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Bang: Challenge Accepted

Page 14

by M. Dauphin H. Q. Frost

  "So you gonna do anything about that up there?" She nods her head in the direction of Bimbo Cinderella and purses her lips together. "I never really liked her. I'll take her out if you want me to." She grins.

  "I know it. Believe me, I saw you beat Sarah's ass down. I'll be good, Ry. Thanks though, babe." I smile and give her a gentle hug.

  Liam had a point. I do typically take what I want. Jack's different, though. I want him to want me back. I'm not used to this feeling, but I have two options: I can either pout and turn into a child about it, or I can fight for what I want and pray it, or in this case he, wants me back.

  I don't have long to ponder this because the next time my eyes flick over to the bitch, she's got her hand on Jack's ass and pinches him hard enough for him to jump away. He looks at her like she's poisonous, then he flicks his glance to me to see if I saw it.

  Oh, Mr. Reed, yes indeed I did.

  "Excuse me," I growl leaving Ryley to stand in the grass grinning from ear to ear.

  Of course.

  I try not to storm up to him but it's no use. I'm pissed and on a mission. When I set my mind to something, I see it through.

  "Hey, baby," I purr shoving myself between Jack and Bimbo Cinderella. "What's going on?" I smile up at him and the look on his face is priceless.

  His eyes are wide, his mouth starts flapping and I hear the bitch start to mumble behind me.

  "Excuse me, babe. I need to take out the trash," I whisper loud enough for everyone around to hear.

  "What'd you call me?" she snaps as I turn around and smile at her.

  "Funny you assume that of yourself, Ste…. Sam, wait, what's your name again?"

  "Shayla," she huffs. "You're the bitch that made me spill my drink earlier." Her eyes narrow at me. "That's ok, Jack here helped me wipe it off."

  Oh please. I hear Liam snicker and Ryley comes walking up the yard.

  Well, well, well, looks like there'll be a crowd for this.

  I smile and cock my head at her then scrunch my eyebrows together. "Hey, do you guys smell that?" I ask looking around. "Um... sweetheart have you seen a doctor lately for that smell?"

  "What?!" she shrieks, her eyes wide. "I don't smell!"

  "Oh no." I tsk and shake my head. "Honey, you just... well you have that... stank about you."

  "What?! Jack, are you going to let her talk to me like this?!" she stutters and Liam barks out a laugh.

  A few other people standing around snicker but I only have ears for Jack's response. He stands there staring at us like he's about to run away instead of face this head on. Welcome to the freak show, Mr. Reed. You don't know what you've just started.

  "Yea, Jack, you gonna let your girlfriend talk to your play thing like that?" I counter, grinning when the look on her face changes. "Dr. Jenny Bang. Jack's girlfriend. I can't say it's nice to meet you."

  Her eyes are wide and she starts to stammer then holds out her hand awkwardly.

  "Uh, nice... I mean..." she trails off when I meet her hand with a disgusted look.

  "I'm not touching that. I'm a gyno, honey. I know where those skank hands have been. I can smell a fungus from down under from a mile away. And, sweetheart, you're just all kinds of no." I say then turn to Jack. "I'll be waiting, sexy," I whisper huskily then pull him in and crush my lips to his, easily getting wrapped up in the lips that I'm going to miss so bad.

  "Oookay," Ryley drawls, her southern charm coming out. "Show's over. Uh... Shayla, let's just... Here." Ryley takes her arm and walks the befuddled bimbo back to her car, where she deserves to be.

  Jack starts to laugh after bitch is out of earshot but I whip around and shove my finger in his chest.

  "And you! Gross, Jack Reed. Just plain nasty. I thought you had more class than that. Go shower, you wreak of nasty bimbo bitch." I grind out before turning and storming into the house.

  A slow clap begins as I walk inside and slam the door letting out a huge breath after I'm alone in the guest bedroom. I plop down on the bed and lay back, rubbing my face with my hands.

  Tonight's supposed to be a good night, my last night with friends before leaving them to go back home.


  Being here feels more like home than home ever has, but that doesn't matter. I have responsibilities in Tennessee that I have to return to. Two weeks is a hell of a long time for me to take. I know my patients are going to be insane when I get back in town.

  This trip has shown me a lot about myself, good and bad. Tonight I learned what jealousy feels like. Sure, long ago I used to feel it, but these last six or seven years I've had no touch of it. I do what I want, when I want, and I've been happy for the most part. Tonight, seeing that whore's hands all over Jack made me want to light a torch on fire and shove it up her perfectly bleached ass.

  Add to it the feels I got while watching Jack play with his niece and Able, and my emotions are on high alert recently.

  Do I really want to go my entire life without having that connection to my own kids?

  I'm really starting to feel that glass of whiskey when I hear voices outside my door.

  "I'm going in, Ryley," Jack's voice booms.

  I smile knowing that even after being such a bitch in front of his friends, he still is coming after me.

  "No, you're not. You're going home." Ryley's voice travels into my room and I can tell she's standing her ground on this one. My Ryley, always protecting me.

  "Just let me in to see her, dammit," he growls.

  "Nope. Bye," Ryley states like he's already out the door, but I know he isn't.

  "What's wrong?" Liam's voice carries from what sounds like down the hallway.

  "Move your wife," Jack says. "Jenny, will you please come out," he bellows.

  I smile and hold back a giggle. Jesus, he's feisty, and dammit if I'm not turned on by this.

  "Jack man, just go home. She's pissed obviously. Take it from me... just leave," Liam says then I hear Ryley gasp.

  "Right, Liam... because that's always the answer!" She yells down the hall.

  "Fuck," he growls now closer to the door.

  Man-o-man, it's like my own personal soap opera right outside my door!

  "Listen, you know that's not what I meant, Ry. I love you. More than life itself. More than anything, but right now, Jack needs to leave. He's making you mad, he's already pissed off Bang, and he's ruining the juju of this party," he says. "I'll call ya later, man, just go... cool off. Or something."

  I hear Jack grumble then his boots retreat down the hall and I breathe a sigh of relief. I want to fuck him, I want to be with him, but I need to get my mind together first.

  "Sorry, Ry," Liam says. "I didn't mean—"

  "It's fine, Liam. Go on back to the party. I'm gonna see how she's doing. That was an asshole thing you two pulled tonight," she says flatly.

  "Yea.…" he says then sighs.

  I hear his retreat as Ryley knocks on the door.

  "Can I come in, babe," she asks cracking open the door.

  "Sure, bitch. Just ignore me," I mutter sitting up in bed.

  "The hell, Jenny? What was that?" She walks to the bed and sits down next to me wrapping her arm around my elbow.

  "Shit, Ryley... I wish I knew," I sigh. "He's got me all kinds of messed up. And she's a slut! You saw she made that woman leave in tears!"

  "Ya, she definitely is." Ryley sighs. "Is this about the challenge with Gage?" she asks innocently. "You know he—"

  "It's not about that, okay? I just.…"

  I don't know.

  "What's so wrong about liking him? He's a good guy, Jenny."

  "I know. He's awesome. I really do like him, but Ryley I live hundreds of miles away. I like sex. I like sex with him a lot, but when I go home tomorrow, that won't happen anymore." I groan and fall back on the bed.

  "You know, there's more to a relationship than just sex, right?" Her grin spreads across her face like she's enjoying seeing this side of me.

  I haven't 'liked' any boy since juni
or year, and that ended up terribly. Ryley and I have never really had these types of conversations because they always end up with me telling her she's crazy. Well now I feel like the crazy one!

  "I know... I do, but that's not me, is it? I was totally cool with being on my own, and alone. And then Jack comes in and makes me want to spend time with him outside the bedroom, and that's... weird."

  She laughs then stops immediately and rests her hand on her protruding stomach. "Oh God, did you see that?" she asks looking down.

  I sit up and watch, smiling. "No, make her do it again!" I place my hand on her stomach. Smiling, I can feel her moving around in there. "She's running out of room, Ry," I smile. "She moves a lot!"

  A laughter escapes both of us when she kicks so hard it makes Ryley's stomach jiggle.

  "Yea, she's insane. I have a feeling she's gonna be giving her older brother a run for his money." She sighs and goes quiet.

  "I'm glad you're happy up here, Ryley. I've gotta say, I hate you not being close to me, but this is where you belong. Your life is here." It's the honest truth and I'm not sure if it's the emotions or the alcohol, but I'm starting to tear up.

  Jenny Bang doesn't cry!

  "You could have this too," she says smiling gently. "You're just too stubborn to do anything about it."

  I couldn't ever have this. This isn't the person I've made myself into. Is it?

  "Pft... right. Like I'll ever settle down," I scoff trying to make her stop thinking about Jack and me.

  It can't happen. We live too far away from each other.


  "Hey, girls." Liam knocks on the door. "Able's wondering where his two favorite ladies are. I told him to stop chasing the women at such a young age but he's insistent you two come back out."

  I sigh and Ryley groans.

  "Coming, dear!"

  Liam opens the door and stares at us. "What the fuck's going on? Why're your eyes puffy, Bang?"


  "What?" Ryley asks staring at me. "Shit, Jenny, were you crying? How'd I not notice that?"

  "I'm not crying. I'm just... happy... for you two."

  "Please, you're happy that you're getting away from him maybe." Ryley chuckles and nods toward Liam.

  "Hey now, I resent that. I've been good, right, Bang?"

  "Sure, Porter. If you count bringing Bimbo Cinderella to our party and ruining my last night up here good, then enjoy the title." I stand up and help Ryley off the bed.

  "Why're you so mad, anyway? It's not like you'd ever do the long distance shit with him anyway. A man's gotta move on." A grin sweeps across his face when he realizes the look on my face isn't anger. It's sadness.

  Sadness that tomorrow I'll be leaving Jack and he will move on without me in his life. Sadness that I told him no, and sadness that I live so damn far away. More than anything else, though, is a feeling like I've been fucking around and probably missed something really fucking good with him.

  "I'm not mad. Excuse me," I say trying to get past him but his arm stretches out and stops me.

  "Why don't you do it?" The seriousness in his tone makes me reel back a little.

  "Do what, Liam?"

  "The whole... 'LDR' thing. Why not give it a try?"

  "Because," I growl. "Move."

  His arm stays in front of me and he smiles flicking his eyes to Ryley who's standing behind me with her arms crossed, watching us like she watches Able, about ready to interfere when the fight gets too much.

  "I challenge you, Bang. Because I don't think you can do it. A long distance relationship challenge." He raises his eyebrows and smirks.

  My eyes narrow at him, my heartbeat rises, and my hands form into fists as Ryley gasps. He knows I can't back down from a challenge. Ever since I was a kid I've always had to prove myself. Little does he know, the only reason I've been so serious about it is that it was his brother that made me. He made me love the rush of proving myself. And now, he's challenged me to play with someone's heart, and very possibly mine too.

  "Liam, that's turning Jack into a game. He's not a game, he's the man she lov—" Ryley starts in on him but I stop her.

  "STOP!" I yell, angry at everything. "You." I point to Ryley. "Never did I ever, ever, fucking EVER say that word. And you." I shove my finger in Liam's chest. "You're putting your best friend in a game? Is that how you play?"

  "You don't have to live with him when he's miserable, Bang! Just fuck him and send him sexy pictures or something!" He scoffs and rolls his eyes. "He's been terrible these last couple of days. I need regular, calm Jack back. You're making him nuts. Just tell him you'll try it, because I can't stand him being such an emotional mess." He grumbles something and I laugh.

  "Babe, you can't play with people's emotions like that," Ryley quietly says.

  "I'm not… Bang doesn't have emotions!" he boasts like he knows everything about me.

  I may have known Liam practically my entire life but he's not the Porter brother I was ever really close with.

  "I can't stand Jack being miserable. He's a good guy… she needs to stop being so stubborn and just make him happy." Liam crosses his arms.

  "I see how much my happiness means to you," I grumble.

  "Pft, you're like my older sister, Bang. You'll be fine. I mean… sure, I care about your… uh… feelings."

  "I'm six months younger than you!" I yell making Ryley laugh.

  "Whatever. You look older. Much older. Like... way older. Maybe that's why he likes you." He laughs loudly. "Shit, why am I still talking to you about this?! You've been challenged, Bang." He salutes me then takes Ryley's hand and walks out of the bedroom as she gives me a smile and shrugs.


  I slam the door and plop down on the bed wondering how today took such a drastic turn. I just want to fuck him and have a good time with him. All the time. Is that too much to ask?

  The longer I sit here and hear the laughter and noises coming in from outside, the angrier with myself I get.

  I can do this. I can have a long distance relationship. People do it all the time. I can do the sexy texts, the phone calls, the Skyping… I can do this.

  I will do this.

  Hopping up from the bed I dart outside and find Ryley. "I need your keys."

  "Why?" she asks not worried about anyone hearing our conversation.

  I shush her, then lean in. "I need your car keys. I'll have it back… later. Sometime. Or tomorrow. I just…. Can I have them or do I need to steal Liam's car?" I glare at her and a grin sweeps over her face.

  "Hey, babe," she yells across the yard to Liam. He looks up at her and smiles.


  "Can you grab Jenny the car keys? My feet are pretty swollen and I'm pretty sore," she half whines, enough to make him pity her and smile that shit eating Porter smile at me.

  I love my best friend. I love my best friend.

  Glancing down at her feet after Liam runs inside, she's got them tucked nicely inside her sandals and there's no sign of swelling at all.

  "Liar," I whisper and she grins at me silently as Liam walks up with the keys.

  "Where ya heading so late? We were just about to get a bonfire goin'." He hands me the keys and I glare at him.

  "Thanks. And nowhere."

  Walking away, I hear him laugh and yell after me, "Wrap that shit up, Bang! Jack doesn't need any of your fungus!"

  I flick him off as I walk away, my mind on Jack and Jack alone. I hear Liam 'oof' and know Ryley had something to do with it, which makes me smile even after Liam's mean comment.

  I don't remember much of the drive to Jack's house. My brain still playing out all the ways to get out of this, though I really don't want to. This is a huge step for me, so I think my brain is having a hard time catching up with the rest of me.

  My heart? Did my heart have a say in this decision? I'm not used to using my heart in big decisions like this, but I feel like it did. All I know is that he's a great guy to be around, both in and out of the bedroom. He's s
exy, he's rugged, he's rough around the edges, and he's one hell of a good lay.

  By the time I'm at his front door I'm so worked up from thinking of all the reasons why I like him so much that the minute he opens it all brain functioning stops.

  "Jenny, wh—" he starts in but I slam my body to his, my mouth devouring his as his hands wrap around me and we trip back inside his house.

  Slamming the door with my foot, I continue kissing him while ripping off his shirt, buttons falling to the floor. A low growl comes from him but he never takes his lips from mine as he grabs onto my tank and rips it down the front.

  Rips! He fucking rips my shirt off me!

  "Oh my God, I've missed this," I moan as he sucks on my neck and pulls me into him to feel his hard length.

  I wiggle and grind against him, getting a groan out of him. My hands go to his belt buckle but as they do he backs away.

  "Wait!" he yells scaring me and himself. "What the hell, Jenny?"

  "I need you, Jack. I need your dick in my mouth. I need to feel you in my pussy. Fuck, my ass even needs you, Jack. Please," I beg going for his pants again but his hands clasp onto my wrists and don't let go.

  "I'm not doing… I can't," he stammers.

  I sigh and roll my eyes. "Fuck, Jack, I'll do the goddamned long distance shit. Now will you please fuck me!" I yell. Loudly.

  Thank Christ he doesn't have any neighbors.

  I'm not sure what he's thinking but it only takes him about a half of a second to register what I said before he's back on me. His hands removing my clothes faster than he ever has, then willingly letting me strip him of the rest of his.


  As I push them down I go to my knees and take him all the way to the back of my throat.

  "Oh Fuck, Jenny," he moans grabbing onto my ponytail and holding me there. I clench my throat muscles around him and he groans, "Shit."

  Slowly he starts pumping into my mouth, his hand still holding my head firmly. I take everything he gives me, enjoying the taste of him again after an excruciatingly few dry days. Bringing a hand up I cup his balls and, remembering the freak out he had the night of the wedding, travel just far enough south without freaking him out and press. The gentle pressure makes him moan so I do it again, this time a little further back. Smiling to myself as he gets harder and harder, I make it to my destination and start to press when he growls and curses.


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