Castle of Illusions (Wicked Kingdoms Book 4)
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Castle of Illusions
Wicked Kingdoms Book Four
Graceley Knox
Castle of Illusions Copyright © 2018 by Graceley Knox
All rights reserved.
All rights reserved under the International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.
This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, organizations, events or locales is entirely coincidental.
Warning: the unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in prison and a fine of $250,000.
Edited by: Lorraine Fico-White - Magnifico Manuscripts
Cover Design by: Desiree DeOrto Designs
This one’s for every girl out there with doubts, fears, and dreams she’s chasing. I hope Ever inspires you to never give up, and to take no prisoners.
Praise for Graceley Knox
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
The Draugur
Chapter 1
Also By Graceley Knox
Dear Reader,
About Graceley
Praise for Graceley Knox
"Graceley Knox debuts with a fantasy that will immerse the reader into her world, and make them never want to leave." – Once Upon an Alpha
“Graceley Knox turns adrenaline into words, then combines them with a true storyteller's magic into a novel I couldn't put down. Her alternative world is richly drawn but passionately explored, and occupied by characters now woven into my heart…” -USA Today Bestselling author, Angel Payne
“Graceley Knox has blown me away… This tale will take you on a magical journey that brings Fae and Goblins to life. Definitely the best Faery book that I have ever read.” - Tina at Bookalicious Babes Blog
“Mark of Truth was absolutely spellbinding! It held me captive from the start. Ever and Dare have such a strong force of animal attraction and I cannot wait to see what happens next! So, I say, bring on more Elves, Goblins and Fae my friend!” – Mindy, Talkbooks
Álainn – Lovely or beautiful
Elven/Elf – The Elven are a separate caste of the Fae and don’t fall under the Seelie or Unseelie rule. Instead they rule themselves. Unlike Goblin where they are all under one ruler, a smaller sect of Elves branched off to become known as the Dark Elves. This book focuses on the Light Elves. The Light Elves are very proper and tend to have high opinions of themselves.
Fae/Faery/Fairy- The Fae are an ancient race of all things mythical and mystical, usually hailing from Celtic roots. Typically, they are ruled by two courts—the light and the dark, or the Seelie and Unseelie (See Seelie and Unseelie for further explanation of those courts).
Goblin – The Goblin are a separate caste of the Fae that don’t fall under the rule of the Seelie or Unseelie. Instead they have their own King and Queen and stay out of the politics not regarding their own or those they have brought under their wing.
Iontach – Magnificent.
Leath Cine – Half breed
Máistreás – Mistress.
Máthair – Mother.
Mac baile fáilte de Goblin – Welcome home, son of Goblin.
Mac soith – Son of a bitch.
MECA – Magical Enforcement and Containment Agency. MECA was created by the leath cine who were displaced after the Light Elven Declaration. They now train children that are half human half Elf or Goblin and give them a place in society after they have completed training.
Mo grá – My love
Seelie or Light Fae – The Seelie are more commonly known as the Light Court or the Light Fae. They typically don’t harm humans and are similar enough in appearance that they can blend in easily with humans. Known to be extremely snobby.
Sift/Sifted - The ability to move between worlds, realms, and places in the blink of an eye. Most Fae have the ability once taught around adolescence.
Soith atá suite – Lying bitch
Soith dúr – stupid bitch
Tine – Literally fire. As in my little fire.
Tíre cothrom – Fair folk, fairy, or the Fae.
Unseelie or Dark Fae- The Unseelie are more commonly known as the Dark Court and typically get up to mischief and cause trouble. They are home to the more grotesque creatures and are known for taking in anyone who is considered outcast, much like the Goblins. They are also the home of the Sluagh, which are equated to the hell hounds of the Fae.
Chapter 1
"Anarchy, you give that back right now or I won't give you any treats for a week!" I screech the words, torn between frustration and amusement that both Anarchy and Chaos are determined to help me decorate the nursery by stealing things and placing them wherever they'd like.
Anarchy snorts at me, flapping his wings in a fast rhythm keeping him just above my reach. Chaos perches on the giant crib gifted to Dare and me from Queen Mab, ruler of the winter court. I watch as he eyes what’s left of the mobile sent from Rhyannon, Queen of the Pixies. "Don't even think about it, Chaos." I waggle my finger at him, and he tilts his head.
"Are you talking to yourself again?"
Without thinking, I move my hand to my throat and I scream. "Gods’ teeth! You scared the shit out of me, Arela!" My heartbeat flutters under my fingers at my neck, and I face her.
"I'm sorry, I thought you heard me come in." She smiles apologetically.
"Obviously not." I draw in a deep breath to calm myself. "I wasn't talking to myself. I'm talking to these demons." I wave a hand at Anarchy and Chaos. "They keep stealing bits of the mobile and flying off with them, hanging them on the light fixtures about the room."
Arela giggles before tsking at both gargoyles. "You two should know better. Help Mommy don't make it harder on her."
Anarchy lands on her arm and when she holds out her hand expectantly, he drops the ribbon decorated with intricate flowers into her palm and blinks up at her innocently.
"Little bastard." I mumble the words under my breath.
"I think they're just excited and not sure how else to show you," Arela muses, running her finger down Anarchy's snout.
"I know. I'm sure they can feel all the changes happening. I just don't know how to include them when they're bent on being pesky." I reach over to Chaos and scratch behind his ears, his entire body vibrating as he gurgles his pleasure at my ministrations.
"Give them something to do. Open the boxes in the corner and tell them to put everything on the bed for you. I'm sure that will keep them busy."
"Or it will result in all my stuff jumbled in a pile."
Arela's tinkling laughter floats on the air. "Yeah, that too. But it's better than them stealing the mobile."
"Sure, sure." I eye Arela, who's alone for the first time since I can remember in t
he past few months. Usually she's trailed by a group of baby gargoyles or Brodie is with her. "Something up? You're not usually alone these days."
Arela shrugs, ducking her head, her robin’s egg blue and sand-colored hair shielding her eyes. "No, nothing’s wrong. I'm just . . . restless, I guess?"
I put down the pieces of the mobile I'd been holding and walk toward the giant, rocking loveseat Dare's brothers had gotten me. I pat the seat next to me. "Come on, let's chat."
"I don't want to bug you with this stuff. You've got enough going on." She digs her toe into the ground, unusually hesitant.
"I've never got too much going on to make time for you, Arela. Don't make me get up and drag you back over here." I wink at her and the tips of her lips curl upward.
"No need to get all cranky," she jokes.
"I won't be cranky if you tell me what's going on. I know things have been batshit crazy here the past few months, and I'm sorry I've been a horrible guardian, but let's catch up. Tell me all the things, so I can fix this."
"You're not a horrible guardian, Ever. If it wasn't for you, I'd still be miserable and hated in that small hut I was forced to live in." Gods, I'd still like to smack the shit out of her previous guardians.
"Well, I'm sure you'd have figured it out. Don't forget life with me hasn't been all roses." Sadness flows through me at the thought of Arela's previous kidnapping and torture. All to get to me. But we'd gotten her home, smothered her in love, and even though she's more cautious than she used to be, she's still got a bit of that carefree girl she used to be. "So, what's up? School? Boys? Life in general?"
Arela flops back dramatically and huffs out a long breath. "It's my training. And Brodie."
I narrow my eyes. "What about Brodie?"
Arela rolls her eyes at me. "Nothing like that. He's just being super overprotective. Like I'm trying to learn how to defend myself and others." She lays a hand on my protruding belly. "And he's all, 'I'll protect you.' I know he'll protect me, but he can't be with me every second of the day, you know?"
"I can't say I'm not thrilled that he's being overprotective. All of us are busy trying to secure the castle and figure out the Order's next steps. So you having a big burly druid at your side is like a dream come true." I hold up my hand as she opens her mouth to interrupt me. "But, if he's smothering you, try talking to him. And if he won't listen, knock him on his ass and make him listen. I find men tend to focus a bit more when you've just wiped the floor with them during a sparring match."
Arela giggles. "I can do that. Although I don't think he'd like it very much."
"Of course he won't. But who's to say he shouldn't be knocked down a few pegs? We all need that sometimes. A bit of grounding never hurt anybody." And if he sees that she's her own woman and can handle her shit, then all the better. None of us are fooled. Brodie is Arela's best friend. But there's something more there. Even if neither of them is ready to acknowledge it, fate always gets her way. She's stubborn that way. Rude cow.
"All right. Then I'll try that." Arela smiles. "What are you up to today? Other than arguing with Anarchy and Chaos?"
"I've got more interviews for a nanny slash guard slash herder of my children in a bit."
"Oh dear." Arela bites her lip.
"What do you mean, 'Oh dear’? I'm not being too picky. This person will have to watch over very sought-after twins."
"And they need to be powerful, unaligned with anyone, magical, loving, able to live here with us, and deal with the entirety of our family. It's not easy to find." I rub my belly as I talk. "That first nymph was almost crying after she met Kirin and he cracked a joke. She wouldn't have lasted ten seconds around all of us at once."
"Perhaps you shouldn't bombard them."
"Of course I should. They need to be able to take all the crazy. If they can't handle us when we're just hanging around, what are they going to do when we're headed out against the Order? Or to corral a rogue?"
"That's true, I guess. I just think that someone sitting in front of the four of you, Dare and his brothers, and then the guards is a bit intimidating. And I live with and love you all."
"Yeah, well, this person is basically auditioning to be a part of our family for many years to come. I can't take any chances."
"I get it. Well, I'll see you later. I've got to go beat the crap out of Brodie." Arela stands, her blue-and-tan colored hair flowing behind her as she skips from the room.
"That's my girl!" I yell after her. I can't say that most parents would tell their kids to duke it out to get what they want, but if her words aren't getting her anywhere, sometimes action is the best plan of attack. Literally.
I look around the room. Anarchy and Chaos have settled down and snore softly on the bed. Pieces of the mobile still litter the light fixtures, and there's a pile of presents, clothes, and assorted baby things in the corner that I still have to go through. I swear every time I remove something from it, six new items appear, like it's mocking me. I knew kids would be a ton of work. But twins . . .
Gods. Who even came up with that idea?
The second interviewee of the day ran screaming for the goddess to save her after Axel and Kirin had decided to sharpen their knives at the table we'd been sitting at. When I'd asked them what in the seven hells they were doing, they'd told me they had to multitask between cleaning the weapons and interviews.
I couldn't fault them for that.
Shit still had to happen even while I waddle around like a drunk leprechaun with his pot of gold shoved under his shirt.
"Who's up next?" I ask Eryn, thankful she arranged all of this for me while I “nested” or whatever the term she'd used was.
Eryn shuffles her papers, casting a reproachful look at both Kirin and Axel, before answering me. "Next up we have, Siana. She's a centaur, has come from a long line of warriors, and her references are impeccable."
I hum in disbelief. “Yeah, we'll see if her impeccable references allow her to face us all and not flinch every time one of us moves."
"If Kirin and Axel would behave . . ." Eryn drawls.
"I don't want them to be on their best behavior. I need someone who can handle us at our worst. Gods know we're an intimidating bunch, but you know how we love our family and friends, too. We need someone who see's past the bluster." I feel like a broken record repeating almost the same words from my earlier conversation with Arela.
The doors to the main hall fly inward and we all turn our attention to the newcomer. She's tall for a female centaur. And her coat is a slick, oily black that matches the waves of hair flowing down past her shoulders to her waist. Her skin is tanned and her eyes are up-tilted at the corners. She walks toward us with confidence, and I respect her for appearing in her full form rather than glamouring herself to have only two legs.
She stops at the edge of the table, and I look her over as Eryn flutters around her. "I am so sorry. I wasn't sure what form you'd take and I didn't prepare for this one. Let me get you a cushion."
Siana smiles softly at Eryn and raises a hand. "It's no bother. Really. I'm comfortable as is."
"Can we get you anything? Food, water?" Eryn clasps her hands in front of her, rocking up on the tips of her toes, flustered at her inability to play the perfect hostess. Thank the gods one of us knows how to do it. I can't even get comfortable in this chair, let alone make anyone else comfortable at the moment.
"I am fine for now. Thank you." Siana dips her head to the side, acknowledging Eryn’s efforts and then takes her time looking us all over.
First-round interviews Dare left up to me as long as Kirin, Axel, and Eryn are with me. And I've also got three guards at my back including the twins Calum and Calder. Siana smiles at all of them, acknowledging their presence calmly.
Her gaze finally makes it to me and she focuses intently on my belly. "Ah, twins. Congratulations."
"How did you know she's having twins? We didn't put that in the ad," Kirin snaps, and I lay a hand on his forearm
to stop him from standing up. I'm curious as to what she has and hasn't heard.
"It's a centaur thing. We just know." Siana's mouth drops into a frown. "Why. Was I not supposed to know?"
I sit up straighter in my chair. "It's not that you weren't supposed to know, it's just not something we're advertising considering our enemies are after my children."
"I see." Siana puts her hands on her hips. "Well that just won't do."
I laugh. "We're of the same thinking, but finding someone who can handle twins and our large extended family and friends hovering and being obnoxious has been a challenge."
Siana laughs. "I can imagine it would. I don't scare easily. I've been raised around warrior camps, going from fight to fight. I can hold my own. But I'd like to step back from the front lines for a bit and I enjoy caring for children before I have my own."
"So putting your life on the line for theirs isn't a problem?"
"Ever!" Eryn slaps at my shoulder.
I shrug. "What? Might as well get down to it. She seems like she's a straightforward type of woman."
"I don't mind her questions, Eryn." Siana winks in Eryn’s direction before addressing me. "In answer to your question, once a centaur has accepted a charge, until our duty is done, we will put our needs and wants second to our charges. If that includes my life for theirs, so be it."
"And you think you can handle twins?" I quirk a brow. I don't even know how the fuck I'm going to handle twins. I'm assuming it will involve a lot of tears, pleading, and sleepless nights.