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Depravity (King University Book 1)

Page 18

by Jacob Chance

  Glancing at my wristwatch, I see it’s been six days, three hours, and fifty-five seconds since I walked away from her. And it’s not getting any easier.

  I thought with each day that passed the unbearable pressure in my chest would dissipate, or at the very least ease somewhat. But that’s not the case. In fact, if anything, I miss her more than ever.

  Raising my unsteady hand, I point at the empty glass, signalling to the bartender I’d like another. Tonight is the annual getting to know the new staff function at King University. That’s not the official title for this little shindig they hold each year, but damned if I can remember it anyway. It’s a black tie affair, not a simple get together. It’s all about trying to impress the new hires.

  I may not remember the name of this event, but I do know that these get togethers never get any better. It’s mandatory for all the professors to be here, yet I never see any of the coworkers who I actually like. Where are they hiding? Do they just not show?

  I’ve always imagined that Dean Billings would fire my ass if I didn’t put in an appearance. And being a single father, I’m not willing to skip the function to find out.

  “Here you go, sir. One glass of Maker’s Mark. Are you sure you wouldn’t like that on the rocks?” the bartender questions, sliding the glass of golden liquid across the marble bar top toward me.

  “Thank you,” I mumble. “I was drinking Jack, not Maker’s.”

  “I’m sorry, sir,” the bartender starts to apologize.

  I wave my hand to silence him. “This will get the job done just as well.” My fingers close around the glass and I raise it, anticipation already running through me. I nod at the bartender. “Do you know why Maker’s Mark chose to spell whisky without the e?”

  He glances at me quizzically and shakes his head. “No, sir, I don’t.”

  “The Samuels family that owned the company for generations decided to pay homage to their Scottish-Irish heritage. Whisky is the Scottish way of spelling it.”

  “That’s great to know.”

  “Stick with me buddy, I’m a wealth of useless information.”

  Before I drink it down, I’m already relishing the whiskey slipping over my tongue, followed by a warm burning sensation. Tipping my head, I throw the golden liquid back, enjoying the molten fire cascading down my throat. If I’m lucky it might even numb my heartache a little.

  Looking around the venue, I see no shortage of the coworkers that I can’t stand. Then again, they’re ass kissing fakes who have to keep up impressions. The only thing tethering me to this party right now is Joey. If I weren’t responsible for him, I’d fly the fuck away like a helium balloon released by a child’s hand into the night wind.

  Tugging my phone from my pocket, I glance at the screen to make sure Miranda hasn’t texted or called. She’s keeping Joey overnight or I’d have stayed home and been a responsible, whiskey free parent. However, with Miranda keeping him at her house until the morning, there’s no one for me to worry about. And I’m going to do my best to forget who I am and how fucking stupid I was for letting Sophie go.

  Leaning an elbow on the bar, I rake my hand through my hair, ruffling the thick mass.

  Drinking alone sucks.

  Being alone sucks.

  Goddammit, everything sucks without Sophie.

  Raising my head, I catch sight of movement in my periphery. Turning to my right, I notice a man and woman at the other end of the bar, smiling and laughing. Rising to my feet, I start toward them before I can think about what I’m doing. All I know is I’m in desperate need of company and they seem like my best option. My legs are unsteady as I close the distance between us. I guess the whiskey’s doing its job.

  Catching hold of the bar, I slide up next to the attractive brunette and catch the eye of another bartender. “A whiskey neat, please.” My voice sounds funny to my own ears. Am I slurring my words? Let me try again. “A whiskey neat, please.”

  The bartender tugs on his earlobe and watches me. Why isn’t he making my drink?

  “Hey, man.” A masculine hand clamps down on my shoulder. “How about some water instead?” Who is this guy? And who the fuck does he think he is?

  I shrug his hand off and scowl. “Do I know you?” I don’t like strangers touching me and he’s lucky I’m not in any condition to show him just how much I dislike it.

  “Not yet, but the night is still young.”

  “Take this.” The female part of the duo says, handing me a cup of water. Her brown concern-filled eyes rattle me. She doesn’t know me and yet she wants to help. I grip the cup and drink down every drop without arguing.

  “Can we get another please?” her friend calls out and a bottle of water appears in front of us. I reach out, plucking it from the bar and twist off the cap. The more I drink, the more sober I feel, which might not be a good thing. I came here with the purpose of getting my drink on and these two do gooders have already undone some of my progress.

  I flick my gaze their way. “The whiskey would’ve tasted a million times better than this.”

  “I think the words you’re looking for are thank you.” Her tone is matter of fact more than condescending. My eyes roam over her. Dark chocolate hair, caring eyes, and shiny red lips set in a petulant pout; she’s a looker for sure.

  “In case you didn’t notice, I was on a mission to get absolutely wasted.”

  “Oh we noticed,” she replies, linking her arm through mine. “Come on.” She leads me to a cocktail table and I grudgingly spill myself onto the stool.

  “Why are we over here? I like being near all the alcohol.”

  She rolls her eyes. “I think you’ve had enough for the night.”

  “Yes, mom.”

  Her friend appears beside the table. “Everything okay?”

  “Someone was just continuing his ungrateful tirade,” she replies.

  “My name’s Miles,” I cut in.

  “I’m Cole.” He hands me a new bottle of water and I glance at his friend.

  “Are you still not going to tell me your name?”

  “It’s Harper,” Cole answers for her.

  “What the fuck?” she glares at him.

  “What?” He shrugs. “We’re new. Let’s not make enemies before we’ve even started.” Cole sits next to Harper and glances at me. “Are you new, also?”

  I shake my head. “No, I’ve worked here for five years.”

  “What do you teach?”


  “What kind of classes does that include?” Cole inquires.

  “Introduction to Law Enforcement, Forensic Psychology, Interview and Interrogation, and Juvenile Delinquency.”

  Cole nods and sips from his glass before lowering it to the table. “So, why aren’t you mingling with everybody else?” He tips his head toward the crowd behind us; the crowd of people I don’t want anything to do with tonight or any other night.

  “King is a great school to work at, but the staff are snotty as fuck.”

  Harper laughs. “When the third guy in a row that I was introduced to refused to look anywhere else but my tits, I gave up trying to play nice.” She swallows down the rest of her wine and sets the glass down hard. “I’m here for nothing more than that beautiful paycheck, and the notoriety that goes along with working at an Ivy League school.”

  I smirk. “They are a nice set of tits.”

  She hits my shoulder. “Fuck off.”

  “I’m kidding. Kind of.” I take a long pull of water and finish off the bottle. They’re not Sophie caliber and even if they were I wouldn’t be interested. “I’ve sworn off women for a while anyway. You and your tits are safe.”

  “Thank you, I guess.” She shakes her head and her shoulders rise in a shrug. “Either way, I don’t shit where I eat, so the point is moot.”

  I clap teasingly. “So elegantly said.”

  “I only use my good words when I’m getting paid for it,” Harper sasses back. “So, what about you, Cole?” Her gaze swings h
is way. “What will you be teaching?”

  So they didn’t know one another before tonight. Interesting. The two of them gave off an impression of being old friends and that’s not easy to do when you’ve only just met. Maybe they’ll end up dating after this. Even though Harper said she doesn’t do that.

  “Theology and a few other sub electives.”

  “So you’re religious,” I offer.

  “Definitely not.” His answer is immediate. “I majored in teaching, minored in history, and here I am.”

  I turn to Harper. “And you?”

  “I’m the new head of the language department.”

  I whistle between my teeth. I’m impressed. “What are you doing slumming it over here with us then?”

  She fiddles with the stem of her wine glass and then cocks her head toward Cole. “He looked so lost.” She tips her head toward me. “And you could barely stand up. You guys needed me.” She waves her hand trying to seem blase about it all.

  My lips tug upward at the corners. She’s not the hardass I first thought. Leaning forward, I catch her attention. “Are we friends now, then?” I smirk.

  “You’re on probation. If I catch you staring at my tits, we’re done.”

  I raise my chin at Cole as if to say let’s fire her up again. “Tell her how nice they are, though, Cole.”

  “Sorry, man, I wouldn’t know good tits even if they hit me in the face.” I study his expression. Is he saying what I think he is? He continues, “It’s all about the dick for me.”

  If he’s trying to shock me with his revelation, it's not working. Shocking is when your wife tells you she’s leaving you and your infant son for your best friend.

  I look at Harper. “Sorry, sweetheart. Out of the three of us, my dick beats your tits as most popular. You like dick. He likes dick. I’m the winner.”

  She makes a gagging noise and Cole barks out a laugh. “Sorry, man, I don’t think you’re either one of our type.”

  I raise my hands in the air in front of me. “I’m kidding.” My gaze ping pongs between the two of them. “I promise I’m not as creepy as I’ve made myself sound tonight. Let’s just say it’s been a rough week.” Harper coughs, and he smiles. “I’m going to get myself a soda. Let me grab you both a round to apologize and we can start fresh.”

  Cole raps his knuckles on the table. “Hendricks and tonic, please.”

  Harper sighs, “Fine. I’ll take a pinot grigio.”

  As I walk away I can hear the two of them conversing, and I’m fairly certain it’s about me. I can’t say I blame them. I was pretty close to ugly drunk when they met me. Fortunately for me and them, I sober up fast. Real fast.

  I order our drinks and survey the crowd while I wait. Yep, yep, the assholes are out in full force tonight. What I told Cole and Harper about King University is true. The staff are uppity and suck to be around, but the school is unmatched. Each year they give out scholarships to a very deserving few and only let in the creme de la creme of applicants.

  Dropping money in the tip cup, I scoop up our drinks and return to the table. “I’m back,” I sing. “Stop talking about me now.”

  “You’re assuming we have nothing better to talk about,” Harper retorts.

  “Where are you two from?” Cole questions.

  “Oh my God,” Harper groans. “Dean Billings is coming this way.” All conversation dies out as he approaches. Or should I say slithers? He’s always reminded me of a bad caricature of what a dean should be.

  “Hello, Miss Martinez, Huxley, Decker.”

  “Sir,” we chorus.

  “It’s wonderful to see you all mingling with one another, especially you, Miles.” What the fuck is he talking about and why should he care? My jaw tenses when I notice the dean’s eyes on Harper’s chest.

  “I just came over to borrow Miss Martinez.” He holds out his hand to her. “The rest of your faculty have arrived and I’d love to introduce them to their new head of languages.”

  Harper visibly stiffens before she plasters on a smile. She takes the offered hand and rises from the stool. He leads her two steps away and then places his palm on the small of her back, a little too low for my comfort, never mind Harper’s.

  “Is he always like that?” Cole asks.

  “Courtesy of the dick in my pants, I’ve never experienced anything more than his condescending attitude, but there’s always rumors that get shut down as quickly as they pop up.” We watch them for a few minutes until they merge with the crowd.

  “We should just keep an eye on them,” I blurt out at the same time Cole says, “I don’t feel comfortable leaving her.” We bound to our feet and are at the other end of the room, with them in our sight, in no time. Harper seems to be handling the situation like a pro. She didn’t need our help after all.

  Glancing at my watch, I’m surprised at how much time has passed.

  “Got a hot date?” Cole asks.

  I smile ruefully. “No. My chances of having one are shot to shit too. But that’s a story for another day.”

  “And probably why you were drinking heavily earlier,” Cole offers.

  I nod. “It was and will continue to be the reason why I might need the aid of whiskey for some time to come.”

  “Hey, whatever gets you through.” Cole raises his glass and downs the rest of his drink. Is there anything that can get me over Sophie? I’m not sure there’s enough alcohol in the world.



  “Jesus, Sophie. How many clothes does one person need?” Luca grouses, as he carries boxes numbers three and four up the two flights of stairs. The elevator had a line of waiting people and since my dorm room is only on the second floor, here we are.

  “Hey, suck it up. I want to be prepared.”

  “You couldn’t drive back home and get more once school starts?”

  “I could, but then I wouldn’t have you to carry them for me, would I?”

  He follows me into my room and sets the box down near the others he’s already brought up. “Good point. Four down, one hundred more to go.”

  “Oh come on, it’s not that bad.”

  “Hey, guys.” Tenley bounces into my room excitedly. “I’m so happy you’re here.” She throws her arms around me for a quick squeeze. “Luca, how’s it going?”

  He casts a glance her way. “It’s going.”

  She moves closer to him, her hips swaying with each step she takes. “Are you excited for Sophie to be starting college? She’s finally going to see what it’s like to be out from under parental rule. Not to mention brotherly rule too.” She grins, nudging his arm with hers.

  “You’re thinking of the wrong brother. Being controlling is more Chaz’s style than mine. I just want Sophie to be safe.” His gaze sweeps to me. “Don’t walk around campus at night alone.”

  “Aww, you’re so sweet. And you hide it under all that…” she pauses, seeking the right word.

  “Sexiness?” he offers with a smirk.

  “That works,” she licks her lips.

  Gag, I hate it when she flirts with him. He’s never going to do anything with her, so why does she bother?

  “Okay, Soph, I’m going to get the next round of boxes while you girls do your thing,” he states as he walks toward the door.

  “Do you need some help?” Tenley offers.

  “No, I’m good.” He holds his hand up in a wave over his head and disappears into the hall.

  “God, he’s so hot. Did you see how sexy and sweaty he is?”

  “Gross. I don’t want to hear about my brother being anything but brotherly. Keep those thoughts to yourself. Or maybe you should try not to have them at all. He’s clueless and a pig. Why do you want to be with him?”

  “I don’t know. Why does anyone want to be with someone? I think he’s gorgeous and there are a hundred things about him that I find attractive. Why did you fall for Miles when he’s not the kind of guy you’d normally go for?”

  “Yeah, I guess I see your point.
We can’t help who we’re attracted to. Or who we fall in love with.”

  “Exactly. And with Luca I know what he’s like. But it’s fun to flirt, and if I ever got the chance to be with him, I’d take it, even if it was only for one night.”

  “Why would you settle for so little when you’re worth so much more?”

  “Life is about experiencing things. We only live once, so why shouldn’t I take advantage of opportunities I’m presented with? If a guy I’ve been crushing on wants to fuck, then I’m down for it.”

  “Jesus, Soph.” Luca walks in hidden behind two boxes. “I hope you have a different attitude than Tenley.” He bends his knees lowering the boxes to the floor.

  “Oh please. Don’t go all judgy on us when you sleep with anything in a skirt,” she fires back.

  He shrugs. “Pants and shorts are fine too. Why limit my options?”

  Tenley rolls her eyes. “Sophie is an adult and you need to deal with that fact. She’s capable of making her own decisions.”

  “And her own mistakes?” He raises a brow.

  “Hello, I’m right here. And yes, I can make my own mistakes and that will be okay too. I’ll survive them. Aren’t mistakes part of life?”

  Was Miles a mistake? I don’t want to think of him as one. If I could go back and do the last two months over again, I wouldn’t change a thing. I don’t regret loving him.

  “Now that I have her here at school with me I’m going to make sure she loosens up and has some fun.”

  “Thanks for the warning, but I know my sister better than you do. She won’t make any dumb decisions like falling for the wrong guy.”

  Too late, bro.

  Tenley smiles and I can tell she wants to tell him that he doesn’t know me as well as he thinks he does. And how I’ve already fallen for the wrong guy. But I know my best friend and she won’t sell me out like that.

  I cut in, “Stranger things have happened, Luca. I’m human, not a robot. I make as many wrong choices as the next person.”

  “If I meet one of your wrong choices I’ll make him regret it, so keep that in mind.”

  Tenley crosses her arms, glaring at my brother. “Don’t you have some more boxes to carry?”


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