Liam laughing.

  I want to call out a few choice words, but I won't since Able's here.

  "How do you tip a chair that rolls?" Jenny's snorting laughter draws my attention and I'm pissed but there's a stupid smile on my face when I see her.

  "What're you all doing here?"

  "Nice to see you too," Ryley says kissing my cheek. "I stopped in to see Jenny's baby." She's staring at me with raised eyebrows and a knowing smirk.

  "Oh. She's in—"

  "Mom, look!" Able shouts running into the room carrying Sally. I didn't tell Jenny I named her but I was tired of calling her dog.

  "Oh my God!" Ryley drops to her knees.

  I stand there and watch Jenny and Ryley coo over Sally. She can't stand on her leg yet but with all this attention, she wants to jump and somehow manages to jump and nip Ryley's nose.

  "Sally! No!" I shout grabbing her back. "You can't bite!"

  "It's fine," Ryley starts to say.

  "You named her?!" Jenny stands, wide eyed, glaring at me like I shot the poor thing.

  "I was tired of calling her dog." I shrug staring at her flabbergasted expression. "Sally fits."

  "Sally!" I hear Liam boast from the other room and I drop my head.

  "That's the stupidest name I've ever heard for a dog! She's a princess, Jack, my dog will not come to the name of Sally!" Jenny picks her up and coddles her, like even hearing the name will send it into depression or something. It's a dog!


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