Depravity (King University Book 1)

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Depravity (King University Book 1) Page 22

by Jacob Chance

  “Here you go,” Sally calls, holding out a large, plastic, insulated cup with a black bear on it. My eyes coast between her and the mug. Is this from Miles?

  “I didn’t order that cup.”

  She smiles. “I know you didn’t, but you have a friend who purchased it for you and your coffee for the next month.”

  “The next month?”

  “Yep. Here’s your card. Just bring this with you each time and we’ll deduct it from the one hundred dollar total.”

  “One hundred dollars?” I shriek. “Is he crazy? I couldn’t drink that much coffee in a month.”

  I take the coffee and gift card from Sally and thank her before hurrying out the front door. Power walking all the way to school, I know the first thing on my agenda will be finding Miles. I don’t know what classes he has this morning, so I head to his office. I’ve never stepped foot inside that space, but every time I’ve passed it, I’ve wondered if he was inside.

  I raise my hand to knock on the closed door and it’s opened by a female professor. I think her name is Miss Martinez and she’s a dead ringer for the actress Eliza Dushku.

  “Oh,” she exclaims with a laugh. “I wasn’t expecting anyone to be there.” I smile, but before I can reply she pivots around, placing her back to me. “Miles, I almost forgot. Thank you for getting me home safe and sound the other night. You saved me from having to get an Uber.”

  “It was nothing. It was the least I could do considering my behavior the first time we met.”

  “Yeah, you were a bit of a handful that night. See you later.” She waves and spins forward once more. “Excuse me, honey.” She slips by me and my eyes follow her. Dammit. Why can’t I fill out a skirt like that? And the sky-high heels she has on-- forget it. I’d break my ankle at the least and possibly my neck if I wore something like that. And why were they together the other night? Did he try to kiss her too?

  “Are you going to come in or just stand out in the hallway holding my door open?” Miles drolls.

  “Haha, funny guy.” I step inside and close the door behind me. I march the five steps to his desk. “What’s this all about?” I hold up the cup, pointing to it.

  “I thought you’d like some coffee?”

  “You don’t think purchasing a cup and a one hundred dollar gift card is excessive at all?”

  He presses his lips together and shakes his head. “Nope. I don’t.”

  “What did Miss Martinez mean about you being a handful? Did you kiss her the other night too?” I venomously spit out the jealous accusations.

  He laughs, annoying me even more. “The first time I met Harper was at the King professors’ new faculty get together. It’s a black tie affair and they have an open bar. It was right after you and I split and I was a drunken mess. She and Professor Huxley helped me to sober up and not embarrass myself.”

  “You were drunk because of me?” He slowly nods. In a way that’s somehow oddly romantic. He was so broken up about us he tried to drown his sorrows. It’s nice to know I wasn’t the only one struggling at the time. “When you drove her home, nothing happened between you guys? You didn’t try to kiss her or cop a feel?”

  He barks out a laugh. “I don’t run around feeling up random women. There’s only one I want to feel up, but she insists we’re through. Besides, Harper would kick me in the balls if I tried.”

  “Who’s Harper?”

  “Miss Martinez.” He glances at his watch. “You better get going if you want to make your class on time.”

  “Wait a minute. How do you know what time my class is?”

  “When I first found out you were a student here I looked your schedule up.”

  “Isn’t that against some rule?”

  “There are some gray areas there that I may have skated along.”

  “Well, thanks for the coffee and the cup. And the gift card, even though it’s way too excessive.”

  “It’s yours and there’s no giving it back, so make the most of it. I’ll see you in class tomorrow.”

  “See you then.” I retrace my steps to the door and step into the hallway. I peer at him just before the door closes. Flashing me a self assured grin, he winks, adding to his cockiness and I feel it all the way to my toes.

  I turn and lean back against the door while I compose myself.

  What is it about confidence that’s so attractive in the opposite sex?

  Why do I feel like he’s chipping away at my resistance?

  Is it the gifts?

  Am I that pathetic and materialistic?

  No. I’m not. I’ve never run out and bought the top of the line phone when it came out, or any other items. I’m happy with simple things in life. Hell, I didn’t even have a working laptop until my parents bought me one recently.

  What’s working in his favor is all the thought he’s putting into the gifts. As much as I miss him and wish we could be together, I have to continue being strong and do what’s right for both of us.



  Each day for the past nine days, I’ve left a gift for Sophie. We haven’t spoken since she came to my office a week ago, but I can tell by the way she looks at me she’s thawing out. What woman doesn’t like a little romance? And she certainly deserves the effort.

  This morning I had flowers delivered to her dorm room. The vase is ceramic and shaped like a hollow tree trunk and a black bear stands on its hind legs peering away from it. The flowers were a colorful mixed bouquet and I paid extra to make sure they were delivered before she left for class.

  Shuffling papers around my desk, I search for the information I’ll need for the department meeting tonight. I stack everything, fastening them together with a paperclip.

  My phone rings, startling me. Glancing at the screen I see my mom’s calling.

  “Hey, Mom.”

  “Miles, there’s a slight problem with me picking up Joey.”

  “What’s that?”

  “I got a flat tire and I’m waiting for someone to come change it. I don’t know how long it’s going to take.”

  “Where’s Dad?”

  “He’s gone fishing for the day.”

  “Shit. Okay, I’ll find someone else to get him. Good luck with the tire and stay safe. You’re pulled over out of the line of traffic, right?”

  “Yes, dear. I’m fine.”

  “Okay, I’ll talk to you later.”


  Shit. Shit. Shit. I pinch the bridge of my nose and glance at the time. It’s four-thirty now. Joey needs to be picked up at five, which wouldn’t have been a problem if it weren’t for my mother’s flat tire. Even though my parents only live thirty minutes from me, sometimes it seems like the other end of the world. They’re lucky if they see Joey once a month. I always imagined they’d be more active as grandparents than they are, but they have busy lives.

  Leaning back in my chair, I close my eyes. Who can I call? Miranda’s working. Sam and Tanner are both at work still. The only person I can think of is Sophie. But will she want to do it? There’s only one way to know for sure.

  I dial her number and wait for her to answer.

  “Hello. Miles, what’s up?” She sounds concerned. I haven’t called her since we split.

  “I’m in a bit of a jam. My mom was supposed to pick Joey up from daycare at five and she got a flat tire.”

  “Oh no.”

  “Yeah, and my dad is out of town fishing with a friend. Miranda, Sam, and Tanner are all working.”

  “Which leaves me.”

  “Which leaves you. So what do you say? Are you available to grab him?”

  “Sure. I just need to know where from.”

  I give her the name of the daycare. “Thank you so much for doing this, Sophie. You’re a lifesaver.”

  “No problem. Besides, I wouldn’t want poor little Joey waiting and waiting for someone to pick him up.”

  “Bring your license when you go to get him. I’m going to call your info in now, so they’ll be e
xpecting you. But they’ll still ask to see your ID”

  “Okay, no problem. I always have it on me anyway. I just thought of something. How will I get into your house?”

  “In front of my porch, on the right side of the stairs, is a small boulder. There’s an extra key to the house in there.”

  “In there?”

  “Yeah, it’s a hollow boulder. It’s fake.”

  “Okay.Wait a minute? Is this something new that you bought so if you get locked out, you’ll be able to get back in?”

  I laugh. “Damn right it is.”

  “Well, I give you credit for learning from your mistake.”

  “Thanks. This parent gig isn’t easy. I’ll text you the name of the daycare and address as soon as we hang up.”

  “I can leave right away. I’m done with my classes for the day. Then again, being the stalker that you are, you already know that.”

  “I’m not going to apologize for checking your schedule. I wanted to see what professors you have besides me. I figured I could give you a heads up about them.”

  “Sure you did.”

  “I’ll text you now. The earlier you leave the less traffic there’ll be.”

  “Sounds good. I’ll call you if there’s any problem getting Joey.”

  “Sophie, thanks again. I owe you.”

  “Yeah, you do. Bye.”

  I smile as I end the call and type out a text with all the information she’ll need. I call the daycare and tell them Sophie is coming to pick Joey up. All that’s left now is to meet with the department head and get home to Joey and Sophie as soon a possible. I know I shouldn’t get my hopes up where she’s concerned, but how can I not? I’ve done a lot of soul searching over the past six weeks without her and it’s made me realize Sophie’s worth waiting for. I’m never going to give up on her. Even if I have to wait until she finishes college.

  Once my meeting is over I don’t waste any time getting on the road. Sophie texted me to let me know she picked Joey up and they’re both home. It’s funny how when I say home it feels incomplete without Sophie there. If home is where the heart is, then I need Sophie with Joey and me.

  I make a quick stop at the bakery in town and pick up a couple of slices of key lime pie, Sophie’s favorite. And another stop to grab a six pack of Corona for her. If beer is her truth serum, as she claims, I’m ready to hear what she has to say. One way or another I need to know if she still loves me.

  The house is eerily quiet when I step inside. I set my purchases down on the kitchen counter and look through the first floor. Neither of them are anywhere to be found. I open the back door and find Sophie lying on her favorite lounger. She has the monitor on the table beside her in case Joey needs her.

  “Hey, how was everything?” I question as I sit sideways on the lounger next to hers.

  “Hi. It was fine, no problems. How was your meeting?”

  “It dragged on much longer than it should’ve. Unfortunately, the head of my department likes to listen to himself talk.”

  She laughs. “I know someone like that.”

  “Do you mean me? I don’t drone on and on, do I?” Now she’s got me wondering. Maybe my students are wondering when I’m going to shut the fuck up and I think they’re interested.

  She laughs again. “Geez, don’t be so paranoid. I didn’t mean you. I meant Mr. Young, my history professor. The worst thing is, I love history and he’s ruining the class for me.”

  “How are you enjoying your time at King?”

  “I love everything about it. I’m glad I chose to accept the scholarship there.”

  “I’m glad you’re happy. I brought you something that might make you even happier. I can bring it out to you, if you’d like.”

  “Sounds good to me.”

  Rising, I retrace my steps to the kitchen, grabbing the slices of pie, two forks, and a couple of beers; Corona for her and Heineken for me.

  I flip on the pool lights to add a little ambience and hand her a piece of pie and a fork.

  She smiles widely. “You got me key lime pie?”

  “I did. And it’s from Mahoney’s Bakery too.”

  She squeals. “I’m so excited. I’ve missed that place.”

  It’s another thing that could work in my favor. ‘Be with me and I’ll keep you supplied with key lime pie from Mahoney’s.’ It’s not the worst thing I could say.

  Sinking down on the thick cushion, I place our two opened beers on the small table between the loungers.

  She forks a bite between her lips, moaning like she’s in a porno. Damn. I hope I make it through her ingesting the rest of her piece without knocking her back on the cushion and having my way with her.

  I grip my beer and take a deep pull to distract myself. Staring out at the water, I relive the first kiss we shared for the thousandth time. Sitting here has been one of my favorite pastimes since we broke up. It’s made me feel closer to her. Obviously, there’s nothing that can compete with the real thing.

  “Wow, that was amazing. Thank you so much. You’re spoiling me.” She raises the bottle of Corona to her lips and tips it back. She drinks deep and long and I arch a questioning brow at her.

  “Are you okay?”

  She swallows, wiping her mouth with the top of her hand before setting the bottle down. “I’m okay. It’s just hard to be here with you like this.”

  “Why?” I probe for more information. I need her to open up.

  “Why do you think?” she counters with a question.

  Placing my beer down on the table, I lean forward, both feet braced flat on the patio. “Tell me. I want you to be honest with me, Sophie.” My eyes plead with her to let me in.

  She rests her head back on the cushion, starting up at the dark sky for a bit and then she meets my gaze. “It’s hard to be here with you like we used to be. So much has changed.”

  “Not everything has changed, though.”

  “No, it hasn’t. But there are so many obstacles in our path and, honestly, they seem insurmountable.”

  “Do you still love me?” I press.

  She rolls her lips inward and then relaxes them once more, like she’s thinking about it. Does she really need to think about it? If she does, then she doesn’t love me enough.

  “If you don’t, it’s okay. You’re young and don’t know what you want.”

  “Hey, do you mind giving me a chance to answer the question?”

  “You were taking so long I assumed you didn’t want to.”

  “I didn’t realize I was being timed.”

  “I’m sorry.” I rake a hand through my hair in frustration. I can’t screw this up.

  “In spite of your propensity of speaking for me and for assuming things you shouldn’t, I do still love you. The distance hasn’t lessened my feelings at all. If anything, it’s made me realize how much I need you in my life.”

  I hesitate, afraid to say anything. Part of me is convinced she’s about to tell me she’s just kidding as some sick form of payback.

  “What? You don’t have anything to say? It’s okay. You’re old and you don’t know what you want,” she teasingly throws my words back at me.

  I bark out a laugh and move across to sit on her lounger. She leans forward meeting me halfway as our mouths crash together. She tastes familiar and new all at the same time and I’ll never get enough. Sexy little moans slip from her lips with every swipe of my tongue and my cock is hard as fucking steel. Gripping her hips, I drag her forward until she straddles my lap. One hand climbs up to twist in her thick locks and the other grips her hip, rocking her pelvis into mine.

  She tears her mouth from mine, both of our chests heave with unleashed emotion and passion. “Wait a minute. Aren’t you forgetting to tell me something?”

  “Hmm, I don’t think so. I was pretty happy with the way we were communicating.”

  She arches a brow and I wink.

  “Sophie, I love you.” I press my forehead to hers. “I love you so much, being apart from you alm
ost killed me.”

  “I know what you mean. As much as I love King, I resent it for keeping me from you.”

  “I don’t want you to worry. We’ll find a way to make this work. There’s no other option.”

  “I have a million questions and concerns, but it all pales compared to my love for you, so I’m going to let them all go.”

  “Good. Trust me when I say we’ll find a way through this, together. For now we keep our relationship here at our home.”

  “Our home?” She smiles.

  “Yep, our home. This place doesn’t feel like home without you here.”

  “God, you’re so sweet. And to think I thought you were a giant asshole when we first met.”

  “Come on. I wasn’t that bad.”

  “Wanna bet?”

  I close my lips over her sassy mouth and put an end to her talking. I have more fun things in mind for us to do. We have one hundred ways we need to catch up and the first one is going to happen right here in our backyard.



  “Good morning, gorgeous.” Miles beams down at me.

  Stretching my arms over my head, I groan. “It is a good morning. I’m glad it wasn’t all a dream.”

  He caresses his fingertips down my cheek, his expression turning serious. “It’s real. Our love is real and nothing’s going to come between us again.”

  Catching his hand, I kiss his palm. I love his optimism. I play with his fingers, tracing out their broad shape and long length before pressing my palm to his. My hand looks so tiny in his masculine one. “Is Joey awake yet?”

  “Yes, he already had breakfast and he’s watching his second episode of Paw Patrol.”

  “What time is it?” I sit up.

  “Whoa, whoa, relax. It’s only nine o’clock. What do you think of going to the Smithsonian National Zoological Park? I’ve been promising Joey I’d take him and today is the perfect weather for it. Not to mention we’re all back together again, where we belong.”

  “I love that idea. I need a shower and to brush my teeth before we go anywhere.”


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